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QFTCI5EP Game 5, Rounds 7-8: sharks and states

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Mark Brader

Jun 19, 2017, 1:58:45 AM6/19/17
These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2017-02-13,
and should be interpreted accordingly.

On each question you may give up to two answers, but if you give
both a right answer and a wrong answer, there is a small penalty.
Please post all your answers to the newsgroup in a single followup,
based only on your own knowledge. (In your answer posting, quote
the questions and place your answer below each one.) I will reveal
the correct answers in about 3 days.

All questions were written by members of 5 Easy Pieces and are
used here by permission, but have been reformatted and may have
been retyped and/or edited by me. For further information see
my 2016-11-26 companion posting on "Questions from the Canadian
Inquisition (QFTCI*)".

* Game 5, Round 7 - Science - Sharks

1. Sharks have the most powerful jaws on the planet. How do they
differ from most other animals' jaws?

2. How many gill slits does a shark have on each side of its body?

3. What is the skeleton of a shark made of?

4. What sense is 10,000 times keener in a shark than a human?

The rest of the questions are about specific shark species or
groups. In each case, name the species or group of sharks.

5. This largest shark is a slow-moving filter feeder that feeds
almost exclusively on plankton. The largest confirmed individual
was 12.65 m long and weighed about 21 t. What is its name?

6. This species, which can reach a length of 5 m, is named for the
dark vertical stripes found mainly on juveniles. The blunt-nosed
predator has a well-earned reputation for attacking people.

7. This group of sharks is known for the distinctive structure of
their heads. Their wide-set eyes give them a better visual
range than other sharks.

8. This species of shark is aggressive and usually lives near
high population areas, even venturing far inland via rivers and
tributaries. They are thought to be one of the three species
most likely to attack humans. They get their name from their
short, blunt snout.

9. This shark averages 2-3 m in length and likes to swim in shallow
ocean waters. Its common name comes from the yellowish color
of its back.

10. This primarily solitary shark, which can reach lengths of 7 m,
has a narrow pointed snout, two pectoral fins, and a first dorsal
fin with a triangle shape. If they bite a human, they usually
will stop the attack, since we aren't really tasty to them.

* Game 5, Round 8 - Geography - Bordering US States

We will give you three states, and you simply name the one state
that borders all three. (By "border" here we refer to a land
border, including rivers.) For example, if we'd been doing
Canadian provinces and territories and said Alberta, Manitoba,
and the Northwest Territories, the answer would be Saskatchewan.

1. Utah, Idaho, Oregon.
2. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois.
3. New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware.
4. South Dakota, Colorado, Iowa.
5. Indiana, Ohio, Illinois.
6. Kansas, Illinois, Oklahoma.
7. Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas.
8. West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana.
9. Ohio, Maryland, Kentucky.
10. Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee.

Mark Brader | "But the age of chivalry is gone. That of sophisters, econ-
Toronto | omists, and calculators, has succeeded; and the glory of | Europe is extinguished for ever." --Edmund Burke, 1790

My text in this article is in the public domain.


Jun 19, 2017, 2:34:05 AM6/19/17
On Sunday, June 18, 2017 at 9:58:45 PM UTC-4, Mark Brader wrote:
> These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2017-02-13,
> and should be interpreted accordingly.


> * Game 5, Round 7 - Science - Sharks
> 1. Sharks have the most powerful jaws on the planet. How do they
> differ from most other animals' jaws?

not attached to the cranium (note: nile crocodiles might disagree with that first bit)

> 2. How many gill slits does a shark have on each side of its body?

5 (unless you mean the 6-gilled shark, which has 6)

> 3. What is the skeleton of a shark made of?


> 4. What sense is 10,000 times keener in a shark than a human?


