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RQFTCIMM11 Game 9, Rounds 7-8: rock and roll and pregnancy

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Mark Brader

Nov 4, 2021, 4:17:00 AM11/4/21
These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2011-07-11,
and should be interpreted accordingly. All questions were written
by members of the Misplaced Modifiers, but have been reformatted
and may have been retyped and/or edited by me. I will reveal the
correct answers in about 3 days.

For further information, including an explanation of the """ notation
that may appear in these rounds, see my 2021-07-20 companion posting
on "Reposted Questions from the Canadian Inquisition (RQFTCI*)".

* Game 9, Round 7 - Entertainment - Rock-and-Roll Founders,
Fathers, and Firsts

1. After "Crazy Man Crazy", arguably the first rock-and-roll
song to cross over into the pop charts, Bill Haley went further
by recording this song in 1954 -- the first to hit #1 in the
pop charts of both the US and the UK. Which song?

2. In 1948, what innovation in recorded music did RCA Victor develop
that made recorded music so much more accessible to young fans?

3. Sam Philips operated a recording service in Memphis for 2 years
before opening his own label in 1952. This record label would
eventually feature big names such as Elvis, Carl Perkins,
and Johnny Cash. What was the name of the record label?

4. Elvis, Johnnie Johnson, Bill Haley, and many others have all
been nominated for the title of "Father of Rock and Roll".
Still another contender for the title is a jazz guitarist who
developed much of the hardware and techniques that define rock
and roll -- solid-body guitars, multi-track recording, reverb
and echo effects. Who was this innovator?

5. Breaking away from the Johnnie Johnson Trio, what rock-and-roll
icon made his first solo recording under the name of Charles
Berryn in 1954?

6. In 1952, the Hucklebuckers were among the players at what is
considered the first major rock-and-roll concert. It ended up
in chaos and the fire department had to close it down. It was
held in a city closely associated with rock and roll. What city?

7. He's been called the "Father of R&B", with hugely popular
songs like "Caldonia" and "Choo Choo Ch'Boogie" in the late
'40s. He is also called the "Grandfather of Rock and Roll",
and was the subject of the hit musical "Five Guys Named Moe".
Who was he?

8. Widely reputed (and disputed) to be the first rock-and-roll
recording, this song was released in 1951. Ike Turner wrote
and performed this tribute to his beloved Oldsmobile with his
Kings of Rhythm band. Name the song.

9. In 2004, the 50th anniversary of its release, Rolling Stone
magazine chose Elvis's first commercial single for Sun Records
as the really, truly, honestly first rock-and-roll recording.
What was its name?

10. As a DJ on Cleveland radio in 1951, he tirelessly promoted the
latest R&B acts, attracting both black and white audiences, and
he's credited with coining the term "rock and roll". He would
later be disgraced in the payola scandals of the late '50s.
Later still, he was among the first inductees of the Rock and
Roll Hall of Fame in 1986. Who was he?

* Game 9, Round 8 - Science - Pregnancy, Labor, and Delivery

1. Hormone changes during pregnancy may cause increases in melanin,
resulting in dark patches on the face known scientifically
as melasma or chloasma. What is the common name for this

2. During late pregnancy the hormone relaxin is produced in
concentrations 10 times greater than normal. As its name
suggests, it relaxes something. What?

3. Pitocin ["pi-TOE-sin"] and syntocinon ["sin-TOE-si-non"] are
synthetic replacements for the naturally occurring hormone
oxytocin ["OCK-see-TOE-sin"]. For what purpose is pitocin

4. To manage the pain of labor, a combination of a local anesthetic
and an opioid drug such as fentanyl may be injected into the
lower back, into a space inside the bony spinal canal but not
quite as far as the leathery dura mater ["DUE-ra MAY-ter"]
that protects the spinal fluid and spinal cord. What is the
name of this space?

