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NEW!!! Revolutionary video game technology by SEGA!

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Robert E. Gerard

Feb 20, 1994, 10:50:41 PM2/20/94
Oh brother. I remember seeing basically this same post, by this exact
same author, a couple years ago before I quit Prodigy and found the 'Net.

You'd think he'd be able to come up with some better material...


Bryan Woodworth

Feb 20, 1994, 11:03:21 PM2/20/94
I can only say.. Is this a joke? Surely even if SEGA were working on these
things, would they be unveiling them here? I'd like to keep it private etc
etc so my competitors wouldn't know what I was up to. (etc)

-- a2i network

Dr Samir Gupta

Feb 21, 1994, 4:59:00 AM2/21/94
Hello, non-SEGA gamers! I am DR SAMIR GUPTA, PH. D, head
of SEGA's New Technology research department, and I would
like to tell you about some of the wonderful accessories
that my department is researching, and will be available in
the near future! We will be issuing a formal world wide
press release in a few days, but we are posting this
announcement to all you USENET users because you are some
of our most loyal customers! I hope that this makes you
consider SEGA as a gaming choice. This is technology that
will forever change the face of video gaming, which is why
I am posting this in non-Sega groups as well. I hope that
this does not create any flames, but appreciation for video
gaming technology as a whole and how far it has come since
the early days.

First, we have SMELL-O-VISION. This is a innovative
accessory which connects to the modem port of your SEGA
Genesis system! This device can synthesize any smell known
to mankind, and will greatly enhance YOUR enjoyment of SEGA
with special SMELL-O-VISION software! The first will be
check out that bathroom smell!) SMELL-O-VISION will be
available in late 1995. (We still have to iron out some
bugs in the molecular synthesis unit.)

Next, we have HOLO-GENESIS. HOLO-GENESIS is a 3-D laser
holographic projection device for your Genesis. It can
display 3-D rendered images, in full-color, in real-time.
It uses a special Intel/SEGA HGX-1 3-D graphics coprocessor.
Coming in mid 1995!

Then, there is SEGA COCKPIT. It is a full-sized replica of
a standard jet fighter cockpit, complete with working
gauges. The best part is that it will have a hydraulic
system, like that found in our arcade games! So you can
move n' groove with the action! It is R-360 based, so you
can rotate along all 3 directional axis, and can generate
forces up to 8 Gs! Barf bag is not included! First game
will be FALCON 3.0, ported directly from the computer game.

Next is SegaTalk. This is a HIGHLY ADVANCED SPEECH
RECOGNITION DEVICE, which can recognize voice in real time!
It can distinguish context, and can distinguish almost any
accent. Preliminary tests indicate a 0.000001% error rate.
The secret is based on a secret US Air Force device to let
pilots control aircraft weapons systems by voice. We have
adapted this military technology for entertainment use.
(NOTE: This device is subject to export restrictions by the
US Defense Department and will not be available in all
countries, due to the sensitive nature of the technology
used) Available in fall of 1995. The first game will be
Ultima 7. But, in this version, you can actually carry on
full conversations with the characters, using your
VOICE! And they talk back to you! The game will have
a dictionary of about 500,000 English words, and can
recognize very complex grammatical structures.

Well, that's all. I hope I have whetted your appetite for
SEGA games, and I hope you look foward to the best SEGA has
to offer you in radically new technologies for your
gaming enjoyment.

Head, SEGA New Technology Research Department
Tokyo, Japan

Gavin Adrian X8303

Feb 21, 1994, 5:02:29 AM2/21/94

But i hate the smell of bullshit!

Gavin Adrian X8303

Feb 21, 1994, 5:08:08 AM2/21/94

Of course its true, cant you tell with the SMELL-O-VISION?

They will bring out a farm type game, just imagine
all that bullshit!!

Harry Teasley III

Feb 21, 1994, 1:43:31 PM2/21/94
Dr Samir Gupta ( wrote:

<ton o' shit deleted>

Get a life. You are not funny. You are boring. That is all.


