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Daytona 2 to DC "soon"

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Dec 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/21/99
so claims GameFan...

now wheres F355 and SuperGT! Howabout a Daytona 1 perfect edition?
--- * dm/qm - unofficial pbi adsl page


Dec 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/21/99
golemite wrote:
> so claims GameFan...
> now wheres F355 and SuperGT! Howabout a Daytona 1 perfect edition?
> ---
> * dm/qm

Well, hopefully the original tracks (and music dammit!) will be included
a la Sega Rally 2.


Nick Harrison

Dec 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/21/99
Anyone been playing Ferrari F355 in arcades? I have played it loads -
check out my website at



On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, golemite wrote:

> so claims GameFan...
> now wheres F355 and SuperGT! Howabout a Daytona 1 perfect edition?
> ---
> * dm/qm

> - unofficial pbi adsl page

Nick Harrison

Gregory K

Dec 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/21/99
If this is true, I'm thrilled. And it'd better be true -- the prospect of
Daytona 2 is the reason I got a DC, and I'll never be COMPLETELY satisfied
with my purchase until it comes out.


Dec 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/21/99
On Tue, 21 Dec 1999 13:30:56 +0000, Nick Harrison
<> wrote:

>Anyone been playing Ferrari F355 in arcades? I have played it loads -
>check out my website at

havent spotted one near me yet :( the arcade has the 747 simulator
but no f355? wth!


Dec 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/21/99

hehe, reminds me of my saturn purchase.. i got it for D&D Shadow of
Mystara, and that was the last fscking game to come out.. only 2
player too :( good thing there were so many other excellent games in
the meantime!

Darrius Joiner

Dec 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/21/99
It'll be interesting to see how it's done. Will it be Daytona 2 or the newer 'Power Edition'? (if not will they include both 'easy' tracks). And will they include the original Daytona tracks (with fruity j-pop music...I like it OK!). It'll be nice to here the fruity Winger soundtrack at home, I'm pumped. Now about Jurassic Park: Lost Word..when is my favorite Sega gun game coming home? (Not to mention Sega GT either <cough> <cough>).

golemite wrote:

now wheres F355 and SuperGT!  Howabout a Daytona 1 perfect edition?

Julian Smith

Dec 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/21/99
Let's see, where do I start? This is an issue I knew we'd be discussing
in the future. I have been waiting for this game all my life!! But now,
the announcement is kinda bitter sweet for me. Sit down, grab your cup
of coffee and let me explain:

