Mark Brader:
> These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2013-10-21,
> and should be interpreted accordingly... For further information
> see my 2013-09-15 companion posting on "Questions from the
> Canadian Inquisition (QFTCI*)".
Game 5 is over and STEPHEN PERRY has squeaked out a win.
> * Game 5, Round 9 - Miscellaneous - Famous People Name Fusion Fun!
> These are famous people whose names are fused together in a
> "before and after" construction. In each case the first person's
> last name is the second person's first name. Given some clues
> for each person, give the name fusion.
> Example question: "You've Got Mail" actress; "American Idol" host.
> Answer: Meg Ryan Seacrest.
> *Full names are required in each case*, of course.
This was the easiest round in the original game, and the
second-easiest of the entire season.
> 1. "Baywatch" actress; former CNN journalist.
Pamela Anderson Cooper. 4 for Joshua, Marc, Dan Tilque, Stephen,
Dan Blum, Bruce, Jason, Pete, and Jeff.
I've been wondering what might have made the question's author
think that Cooper was "former"; sorry for not noticing that he isn't.
> 2. "Unforgettable" singer; "Kiss Me Kate" Broadway composer and
> songwriter.
Nat "King" Cole Porter (or Natalie Cole Porter). 4 for Joshua,
Calvin, Marc, Stephen, Dan Blum, Peter, Bruce, Jason, Rob, and Pete.
> 3. NDP leader named "the Greatest Canadian"; Canadian "JPod" author.
Tommy Douglas Coupland. 4 for Joshua and Stephen.
> 4. One of the first people to climb Mt. Everest; former US
> secretary of state.
Sir Edmund Hillary Clinton. 4 for Joshua, Calvin, Marc, Dan Tilque,
Stephen, Dan Blum, Peter, Bruce, Jason, Rob, Pete, and Jeff (who,
oddly, remarked "Why can I only think of Tenzing Norgay?" before
giving the correct answer).
> 5. "Polo" fashion designer; "To Have and Have Not" actress.
Ralph Lauren Bacall. 4 for Joshua, Marc, Dan Tilque, Stephen,
Dan Blum, Peter, Bruce, Rob, Pete, and Jeff.
> 6. The UK's "The Naked Chef"; "JFK" director.
Jamie Oliver Stone. 4 for Joshua, Calvin, Stephen, Dan Blum, Peter,
Bruce, and Rob.
> 7. R&B "Hello" singer; Bon Jovi guitarist.
Lionel Richie Sambora. 4 for Joshua, Stephen, Peter, Jason, and Rob.
> 8. "Blowin' in the Wind"; "Do not go gently into that good night".
Bob Dylan Thomas. 4 for Joshua, Calvin, Marc, Dan Tilque, Stephen,
Dan Blum, Peter, Bruce, Jason, Rob, Pete, and Jeff.
> 9. "Piano Man"; "Fargo" filmmaker.
Billy Joel Coen. 4 for Joshua, Calvin, Marc, Dan Tilque, Stephen,
Dan Blum, Peter, Jason, Rob, Pete, and Jeff.
> 10. "Lady Chatterley's Lover"; musical variety show host 1955-82.
D.H. Lawrence Welk. 4 for Joshua, Marc, Dan Tilque, Stephen,
Dan Blum, Jason, Rob, and Jeff.
> * Game 5, Round 10 - Challenge
> Your categories are:
> A. Luke (Literature)
> B. Solo (Sports)
> C. The Princess (History)
> D. Chewie (Science)
> E. Land-Ho (Geography)
> F. C-3PO and R2-D2 (Entertainment)
In the original game, this was the second-hardest round, after the
audio round. In the entire season, this game's audio round was the
third-hardest, and this round was tied for fourth-hardest with Game 2,
Round 7 (on the US Civil Rights Movement).
> A. Luke
> Questions about the Gospel of Luke.
> A1. In Matthew, the last words Jesus spoke on the cross were:
> "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" In John they
> were: "It is finished." But what were they in Luke?
"Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit". (Luke 23:46, KJV.
Other translations were acceptable.) 4 for Joshua and Erland.
The passage Stephen quoted is from Luke 24 and comes after Jesus rises
from the dead.
> A2. Matthew says two women came to the sepulchre and found the
> stone rolled away. Mark says there were three, and John
> says there was only one. But how many women does Luke say
> came to the sepulchre?
More than 4. As Stephen said in a comment while giving the wrong
answer, Luke 25:10 names three of them and mentions "other women"
in the plural. Accepting any number greater than or equal to 5,
as that's close enough for God.