> The rest of the questions are about specific shark species or
> groups. In each case, name the species or group of sharks.
> 5. This largest shark is a slow-moving filter feeder that feeds
> almost exclusively on plankton. The largest confirmed individual
> was 12.65 m long and weighed about 21 t. What is its name?

whale shark

> 6. This species, which can reach a length of 5 m, is named for the
> dark vertical stripes found mainly on juveniles. The blunt-nosed
> predator has a well-earned reputation for attacking people.

tiger shark

> 7. This group of sharks is known for the distinctive structure of
> their heads. Their wide-set eyes give them a better visual
> range than other sharks.

hammerhead shark

> 8. This species of shark is aggressive and usually lives near
> high population areas, even venturing far inland via rivers and
> tributaries. They are thought to be one of the three species
> most likely to attack humans. They get their name from their
> short, blunt snout.

bull shark

> 9. This shark averages 2-3 m in length and likes to swim in shallow
> ocean waters. Its common name comes from the yellowish color
> of its back.

lemon shark

> 10. This primarily solitary shark, which can reach lengths of 7 m,
> has a narrow pointed snout, two pectoral fins, and a first dorsal
> fin with a triangle shape. If they bite a human, they usually
> will stop the attack, since we aren't really tasty to them.

great white shark

> * Game 5, Round 8 - Geography - Bordering US States
> We will give you three states, and you simply name the one state
> that borders all three. (By "border" here we refer to a land
> border, including rivers.) For example, if we'd been doing
> Canadian provinces and territories and said Alberta, Manitoba,
> and the Northwest Territories, the answer would be Saskatchewan.
> 1. Utah, Idaho, Oregon.


> 2. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois.


> 3. New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware.

new jersey

> 4. South Dakota, Colorado, Iowa.


> 5. Indiana, Ohio, Illinois.


> 6. Kansas, Illinois, Oklahoma.


> 7. Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas.

new mexico

> 8. West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana.


> 9. Ohio, Maryland, Kentucky.

west virginia

> 10. Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee.



Joshua Kreitzer

Jun 19, 2017, 3:40:54 AM6/19/17
to (Mark Brader) wrote in news:7KKdnbrHPaFSstrEnZ2dnUU7-

> * Game 5, Round 7 - Science - Sharks
> 1. Sharks have the most powerful jaws on the planet. How do they
> differ from most other animals' jaws?

an extra row of teeth

> 2. How many gill slits does a shark have on each side of its body?

2; 3

> 3. What is the skeleton of a shark made of?


> 4. What sense is 10,000 times keener in a shark than a human?


> The rest of the questions are about specific shark species or
> groups. In each case, name the species or group of sharks.
> 5. This largest shark is a slow-moving filter feeder that feeds
> almost exclusively on plankton. The largest confirmed individual
> was 12.65 m long and weighed about 21 t. What is its name?

nurse shark

> 7. This group of sharks is known for the distinctive structure of
> their heads. Their wide-set eyes give them a better visual
> range than other sharks.

hammerhead shark

> 10. This primarily solitary shark, which can reach lengths of 7 m,
> has a narrow pointed snout, two pectoral fins, and a first dorsal
> fin with a triangle shape. If they bite a human, they usually
> will stop the attack, since we aren't really tasty to them.

great white shark

> * Game 5, Round 8 - Geography - Bordering US States
> We will give you three states, and you simply name the one state
> that borders all three. (By "border" here we refer to a land
> border, including rivers.)
> 1. Utah, Idaho, Oregon.


> 2. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois.


> 3. New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware.

New Jersey

> 4. South Dakota, Colorado, Iowa.


> 5. Indiana, Ohio, Illinois.


> 6. Kansas, Illinois, Oklahoma.


> 7. Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas.

New Mexico

> 8. West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana.


> 9. Ohio, Maryland, Kentucky.

West Virginia

> 10. Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee.


Joshua Kreitzer


Jun 19, 2017, 3:44:51 AM6/19/17
On Monday, June 19, 2017 at 11:58:45 AM UTC+10, Mark Brader wrote:

> * Game 5, Round 7 - Science - Sharks
> 1. Sharks have the most powerful jaws on the planet. How do they
> differ from most other animals' jaws?

They roll forward as new teeth are made

> 2. How many gill slits does a shark have on each side of its body?

3, 4

> 3. What is the skeleton of a shark made of?


> 4. What sense is 10,000 times keener in a shark than a human?


> The rest of the questions are about specific shark species or
> groups. In each case, name the species or group of sharks.
> 5. This largest shark is a slow-moving filter feeder that feeds
> almost exclusively on plankton. The largest confirmed individual
> was 12.65 m long and weighed about 21 t. What is its name?