Scott Narowetz

Feb 21, 1994, 7:32:32 PM2/21/94
In article <> (Dr Samir Gupta) writes:
>From: (Dr Samir Gupta)
>Subject: NEW!!! Revolutionary video game technology by SEGA!
>Message-ID: <>
>Sender: (News)
>Organization: SEGA Research and Development, Tokyo Japan
>Date: Mon, 21 Feb 1994 09:59:00 GMT
>Lines: 66

>Hello, non-SEGA gamers! I am DR SAMIR GUPTA, PH. D, head
>of SEGA's New Technology research department, and I would
>like to tell you about some of the wonderful accessories
>that my department is researching, and will be available in
>the near future! We will be issuing a formal world wide
>press release in a few days, but we are posting this
>announcement to all you USENET users because you are some
>of our most loyal customers! I hope that this makes you
>consider SEGA as a gaming choice. This is technology that
>will forever change the face of video gaming, which is why
>I am posting this in non-Sega groups as well. I hope that
>this does not create any flames, but appreciation for video
>gaming technology as a whole and how far it has come since
>the early days.
>First, we have SMELL-O-VISION. This is a innovative
>accessory which connects to the modem port of your SEGA
>Genesis system! This device can synthesize any smell known
>to mankind, and will greatly enhance YOUR enjoyment of SEGA
>with special SMELL-O-VISION software! The first will be
>check out that bathroom smell!) SMELL-O-VISION will be
>available in late 1995. (We still have to iron out some
>bugs in the molecular synthesis unit.)

Good LOrd, if I wanted to smell a bathroom I'd go into a cheezy bar at
least that way the women are for real. (Is this guy for real??? What's next
cyber-sex or dildonics?)

KInd of interesting but what the heck is he doing on atari.rec.
just my $.02


Robert E. Gerard

Feb 21, 1994, 9:19:21 PM2/21/94
Hmm, he even got the details of an actual Sega product wrong...
His "Cockpit" is supposedly based on the R360 (which I've played), and
the R360 can turn full circle, but only on two axes (pl. of axis),
not the three Mr. Gupta (I won't call him "Dr.") says.
If it did, there would be almost no way to climb in or out!


Patrick Roelandt

Feb 22, 1994, 2:30:03 AM2/22/94
[>100 lines of SEGA quoting crospossted shit deleted]

>KInd of interesting but what the heck is he doing on atari.rec.
>just my $.02


Yeah, I just love it when people quote >100 line to add 2 more.

* Patrick Roelandt -- | Founder Dutch Jaguarclub (3D-who?) *
* ||| | and proud of it..... *
* / | \ *
* "I love it when a plan comes together. All I need to do is make one..." *

Richard Liblanc

Feb 22, 1994, 1:31:50 PM2/22/94

smell-o-rama heh? cant wait for it :) play mortal kombat IV and SMELL Cage's
sweat..oh joy

..........Richard Liblanc ( )...............
"There's a sucker born every minute."
"...And they die about that fast too..."

Todd O'Brien

Feb 22, 1994, 4:29:06 PM2/22/94
Dr Samir Gupta ( wrote:
: Hello, non-SEGA gamers! I am DR SAMIR GUPTA, PH. D, head
: of SEGA's New Technology research department, and I would
: First, we have SMELL-O-VISION. This is a innovative

Oh great, now the Sega games will REALLY (literally) STINK!

: Next, we have HOLO-GENESIS. HOLO-GENESIS is a 3-D laser

Oh! How about inferior Sega graphics in 3D! (What a waste of a technology!)

: Then, there is SEGA COCKPIT. It is a full-sized replica of

Don't use this with the Sonic cartridge ... it can be a fatal experience ...

: Next is SegaTalk. This is a HIGHLY ADVANCED SPEECH

Unfortunately, when pushed through the cheezy Sega sound system, it will sound
like a VIC-20 ...

: And the best of all is SegaSucks. No, it's not a comment on the Sega Game
: system, but instead is an oral attachment for our new line of Sega Sexual-
: Gratification programs ....



Feb 22, 1994, 11:13:12 PM2/22/94
What are they going to come up with next?
The Sega Full Body Suit featuring the new games:

Mortal Kombat X where you feel every hit and blow
as if you were there. Imagine getting a finishing moved
down on you. This game is rated MA13

Also the Sonic 7 Workout game. If you thought Jane Fonda's
workout was to slow, trys this. This help build speed the
Sonic way. Our marketing experts predict that by the end of
this workout you'll do the 100 meter dash in 3 sec's flat.

