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DOOM problems...

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Michael Neff

Jan 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/1/96

I picked up DOOM a couple of days ago and have played it some and
have already found a few problems. I'm not going to go heavy into
trashing this game as others have, but I think there are a couple of
problems I've run across that perhaps someone from ADI can respond
with the same degree of response that Phil Lamm has done for PO'ed.

I'll agree with a number of posters, that at times the frame rate of 3DO
DOOM leaves a little to be desired and I had to turn the music volume
down relative to the other sounds so that I could hear them. A gamma
control setting like that in the PC version would be nice, but with
one's TV, you can brighten it up some. However, I've also had up until
now some reasonable fun playing it.

Well I managed to have patience enough to play through to the 19th level,
believe it or not. Now I appear to be stuck. I think I might have found
a bug. At least two doors don't seem to be working right, and one of
them leads to a teleporter to what I believe is the rest of the maze.
The door to the teleporter will make an opening sound when you hit the
open key, but in fact be still blocked and not do anything. I'm not
sure but I think I'm stuck as a result with no way out of the maze.
This might have been due to my having gone into it earlier and hitting a
"ghoul face" switch and coming back out before using the teleporter.

Another door on the same level appears to be staying open all of the time
even though it makes opening and closing signs when you go through it.
Anyway, unless someone else has any better ideas if I'm doing something wrong
here... I hadn't played these levels before so I'm not really sure whether
I'm playing them right.

I noticed one other thing too. If you die on a level, you're supposed to
start over from scratch with what you had when you start the game. Not
quite always though. I died once or twice on one other level where I'd
already found a mapping computer. When I was reincarnated and went to
display my automap, it still showed the unexplored areas as if I still
had the mapping computer even though I shouldn't have it at this point.
Not complaining too much about this problem though and perhaps this was
by design.

As a suggestion for people who want to play weapons in 3DO Doom. The machine
gun seems to be the most responsive when battling a bunch of bad guys. With
the frame rate as it is, the monsters don't get much if any time slices
to fight back at you between the shots, whereas even with some of the
tougher single shot weapons, the bad guys get more time to reload, and
it's harder to aim properly when the frame rate is slower and your time
slices seem more choppier to make sure you hit them.

I'll probably go back to playing PO'ed or Killing Time...

- Mike Neff

Thomas Pancoast

Jan 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/4/96
to (Burger Bill Heineman) wrote:

>I do NOT work for ADI, we were contracted by ADI at THE LAST MINUTE to
>do the game. I work for Logicware Inc. ADI misrepresented themselves
>when they advertised the so called "new" levels and weapons. Logicware
>suggested to ADI to change their advertising but it looks like they
>I still have not seen what the box looks like, and by the sounds from
>this newsgroup I don't know if I want to.

I hope you don't get flamed. I hope that most people (on usenet, that is)
remember the really CRAPPY job ADI did with Rise of the Robots, and weren't
expecting it to be any good. Also, acording to rumors, you are probably
the second or third set of programmers to work on this title.

They recently admitted that there wouldn't be any new levels, but this
information was only available on the world wide web, so almost no-one
(real world) would have known about it. It also seems that even when
admitting that the program wouldn't be all that they claimed, they went
ahead and made new claims of high resolution and frame rate that apparently
just aren't true.

P.S. It sounds like alot of use won't be "working with" ADI anymore
either. :)

-------------------------------------------------------------- (formerly
Thomas W Pancoast "An object at rest cannot be stopped!"

Burger Bill Heineman

Jan 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/4/96
I'll probably get flamed for this...

I started the project to port DOOM to the 3DO in Mid-September. After
10 grueling weeks we finished a pretty good port of the JAGUAR version.

We were under a deadline to get it out by Christmas (Pretty
unreasonable considering the day the project was started) and had to
only do just a port of the game with no enhancements.

I do NOT work for ADI, we were contracted by ADI at THE LAST MINUTE to
do the game. I work for Logicware Inc. ADI misrepresented themselves
when they advertised the so called "new" levels and weapons. Logicware
suggested to ADI to change their advertising but it looks like they

I still have not seen what the box looks like, and by the sounds from
this newsgroup I don't know if I want to.