Whale shark

> 6. This species, which can reach a length of 5 m, is named for the
> dark vertical stripes found mainly on juveniles. The blunt-nosed
> predator has a well-earned reputation for attacking people.


> 7. This group of sharks is known for the distinctive structure of
> their heads. Their wide-set eyes give them a better visual
> range than other sharks.


> 8. This species of shark is aggressive and usually lives near
> high population areas, even venturing far inland via rivers and
> tributaries. They are thought to be one of the three species
> most likely to attack humans. They get their name from their
> short, blunt snout.


> 9. This shark averages 2-3 m in length and likes to swim in shallow
> ocean waters. Its common name comes from the yellowish color
> of its back.


> 10. This primarily solitary shark, which can reach lengths of 7 m,
> has a narrow pointed snout, two pectoral fins, and a first dorsal
> fin with a triangle shape. If they bite a human, they usually
> will stop the attack, since we aren't really tasty to them.

Great white, white pointer

> * Game 5, Round 8 - Geography - Bordering US States
> We will give you three states, and you simply name the one state
> that borders all three. (By "border" here we refer to a land
> border, including rivers.) For example, if we'd been doing
> Canadian provinces and territories and said Alberta, Manitoba,
> and the Northwest Territories, the answer would be Saskatchewan.
> 1. Utah, Idaho, Oregon.


> 2. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois.


> 3. New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware.


> 4. South Dakota, Colorado, Iowa.


> 5. Indiana, Ohio, Illinois.


> 6. Kansas, Illinois, Oklahoma.


> 7. Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas.


> 8. West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana.

Ohio, Illinois

> 9. Ohio, Maryland, Kentucky.


> 10. Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee.


I'm Idaho.


Dan Blum

Jun 19, 2017, 4:47:00 AM6/19/17
Mark Brader <> wrote:

> * Game 5, Round 7 - Science - Sharks

> 2. How many gill slits does a shark have on each side of its body?

4; 5

> 3. What is the skeleton of a shark made of?


> 4. What sense is 10,000 times keener in a shark than a human?


> 5. This largest shark is a slow-moving filter feeder that feeds
> almost exclusively on plankton. The largest confirmed individual
> was 12.65 m long and weighed about 21 t. What is its name?

whale shark

> 6. This species, which can reach a length of 5 m, is named for the
> dark vertical stripes found mainly on juveniles. The blunt-nosed
> predator has a well-earned reputation for attacking people.

tiger shark

> 7. This group of sharks is known for the distinctive structure of
> their heads. Their wide-set eyes give them a better visual
> range than other sharks.

hammerhead shark

> * Game 5, Round 8 - Geography - Bordering US States

> 1. Utah, Idaho, Oregon.


> 2. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois.


> 3. New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware.

New Jersey

> 4. South Dakota, Colorado, Iowa.


> 5. Indiana, Ohio, Illinois.


> 6. Kansas, Illinois, Oklahoma.


> 7. Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas.

New Mexico

> 8. West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana.


> 9. Ohio, Maryland, Kentucky.

West Virginia

> 10. Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee.


Dan Blum
"I wouldn't have believed it myself if I hadn't just made it up."

Dan Tilque

Jun 19, 2017, 8:36:19 AM6/19/17
Mark Brader wrote:
> * Game 5, Round 7 - Science - Sharks
> 1. Sharks have the most powerful jaws on the planet. How do they
> differ from most other animals' jaws?
> 2. How many gill slits does a shark have on each side of its body?


> 3. What is the skeleton of a shark made of?


> 4. What sense is 10,000 times keener in a shark than a human?


> The rest of the questions are about specific shark species or
> groups. In each case, name the species or group of sharks.
> 5. This largest shark is a slow-moving filter feeder that feeds
> almost exclusively on plankton. The largest confirmed individual
> was 12.65 m long and weighed about 21 t. What is its name?
> 6. This species, which can reach a length of 5 m, is named for the
> dark vertical stripes found mainly on juveniles. The blunt-nosed
> predator has a well-earned reputation for attacking people.

tiger shark

> 7. This group of sharks is known for the distinctive structure of
> their heads. Their wide-set eyes give them a better visual
> range than other sharks.