Four scores and sven years ago...Nah, better not get THAT deep about
it!! Anyway, let me just start by saying this!! I LOVE Sega, but (here
it comes) I DO NOT own a DC...YET! I've been boycotting the system
simply because I feel it is a CRIME, no a BLASPHEMY, that this system
doesn't yet have a port of D USA 2 and Scud Race!! These two racing
games are in my opinion the ABSOLUTE GREATEST racing games on this or
any other planet!! I will CASTRATE you if you use the words "Sega Rally
2" or "Grand Turismo" in the same sentence as Daytona USA 2 or Scud
Race! Cause the former games are simply FAR from being in the same
league as these two!! I'm one of the few people who've been following
the development of the DC and what games are coming out for it ever
since it was called the Sega "Katana". Before the system came out in
Japan, many, if not all of the magazines and press members swore that
they had information "Etched in stone" that the absolute very first
launch titles to be released with the system in Japan would include
Daytona 2 and Scud Race! To say that my mouth was watering would be a
disturbing understatement! Then, a few days before the system came out
in Japan, with my cash ready to burn, the retailers started telling me
how Scud Race was just a demo, and that Sega has no plans to release it
soon. And that Daytona 2 is still coming, but no schedule has been made
for the game! That was over a year ago! And the fact that Sega hasn't
ported D USA 2 up to this point, well, the situation USED to have me
very disappointed and even depressed, as I hold Daytona 2 as the
ultimate pinnacle in racing games. I say used to because when I saw Sega
Rally 2 I said to myself, "maybe it's better that they don't port it". I
shudder at the thought of playing a conversion of Daytona 2 that
resembles how Sega Rally 2 turned out for the DC. Zooming around the
track and seeing the rollercoaster "slow down" as if it has mechanical
problems, or seeing the red skeleton fall out the sky with "slow down"
as if he has a parachute on his back, is not my idea of a pixel perfect
port! Granted, if they can do it right and Nagoshi-san is at the helm
putting his programming skills into it, then I will buy it in a
heartbeat! But to be honest with you, ever since I went to E3, and
talked to an actual Sega of Japan rep, who knows Nagoshi-san personally,
and told me that Daytona 2 would not come out at all. my faith has been
shattered! At that point, I decided to save up money so that one day, I
can buy the actual Daytona 2 arcade board (and possibly four or five of
them for multiplayer competition). Yeah, I know I sound VERY anal
retentive about this, but you gotta understand, Daytona USA 2 is a game
I hold so sacred and dear to my heart, that as much as I respect the
Dreamcast, I could never bring myself to play an inferior version of the
arcade game, unless it is a pound for pound perfect carbon copy of the
original, with the exact same resolution, color detail, car handling,
computer AI, track detail and so on. But the funny thing is, by the time
it comes out, It probably won't make a difference, cause it's likely
I'll have at least one Daytona 2 JAMMA board in my possession. But even
with it's flaws, I'll be tempted to snag up a copy just for comparison.
Driving games have always been my favorite genre, but ONLY arcade
driving games! It boggles my mind when I hear some guy say how playing
Gran Turismo or Test Drive 5 was the greatest experience of his life!
Give me a break! How can you call holding a joypad looking at pixelated
textures go by, only to be interrupted by a long loading screen just to
get to the next course a great experience, when sitting in a car
cabinet that moves in front of a 50" big screen TV, struggling with a
REAL controller (Steering Wheel) bumping and grinding with other cars on
the road is CLEARLY a way better experience! And that is why I refuse to
play any home racing games without a steering wheel! In fact I plan on
building a cabinet just for my Daytona USA 2 arcade board (and future
games too) and putting it in my garage someday. This folks, is how
serious I take my racing games and is the foundation for my feelings
about Sega not releasing Daytona USA 2 and Scud Race for the DC. As a
matter of fact, I don't even want Sega to release Scud Race for the DC
any more. I am going to buy the arcade board when I move to a new home
and plan on connecting it to my homemade cabinet that I'm going to build
in the garage. So that way, It'll be a game that I can own and hold
sacred. I'll treat it like my baby and be the only guy in all of L.A. to
own one! And you're all invited when it happens! Anyone else feel this
post could have been just little shorter? What are you feelings on
this? Do you think I'm out of my mind for being this much of a racing


Dec 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/22/99
On Tue, 21 Dec 1999 23:45:01 -0800 (PST), (Julian
Smith) wrote:

>any more. I am going to buy the arcade board when I move to a new home
>and plan on connecting it to my homemade cabinet that I'm going to build
>in the garage. So that way, It'll be a game that I can own and hold
>sacred. I'll treat it like my baby and be the only guy in all of L.A. to
>own one! And you're all invited when it happens! Anyone else feel this
>post could have been just little shorter? What are you feelings on
>this? Do you think I'm out of my mind for being this much of a racing

wow quite a rant.. but i can understand where you come from.. i
waitied so and so years for DnD arcade to come out on the Saturn, and
i got some limited to 2-player, long load time even with the 4mb cart
port :( although sufficient, i soon felt a near irresistable urge to
plunk down the cash for a jamma cabinet, or supergun, and 4
controllers and capcom pcb boards (key word, near ;) --i'll probably
end up picking that stuff up later anyhow tho. There's nothing like
the arcade feel especially with force feedback games like daytona and
such. (hey cool i live in LA too, but im not that great at Daytona 2..
cant seem to get the hang of it after Daytona 1, and too expensive for
me to practice much). I say if you love it that much, go for it, and
pick up a dreamcast too ;) !!