Coming soon is the Sexcapades. This game is set at the
Ice capades with a attraction then skating. Your body will
be pushed to its limits with every thrust and movement. If
you survive the ice capades, you will go on to the Muppets on
ice and many other exicting levels of erotic fun. This game
has been rated GA and will be avaiable at fine toy stores

These are coming soon from Sega, watch your local toy stores for
these titles. They should be out by March of 2078, but they will
work with the hardware you have today. :-)

Robert E. Gerard

Feb 23, 1994, 1:35:30 AM2/23/94
Hey, if You win a Smell-0-Rama game in the morning, would it pump out napalm?
It smells like victory!


Martin Pfingstl

Feb 23, 1994, 4:56:25 AM2/23/94

In article <>, (Dr Samir Gupta) writes:
|> Hello, non-SEGA gamers! I am DR SAMIR GUPTA, PH. D, head
|> of SEGA's New Technology research department, and I would
|> < ... stuff deleted ... >

|> Head, SEGA New Technology Research Department
|> Tokyo, Japan


Oh shit, it's April 1st again, isn't it ?
Perhaps I should look again on my calendar to check out the date...
But now it's too late...apparently I've missed some exam's...

Martin Pfingstl

Feb 23, 1994, 1:25:59 PM2/23/94
In article <>, (Dr Samir Gupta) writes:
>Hello, non-SEGA gamers! I am DR SAMIR GUPTA, PH. D, head
>of SEGA's New Technology research department, and I would
>like to tell you about some of the wonderful accessories
>that my department is researching, and will be available in
>the near future!
> <drivel drivel drivel>

>First, we have SMELL-O-VISION. This is a innovative
> <really stinky drivel>

>Next, we have HOLO-GENESIS. HOLO-GENESIS is a 3-D laser
> <wow, amazing drek IN 3-D!!>

>Then, there is SEGA COCKPIT. It is a full-sized replica of
>a standard jet fighter cockpit, complete with working
>gauges. The best part is that it will have a hydraulic
>system, like that found in our arcade games! So you can
>move n' groove with the action! It is R-360 based, so you
>can rotate along all 3 directional axis, and can generate
>forces up to 8 Gs! Barf bag is not included! First game
>will be FALCON 3.0, ported directly from the computer game.

Okay, the previous "amazing peripherals" were almost sorta
based in a projected reality (sure, they're possible, but sure
as all-get-out not late next year, and certainly not for home
video games: I'd say that "in the next ten years" would be pretty
optimistic. This cockpit thing, though... Quite aside from the
amount this would cost, and the space it would occupy, there is
no way that any such device is going to generate 8Gs! Well, okay,
there *is* a way: spinning on one or more of its axes, but a) that
is the wrong motion for the games, and b) yeah, right, so are they
going to issue G-suits too? They would have to be prepared for some
heavy law-suits, people blacking out, damaged, killed from the high
G forces.

>Next is SegaTalk. This is a HIGHLY ADVANCED SPEECH
>RECOGNITION DEVICE, which can recognize voice in real time!
>It can distinguish context, and can distinguish almost any
>accent. Preliminary tests indicate a 0.000001% error rate.
>The secret is based on a secret US Air Force device to let
>pilots control aircraft weapons systems by voice. We have
>adapted this military technology for entertainment use.
>(NOTE: This device is subject to export restrictions by the
>US Defense Department and will not be available in all
>countries, due to the sensitive nature of the technology
>used) Available in fall of 1995. The first game will be
>Ultima 7. But, in this version, you can actually carry on
>full conversations with the characters, using your
>VOICE! And they talk back to you! The game will have
>a dictionary of about 500,000 English words, and can
>recognize very complex grammatical structures.

"Oh wow, cool! They could do it, too: I've seen this stuff
in the movies all the time!" Uh, no. The Air Force device does
only *very* simple recognition, and not so well at that. Having
the machine decipher your sentences...oh wait, my mistake: he says
nothing about the machine *understanding* what you said, just that
it could "*recognize* cery complex grammatical structures". Again,
pure fantasy at this point.

