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QFTCIUA19 Game 4, Rounds 4,6: fathers, fictional bands

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Mark Brader

Jul 9, 2019, 11:29:40 PM7/9/19
These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2019-06-11,
and should be interpreted accordingly.

On each question you may give up to two answers, but if you give
both a right answer and a wrong answer, there is a small penalty.
Please post all your answers to the newsgroup in a single followup,
based only on your own knowledge. (In your answer posting, quote
the questions and place your answer below each one.) I will reveal
the correct answers in about 3 days.

All questions were written by members of Unnatural Axxxe and are
used here by permission, but have been reformatted and may have
been retyped and/or edited by me. For further information see
my 2019-01-22 companion posting on "Questions from the Canadian
Inquisition (QFTCI*)".

* Game 4, Round 4 - Miscellaneous - Father's Day

June 16 is Father's Day. We could set this up with a dad joke,
but thought we'd spare you.

1. This Danish father and son are the only biological father and
son to both win the English Premier league title. They played
for different teams, but they won their respective titles in the
same position, at the same age, and on the same calendar day.
Who are they?

2. This boxer famously named all five of his sons "George Edward"
so they would always have something in common. Name the father.

3. This R&B singer had a posthumous duet with his daughter in 1991.
Name the father.

4. This emperor, called the "Father of Europe", had at least
20 children of varying degrees of legitimacy. When one of his
illegitimate sons, Pepin the Hunchback, was found guilty of
plotting to kill him, the emperor commuted his death sentence
and instead sent him to a monastery for the rest of his life.
Name the emperor.

5. Beheaded in 1535 for treason, this remarkable father gave
his daughters the same classical education as he did his son
-- which was practically unheard of in 16th-century England.
After the father's execution, his daughter Margaret Roper bribed
the man tasked with throwing his head in the Thames and gave
it a proper burial. Who was that father?

6. This man may be the most prolific father of all time -- 0.8%
of the world's population is descended from him. Who is he?

7. This son paid tribute to his 102-year-old father at the Golden
Globes this year by saying "Altercockers rule!". "Altercocker"
is a Yiddish term for old guy. Name the son.

8. This King of Judea was so paranoid that he killed not only
his first wife but three of his sons, causing Emperor Augustus to
comment that it was "better to be that man's pig than his son".
Name that king.

9. There are a lot of negative things being said about this late
father, but the nadir of his parenting was likely dangling his
infant son from a balcony. Name the father.

10. This chef's children are Poppy, Buddy, River, Petal, and Daisy.
Who is he?

* Game 4, Round 6 - Entertainment - Bands that Exist Only on Screen

Some of the rockin'est bands in musical history existed only in
the minds of the scriptwriters who created them. In this round,
we'll name the fictional band and give you the year, and maybe a
bit of other information. You name the movie or TV series.

1. Wyld Stallyns (pronounced "Wild Stallions"), 1989.
2. Stillwater, 2000.
3. The Soggy Bottom Boys, 2000.
4. Autobahn, 1998. A band of German nihilists.
5. The Folksmen, 2003.
6. Otis Day and the Nights, 1978.
7. Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem, 1979.

8. Marvin Berry and the Starlighters, 1985. Marvin was Chuck's

9. The Wonders or Oneders, 1996. Mispronounced at one point as

10. The Rutles, 1978. We need the part of the title that isn't
"The Rutles".

Mark Brader | "To call the characters cardboard is
Toronto | to insult a useful packing material." | --Roger Ebert

My text in this article is in the public domain.

Dan Blum

Jul 9, 2019, 11:40:53 PM7/9/19
Mark Brader <> wrote:

> * Game 4, Round 4 - Miscellaneous - Father's Day

> 2. This boxer famously named all five of his sons "George Edward"
> so they would always have something in common. Name the father.

George Foreman

> 3. This R&B singer had a posthumous duet with his daughter in 1991.
> Name the father.

