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Dead cd-i! %^( Power supply?

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Nov 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/19/96

I have "inherited" a Magnavox CD-i 450 unit. I can't get it to work, the
green power light does not come on when the unit is powered up (yes, I did
plug it in %^).

Do the power supplies go bad on these things? I left the PS plugged in
for a couple hours and it didn't even get warm.. so, I suspect that the PS
is bad. Does anyone have one for sale cheap? I'm not even sure that the
PS is the problem with the unit I have but it is likely.

Can anyone help? I'd really like to get it up and running, I have a PILE
of cd-i titles that I'd like to try.

(How the hell can I open the darn thing anyway?)

Thanks in advance,

Barry Cantin


Nov 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/19/96

Yes, it is likely that the power supply is bad.
My first 450 power supply was replaced under warranty.
Recommend you contact Magnavox for replacement part.

Nov 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/21/96

> writes:
> I have "inherited" a Magnavox CD-i 450 unit. I can't get it to work, the
> green power light does not come on when the unit is powered up (yes, I did
> plug it in %^).
You can isolate the problem to the power supply if you take a voltage reading of
the plug that goes into the CD-i player. The red wires should be +5 V, the green
wire - 5 V, and the black wires 0 V (ground). You have to connect the white, red,
and grey wires together before testing to turn on the supply and measure
accurate voltages (grey turns it on, and white senses the voltage in the player for
voltage regulation).

If you don't read any voltage, it could be the fuse in the power supply (a 500
milliamp, 250V fuse). You could also test for that by using an Ohm meter on the
wall plug set to about a 1 MegOhm scale. If you read open circuit (high
resistance, off the scale) in both directions (swap meter leads between the two
pins of the plug), then the fuse is gone.

To open it up, I recommend violent means. But, unplug it first, and wear your
safety goggles. My standard procedure on boxes like that is to rip off their feet,
and threaten them with a screwdriver.

Kilroy Hughes,
Future Media Systems, Seattle

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