> 8. This species of shark is aggressive and usually lives near
> high population areas, even venturing far inland via rivers and
> tributaries. They are thought to be one of the three species
> most likely to attack humans. They get their name from their
> short, blunt snout.
> 9. This shark averages 2-3 m in length and likes to swim in shallow
> ocean waters. Its common name comes from the yellowish color
> of its back.
> 10. This primarily solitary shark, which can reach lengths of 7 m,
> has a narrow pointed snout, two pectoral fins, and a first dorsal
> fin with a triangle shape. If they bite a human, they usually
> will stop the attack, since we aren't really tasty to them.

great white

> * Game 5, Round 8 - Geography - Bordering US States
> We will give you three states, and you simply name the one state
> that borders all three. (By "border" here we refer to a land
> border, including rivers.) For example, if we'd been doing
> Canadian provinces and territories and said Alberta, Manitoba,
> and the Northwest Territories, the answer would be Saskatchewan.
> 1. Utah, Idaho, Oregon.


> 2. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois.


> 3. New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware.

New Jersey

> 4. South Dakota, Colorado, Iowa.


> 5. Indiana, Ohio, Illinois.


> 6. Kansas, Illinois, Oklahoma.


> 7. Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas.

New Mexico

> 8. West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana.


> 9. Ohio, Maryland, Kentucky.

West Virginia

> 10. Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee.


Dan Tilque

Peter Smyth

Jun 19, 2017, 2:15:32 PM6/19/17
Mark Brader wrote:

> * Game 5, Round 8 - Geography - Bordering US States
> We will give you three states, and you simply name the one state
> that borders all three. (By "border" here we refer to a land
> border, including rivers.) For example, if we'd been doing
> Canadian provinces and territories and said Alberta, Manitoba,
> and the Northwest Territories, the answer would be Saskatchewan.
> 1. Utah, Idaho, Oregon.
> 2. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois.
> 3. New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware.
New Jersey
> 4. South Dakota, Colorado, Iowa.
> 5. Indiana, Ohio, Illinois.
West Virginia
> 6. Kansas, Illinois, Oklahoma.
> 7. Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas.
New Mexico
> 8. West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana.
> 9. Ohio, Maryland, Kentucky.
> 10. Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee.

Peter Smyth

Pete Gayde

Jun 19, 2017, 3:24:56 PM6/19/17
to (Mark Brader) wrote in news:7KKdnbrHPaFSstrEnZ2dnUU7-

> These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2017-02-13,
> and should be interpreted accordingly.
> On each question you may give up to two answers, but if you give
> both a right answer and a wrong answer, there is a small penalty.
> Please post all your answers to the newsgroup in a single followup,
> based only on your own knowledge. (In your answer posting, quote
> the questions and place your answer below each one.) I will reveal
> the correct answers in about 3 days.
> All questions were written by members of 5 Easy Pieces and are
> used here by permission, but have been reformatted and may have
> been retyped and/or edited by me. For further information see
> my 2016-11-26 companion posting on "Questions from the Canadian
> Inquisition (QFTCI*)".
> * Game 5, Round 7 - Science - Sharks
> 1. Sharks have the most powerful jaws on the planet. How do they
> differ from most other animals' jaws?

Shark's jaw is detachable

> 2. How many gill slits does a shark have on each side of its body?

3; 4

> 3. What is the skeleton of a shark made of?


> 4. What sense is 10,000 times keener in a shark than a human?


> The rest of the questions are about specific shark species or
> groups. In each case, name the species or group of sharks.
> 5. This largest shark is a slow-moving filter feeder that feeds
> almost exclusively on plankton. The largest confirmed individual
> was 12.65 m long and weighed about 21 t. What is its name?

Whale shark

> 6. This species, which can reach a length of 5 m, is named for the
> dark vertical stripes found mainly on juveniles. The blunt-nosed
> predator has a well-earned reputation for attacking people.


> 7. This group of sharks is known for the distinctive structure of
> their heads. Their wide-set eyes give them a better visual
> range than other sharks.


> 8. This species of shark is aggressive and usually lives near
> high population areas, even venturing far inland via rivers and
> tributaries. They are thought to be one of the three species
> most likely to attack humans. They get their name from their
> short, blunt snout.


> 9. This shark averages 2-3 m in length and likes to swim in shallow
> ocean waters. Its common name comes from the yellowish color
> of its back.