Scott X

Dec 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/22/99
Well, I can understand your feelings. In fact, back in 90' I bought the
Genesis for Revenge of Shinobi and Golden Axe. I loved both games, but I
was always a little irritated with Golden Axe, mainly because I was not
accustomed to having games be added to them when they come home. I wanted
the snakes to fill in Death Adder's armor and form his body, I wanted the
yells from the arcade, I wanted colors closer to the arcade, especially
Gillius's axe, and I wanted the magic to sound like it did in the arcade.
In all reality, it is a really close port aside from those things, but I was
always irritated that it wasn't *perfect*, I almost bought the arcade
machine a few years ago for $200, but I now have the arcade Rom on my
computer and it runs perfectly with System16DX.
Anyway, I don't think you should have to worry about the Daytona 2 port
being as rough as the SR2 port was. First of all SR2 was done on an early
WinCE DEV kit which hardly even began to tap the system's power, but they
used it for online capabilities that got axed over here. If Daytona 2 could
be being made with Sega OS, in which case you could easily expect a better
than arcade port, but even if they are using WinCE again, the new DX7 Kit is
supposedly very good, so you should be able to expect at least a perfect
port. Model 3 port difficulties aren't the fault of the DC or Sega, VF3tb
wasn't even Sega and SR2 was the fault of WinCE, any future ports should be
much better.

Gregory K

Dec 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/22/99
I dunno, man... unless you're very wealthy (in which case you'd have the
arcade machine already), I really don't think you should get a Daytona 2
arcade set ... after all, that costs, what, like 15,000 dollars? The
Dreamcast port will be perfect -- with the newest development tools, Sega's
own OS, etc, you'll definitely have 60 FPS racing, and arcade perfection.
SR2 was ported on the very first development kits.. Set 1... they're now on
Set 6. Sega's going to want to put their best face forward to compete with

Julian Smith

Dec 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/22/99
You make some good points. I didn't realize (actually I forgot) that the
dev kits were so early. Given that fact, now my fears are somewhat
diminishing. I think when Sega GT comes out, it will be an indication of
whats to come down the pipeline. The screen shots so far look
incredible! I'm not one for Gran Turismo type racers (Car tune-ups,
modifications, racing for cash, etc) but if this game moves as silky as
it looks in those screenshots, then it's a definate purchase on my part.
Now that there's news of Daytona 2, I might just end my boycott in
Feburary cause that's when Sega GT (and Crazy Taxi) is coming out. Lemme
just clear up something for the record tho. The FULL Daytona 2 arcade
machine IS around $15,000, but the JAMMA board only, is about $2,000
according to my sources. If the DC version is perfect AND supports
internet play via broadband network, then THAT would be off the hook!!
And yes I would skip the JAMMA board and get a Scud Race JAMMA board
instead, which I could probably get for around $1,600-$2,000 (a deal in
my opinion). Now if they port that too, THEN I'll die a happy man!!
Other honorable mentions go to Indy 500, Sega Touring Car, and of course
the Rally series. In fact I'm guessing the SR 2 board shouldn't be more
than $1,700 used! And I can probably get part 1 for around $1000!! FYI,
I'm FAR from rich (lower to middle class)!! But my goal is to collect as
many Sega arcade games as possible (not the full cabinet for each one,
just the boards) And if I can save a little doe each month, I might just
be able to buy a few. Cause we all know Scud, Indy 500 and Touring Car
are never comig home for the DC. End of rant.