>Well, that's all. I hope I have whetted your appetite for
>SEGA games, and I hope you look foward to the best SEGA has
>to offer you in radically new technologies for your
>gaming enjoyment.
>Head, SEGA New Technology Research Department
>Tokyo, Japan

Okay, gang, let's see some hands: how many of you believed
there was even the *tiniest* grain of reality in this posting,
even down to the very existence of a Dr. SAMIR GUPTA, head of
*anything* at Sega Japan? On people
do this all the time, though usually not to the extent of
forging e-mail/post addresses. The activity is called "fishing",
and usually consists of posting some thoroughly outrageous
garbage, then sitting back and watching how many people treat
it as though there were any truth to it whatsoever. Believe
me (or not, doesn't matter ;^> ), I used to do this pretty
often when talking to people (how do you think I got my
nickname, eh?): it is truly amazing how gullible people really are.
I'm surprised (well, maybe not too surprised, I guess) that
this bait got any bites at all. Not a bad try "Dr. SAMIR GUPTA",
whoever you are. Next time go just a little less far afield,
you'll get more fish.

Camden "Snake-Oil" Parks


Feb 24, 1994, 1:47:49 AM2/24/94
In article <>,

Patrick Roelandt <> wrote:
>[>100 lines of SEGA quoting crospossted shit deleted]
>>KInd of interesting but what the heck is he doing on atari.rec.
>>just my $.02
>Yeah, I just love it when people quote >100 line to add 2 more.

Yeah, I just love it when people post a one-liner with a 6-liner .sig.

Patrick Roelandt

Feb 24, 1994, 3:22:01 AM2/24/94
to (JT) writes:

O.k. I knew I had that one coming... :-)
Now I have to put in at leats some extra
balance ;-)

Ogawa / Taro Stephen (ISE)

Feb 25, 1994, 8:26:37 AM2/25/94
In article <> (Dr Samir Gupta) writes:
>First, we have SMELL-O-VISION. This is a innovative
>accessory which connects to the modem port of your SEGA
>Genesis system! This device can synthesize any smell known
>to mankind, and will greatly enhance YOUR enjoyment of SEGA
>with special SMELL-O-VISION software! The first will be
>check out that bathroom smell!) SMELL-O-VISION will be
>available in late 1995. (We still have to iron out some
>bugs in the molecular synthesis unit.)
Excellent - as you might know, Canberra is the centre of Video
Pornography in Australia. We have currently been working on a full
bodysuit version of Debbie does Darwin, and this amazing New technology
will only help to facilitate it sooner. Our Feely machines will add a
whole new dimension to home entertainment.

>Next, we have HOLO-GENESIS. HOLO-GENESIS is a 3-D laser
>holographic projection device for your Genesis. It can
>display 3-D rendered images, in full-color, in real-time.
>It uses a special Intel/SEGA HGX-1 3-D graphics coprocessor.
>Coming in mid 1995!

Does it do realistic flesh tones? I see that our current custom-built 523
Mhz M6502 based machine doesn't have good enough graphics capabilities,
and we desperately need to upgrade them.

>Then, there is SEGA COCKPIT. It is a full-sized replica of

Yes - I definitely think we can use this one...

>a standard jet fighter cockpit, complete with working

Hmm...maybe not.

Dr Gupta, you may like to contact Dr Phil Good
( for more information on this project.

Yours Sincerely,
Taro Ogawa, Junior Research
assistant, BMI(body-machine
interface) labs, University
of Canberra.

___ __ __ ___ ____ ___
Taro Ogawa: / \| | |/ \| \ / \
+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= | =+= | =+= | =+= | =+= | =+= | =+
"Reality is the sign of a idmn." \___/|__|__|__|__|__|\_\__|__|

Gordon Craick

Feb 28, 1994, 7:02:18 AM2/28/94
SG> Dr Samir Gupta: NEW!!! Revolutionary video game technology
SG> by SEGA! Hello, non-SEGA gamers! I am DR SAMIR GUPTA, PH.
SG> D, head of SEGA's New Technology research department, and
SG> I would like to tell you about some of the wonderful
SG> accessories that my

I assume you are joking..but at least you could have made it *funny* :)


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