> B. Solo
> Questions about sports for individuals.
> B1. This ancient Olympic sport was the "ultimate fighting" of its
> time. The only rules were no biting or eye-gouging.
> The name comes from the Greek words meaning "all" and
> "strength/power". Name it.
Pankration. 4 for Joshua and Peter.
> B2. This is a form of downhill skiing using bindings where
> the boot is attached only at the toe. Skiers assume a
> lunge position in order to turn. Name it.
Telemark. 4 for Bruce and Pete.
> C. The Princess
> Of Wales, that is. Only 10 women have held that title. Here are
> two questions about a couple of the earlier ones.
> C1. The third Princess of Wales became Dowager Princess when
> her first husband, Arthur, died as prince. She remarried
> Arthur's younger brother Henry in 1509 and became Queen
> Consort. Who was she?
Catherine of Aragon. 4 for Joshua, Calvin, Stephen, and Peter.
3 for Rob.
> C2. Caroline of Brunswick was engaged to "the stupid Prince" in
> 1794, even though they had never met and he was already
> married illegally to Maria Fitzherbert. They did marry
> the following year, and she became Queen Consort when he
> became... what king?
George IV. 4 for Joshua, Calvin, Stephen, Peter, and Jeff.
> D. Chewie
> D1. This is a type of confection made by stretching or pulling
> a sticky mass of boiled sugar, fat, flavourings, and coloring
> until it becomes aerated.
Taffy. 4 for Joshua, Marc, Dan Tilque, Stephen, Dan Blum, Bruce,
Jason, Pete, and Jeff. 3 for Calvin.
> D2. From chew-chew we go to choo-choo. The first American-built
> steam locomotive to operate on a common-carrier railroad
> was a demonstrator designed to convince owners of the newly
> formed Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to use steam engines.
> It is especially remembered as a participant in an impromptu
> race with a horse-drawn car. What was the name of this
> locomotive?
Tom Thumb. 4 for Stephen and Jeff.
> E. Land-Ho
> E1. The first of the journeys associated with the Age of
> Exploration were conducted by the Portuguese under Prince
> Henry the Navigator. What was the first Atlantic island
> group discovered by the Portuguese, in 1419?
The Madeira Is. were the expected answer and were definitely
discovered by the Portuguese in 1419. But there are disputed claims
that they discovered both the Azores and the Canary Is. earlier;
I'm throwing up my hands and accepting all three answers. 4 for
Joshua (the hard way), Calvin (the hard way), Marc, Dan Tilque,
Stephen, Dan Blum, Peter, Erland, Rob, Pete, and Jeff (the hard way).
> E2. On October 12, 1492, land was sighted by a sailor named
> Rodrigo de Triana aboard the Pinta. Columbus named the
> island San Salvador, though he noted that the indigenous
> people already called it Guanahani. Exactly which island
> this was is not known, but there are two groups in modern
> nomenclature that it must have been among; name either group.
Bahamas, Turks & Caicos. 4 for Joshua, Dan Tilque, Stephen,
and Erland. 3 for Calvin and Rob.
> F. C-3PO and R2-D2
> Yes, Star Wars.
> F1. What type of droid is C-3PO?
Protocol droid. 4 for Joshua, Stephen, Dan Blum, Jason, Rob,
and Pete.
> F2. What type of droid is R2-D2? (Besides an "R2 droid".)
Astromech droid. I didn't know either. 4 for Stephen.
Scores, if there are no errors:
ROUNDS-> 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 BEST
TOPICS-> Geo His End Can Lit Sci Mis Cha SIX
Stephen Perry 28 40 36 8 40 28 40 32 216
Joshua Kreitzer 26 36 40 4 35 14 40 32 209
Dan Blum 13 38 -- -- 40 28 32 12 163
Marc Dashevsky 8 39 16 0 20 32 28 8 143
Rob Parker 10 26 20 0 20 28 32 14 140
Peter Smyth 12 29 20 4 24 16 28 16 133
Dan Tilque 8 32 -- -- 20 24 24 12 120
Pete Gayde 11 31 -- -- 20 8 24 16 110
Jason Kreitzer 4 16 36 0 16 0 28 8 108
"Calvin" 6 25 8 0 16 19 20 18 106
Jeff Turner 8 31 -- -- 8 12 24 16 99
Erland Sommarskog 4 28 12 0 4 16 0 12 76
Bruce Bowler -- -- -- -- 12 24 24 8 68
Mark Brader, Toronto | "I said to myself, 'You're crazier than I am | if you believe that.'" --overheard