5. For a delivery to be considered "pre-term", the delivery must
take place before how many weeks of gestation?

6. In utero, fetuses develop a downy layer of hair. Some babies
are born with patches of this, but will shed it soon afterward.
What is it called?

7. Fetal skin is protected by a waxy substance that is often still
present at birth, especially in the underarms. Its name means
"varnish" in Latin. Name it.

8. What is the concentrated substance that comprises many infants'
first meal? It is produced before breast milk, and is high in
antibodies and protein.

9. 25-50% of infants are born with temporary red marks or "bites"
caused by a capillary malformation. What is the popular name
for these?

10. Some babies are born with dark bluish marks on their lower
back or butt, which generally disappear by age 5. About 95%
of infants of East Asian descent have them, and they are also
common among Native Canadians, Polynesians, and East Africans.
After which Asian country are they named?

Mark Brader | "It's not in the slightest bit harder to write Fortran
Toronto | or Basic programs in C++ or Smalltalk than it is | to write them in C or Pascal." -- Peter da Silva

My text in this article is in the public domain.

Erland Sommarskog

Nov 4, 2021, 7:56:36 PM11/4/21
Mark Brader ( writes:

> * Game 9, Round 7 - Entertainment - Rock-and-Roll Founders,
> Fathers, and Firsts
> 1. After "Crazy Man Crazy", arguably the first rock-and-roll
> song to cross over into the pop charts, Bill Haley went further
> by recording this song in 1954 -- the first to hit #1 in the
> pop charts of both the US and the UK. Which song?

Rock Around the Clock

> 3. Sam Philips operated a recording service in Memphis for 2 years
> before opening his own label in 1952. This record label would
> eventually feature big names such as Elvis, Carl Perkins,
> and Johnny Cash. What was the name of the record label?

Tamla Mowton

> 4. Elvis, Johnnie Johnson, Bill Haley, and many others have all
> been nominated for the title of "Father of Rock and Roll".
> Still another contender for the title is a jazz guitarist who
> developed much of the hardware and techniques that define rock
> and roll -- solid-body guitars, multi-track recording, reverb
> and echo effects. Who was this innovator?

Chuck Berry

> 5. Breaking away from the Johnnie Johnson Trio, what rock-and-roll
> icon made his first solo recording under the name of Charles
> Berryn in 1954?

Chuck Berry

> 6. In 1952, the Hucklebuckers were among the players at what is
> considered the first major rock-and-roll concert. It ended up
> in chaos and the fire department had to close it down. It was
> held in a city closely associated with rock and roll. What city?

New Orleans

> 7. He's been called the "Father of R&B", with hugely popular
> songs like "Caldonia" and "Choo Choo Ch'Boogie" in the late
> '40s. He is also called the "Grandfather of Rock and Roll",
> and was the subject of the hit musical "Five Guys Named Moe".
> Who was he?

Louis Jordan

I've said this before, but any good music collection should include
some of his songs.

> 9. In 2004, the 50th anniversary of its release, Rolling Stone
> magazine chose Elvis's first commercial single for Sun Records
> as the really, truly, honestly first rock-and-roll recording.
> What was its name?

Heartbreak Hotel

Dan Blum

Nov 4, 2021, 10:41:10 PM11/4/21
Mark Brader <> wrote:

> * Game 9, Round 7 - Entertainment - Rock-and-Roll Founders,
> Fathers, and Firsts

> 1. After "Crazy Man Crazy", arguably the first rock-and-roll
> song to cross over into the pop charts, Bill Haley went further
> by recording this song in 1954 -- the first to hit #1 in the
> pop charts of both the US and the UK. Which song?

Rock Around the Clock

> 2. In 1948, what innovation in recorded music did RCA Victor develop
> that made recorded music so much more accessible to young fans?

cassette tape

> 4. Elvis, Johnnie Johnson, Bill Haley, and many others have all
> been nominated for the title of "Father of Rock and Roll".
> Still another contender for the title is a jazz guitarist who
> developed much of the hardware and techniques that define rock
> and roll -- solid-body guitars, multi-track recording, reverb
> and echo effects. Who was this innovator?