In the past I have written, Out of This World, Wolf 3D and Kingdom :
The Far Reaches. So I do know how to squeeze some performance from the
3DO (I think... :) ). If we had been put on the project many MONTHS in
advance instead of the last minute, DOOM would look MUCH different

Oh well...

I only hope that future DOOM products for the 3DO go much better.
Logicware probably won't do any more business with ADI for other
reasons I'd rather not get into. But know this; DOOM was created from
the extremely hard work from several very talented people at Logicware
and we were just saddened that things just didn't work out the way we
would like.


P.S. At least the music kicks butt!

Bob Luffel

Jan 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/5/96
Burger Bill Heineman ( wrote:
: I'll probably get flamed for this...

Hope not, I for one appreciate the honest information.

: I started the project to port DOOM to the 3DO in Mid-September. After

: 10 grueling weeks we finished a pretty good port of the JAGUAR version.

10 weeks!!! Geez, I can't imagine someone accomplishing anything in
that short of a time.

: In the past I have written, Out of This World, Wolf 3D and Kingdom :

: The Far Reaches. So I do know how to squeeze some performance from the
: 3DO (I think... :) ). If we had been put on the project many MONTHS in
: advance instead of the last minute, DOOM would look MUCH different
: today.

3DO Wolf 3D is a great version (as is Out of This World).

: P.S. At least the music kicks butt!

Sorry I won't get to hear it.....


Doug Dyer

Jan 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/5/96
to (Burger Bill Heineman) writes:

>I'll probably get flamed for this...

No, we understand.

<snip deadline nightmares>

>In the past I have written, Out of This World, Wolf 3D and Kingdom :
>The Far Reaches. So I do know how to squeeze some performance from the
>3DO (I think... :) ). If we had been put on the project many MONTHS in
>advance instead of the last minute, DOOM would look MUCH different

Well I don't know about those others but you did a bang-up job of wolf3d.

>Oh well...

>I only hope that future DOOM products for the 3DO go much better.
>Logicware probably won't do any more business with ADI for other
>reasons I'd rather not get into. But know this; DOOM was created from
>the extremely hard work from several very talented people at Logicware
>and we were just saddened that things just didn't work out the way we
>would like.

Tell me (Im interested in buying DOOM): can it do full screen?
I have seen some scattered posts around here sighting this as a problem.


>P.S. At least the music kicks butt!

Sounds cool
Doug Dyer - | ECL: embedded command language
STI: voice (703) 329-9707 | for the 8051 family
"Do you belong to the Human Race?" - Indigo Girls


Jan 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/5/96
Burger Bill Heineman wrote:
> I started the project to port DOOM to the 3DO in Mid-September. After
> 10 grueling weeks we finished a pretty good port of the JAGUAR version.
> We were under a deadline to get it out by Christmas (Pretty
> unreasonable considering the day the project was started) and had to
> only do just a port of the game with no enhancements.
> I do NOT work for ADI, we were contracted by ADI at THE LAST MINUTE to
> do the game. I work for Logicware Inc. ADI misrepresented themselves
> when they advertised the so called "new" levels and weapons. Logicware
> suggested to ADI to change their advertising but it looks like they
> didn't.

Well, as one of a team of contract programmers at our firm (Heavy Mental
Interactive), I'd just like to affirm some of what you are saying. The
companies who hire our company (typically to do what I would consider to
be cheesey PC and Macintosh multimedia products) often just do not really
consider the kind of time constraints that are neccesary when developing
a piece of software. For the last several products we have worked on I
have gotten little or no sleep, rushed production schedules, etc. It is
really frustrating that these companies do not think about what is really
required in the design of a credible product.
I suspect that deep within the heart of any programmer-for-hire is
the desire to work on his or her own stuff. Lord knows, I know that some
of the stuff I've worked on would never see the light of day if I had any
control over it. Well, happy new year and good luck to you on your other
projects. It is a shame 3DO Doom was rushed so much.