Julian Smith

Dec 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/22/99
Thanks for clearing things up. How do know this information? But I heard
there are jamma adaptors out there that can be connected to non-jamma
boards for use with super-guns and so forth. I however, have a different
agenda. I plan on building a "car" cabinet of some sort that supports
all the sega racers, then having several racing games hooked up to it,
allowing me to switch between games at the touch of a botton. Is there
any reason this is not possible? Keep in mind that I don't plan on doing
this for about another year or so, but I like planning ahead. As for the
resolution, yes they require medium resolution but I don't see that as a
problem. How do you explain the type of screen that's being used for
their deluxe cabinets? Those aren't typical RGB monitors you see, they
are standerd projection televisions that are used for regular viewing.
And I'm quite sure the display is running off an s-video signal.

Raymond McKeithen II

Dec 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/23/99

Julian Smith <> wrote in message

> The FULL Daytona 2 arcade
> machine IS around $15,000, but the JAMMA board only, is about $2,000
> according to my sources. ....

> And yes I would skip the JAMMA board and get a Scud Race JAMMA board
> instead, which I could probably get for around $1,600-$2,000 (a deal in
> my opinion). Now if they port that too, THEN I'll die a happy man!!
> Other honorable mentions go to Indy 500, Sega Touring Car, and of course
> the Rally series. In fact I'm guessing the SR 2 board shouldn't be more
> than $1,700 used! And I can probably get part 1 for around $1000!! FYI,
> I'm FAR from rich (lower to middle class)!! But my goal is to collect as
> many Sega arcade games as possible (not the full cabinet for each one,
> just the boards) And if I can save a little doe each month, I might just
> be able to buy a few. Cause we all know Scud, Indy 500 and Touring Car
> are never comig home for the DC. End of rant.

Do you know that Model 2 and Model 3 games are *not* JAMMA? They require
"medium resolution" monitors, have special wiring harnesses, and the racers
have a special interface board that interfaces to the steering wheel and
pedals, etc. You can't just plug them into a JAMMA cabinet or use them with
a "Super Gun"....

Model 2 can use a typical JAMMA-style power supply, but Model 3 can't; it
has to have 3.3 volts.

remove "suchiepai" for email

Raymond McKeithen II

Dec 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/23/99

Julian Smith <> wrote in message

> Thanks for clearing things up. How do know this information?

Experience with the boardsets, and reading Sega service manuals.

> But I heard
> there are jamma adaptors out there that can be connected to non-jamma
> boards for use with super-guns and so forth.

Up to a point.

> I however, have a different
> agenda. I plan on building a "car" cabinet of some sort that supports
> all the sega racers, then having several racing games hooked up to it,
> allowing me to switch between games at the touch of a botton. Is there
> any reason this is not possible?

Well, you'll need a switch that can switch a whole boatload of wires; it'll
be messy. If you want to use Model 2 and Model 3 in the same cabinet it'll
be worse since they have different requirements, and may not even be
compatible with the same wheels and pedals (I don't remember). Even
different Model 2 racers use different wheels; as I recall Daytona's wheel
has one motor and Sega Rally's has two.

I'd think it'd be cheaper to buy one of the Sega racers used and use it as a
starting point, assuming this is feasible at all. Also, each boardset is
somewhere in the vicinity of 12"x18"x3" and weighs quite a bit in the metal

> Keep in mind that I don't plan on doing
> this for about another year or so, but I like planning ahead. As for the
> resolution, yes they require medium resolution but I don't see that as a
> problem.

It's only a problem to the extent that you have to use the right kind of
monitor, and one from a typical JAMMA cabinet won't work.

> How do you explain the type of screen that's being used for
> their deluxe cabinets? Those aren't typical RGB monitors you see, they
> are standerd projection televisions that are used for regular viewing.

No they're not standard projection TVs, they're medium resolution (24.83kHz
scan rate) projection RGB monitors.

> And I'm quite sure the display is running off an s-video signal.

And you're quite wrong.