> 10. This primarily solitary shark, which can reach lengths of 7 m,
> has a narrow pointed snout, two pectoral fins, and a first dorsal
> fin with a triangle shape. If they bite a human, they usually
> will stop the attack, since we aren't really tasty to them.
> * Game 5, Round 8 - Geography - Bordering US States
> We will give you three states, and you simply name the one state
> that borders all three. (By "border" here we refer to a land
> border, including rivers.) For example, if we'd been doing
> Canadian provinces and territories and said Alberta, Manitoba,
> and the Northwest Territories, the answer would be Saskatchewan.
> 1. Utah, Idaho, Oregon.


> 2. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois.


> 3. New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware.

New Jersey

> 4. South Dakota, Colorado, Iowa.


> 5. Indiana, Ohio, Illinois.


> 6. Kansas, Illinois, Oklahoma.


> 7. Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas.

New Mexico

> 8. West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana.


> 9. Ohio, Maryland, Kentucky.

West Virginia

> 10. Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee.



Pete Gayde

Jason Kreitzer

Jun 19, 2017, 5:11:06 PM6/19/17
On Sunday, June 18, 2017 at 9:58:45 PM UTC-4, Mark Brader wrote:
> These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2017-02-13,
> and should be interpreted accordingly.
> On each question you may give up to two answers, but if you give
> both a right answer and a wrong answer, there is a small penalty.
> Please post all your answers to the newsgroup in a single followup,
> based only on your own knowledge. (In your answer posting, quote
> the questions and place your answer below each one.) I will reveal
> the correct answers in about 3 days.
> All questions were written by members of 5 Easy Pieces and are
> used here by permission, but have been reformatted and may have
> been retyped and/or edited by me. For further information see
> my 2016-11-26 companion posting on "Questions from the Canadian
> Inquisition (QFTCI*)".
> * Game 5, Round 7 - Science - Sharks
> 1. Sharks have the most powerful jaws on the planet. How do they
> differ from most other animals' jaws?
> 2. How many gill slits does a shark have on each side of its body?
> 3. What is the skeleton of a shark made of?
> 4. What sense is 10,000 times keener in a shark than a human?
> The rest of the questions are about specific shark species or
> groups. In each case, name the species or group of sharks.
> 5. This largest shark is a slow-moving filter feeder that feeds
> almost exclusively on plankton. The largest confirmed individual
> was 12.65 m long and weighed about 21 t. What is its name?
> 6. This species, which can reach a length of 5 m, is named for the
> dark vertical stripes found mainly on juveniles. The blunt-nosed
> predator has a well-earned reputation for attacking people.
Tiger Shark
> 7. This group of sharks is known for the distinctive structure of
> their heads. Their wide-set eyes give them a better visual
> range than other sharks.
> 8. This species of shark is aggressive and usually lives near
> high population areas, even venturing far inland via rivers and
> tributaries. They are thought to be one of the three species
> most likely to attack humans. They get their name from their
> short, blunt snout.
> 9. This shark averages 2-3 m in length and likes to swim in shallow
> ocean waters. Its common name comes from the yellowish color
> of its back.
> 10. This primarily solitary shark, which can reach lengths of 7 m,
> has a narrow pointed snout, two pectoral fins, and a first dorsal
> fin with a triangle shape. If they bite a human, they usually
> will stop the attack, since we aren't really tasty to them.
> * Game 5, Round 8 - Geography - Bordering US States
> We will give you three states, and you simply name the one state
> that borders all three. (By "border" here we refer to a land
> border, including rivers.) For example, if we'd been doing
> Canadian provinces and territories and said Alberta, Manitoba,
> and the Northwest Territories, the answer would be Saskatchewan.
> 1. Utah, Idaho, Oregon.
> 2. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois.
> 3. New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware.
> 4. South Dakota, Colorado, Iowa.
> 5. Indiana, Ohio, Illinois.
> 6. Kansas, Illinois, Oklahoma.
> 7. Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas.
New Mexico
> 8. West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana.
> 9. Ohio, Maryland, Kentucky.
> 10. Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee.

Erland Sommarskog

Jun 20, 2017, 6:28:34 PM6/20/17
Mark Brader ( writes:
> * Game 5, Round 7 - Science - Sharks
> 1. Sharks have the most powerful jaws on the planet. How do they
> differ from most other animals' jaws?