Les Paul

> 5. Breaking away from the Johnnie Johnson Trio, what rock-and-roll
> icon made his first solo recording under the name of Charles
> Berryn in 1954?

Chuck Berry

> 6. In 1952, the Hucklebuckers were among the players at what is
> considered the first major rock-and-roll concert. It ended up
> in chaos and the fire department had to close it down. It was
> held in a city closely associated with rock and roll. What city?


> 10. As a DJ on Cleveland radio in 1951, he tirelessly promoted the
> latest R&B acts, attracting both black and white audiences, and
> he's credited with coining the term "rock and roll". He would
> later be disgraced in the payola scandals of the late '50s.
> Later still, he was among the first inductees of the Rock and
> Roll Hall of Fame in 1986. Who was he?

Alan Freed

> * Game 9, Round 8 - Science - Pregnancy, Labor, and Delivery

> 2. During late pregnancy the hormone relaxin is produced in
> concentrations 10 times greater than normal. As its name
> suggests, it relaxes something. What?

the vaginal sphincter

> 3. Pitocin ["pi-TOE-sin"] and syntocinon ["sin-TOE-si-non"] are
> synthetic replacements for the naturally occurring hormone
> oxytocin ["OCK-see-TOE-sin"]. For what purpose is pitocin
> administered?

inducing labor

> 4. To manage the pain of labor, a combination of a local anesthetic
> and an opioid drug such as fentanyl may be injected into the
> lower back, into a space inside the bony spinal canal but not
> quite as far as the leathery dura mater ["DUE-ra MAY-ter"]
> that protects the spinal fluid and spinal cord. What is the
> name of this space?


> 5. For a delivery to be considered "pre-term", the delivery must
> take place before how many weeks of gestation?

30; 32

> 7. Fetal skin is protected by a waxy substance that is often still
> present at birth, especially in the underarms. Its name means
> "varnish" in Latin. Name it.


Dan Blum
"I wouldn't have believed it myself if I hadn't just made it up."

Joshua Kreitzer

Nov 5, 2021, 4:12:13 AM11/5/21
On Wednesday, November 3, 2021 at 11:17:00 PM UTC-5, Mark Brader wrote:

> * Game 9, Round 7 - Entertainment - Rock-and-Roll Founders,
> Fathers, and Firsts
> 1. After "Crazy Man Crazy", arguably the first rock-and-roll
> song to cross over into the pop charts, Bill Haley went further
> by recording this song in 1954 -- the first to hit #1 in the
> pop charts of both the US and the UK. Which song?

"Rock Around the Clock"

> 2. In 1948, what innovation in recorded music did RCA Victor develop
> that made recorded music so much more accessible to young fans?

45 rpm record

> 3. Sam Philips operated a recording service in Memphis for 2 years
> before opening his own label in 1952. This record label would
> eventually feature big names such as Elvis, Carl Perkins,
> and Johnny Cash. What was the name of the record label?


> 4. Elvis, Johnnie Johnson, Bill Haley, and many others have all
> been nominated for the title of "Father of Rock and Roll".
> Still another contender for the title is a jazz guitarist who
> developed much of the hardware and techniques that define rock
> and roll -- solid-body guitars, multi-track recording, reverb
> and echo effects. Who was this innovator?

Les Paul

> 5. Breaking away from the Johnnie Johnson Trio, what rock-and-roll
> icon made his first solo recording under the name of Charles
> Berryn in 1954?

Chuck Berry

> 6. In 1952, the Hucklebuckers were among the players at what is
> considered the first major rock-and-roll concert. It ended up
> in chaos and the fire department had to close it down. It was
> held in a city closely associated with rock and roll. What city?