Nat King Cole

> 4. This emperor, called the "Father of Europe", had at least
> 20 children of varying degrees of legitimacy. When one of his
> illegitimate sons, Pepin the Hunchback, was found guilty of
> plotting to kill him, the emperor commuted his death sentence
> and instead sent him to a monastery for the rest of his life.
> Name the emperor.


> 5. Beheaded in 1535 for treason, this remarkable father gave
> his daughters the same classical education as he did his son
> -- which was practically unheard of in 16th-century England.
> After the father's execution, his daughter Margaret Roper bribed
> the man tasked with throwing his head in the Thames and gave
> it a proper burial. Who was that father?

Thomas More

> 6. This man may be the most prolific father of all time -- 0.8%
> of the world's population is descended from him. Who is he?

Genghis Khan

> 7. This son paid tribute to his 102-year-old father at the Golden
> Globes this year by saying "Altercockers rule!". "Altercocker"
> is a Yiddish term for old guy. Name the son.

Rob Reiner

> 8. This King of Judea was so paranoid that he killed not only
> his first wife but three of his sons, causing Emperor Augustus to
> comment that it was "better to be that man's pig than his son".
> Name that king.


> 9. There are a lot of negative things being said about this late
> father, but the nadir of his parenting was likely dangling his
> infant son from a balcony. Name the father.

Michael Jackson

> 10. This chef's children are Poppy, Buddy, River, Petal, and Daisy.
> Who is he?

Gordon Ramsey

> * Game 4, Round 6 - Entertainment - Bands that Exist Only on Screen

> 6. Otis Day and the Nights, 1978.

Animal House

> 7. Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem, 1979.

The Mupper Movie

> 8. Marvin Berry and the Starlighters, 1985. Marvin was Chuck's
> cousin.

Back to the Future

> 9. The Wonders or Oneders, 1996. Mispronounced at one point as
> "oh-NEED-ers".

That Thing You Do!

> 10. The Rutles, 1978. We need the part of the title that isn't
> "The Rutles".

All You Need is Cash

Dan Blum
"I wouldn't have believed it myself if I hadn't just made it up."

Dan Tilque

Jul 10, 2019, 1:48:02 AM7/10/19
On 7/9/19 4:29 PM, Mark Brader wrote:
> * Game 4, Round 4 - Miscellaneous - Father's Day
> June 16 is Father's Day. We could set this up with a dad joke,
> but thought we'd spare you.
> 1. This Danish father and son are the only biological father and
> son to both win the English Premier league title. They played
> for different teams, but they won their respective titles in the
> same position, at the same age, and on the same calendar day.
> Who are they?
> 2. This boxer famously named all five of his sons "George Edward"
> so they would always have something in common. Name the father.

George Foreman

> 3. This R&B singer had a posthumous duet with his daughter in 1991.
> Name the father.

Sinatra ??

> 4. This emperor, called the "Father of Europe", had at least
> 20 children of varying degrees of legitimacy. When one of his
> illegitimate sons, Pepin the Hunchback, was found guilty of
> plotting to kill him, the emperor commuted his death sentence
> and instead sent him to a monastery for the rest of his life.
> Name the emperor.


> 5. Beheaded in 1535 for treason, this remarkable father gave
> his daughters the same classical education as he did his son
> -- which was practically unheard of in 16th-century England.
> After the father's execution, his daughter Margaret Roper bribed
> the man tasked with throwing his head in the Thames and gave
> it a proper burial. Who was that father?
> 6. This man may be the most prolific father of all time -- 0.8%
> of the world's population is descended from him. Who is he?

Genghis Khan

> 7. This son paid tribute to his 102-year-old father at the Golden
> Globes this year by saying "Altercockers rule!". "Altercocker"
> is a Yiddish term for old guy. Name the son.
> 8. This King of Judea was so paranoid that he killed not only
> his first wife but three of his sons, causing Emperor Augustus to
> comment that it was "better to be that man's pig than his son".
> Name that king.