Michael R. Baraniecki

Dec 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/23/99
to (Julian Smith) wrote in <3903-38617F3A-52@storefull->:

>You make some good points. I didn't realize (actually I forgot) that the
>dev kits were so early. Given that fact, now my fears are somewhat
>diminishing. I think when Sega GT comes out, it will be an indication of
>whats to come down the pipeline. The screen shots so far look
>incredible! I'm not one for Gran Turismo type racers (Car tune-ups,
>modifications, racing for cash, etc) but if this game moves as silky as
>it looks in those screenshots, then it's a definate purchase on my part.
>Now that there's news of Daytona 2, I might just end my boycott in
>Feburary cause that's when Sega GT (and Crazy Taxi) is coming out. Lemme

>just clear up something for the record tho. The FULL Daytona 2 arcade

>machine IS around $15,000, but the JAMMA board only, is about $2,000

>according to my sources. If the DC version is perfect AND supports
>internet play via broadband network, then THAT would be off the hook!!

>And yes I would skip the JAMMA board and get a Scud Race JAMMA board
>instead, which I could probably get for around $1,600-$2,000 (a deal in
>my opinion). Now if they port that too, THEN I'll die a happy man!!
>Other honorable mentions go to Indy 500, Sega Touring Car, and of course
>the Rally series. In fact I'm guessing the SR 2 board shouldn't be more
>than $1,700 used! And I can probably get part 1 for around $1000!! FYI,
>I'm FAR from rich (lower to middle class)!! But my goal is to collect as
>many Sega arcade games as possible (not the full cabinet for each one,
>just the boards) And if I can save a little doe each month, I might just
>be able to buy a few. Cause we all know Scud, Indy 500 and Touring Car
>are never comig home for the DC. End of rant.

I guess this is more or less a comment to myself, but I just wanted to say
that this is so beyond me that it's not even funny. I was just posting in
the DVD newsgroup the other day because I was wondering if I should get the
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm DVD (I already have the LD), because it was
$11.99 and I didn't know if I should get it. And then these guys here
talkin' about Model 2/3 boards in their house, costing thousands of
dollars, with motorized steering wheels and air-bags in the cabinet and
what-not, and I'm thinking about how I'm going to pay off the $150 ring I
got my girlfriend for Christmas, due to the fact that I only have 1/3 of
that sum.

*sniff* I know, I'm bitter. Maybe after a few more years of college I'll be
where you guys are at :)

Merry Christmas to yas,



Michael R. Baraniecki
Videogame MIDIs and Space Ghost sounds galore

Mark Kim

Dec 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/24/99
> Anyone been playing Ferrari F355 in arcades? I have played it loads -
> check out my website at

I played it at GameWorks at Schaumburg, IL USA. Unfortunately, it's
pricey ($2.50 to play it at GameWorks).


Mark Kim

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Mark Kim

Dec 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/24/99
> It'll be interesting to see how it's done. Will it be Daytona 2 or the
> newer 'Power Edition'? (if not will they include both 'easy' tracks).
> And will they include the original Daytona tracks (with fruity j-pop
> music...I like it OK!). It'll be nice to here the fruity Winger
> soundtrack at home, I'm pumped. Now about Jurassic Park: Lost
> Word..when is my favorite Sega gun game coming home? (Not to mention
> Sega GT either <cough> <cough>).

More likely Power Edition (Nascar-ish Beginner Track, Hornet Classic
Car, toned down Advanced Track, more forgiving Phantom Car) will port
over the Dreamcast.

Hate to say it but the Original Release (No Hornet, flashier Beginner
Track with Waterfalls, bugs included, lousier Easy Level Car) was a lot
better than the Power Edition.

Julian Smith

Dec 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/24/99
it's has nothing to do with who's wealthier, it's all about how much you
love the things you're interested in. I'm pretty sure people who spend
$5,000 on their car stereo are looked at as being insane. If they want
to spend that much for the things they're interested in, more power
to'em! If I was a millionare, I'd spend $1,000,000 on 8 custom made
superhydrolic car cabinets and put ALL driving games in existence in all
of them!!! (Yes, even Pole Position!!)