> 8. Widely reputed (and disputed) to be the first rock-and-roll
> recording, this song was released in 1951. Ike Turner wrote
> and performed this tribute to his beloved Oldsmobile with his
> Kings of Rhythm band. Name the song.

"Rocket 88"

> 9. In 2004, the 50th anniversary of its release, Rolling Stone
> magazine chose Elvis's first commercial single for Sun Records
> as the really, truly, honestly first rock-and-roll recording.
> What was its name?

"That's All Right Mama"

> 10. As a DJ on Cleveland radio in 1951, he tirelessly promoted the
> latest R&B acts, attracting both black and white audiences, and
> he's credited with coining the term "rock and roll". He would
> later be disgraced in the payola scandals of the late '50s.
> Later still, he was among the first inductees of the Rock and
> Roll Hall of Fame in 1986. Who was he?

Alan Freed

Joshua Kreitzer

Pete Gayde

Nov 5, 2021, 9:58:23 PM11/5/21
Mark Brader wrote:
> These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2011-07-11,
> and should be interpreted accordingly. All questions were written
> by members of the Misplaced Modifiers, but have been reformatted
> and may have been retyped and/or edited by me. I will reveal the
> correct answers in about 3 days.
> For further information, including an explanation of the """ notation
> that may appear in these rounds, see my 2021-07-20 companion posting
> on "Reposted Questions from the Canadian Inquisition (RQFTCI*)".
> * Game 9, Round 7 - Entertainment - Rock-and-Roll Founders,
> Fathers, and Firsts
> 1. After "Crazy Man Crazy", arguably the first rock-and-roll
> song to cross over into the pop charts, Bill Haley went further
> by recording this song in 1954 -- the first to hit #1 in the
> pop charts of both the US and the UK. Which song?

Rock Around the Clock

> 2. In 1948, what innovation in recorded music did RCA Victor develop
> that made recorded music so much more accessible to young fans?
> 3. Sam Philips operated a recording service in Memphis for 2 years
> before opening his own label in 1952. This record label would
> eventually feature big names such as Elvis, Carl Perkins,
> and Johnny Cash. What was the name of the record label?


> 4. Elvis, Johnnie Johnson, Bill Haley, and many others have all
> been nominated for the title of "Father of Rock and Roll".
> Still another contender for the title is a jazz guitarist who
> developed much of the hardware and techniques that define rock
> and roll -- solid-body guitars, multi-track recording, reverb
> and echo effects. Who was this innovator?

Les Paul

> 5. Breaking away from the Johnnie Johnson Trio, what rock-and-roll
> icon made his first solo recording under the name of Charles
> Berryn in 1954?

Chuck Berry

> 6. In 1952, the Hucklebuckers were among the players at what is
> considered the first major rock-and-roll concert. It ended up
> in chaos and the fire department had to close it down. It was
> held in a city closely associated with rock and roll. What city?

Boston; Cleveland

> 7. He's been called the "Father of R&B", with hugely popular
> songs like "Caldonia" and "Choo Choo Ch'Boogie" in the late
> '40s. He is also called the "Grandfather of Rock and Roll",
> and was the subject of the hit musical "Five Guys Named Moe".
> Who was he?

Howling Wolf; Muddy Waters

> 8. Widely reputed (and disputed) to be the first rock-and-roll
> recording, this song was released in 1951. Ike Turner wrote
> and performed this tribute to his beloved Oldsmobile with his
> Kings of Rhythm band. Name the song.
> 9. In 2004, the 50th anniversary of its release, Rolling Stone
> magazine chose Elvis's first commercial single for Sun Records
> as the really, truly, honestly first rock-and-roll recording.
> What was its name?
> 10. As a DJ on Cleveland radio in 1951, he tirelessly promoted the
> latest R&B acts, attracting both black and white audiences, and
> he's credited with coining the term "rock and roll". He would
> later be disgraced in the payola scandals of the late '50s.
> Later still, he was among the first inductees of the Rock and
> Roll Hall of Fame in 1986. Who was he?