Herod The Great

> 9. There are a lot of negative things being said about this late
> father, but the nadir of his parenting was likely dangling his
> infant son from a balcony. Name the father.
> 10. This chef's children are Poppy, Buddy, River, Petal, and Daisy.
> Who is he?
> * Game 4, Round 6 - Entertainment - Bands that Exist Only on Screen
> Some of the rockin'est bands in musical history existed only in
> the minds of the scriptwriters who created them. In this round,
> we'll name the fictional band and give you the year, and maybe a
> bit of other information. You name the movie or TV series.
> 1. Wyld Stallyns (pronounced "Wild Stallions"), 1989.
> 2. Stillwater, 2000.
> 3. The Soggy Bottom Boys, 2000.
> 4. Autobahn, 1998. A band of German nihilists.
> 5. The Folksmen, 2003.
> 6. Otis Day and the Nights, 1978.
> 7. Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem, 1979.

The Muppet Movie

> 8. Marvin Berry and the Starlighters, 1985. Marvin was Chuck's
> cousin.
> 9. The Wonders or Oneders, 1996. Mispronounced at one point as
> "oh-NEED-ers".
> 10. The Rutles, 1978. We need the part of the title that isn't
> "The Rutles".

Dan Tilque

Erland Sommarskog

Jul 10, 2019, 7:38:31 AM7/10/19
Mark Brader ( writes:
> 1. This Danish father and son are the only biological father and
> son to both win the English Premier league title. They played
> for different teams, but they won their respective titles in the
> same position, at the same age, and on the same calendar day.
> Who are they?


(And since two-part questions are not permitted any more, first
names can reasonably not be required!(

> 4. This emperor, called the "Father of Europe", had at least
> 20 children of varying degrees of legitimacy. When one of his
> illegitimate sons, Pepin the Hunchback, was found guilty of
> plotting to kill him, the emperor commuted his death sentence
> and instead sent him to a monastery for the rest of his life.
> Name the emperor.

Charles V Habsburg

> 6. This man may be the most prolific father of all time -- 0.8%
> of the world's population is descended from him. Who is he?


> 8. This King of Judea was so paranoid that he killed not only
> his first wife but three of his sons, causing Emperor Augustus to
> comment that it was "better to be that man's pig than his son".
> Name that king.


Bruce Bowler

Jul 10, 2019, 2:53:06 PM7/10/19
On Tue, 09 Jul 2019 18:29:35 -0500, Mark Brader wrote:

> These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2019-06-11, and
> should be interpreted accordingly.
> On each question you may give up to two answers, but if you give both a
> right answer and a wrong answer, there is a small penalty. Please post
> all your answers to the newsgroup in a single followup,
> based only on your own knowledge. (In your answer posting, quote the
> questions and place your answer below each one.) I will reveal the
> correct answers in about 3 days.
> All questions were written by members of Unnatural Axxxe and are used
> here by permission, but have been reformatted and may have been retyped
> and/or edited by me. For further information see my 2019-01-22
> companion posting on "Questions from the Canadian Inquisition (QFTCI*)".
> * Game 4, Round 4 - Miscellaneous - Father's Day
> June 16 is Father's Day. We could set this up with a dad joke, but
> thought we'd spare you.
> 1. This Danish father and son are the only biological father and
> son to both win the English Premier league title. They played for
> different teams, but they won their respective titles in the same
> position, at the same age, and on the same calendar day. Who are
> they?
> 2. This boxer famously named all five of his sons "George Edward"
> so they would always have something in common. Name the father.

George Foreman

> 3. This R&B singer had a posthumous duet with his daughter in 1991.
> Name the father.

Nat King Cole

> 4. This emperor, called the "Father of Europe", had at least
> 20 children of varying degrees of legitimacy. When one of his
> illegitimate sons, Pepin the Hunchback, was found guilty of plotting
> to kill him, the emperor commuted his death sentence and instead sent
> him to a monastery for the rest of his life. Name the emperor.
> 5. Beheaded in 1535 for treason, this remarkable father gave
> his daughters the same classical education as he did his son -- which
> was practically unheard of in 16th-century England. After the
> father's execution, his daughter Margaret Roper bribed the man tasked
> with throwing his head in the Thames and gave it a proper burial.
> Who was that father?
> 6. This man may be the most prolific father of all time -- 0.8%
> of the world's population is descended from him. Who is he?