Don't I feel like the jackass! Thanks for the corrections. I thought
they used the same parts for all their racing games. Wow those boards
sound HUGE! Lemme ask you a couple questions. If I decided to buy one of
their moving cabinets in the future like, say....Indy 500, would I be
able to wire the interfaces of their other racing boards to work
universally with one moving cabinet, and will the cabinet recieve the
force feedback signal from the game? Or does the actual code in each
game need to hacked into and progammed for that particular cabinet? And
what kind of video signal is being displayed on the D USA 2 screen? It
looks like S-video, but since you say no, I'm assuming it's RBG analog?
Must be an expensive screen!! I still believe there are ways around
everything!! I didn't think my buddy Tao (maker of the Super Nova and
MAS arcade sticks) could put TWO Neo Geo software Roms in one cartridge
with a switch at the top, or make an adaptor that flips the display of
all vertical scrolling games to be watched correctly on any monitor, but
he did. Yes the parts and labor cost can be expensive, but when thought
about and planned correctly, anything's possible!

Mark Kim:
Just out of curiousity, why do you thnk the original is better than
P.E.? Don't you love the Hornet? Whatta bout the ability to race
backwards on all the tracks? And the option to race on all of them
linked together? That sounds KILLER to me!!!

Raymond McKeithen II

Dec 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/24/99

Julian Smith <> wrote in message


> I thought they used the same parts for all their racing games.

Not quite, the stuff is tailored for each successive game generally,
especially if you're talking about the deluxe versions (Sega Rally has a
vibrating seat [I think]; Daytona doesn't, I think SR also had a second
motor in the steering wheel, etc.). Consider why you don't see Daytonas
"converted" into Sega Rallys etc.

> Wow those boards sound HUGE!

They're in a metal cage; Model 2A is a 3 board stack that weighs several
pounds; 2B and 2C are 2 boards. I'm less familiar with Model 3.

> Lemme ask you a couple questions. If I decided to buy one of
> their moving cabinets in the future like, say....Indy 500, would I be
> able to wire the interfaces of their other racing boards to work
> universally with one moving cabinet, and will the cabinet recieve the
> force feedback signal from the game? Or does the actual code in each
> game need to hacked into and progammed for that particular cabinet?

If they use the same interface board yes, if they don't they may or may not
be compatible at all. Some game was sold as an upgrade kit for Indy 500 in
some markets (I think Touring Car) so those should be compatible. Read the
PDF manuals and other information at Sega's website (,
and compare part #s etc. for all the stuff.

Trying to use Model 3 in the same cabinet as Model 2 will be a lot more
work, as the powersupplies are different, and I suspect the interface boards
are too, though I'm not sure.

> And
> what kind of video signal is being displayed on the D USA 2 screen? It
> looks like S-video, but since you say no, I'm assuming it's RBG analog?

It's medium-resolution 24.83kHz RGB; a much better picture than S-video, for
one thing, it's not interlaced like a TV picture.

> Must be an expensive screen!!

The 29" version is a little more than the typical 15.75kHz arcade screens, I
don't know about the projectors, but that's part of why those cabinets cost
so much. The actual construction of the monitors isn't that much different
than a TV, but there's essentially no way you'll ever use a TV with a medium
resolution game, there's no non-trivial way to convert 24.83 back to 15.75.
You wouldn't like the result anyway...if that was "good enough" you might as
well just use the home versions of the games.

Naomi uses yet a different monitor, VGA 31.5kHz. (640x480 resolution vs.
640x400 for med res, though I don't think model 2's resolution is actually
quite that high).