> * Game 9, Round 8 - Science - Pregnancy, Labor, and Delivery
> 1. Hormone changes during pregnancy may cause increases in melanin,
> resulting in dark patches on the face known scientifically
> as melasma or chloasma. What is the common name for this
> phenomenon?
> 2. During late pregnancy the hormone relaxin is produced in
> concentrations 10 times greater than normal. As its name
> suggests, it relaxes something. What?
> 3. Pitocin ["pi-TOE-sin"] and syntocinon ["sin-TOE-si-non"] are
> synthetic replacements for the naturally occurring hormone
> oxytocin ["OCK-see-TOE-sin"]. For what purpose is pitocin
> administered?
> 4. To manage the pain of labor, a combination of a local anesthetic
> and an opioid drug such as fentanyl may be injected into the
> lower back, into a space inside the bony spinal canal but not
> quite as far as the leathery dura mater ["DUE-ra MAY-ter"]
> that protects the spinal fluid and spinal cord. What is the
> name of this space?


> 5. For a delivery to be considered "pre-term", the delivery must
> take place before how many weeks of gestation?

30; 32

> 6. In utero, fetuses develop a downy layer of hair. Some babies
> are born with patches of this, but will shed it soon afterward.
> What is it called?
> 7. Fetal skin is protected by a waxy substance that is often still
> present at birth, especially in the underarms. Its name means
> "varnish" in Latin. Name it.
> 8. What is the concentrated substance that comprises many infants'
> first meal? It is produced before breast milk, and is high in
> antibodies and protein.
> 9. 25-50% of infants are born with temporary red marks or "bites"
> caused by a capillary malformation. What is the popular name
> for these?
> 10. Some babies are born with dark bluish marks on their lower
> back or butt, which generally disappear by age 5. About 95%
> of infants of East Asian descent have them, and they are also
> common among Native Canadians, Polynesians, and East Africans.
> After which Asian country are they named?

Pete Gayde

Dan Tilque

Nov 7, 2021, 3:36:16 AM11/7/21
On 11/3/21 9:16 PM, Mark Brader wrote:
> * Game 9, Round 7 - Entertainment - Rock-and-Roll Founders,
> Fathers, and Firsts
> 1. After "Crazy Man Crazy", arguably the first rock-and-roll
> song to cross over into the pop charts, Bill Haley went further
> by recording this song in 1954 -- the first to hit #1 in the
> pop charts of both the US and the UK. Which song?

Rock Around the Clock

> 2. In 1948, what innovation in recorded music did RCA Victor develop
> that made recorded music so much more accessible to young fans?

45 rpm record

> 3. Sam Philips operated a recording service in Memphis for 2 years
> before opening his own label in 1952. This record label would
> eventually feature big names such as Elvis, Carl Perkins,
> and Johnny Cash. What was the name of the record label?
> 4. Elvis, Johnnie Johnson, Bill Haley, and many others have all
> been nominated for the title of "Father of Rock and Roll".
> Still another contender for the title is a jazz guitarist who
> developed much of the hardware and techniques that define rock
> and roll -- solid-body guitars, multi-track recording, reverb
> and echo effects. Who was this innovator?
> 5. Breaking away from the Johnnie Johnson Trio, what rock-and-roll
> icon made his first solo recording under the name of Charles
> Berryn in 1954?

Chuck Berry

> 6. In 1952, the Hucklebuckers were among the players at what is
> considered the first major rock-and-roll concert. It ended up
> in chaos and the fire department had to close it down. It was
> held in a city closely associated with rock and roll. What city?