Genghis Kahn

> 7. This son paid tribute to his 102-year-old father at the Golden
> Globes this year by saying "Altercockers rule!". "Altercocker" is a
> Yiddish term for old guy. Name the son.

Michael Douglas

> 8. This King of Judea was so paranoid that he killed not only
> his first wife but three of his sons, causing Emperor Augustus to
> comment that it was "better to be that man's pig than his son". Name
> that king.
> 9. There are a lot of negative things being said about this late
> father, but the nadir of his parenting was likely dangling his infant
> son from a balcony. Name the father.

Michael Jackson

> 10. This chef's children are Poppy, Buddy, River, Petal, and Daisy.
> Who is he?
> * Game 4, Round 6 - Entertainment - Bands that Exist Only on Screen
> Some of the rockin'est bands in musical history existed only in the
> minds of the scriptwriters who created them. In this round, we'll name
> the fictional band and give you the year, and maybe a bit of other
> information. You name the movie or TV series.
> 1. Wyld Stallyns (pronounced "Wild Stallions"), 1989.
> 2. Stillwater, 2000.
> 3. The Soggy Bottom Boys, 2000.
> 4. Autobahn, 1998. A band of German nihilists.
> 5. The Folksmen, 2003.

A Mighty Wind

> 6. Otis Day and the Nights, 1978.

Animal House

> 7. Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem, 1979.

The Muppet Movie

> 8. Marvin Berry and the Starlighters, 1985. Marvin was Chuck's
> cousin.

Back To The Future

> 9. The Wonders or Oneders, 1996. Mispronounced at one point as
> "oh-NEED-ers".
> 10. The Rutles, 1978. We need the part of the title that isn't
> "The Rutles".

All You Need Is Cash

Pete Gayde

Jul 10, 2019, 7:09:24 PM7/10/19
to (Mark Brader) wrote in news:Geqdnc70K7fCvrjAnZ2dnUU7-

> These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2019-06-11,
> and should be interpreted accordingly.
> On each question you may give up to two answers, but if you give
> both a right answer and a wrong answer, there is a small penalty.
> Please post all your answers to the newsgroup in a single followup,
> based only on your own knowledge. (In your answer posting, quote
> the questions and place your answer below each one.) I will reveal
> the correct answers in about 3 days.
> All questions were written by members of Unnatural Axxxe and are
> used here by permission, but have been reformatted and may have
> been retyped and/or edited by me. For further information see
> my 2019-01-22 companion posting on "Questions from the Canadian
> Inquisition (QFTCI*)".
> * Game 4, Round 4 - Miscellaneous - Father's Day
> June 16 is Father's Day. We could set this up with a dad joke,
> but thought we'd spare you.
> 1. This Danish father and son are the only biological father and
> son to both win the English Premier league title. They played
> for different teams, but they won their respective titles in the
> same position, at the same age, and on the same calendar day.
> Who are they?

Peter and Caspar Schmeichel

> 2. This boxer famously named all five of his sons "George Edward"
> so they would always have something in common. Name the father.

George Foreman

> 3. This R&B singer had a posthumous duet with his daughter in 1991.
> Name the father.

Nat King Cole

> 4. This emperor, called the "Father of Europe", had at least
> 20 children of varying degrees of legitimacy. When one of his
> illegitimate sons, Pepin the Hunchback, was found guilty of
> plotting to kill him, the emperor commuted his death sentence
> and instead sent him to a monastery for the rest of his life.
> Name the emperor.


> 5. Beheaded in 1535 for treason, this remarkable father gave
> his daughters the same classical education as he did his son
> -- which was practically unheard of in 16th-century England.
> After the father's execution, his daughter Margaret Roper bribed
> the man tasked with throwing his head in the Thames and gave
> it a proper burial. Who was that father?

Thomas More

> 6. This man may be the most prolific father of all time -- 0.8%
> of the world's population is descended from him. Who is he?