Michael R. Baraniecki

Dec 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/24/99
to (Julian Smith) wrote in <419-38632F4C-51@storefull>:

>it's has nothing to do with who's wealthier, it's all about how much you
>love the things you're interested in. I'm pretty sure people who spend
>$5,000 on their car stereo are looked at as being insane. If they want
>to spend that much for the things they're interested in, more power
>to'em! If I was a millionare, I'd spend $1,000,000 on 8 custom made
>superhydrolic car cabinets and put ALL driving games in existence in all
>of them!!! (Yes, even Pole Position!!)

hehe I know I know... if I had the money I'd get all the Sega racers too.
I didn't mean to sound bitter, if that's how it came off on paper, wasn't
scoffing at what you were buying, that's not my business, just jealous
because I wish I had the money to buy that too. :)

But really, good luck finding everything you need for your setup, it'll
be a real beast when you're done with it! Merry Christmas :)


Dec 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/24/99
That is a high priced location. I have mine priced in at $1 per play
and plan to set it up for a $.50 replay soon. By the way I do have the
three screen deluxe cabinet. I don't like pricing any game over $1. I
let the replay value of the game make the money.


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Jeremy Goodwin

Dec 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/26/99
...I played it at GameWorks at Schaumburg, IL USA. Unfortunately, it's
...pricey ($2.50 to play it at GameWorks).

You play fixed value cards at Gameworks?

I mostly go in on Wednesday nights after work, when you
can get two hours for twenty dollars. If you want to, you
can camp on F355.

You can also get two hour cards near closing most nights
for twenty or less.

Of course, if I was a fantastic arcade gamer, I might find
that twenty dollars in value would be better than a timed
card...but I'm not 8 )


Jeremy Goodwin

Dec 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/26/99
golemite <> wrote

...waitied so and so years for DnD arcade to come out on the Saturn, and
...i got some limited to 2-player, long load time even with the 4mb cart
...port :( although sufficient, i soon felt a near irresistable urge to
...plunk down the cash for a jamma cabinet, or supergun, and 4
...controllers and capcom pcb boards (key word, near ;) --i'll probably

Good to know that I'm not the only one feeling the strong
desire to purchase the arcade PCBs of those two games...

Near still operative, though.



Dec 31, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/31/99
Dude if you think Daytona USA 2 at the arcades is that much better than Gran
Turismo...You are an idiot....It is a great game don't get me wrong. The
ONLY fun thing about Daytona USA is head to head racing. Other than that is
is a drag...

Julian Smith wrote:

Takeo Shimizu

Dec 31, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/31/99
Daytona USA2 kicks ASS while Gran Turismo 2 sux ass!!! That is my opinion
after playing both games against CPU opponents and my gf. what can i say
about Gran Turismo except poor graphix w/ uninspiring gameplay? While i am
playing GT, I feel like I am just driving a car for no particular reasons.


"A clean room is a happy room..."
Takeo Shimizu

Darien Allen

Dec 31, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/31/99
Now at the time of Fri, 31 Dec 1999 12:28:02 -0500, Takeo Shimizu
<> we were graced with this statement:

>Daytona USA2 kicks ASS while Gran Turismo 2 sux ass!!! That is my opinion
>after playing both games against CPU opponents and my gf. what can i say
>about Gran Turismo except poor graphix w/ uninspiring gameplay? While i am
>playing GT, I feel like I am just driving a car for no particular reasons.

Should I just accuse you all of being complete idiots for even
comparing the two titles? They both have completely different game
focuses...the only thing they have is common is that you drive cars.

End this stupid ass thread.


Darien Allen


Dec 31, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/31/99
Agreed. Both games are excellent when looked at for what they are. Daytona 2
being a fun arcade-style racer. GT2 being a deep simulation-style racer. As
for the graphics.... apples & oranges. We might as well say Rad Racer sucks
on the NES due to the fact that we can play SR2 on the DC.

Darien Allen <> wrote in message

> Now at the time of Fri, 31 Dec 1999 12:28:02 -0500, Takeo Shimizu
> <> we were graced with this statement:

> >Daytona USA2 kicks ASS while Gran Turismo 2 sux ass!!! That is my
> >after playing both games against CPU opponents and my gf. what can i say
> >about Gran Turismo except poor graphix w/ uninspiring gameplay? While i
> >playing GT, I feel like I am just driving a car for no particular
> >

Takeo Shimizu

Dec 31, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/31/99
still GT2 is zzz... while Daytona2 is YAY! I like Daytona 2 and hate GT2.
this is the fact. who cares if they are totally differnt games or not.
the fact is i don't like GT2 at all for what it is. heh.


