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Midway Galaga & Galaxian Cocktail Table Questions?

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Jul 23, 2008, 9:33:51 PM7/23/08
I came across an op friend today, and he sold me two midway coctail
tables. One is a Galaga the othe a Galaxian. I really wanted a Ms.
Pacman coctail, but after a close inspection of the Galaga cocktail
table, it seems to be an easy conversion to Ms. Pac. The Control
Panels seem as though if I bout new metal cpo's for Ms.Pac they would
fit perfect. Is it true that Galaga and Ms. Pacman were the same
coctail just different cpo's inserted? Second Question is would it be
possible to convert the Galaxian to a regular Pacman cocktail. The
control panels look different. The cabinet looks the same, there has
to be a way to change the control panels to pacman style cpo's
(different shape deeper). Any tips and know how would be appreciated.


Jul 23, 2008, 10:05:45 PM7/23/08

Yes, Galaga and Ms Pac cocktail are the same. Yes its possible to
convert the galaxian, but its a little bit of a pain. You will have to
do some woodwork to accommodate the Pac panels.


Jul 24, 2008, 8:05:28 AM7/24/08

I was just at the arcadeshop website, and saw that they sell a metal
control panel that will allow you to convert a Galaxian to a Galgaga
or Pac Man. They have a picture of the bare metal panels, but not a
picture of what it looks like on a machine.


Jul 25, 2008, 7:07:31 PM7/25/08

Mspacman,Galaga,Super Pacman ,Fire Fox and a lot other Midway game,use
the same cabinet,same size 9" control panel .
Galaxian and Pacman use same cabinet,same 11" steel panel but the wood
panel part are different,Pacman is deeper,you can make it works but it
will not fit in a standard joystick ,Midway or Wico joystick unless
you cut a hole in the lower part of panel,some small imported joystick
may fit.

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