Genghis Khan

> 7. This son paid tribute to his 102-year-old father at the Golden
> Globes this year by saying "Altercockers rule!". "Altercocker"
> is a Yiddish term for old guy. Name the son.

Michael Douglas

> 8. This King of Judea was so paranoid that he killed not only
> his first wife but three of his sons, causing Emperor Augustus to
> comment that it was "better to be that man's pig than his son".
> Name that king.


> 9. There are a lot of negative things being said about this late
> father, but the nadir of his parenting was likely dangling his
> infant son from a balcony. Name the father.

Michael Jackson

> 10. This chef's children are Poppy, Buddy, River, Petal, and Daisy.
> Who is he?

Gordon Ramsay

> * Game 4, Round 6 - Entertainment - Bands that Exist Only on Screen
> Some of the rockin'est bands in musical history existed only in
> the minds of the scriptwriters who created them. In this round,
> we'll name the fictional band and give you the year, and maybe a
> bit of other information. You name the movie or TV series.
> 1. Wyld Stallyns (pronounced "Wild Stallions"), 1989.
> 2. Stillwater, 2000.
> 3. The Soggy Bottom Boys, 2000.
> 4. Autobahn, 1998. A band of German nihilists.
> 5. The Folksmen, 2003.

A Mighty Wind

> 6. Otis Day and the Nights, 1978.

Animal House

> 7. Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem, 1979.

The Muppet Show

> 8. Marvin Berry and the Starlighters, 1985. Marvin was Chuck's
> cousin.

Back to the Future

> 9. The Wonders or Oneders, 1996. Mispronounced at one point as
> "oh-NEED-ers".
> 10. The Rutles, 1978. We need the part of the title that isn't
> "The Rutles".

All You Need is Cash


Pete Gayde


Jul 11, 2019, 12:51:13 AM7/11/19
On Wednesday, July 10, 2019 at 9:29:40 AM UTC+10, Mark Brader wrote:

> * Game 4, Round 4 - Miscellaneous - Father's Day
> June 16 is Father's Day. We could set this up with a dad joke,
> but thought we'd spare you.

What do you call a dog with no legs?
It doesn't matter - he won't come anyway.

> 1. This Danish father and son are the only biological father and
> son to both win the English Premier league title. They played
> for different teams, but they won their respective titles in the
> same position, at the same age, and on the same calendar day.
> Who are they?


> 2. This boxer famously named all five of his sons "George Edward"
> so they would always have something in common. Name the father.


> 3. This R&B singer had a posthumous duet with his daughter in 1991.
> Name the father.


> 4. This emperor, called the "Father of Europe", had at least
> 20 children of varying degrees of legitimacy. When one of his
> illegitimate sons, Pepin the Hunchback, was found guilty of
> plotting to kill him, the emperor commuted his death sentence
> and instead sent him to a monastery for the rest of his life.
> Name the emperor.


> 5. Beheaded in 1535 for treason, this remarkable father gave
> his daughters the same classical education as he did his son
> -- which was practically unheard of in 16th-century England.
> After the father's execution, his daughter Margaret Roper bribed
> the man tasked with throwing his head in the Thames and gave
> it a proper burial. Who was that father?


> 6. This man may be the most prolific father of all time -- 0.8%
> of the world's population is descended from him. Who is he?

Genghis Khan

> 7. This son paid tribute to his 102-year-old father at the Golden
> Globes this year by saying "Altercockers rule!". "Altercocker"
> is a Yiddish term for old guy. Name the son.


> 8. This King of Judea was so paranoid that he killed not only
> his first wife but three of his sons, causing Emperor Augustus to
> comment that it was "better to be that man's pig than his son".
> Name that king.

David, Solomon

> 9. There are a lot of negative things being said about this late
> father, but the nadir of his parenting was likely dangling his
> infant son from a balcony. Name the father.


> 10. This chef's children are Poppy, Buddy, River, Petal, and Daisy.
> Who is he?


> * Game 4, Round 6 - Entertainment - Bands that Exist Only on Screen
> Some of the rockin'est bands in musical history existed only in
> the minds of the scriptwriters who created them. In this round,
> we'll name the fictional band and give you the year, and maybe a
> bit of other information. You name the movie or TV series.
> 1. Wyld Stallyns (pronounced "Wild Stallions"), 1989.
> 2. Stillwater, 2000.