"A clean room is a happy room..."
Takeo Shimizu

On Fri, 31 Dec 1999, Darien Allen wrote:

> Now at the time of Fri, 31 Dec 1999 12:28:02 -0500, Takeo Shimizu
> <> we were graced with this statement:

> >Daytona USA2 kicks ASS while Gran Turismo 2 sux ass!!! That is my opinion
> >after playing both games against CPU opponents and my gf. what can i say
> >about Gran Turismo except poor graphix w/ uninspiring gameplay? While i am
> >playing GT, I feel like I am just driving a car for no particular reasons.
> >

Takeo Shimizu

Dec 31, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/31/99
graphix is not everything. still, the graphix counts a lot! If the
graphical appearnce was minimal, i would not care about its gameplay.
it's just like meeting a girl for the first time. who the hell cares
about her personality while her phiscal appearance was such a low level.
in addition, just because she is ugly, that does not mean she has an
excellent personality either. in real life, we don't care about womens'
personality if they were butt fugly. Thank you.


"A clean room is a happy room..."
Takeo Shimizu

On Fri, 31 Dec 1999, CraigB-007 wrote:

> Agreed. Both games are excellent when looked at for what they are. Daytona 2
> being a fun arcade-style racer. GT2 being a deep simulation-style racer. As
> for the graphics.... apples & oranges. We might as well say Rad Racer sucks
> on the NES due to the fact that we can play SR2 on the DC.
> Darien Allen <> wrote in message

> > Now at the time of Fri, 31 Dec 1999 12:28:02 -0500, Takeo Shimizu
> > <> we were graced with this statement:
> >

> > >Daytona USA2 kicks ASS while Gran Turismo 2 sux ass!!! That is my
> opinion
> > >after playing both games against CPU opponents and my gf. what can i say
> > >about Gran Turismo except poor graphix w/ uninspiring gameplay? While i
> am
> > >playing GT, I feel like I am just driving a car for no particular
> reasons.
> > >
> >

Darien Allen

Dec 31, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/31/99
Now at the time of Fri, 31 Dec 1999 16:31:12 -0500, Takeo Shimizu

<> we were graced with this statement:

>still GT2 is zzz... while Daytona2 is YAY! I like Daytona 2 and hate GT2.

>this is the fact. who cares if they are totally differnt games or not.
>the fact is i don't like GT2 at all for what it is. heh.

That's your opinion. That's it. Because when you come right down to
it we can find a shitload of ppl here that can argue this obviously
stupid and infantile point either way. Which is probably why you are
here arguing it.....


Darien Allen

Darien Allen

Dec 31, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/31/99
Now at the time of Fri, 31 Dec 1999 16:34:28 -0500, Takeo Shimizu

<> we were graced with this statement:

>it's just like meeting a girl for the first time. who the hell cares

>about her personality while her phiscal appearance was such a low level.
>in addition, just because she is ugly, that does not mean she has an
>excellent personality either. in real life, we don't care about womens'
>personality if they were butt fugly. Thank you.

Thanks for confirming your immaturity.


Darien Allen

Takeo Shimizu

Dec 31, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/31/99
ahhh.. poor baby. you think i was arguing with you? i didn't notice about
that. sowwy. :)


"A clean room is a happy room..."
Takeo Shimizu

On Fri, 31 Dec 1999, Darien Allen wrote:

> Now at the time of Fri, 31 Dec 1999 16:31:12 -0500, Takeo Shimizu

> <> we were graced with this statement:

Takeo Shimizu

Dec 31, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/31/99
no problem and welcum to the real world.


"A clean room is a happy room..."
Takeo Shimizu

On Fri, 31 Dec 1999, Darien Allen wrote:

> Now at the time of Fri, 31 Dec 1999 16:34:28 -0500, Takeo Shimizu

> <> we were graced with this statement:

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