> 3. Pitocin ["pi-TOE-sin"] and syntocinon ["sin-TOE-si-non"] are
> synthetic replacements for the naturally occurring hormone
> oxytocin ["OCK-see-TOE-sin"]. For what purpose is pitocin
> administered?

induce labor

> 4. To manage the pain of labor, a combination of a local anesthetic
> and an opioid drug such as fentanyl may be injected into the
> lower back, into a space inside the bony spinal canal but not
> quite as far as the leathery dura mater ["DUE-ra MAY-ter"]
> that protects the spinal fluid and spinal cord. What is the
> name of this space?


> 5. For a delivery to be considered "pre-term", the delivery must
> take place before how many weeks of gestation?


> 6. In utero, fetuses develop a downy layer of hair. Some babies
> are born with patches of this, but will shed it soon afterward.
> What is it called?
> 7. Fetal skin is protected by a waxy substance that is often still
> present at birth, especially in the underarms. Its name means
> "varnish" in Latin. Name it.
> 8. What is the concentrated substance that comprises many infants'
> first meal? It is produced before breast milk, and is high in
> antibodies and protein.


> 9. 25-50% of infants are born with temporary red marks or "bites"
> caused by a capillary malformation. What is the popular name
> for these?
> 10. Some babies are born with dark bluish marks on their lower
> back or butt, which generally disappear by age 5. About 95%
> of infants of East Asian descent have them, and they are also
> common among Native Canadians, Polynesians, and East Africans.
> After which Asian country are they named?

Dan Tilque

Mark Brader

Nov 7, 2021, 4:29:30 AM11/7/21
Mark Brader:
> These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2011-07-11,
> and should be interpreted accordingly... For further information...
> see my 2021-07-20 companion posting on "Reposted Questions from
> the Canadian Inquisition (RQFTCI*)".

> * Game 9, Round 7 - Entertainment - Rock-and-Roll Founders,
> Fathers, and Firsts

> 1. After "Crazy Man Crazy", arguably the first rock-and-roll
> song to cross over into the pop charts, Bill Haley went further
> by recording this song in 1954 -- the first to hit #1 in the
> pop charts of both the US and the UK. Which song?

"Rock Around the Clock". 4 for everyone -- Erland, Dan Blum, Joshua,
Pete, and Dan Tilque.

> 2. In 1948, what innovation in recorded music did RCA Victor develop
> that made recorded music so much more accessible to young fans?

45 rpm records. 4 for Joshua and Dan Tilque.

> 3. Sam Philips operated a recording service in Memphis for 2 years
> before opening his own label in 1952. This record label would
> eventually feature big names such as Elvis, Carl Perkins,
> and Johnny Cash. What was the name of the record label?

Sun. 4 for Joshua and Pete.

> 4. Elvis, Johnnie Johnson, Bill Haley, and many others have all
> been nominated for the title of "Father of Rock and Roll".
> Still another contender for the title is a jazz guitarist who
> developed much of the hardware and techniques that define rock
> and roll -- solid-body guitars, multi-track recording, reverb
> and echo effects. Who was this innovator?

Les Paul. 4 for Dan Blum, Joshua, and Pete.

> 5. Breaking away from the Johnnie Johnson Trio, what rock-and-roll
> icon made his first solo recording under the name of Charles
> Berryn in 1954?

Chuck Berry. 4 for everyone.

> 6. In 1952, the Hucklebuckers were among the players at what is
> considered the first major rock-and-roll concert. It ended up
> in chaos and the fire department had to close it down. It was
> held in a city closely associated with rock and roll. What city?

Cleveland. 4 for Dan Blum, Joshua, and Dan Tilque. 2 for Pete.

> 7. He's been called the "Father of R&B", with hugely popular
> songs like "Caldonia" and "Choo Choo Ch'Boogie" in the late
> '40s. He is also called the "Grandfather of Rock and Roll",
> and was the subject of the hit musical "Five Guys Named Moe".
> Who was he?

Louis Jordan. 4 for Erland.