Almost Famous

> 3. The Soggy Bottom Boys, 2000.

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

> 4. Autobahn, 1998. A band of German nihilists.

The Big Lebowski

> 5. The Folksmen, 2003.

A Mighty Wind

> 6. Otis Day and the Nights, 1978.


> 7. Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem, 1979.

The Muppet Movie

> 8. Marvin Berry and the Starlighters, 1985. Marvin was Chuck's
> cousin.
> 9. The Wonders or Oneders, 1996. Mispronounced at one point as
> "oh-NEED-ers".

That Thing You Do

> 10. The Rutles, 1978. We need the part of the title that isn't
> "The Rutles".

Eric Idle was involved, not sure of the movie name tough.


Joshua Kreitzer

Jul 11, 2019, 2:20:51 AM7/11/19
to (Mark Brader) wrote in news:Geqdnc70K7fCvrjAnZ2dnUU7-

> * Game 4, Round 4 - Miscellaneous - Father's Day
> June 16 is Father's Day. We could set this up with a dad joke,
> but thought we'd spare you.
> 2. This boxer famously named all five of his sons "George Edward"
> so they would always have something in common. Name the father.

George Foreman

> 3. This R&B singer had a posthumous duet with his daughter in 1991.
> Name the father.

Nat King Cole

> 4. This emperor, called the "Father of Europe", had at least
> 20 children of varying degrees of legitimacy. When one of his
> illegitimate sons, Pepin the Hunchback, was found guilty of
> plotting to kill him, the emperor commuted his death sentence
> and instead sent him to a monastery for the rest of his life.
> Name the emperor.


> 5. Beheaded in 1535 for treason, this remarkable father gave
> his daughters the same classical education as he did his son
> -- which was practically unheard of in 16th-century England.
> After the father's execution, his daughter Margaret Roper bribed
> the man tasked with throwing his head in the Thames and gave
> it a proper burial. Who was that father?

Thomas More

> 6. This man may be the most prolific father of all time -- 0.8%
> of the world's population is descended from him. Who is he?

Genghis Khan

> 7. This son paid tribute to his 102-year-old father at the Golden
> Globes this year by saying "Altercockers rule!". "Altercocker"
> is a Yiddish term for old guy. Name the son.

Michael Douglas

> 8. This King of Judea was so paranoid that he killed not only
> his first wife but three of his sons, causing Emperor Augustus to
> comment that it was "better to be that man's pig than his son".
> Name that king.


> 9. There are a lot of negative things being said about this late
> father, but the nadir of his parenting was likely dangling his
> infant son from a balcony. Name the father.

Michael Jackson

> * Game 4, Round 6 - Entertainment - Bands that Exist Only on Screen
> Some of the rockin'est bands in musical history existed only in
> the minds of the scriptwriters who created them. In this round,
> we'll name the fictional band and give you the year, and maybe a
> bit of other information. You name the movie or TV series.
> 1. Wyld Stallyns (pronounced "Wild Stallions"), 1989.

"Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure"

> 2. Stillwater, 2000.

"Almost Famous"

> 3. The Soggy Bottom Boys, 2000.

"O Brother, Where Art Thou?"

> 4. Autobahn, 1998. A band of German nihilists.

"The Big Lebowski"

> 5. The Folksmen, 2003.

"A Mighty Wind"

> 6. Otis Day and the Nights, 1978.

"National Lampoon's Animal House"

> 7. Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem, 1979.

"The Muppet Movie"

> 8. Marvin Berry and the Starlighters, 1985. Marvin was Chuck's
> cousin.

"Back to the Future"

> 9. The Wonders or Oneders, 1996. Mispronounced at one point as
> "oh-NEED-ers".

"That Think You Do!"

> 10. The Rutles, 1978. We need the part of the title that isn't
> "The Rutles".