They're sharper.

> 2. How many gill slits does a shark have on each side of its body?


> 3. What is the skeleton of a shark made of?


> * Game 5, Round 8 - Geography - Bordering US States
> We will give you three states, and you simply name the one state
> that borders all three. (By "border" here we refer to a land
> border, including rivers.) For example, if we'd been doing
> Canadian provinces and territories and said Alberta, Manitoba,
> and the Northwest Territories, the answer would be Saskatchewan.
> 1. Utah, Idaho, Oregon.


> 2. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois.


> 3. New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware.

New Jersey

> 4. South Dakota, Colorado, Iowa.


> 5. Indiana, Ohio, Illinois.


> 6. Kansas, Illinois, Oklahoma.


> 7. Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas.


> 8. West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana.


> 9. Ohio, Maryland, Kentucky.


> 10. Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee.


Erland Sommarskog, Stockholm,


Jun 21, 2017, 3:09:30 PM6/21/17
On Sun, 18 Jun 2017 20:58:39 -0500, Mark Brader wrote:

> These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2017-02-13, and
> should be interpreted accordingly.
> On each question you may give up to two answers, but if you give both a
> right answer and a wrong answer, there is a small penalty. Please post
> all your answers to the newsgroup in a single followup,
> based only on your own knowledge. (In your answer posting, quote the
> questions and place your answer below each one.) I will reveal the
> correct answers in about 3 days.
> All questions were written by members of 5 Easy Pieces and are used here
> by permission, but have been reformatted and may have been retyped
> and/or edited by me. For further information see my 2016-11-26
> companion posting on "Questions from the Canadian Inquisition (QFTCI*)".
> * Game 5, Round 7 - Science - Sharks
> 1. Sharks have the most powerful jaws on the planet. How do they
> differ from most other animals' jaws?

They continually grow teeth

> 2. How many gill slits does a shark have on each side of its body?

Depends on the species, but most have 5 so I'm guessing that's what you're
looking for.

> 3. What is the skeleton of a shark made of?


> 4. What sense is 10,000 times keener in a shark than a human?


> The rest of the questions are about specific shark species or groups.
> In each case, name the species or group of sharks.
> 5. This largest shark is a slow-moving filter feeder that feeds
> almost exclusively on plankton. The largest confirmed individual was
> 12.65 m long and weighed about 21 t. What is its name?

whale shark

> 6. This species, which can reach a length of 5 m, is named for the
> dark vertical stripes found mainly on juveniles. The blunt-nosed
> predator has a well-earned reputation for attacking people.

Tiger shark

> 7. This group of sharks is known for the distinctive structure of
> their heads. Their wide-set eyes give them a better visual range
> than other sharks.

Hammerhead shark

> 8. This species of shark is aggressive and usually lives near
> high population areas, even venturing far inland via rivers and
> tributaries. They are thought to be one of the three species most
> likely to attack humans. They get their name from their short, blunt
> snout.

Bull shark

> 9. This shark averages 2-3 m in length and likes to swim in shallow
> ocean waters. Its common name comes from the yellowish color of its
> back.

Lemon shark

> 10. This primarily solitary shark, which can reach lengths of 7 m,
> has a narrow pointed snout, two pectoral fins, and a first dorsal fin
> with a triangle shape. If they bite a human, they usually will stop
> the attack, since we aren't really tasty to them.
> * Game 5, Round 8 - Geography - Bordering US States
> We will give you three states, and you simply name the one state that
> borders all three. (By "border" here we refer to a land border,
> including rivers.) For example, if we'd been doing Canadian provinces
> and territories and said Alberta, Manitoba,
> and the Northwest Territories, the answer would be Saskatchewan.
> 1. Utah, Idaho, Oregon.


> 2. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois.


> 3. New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware.

New Jersey

> 4. South Dakota, Colorado, Iowa.


> 5. Indiana, Ohio, Illinois.


> 6. Kansas, Illinois, Oklahoma.


> 7. Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas.

New Mexico

> 8. West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana.


> 9. Ohio, Maryland, Kentucky.