> 8. Widely reputed (and disputed) to be the first rock-and-roll
> recording, this song was released in 1951. Ike Turner wrote
> and performed this tribute to his beloved Oldsmobile with his
> Kings of Rhythm band. Name the song.

"Rocket 88". 4 for Joshua.

> 9. In 2004, the 50th anniversary of its release, Rolling Stone
> magazine chose Elvis's first commercial single for Sun Records
> as the really, truly, honestly first rock-and-roll recording.
> What was its name?

"That's All Right". 4 for Joshua.

> 10. As a DJ on Cleveland radio in 1951, he tirelessly promoted the
> latest R&B acts, attracting both black and white audiences, and
> he's credited with coining the term "rock and roll". He would
> later be disgraced in the payola scandals of the late '50s.
> Later still, he was among the first inductees of the Rock and
> Roll Hall of Fame in 1986. Who was he?

Alan Freed. 4 for Dan Blum, Joshua, and Pete.

> * Game 9, Round 8 - Science - Pregnancy, Labor, and Delivery

In the original game, this was the hardest round in the entire season.

> 1. Hormone changes during pregnancy may cause increases in melanin,
> resulting in dark patches on the face known scientifically
> as melasma or chloasma. What is the common name for this
> phenomenon?

The mask of pregnancy.

> 2. During late pregnancy the hormone relaxin is produced in
> concentrations 10 times greater than normal. As its name
> suggests, it relaxes something. What?

Joints (or specifically, pelvic ligaments).

> 3. Pitocin ["pi-TOE-sin"] and syntocinon ["sin-TOE-si-non"] are
> synthetic replacements for the naturally occurring hormone
> oxytocin ["OCK-see-TOE-sin"]. For what purpose is pitocin
> administered?

To induce labor. 4 for Dan Blum and Dan Tilque.

> 4. To manage the pain of labor, a combination of a local anesthetic
> and an opioid drug such as fentanyl may be injected into the
> lower back, into a space inside the bony spinal canal but not
> quite as far as the leathery dura mater ["DUE-ra MAY-ter"]
> that protects the spinal fluid and spinal cord. What is the
> name of this space?

The epidural space. 4 for Dan Blum, Pete, and Dan Tilque.

> 5. For a delivery to be considered "pre-term", the delivery must
> take place before how many weeks of gestation?


> 6. In utero, fetuses develop a downy layer of hair. Some babies
> are born with patches of this, but will shed it soon afterward.
> What is it called?

Lanugo ["La-NEW-go"].

> 7. Fetal skin is protected by a waxy substance that is often still
> present at birth, especially in the underarms. Its name means
> "varnish" in Latin. Name it.


> 8. What is the concentrated substance that comprises many infants'
> first meal? It is produced before breast milk, and is high in
> antibodies and protein.

Colostrum (or "beestings", "bisnings", or "first milk").
4 for Dan Tilque.

> 9. 25-50% of infants are born with temporary red marks or "bites"
> caused by a capillary malformation. What is the popular name
> for these?

Stork bites.

> 10. Some babies are born with dark bluish marks on their lower
> back or butt, which generally disappear by age 5. About 95%
> of infants of East Asian descent have them, and they are also
> common among Native Canadians, Polynesians, and East Africans.
> After which Asian country are they named?

Mongolia. ("Mongolian spots". In Mongolia they are simply known
as blue spots.)

Scores, if there are no errors:

GAME 9 ROUNDS-> 2 3 4 6 7 8 BEST
TOPICS-> Can Geo Spo Can Ent Sci FOUR
Joshua Kreitzer 8 34 36 0 36 0 114
Dan Blum 0 24 32 10 20 8 86
Pete Gayde 2 23 12 11 22 4 68
Dan Tilque 4 12 20 0 16 12 60
Erland Sommarskog 0 20 16 0 12 0 48

Mark Brader, Toronto | "Those who cannot Google the past are destined to | repost it." -- Huey Callison, after Santayana
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