"All You Need Is Cash"

Joshua Kreitzer

Mark Brader

Jul 13, 2019, 1:28:40 AM7/13/19
Mark Brader:
> These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2019-06-11,
> and should be interpreted accordingly... For further information
> see my 2019-01-22 companion posting on "Questions from the Canadian
> Inquisition (QFTCI*)".

> * Game 4, Round 4 - Miscellaneous - Father's Day

> June 16 is Father's Day. We could set this up with a dad joke,
> but thought we'd spare you.

This was the easiest round in the original game.

> 1. This Danish father and son are the only biological father and
> son to both win the English Premier league title. They played
> for different teams, but they won their respective titles in the
> same position, at the same age, and on the same calendar day.
> Who are they?

Peter (Manchester United) and Kasper (Leicester City) Schmeichel.
Yes, "Schmeichel" was sufficient -- but not "Michelsen". 4 for Pete.

> 2. This boxer famously named all five of his sons "George Edward"
> so they would always have something in common. Name the father.

George Edward Foreman. Yes, "Foreman" was sufficient. 4 for
Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Bruce, Pete, Calvin, and Joshua.

> 3. This R&B singer had a posthumous duet with his daughter in 1991.
> Name the father.

Nat King Cole. ("Unforgettable", with Natalie Cole.) 4 for Dan Blum,
Bruce, Pete, Calvin, and Joshua.

> 4. This emperor, called the "Father of Europe", had at least
> 20 children of varying degrees of legitimacy. When one of his
> illegitimate sons, Pepin the Hunchback, was found guilty of
> plotting to kill him, the emperor commuted his death sentence
> and instead sent him to a monastery for the rest of his life.
> Name the emperor.

Charlemagne. 4 for Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Pete, Calvin, and Joshua.

> 5. Beheaded in 1535 for treason, this remarkable father gave
> his daughters the same classical education as he did his son
> -- which was practically unheard of in 16th-century England.
> After the father's execution, his daughter Margaret Roper bribed
> the man tasked with throwing his head in the Thames and gave
> it a proper burial. Who was that father?

Sir Thomas More. 4 for Dan Blum, Pete, and Joshua.

> 6. This man may be the most prolific father of all time -- 0.8%
> of the world's population is descended from him. Who is he?

Ghengis Khan. 4 for Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Bruce, Pete, Calvin,
and Joshua.

> 7. This son paid tribute to his 102-year-old father at the Golden
> Globes this year by saying "Altercockers rule!". "Altercocker"
> is a Yiddish term for old guy. Name the son.

Michael Douglas. 4 for Bruce, Pete, Calvin, and Joshua.

> 8. This King of Judea was so paranoid that he killed not only
> his first wife but three of his sons, causing Emperor Augustus to
> comment that it was "better to be that man's pig than his son".
> Name that king.

Herod. 4 for Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Erland, Pete, and Joshua.

> 9. There are a lot of negative things being said about this late
> father, but the nadir of his parenting was likely dangling his
> infant son from a balcony. Name the father.

Michael Jackson. (Son: Prince Michael Jackson II, later known
as Bigi.) 4 for Dan Blum, Bruce, Pete, Calvin, and Joshua.

> 10. This chef's children are Poppy, Buddy, River, Petal, and Daisy.
> Who is he?

Jamie Oliver. 4 for Calvin.

> * Game 4, Round 6 - Entertainment - Bands that Exist Only on Screen

> Some of the rockin'est bands in musical history existed only in
> the minds of the scriptwriters who created them. In this round,
> we'll name the fictional band and give you the year, and maybe a
> bit of other information. You name the movie or TV series.

> 1. Wyld Stallyns (pronounced "Wild Stallions"), 1989.

"Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure". 4 for Joshua.

> 2. Stillwater, 2000.

"Almost Famous". 4 for Calvin and Joshua.

> 3. The Soggy Bottom Boys, 2000.

"O Brother, Where Art Thou?" 4 for Calvin and Joshua.

> 4. Autobahn, 1998. A band of German nihilists.

"The Big Lebowski". 4 for Calvin and Joshua.

> 5. The Folksmen, 2003.