West Virginia

Gareth Owen

Jun 21, 2017, 5:32:42 PM6/21/17
to (Mark Brader) writes:

> * Game 5, Round 7 - Science - Sharks
> 1. Sharks have the most powerful jaws on the planet. How do they
> differ from most other animals' jaws?

They are more powerful than them.

> 2. How many gill slits does a shark have on each side of its body?

3. 4.

> 3. What is the skeleton of a shark made of?


> 4. What sense is 10,000 times keener in a shark than a human?


> The rest of the questions are about specific shark species or
> groups. In each case, name the species or group of sharks.
> 5. This largest shark is a slow-moving filter feeder that feeds
> almost exclusively on plankton. The largest confirmed individual
> was 12.65 m long and weighed about 21 t. What is its name?

Whale Shark

> 6. This species, which can reach a length of 5 m, is named for the
> dark vertical stripes found mainly on juveniles. The blunt-nosed
> predator has a well-earned reputation for attacking people.

Tiger shark

> 7. This group of sharks is known for the distinctive structure of
> their heads. Their wide-set eyes give them a better visual
> range than other sharks.


> 8. This species of shark is aggressive and usually lives near
> high population areas, even venturing far inland via rivers and
> tributaries. They are thought to be one of the three species
> most likely to attack humans. They get their name from their
> short, blunt snout.


> 9. This shark averages 2-3 m in length and likes to swim in shallow
> ocean waters. Its common name comes from the yellowish color
> of its back.

The Yellow Shark

> 10. This primarily solitary shark, which can reach lengths of 7 m,
> has a narrow pointed snout, two pectoral fins, and a first dorsal
> fin with a triangle shape. If they bite a human, they usually
> will stop the attack, since we aren't really tasty to them.

Great White

> * Game 5, Round 8 - Geography - Bordering US States
> We will give you three states, and you simply name the one state
> that borders all three. (By "border" here we refer to a land
> border, including rivers.) For example, if we'd been doing
> Canadian provinces and territories and said Alberta, Manitoba,
> and the Northwest Territories, the answer would be Saskatchewan.
> 1. Utah, Idaho, Oregon.

Wyoming. Nebraska.

> 2. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois.

Indiana. Michigan.

> 3. New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware.

New Jersey.

> 4. South Dakota, Colorado, Iowa.

Wyoming. Nebraska.

> 5. Indiana, Ohio, Illinois.

Michigan. Kansas.

> 6. Kansas, Illinois, Oklahoma.

Ohio. Indiana.

> 7. Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas.

Nevada. New Mexico.

> 8. West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana.

Virginia. Mississippi

> 9. Ohio, Maryland, Kentucky.

Louisiana. Tennessee.

> 10. Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee.

Missouri. West Virigina

Mark Brader

Jun 22, 2017, 1:09:48 AM6/22/17
Mark Brader:
> These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2017-02-13,
> and should be interpreted accordingly... For further information
> see my 2016-11-26 companion posting on "Questions from the Canadian
> Inquisition (QFTCI*)".

> * Game 5, Round 7 - Science - Sharks

> 1. Sharks have the most powerful jaws on the planet. How do they
> differ from most other animals' jaws?

The upper and lower jaws are not hinged together at the back, but
move independently. I accepted "not attached to the cranium" and
generously scored "detachable" -- which was not accepted on protest in
the original game -- as almost correct. 4 for Stephen. 3 for Pete.

> 2. How many gill slits does a shark have on each side of its body?

From 5 to 7. Accepting any of these. (And this was how this
one worked in the original game!) 4 for Stephen and Bruce.
2 for Dan Blum.

> 3. What is the skeleton of a shark made of?

Cartilage. 4 for Stephen, Joshua, Calvin, Dan Blum, Dan Tilque,
Pete, Jason, Bruce, and Gareth.

> 4. What sense is 10,000 times keener in a shark than a human?

Smell. 4 for Stephen, Joshua, Calvin, Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Pete,
Jason, Bruce, and Gareth.

> The rest of the questions are about specific shark species or
> groups. In each case, name the species or group of sharks.

> 5. This largest shark is a slow-moving filter feeder that feeds
> almost exclusively on plankton. The largest confirmed individual
> was 12.65 m long and weighed about 21 t. What is its name?

Whale shark. 4 for Stephen, Calvin, Dan Blum, Pete, Bruce,
and Gareth.