- Shawn L. Baird

Michael Neff

Jan 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/6/96
In article <> writes:
>>Another door on the same level appears to be staying open all of the time
>>even though it makes opening and closing signs when you go through it.
>>Anyway, unless someone else has any better ideas if I'm doing something wrong
>>here... I hadn't played these levels before so I'm not really sure whether
>>I'm playing them right.
>I have had similar door problems as the one you have described
>when creating levels in DEU (DOOM Editor Utilities) it happens
>when a texture is missing on part of the door def. It shouldn't
>effect how it operates, but it does look silly.

This might be right. I also noticed some garbage from what appeared
to be misplaced texture maps in vertical bars, etc. around the same
place where I've had this problem.

- Mike

>looks like more sloppy work and lack of testing from ADI.
>If anyone is fed-up with their copy, I'm looking to buy a used one.
>take it easy

Leo L. Schwab

Jan 9, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/9/96
In article <4cfgm9$>,

Burger Bill Heineman <> wrote:
>I'll probably get flamed for this...
Not by me.

>I started the project to port DOOM to the 3DO in Mid-September. After
>10 grueling weeks we finished a pretty good port of the JAGUAR version.


10 WEEKS!??!


Given that ADI had been saying "Real Soon Now" for such a long time,
I thought it was the result of over a year of "work" by, judging from the
final product, a bunch of feckless losers. Now I discover it was done in a
mere 10 weeks!!? Astonishing! Monster Manor took six months, and I
thought *we'd* worked our butts off.

You and your team are seriously gargantuan, sir. I raise my glass
to you.

Leo L. Schwab -- Digital Spellweaver ..or..
\_ -_
O----^o Recumbent Bikes: The Only Way To Fly. (pronounced "EH-wack")
Does J.R. "Bob" Dobbs shop for clothes at Fnordstrom?


Jan 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/15/96
thanks for telling us you're making casper....... now we know that one
will suck too. and isn't it a little late for "casper" the movie has been
on video for months now.

jim is

Al Amaloo

Jan 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/16/96

Logicware did 3DO DOOM in 10 weeks, a miracle in itself. There's
nothing to say Casper will suck because of Doom's shortcomings. With
the proper time allowed for development, it may turn out to be a
decent game; we'll have to wait and see.

Granted, it does seem a little late to put out a game licenced on a
movie after this amount of time, but it still is a new title for the
Opera. And this is something that should be completed to fill the gap
before M2 arrives. By your reasoning, Panasonic should cancel MK3
since the movie has already been through its run in the theaters.
Let's just give them a chance to finish the game before judging shall

Al Amaloo Get a clue! Check out *The 3DO Gamer's Advantage* at
Munster, IN for codes, hints, and secrets. "Zoinks! M2, where are you?"

Jason D. Bardis

Jan 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/16/96
to (JIM is COO) writes:

>thanks for telling us you're making casper....... now we know that one
>will suck too. and isn't it a little late for "casper" the movie has been
>on video for months now.

Not fair--they've been working on Casper for more than the 10 allotted
DOOM weeks...if you read this fella's first post a while back, you'll
realize that DOOM's shortcomings are more ADI's fault than his...think
about it...

As for its lateness...well, good point...

Jason Dante Bardis( heartily endorses the following:
The Simpsons.3DO.cycling.Absolutely Fabulous.PWEI.LEGO.Duckman.Tit Wrench
autocrosses&rallyes.Atari 2600&800.mechanical engineering.Ministry.Tempest.NIN
ballroom dancing.William Gibson.Battle of the Planets.Tim Burton.fried cheese

Leo L. Schwab

Jan 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/17/96
In article <4dbqb8$>,

Burger Bill Heineman <> wrote:
>Yes, it was 10 weeks of utter hell. I am still recovering from the
>ordeal. Currently I am working on Casper the (un)friendly ghost for
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
10 weeks of DOOM and now *THIS?* Ye Ghods, I hope there is some
karmic reward awaiting you for all this excreta you've had to slog through.

No one should suffer such fates alone, or without an occasional
friendly oasis. If you're ever in the Bay Area, look me up and we'll go
for coffee or something.

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