"A Mighty Wind". 4 for Bruce, Pete, Calvin, and Joshua.

> 6. Otis Day and the Nights, 1978.

"Animal House". 4 for Dan Blum, Bruce, Pete, and Joshua.

> 7. Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem, 1979.

"The Muppet Movie", but accepting "The Muppet Show". 4 for Dan Blum,
Dan Tilque, Bruce, Pete, Calvin, and Joshua.

> 8. Marvin Berry and the Starlighters, 1985. Marvin was Chuck's
> cousin.

"Back to the Future". 4 for Dan Blum, Bruce, Pete, and Joshua.

> 9. The Wonders or Oneders, 1996. Mispronounced at one point as
> "oh-NEED-ers".

"That Thing You Do!" 4 for Dan Blum, Calvin, and Joshuak.

> 10. The Rutles, 1978. We need the part of the title that isn't
> "The Rutles".

"All You Need is Cash". Yes, with Eric Idle. 4 for Dan Blum, Bruce,
Pete, and Joshua.

Scores, if there are no errors:

TOPICS-> Can Lit Mis Ent
Joshua Kreitzer 22 36 32 40 130
Dan Blum 4 36 28 20 88
Pete Gayde 10 20 36 20 86
"Calvin" 4 10 28 24 66
Dan Tilque 14 8 16 4 42
Bruce Bowler -- -- 20 20 40
Erland Sommarskog 4 0 4 0 8
Mark Brader, Toronto "WARNING: Pastry may be *hot* when heated." -- [alleged] Kellogg Pop-Tarts box

Dan Tilque

Jul 13, 2019, 2:12:37 AM7/13/19
On 7/12/19 6:28 PM, Mark Brader wrote:
>> 8. This King of Judea was so paranoid that he killed not only
>> his first wife but three of his sons, causing Emperor Augustus to
>> comment that it was "better to be that man's pig than his son".
>> Name that king.
> Herod. 4 for Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Erland, Pete, and Joshua.

There were a number of different rulers of Judea or nearby territories
during that era named Herod. Several of them are referenced in various
parts of the Bible. I'm surprised you didn't ask which one.

Dan Tilque

Mark Brader

Jul 13, 2019, 3:36:31 AM7/13/19
Mark Brader:
>>> 8. This King of Judea was so paranoid that he killed not only
>>> his first wife but three of his sons, causing Emperor Augustus to
>>> comment that it was "better to be that man's pig than his son".
>>> Name that king.
>> Herod. 4 for Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Erland, Pete, and Joshua.

Dan Tilque:
> There were a number of different rulers of Judea or nearby territories
> during that era named Herod. Several of them are referenced in various
> parts of the Bible.

Who knew?

> I'm surprised you didn't ask which one.

Well, Axxxe didn't. But I wouldn't've known anything about this anyway.
Mark Brader | "There are no nations! There is only humanity.
Toronto | And if we don't come to understand that right | soon, there will be no nations, because there
| will be no humanity." --Isaac Asimov

Dan Tilque

Jul 13, 2019, 5:45:56 AM7/13/19
On 7/12/19 8:36 PM, Mark Brader wrote:
> Mark Brader:
>>>> 8. This King of Judea was so paranoid that he killed not only
>>>> his first wife but three of his sons, causing Emperor Augustus to
>>>> comment that it was "better to be that man's pig than his son".
>>>> Name that king.
>>> Herod. 4 for Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Erland, Pete, and Joshua.
> Dan Tilque:
>> There were a number of different rulers of Judea or nearby territories
>> during that era named Herod. Several of them are referenced in various
>> parts of the Bible.
> Who knew?

Well, I did.

The one that the question asks about is Herod the Great, I think. He's
also the one who supposedly killed all the newborn boys in Bethlehem, or
maybe it was in all Judea, whatever. (I really have doubts this
happened, but then the entire Nativity story is probably all myths
anyway.) He also built the second Temple.

Anyway, H the G died in 4 BC and the other Biblical Herods are his sons
or grandsons. That includes the father of Salome who killed John the

Dan Tilque
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