> 6. This species, which can reach a length of 5 m, is named for the
> dark vertical stripes found mainly on juveniles. The blunt-nosed
> predator has a well-earned reputation for attacking people.

Tiger shark. 4 for Stephen, Calvin, Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Pete,
Jason, Bruce, and Gareth.

> 7. This group of sharks is known for the distinctive structure of
> their heads. Their wide-set eyes give them a better visual
> range than other sharks.

Hammerheads. 4 for Stephen, Joshua, Calvin, Dan Blum, Dan Tilque,
Pete, Jason, Bruce, and Gareth.

> 8. This species of shark is aggressive and usually lives near
> high population areas, even venturing far inland via rivers and
> tributaries. They are thought to be one of the three species
> most likely to attack humans. They get their name from their
> short, blunt snout.

Bull shark. 4 for Stephen, Calvin, and Bruce.

> 9. This shark averages 2-3 m in length and likes to swim in shallow
> ocean waters. Its common name comes from the yellowish color
> of its back.

Lemon shark. 4 for Stephen and Bruce.

> 10. This primarily solitary shark, which can reach lengths of 7 m,
> has a narrow pointed snout, two pectoral fins, and a first dorsal
> fin with a triangle shape. If they bite a human, they usually
> will stop the attack, since we aren't really tasty to them.

Great white shark. 4 for Stephen, Joshua, Dan Tilque, and Gareth.
3 for Calvin.

> * Game 5, Round 8 - Geography - Bordering US States

> We will give you three states, and you simply name the one state
> that borders all three. (By "border" here we refer to a land
> border, including rivers.) For example, if we'd been doing
> Canadian provinces and territories and said Alberta, Manitoba,
> and the Northwest Territories, the answer would be Saskatchewan.

> 1. Utah, Idaho, Oregon.

Nevada. 4 for Stephen, Joshua, Dan Tilque, Peter, Pete, Jason,
and Erland.

Wyoming does not border Oregon. Nebraska does not border any one
of the three states named.

> 2. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois.

Iowa. 4 for Stephen, Joshua, Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Pete, Jason,
and Bruce.

Neither Ohio nor Michigan nor Indiana has a land border with
Minnesota, and Ohio doesn't border Wisconsin or Illinois either.
The reason the preamble specified land borders is that if
water borders count, then Michigan *is* another correct answer.
It has borders with Illinois in L. Michigan and with Minnesota in
L. Superior. See:

In the original game there was no such specification and the answer
Michigan was accepted on protest.

> 3. New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware.

New Jersey. 4 for Stephen, Joshua, Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Peter,
Pete, Erland, Bruce, and Gareth.

Maryland does not border New York.

> 4. South Dakota, Colorado, Iowa.

Nebraska. 4 for Stephen, Joshua, Calvin, Dan Blum, Dan Tilque,
Peter, Pete, Erland, and Bruce. 2 for Gareth.

Wyoming does not border Iowa. Oregon does not border any one of
the three states named.

> 5. Indiana, Ohio, Illinois.

Kentucky. 4 for Stephen, Joshua, Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Pete, Jason,
Erland, and Bruce.

Again, Michigan would be only correct if we counted the water border
in L. Michigan with Illinois. West Virginia does not border Illinois
or Indiana, and Kansas does not border any one of the three states

> 6. Kansas, Illinois, Oklahoma.

Missouri. 4 for Stephen, Joshua, Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Peter, Pete,
Jason, Erland, and Bruce.

Nebraska does not border either Illinois or Oklahoma. Neither Ohio
nor Indiana borders any one of the three states named.

> 7. Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas.

New Mexico. 4 for Stephen, Joshua, Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Peter,
Pete, Jason, and Bruce. 2 for Gareth.

Kansas does not border Texas. Missouri does not border Texas
or Oklahoma. And Nevada does not border any one of the three
states named.

> 8. West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana.

Ohio. 4 for Stephen, Joshua, Dan Tilque, Pete, Erland, and Bruce.
3 for Calvin.

Illinois does not border West Virginia. Tennessee does not
border West Virginia or Ohio. Virginia does not border Indiana.
Mississippi does not border any one of the three states named.

> 9. Ohio, Maryland, Kentucky.

West Virginia. 4 for Stephen, Joshua, Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Pete,
and Bruce.

Pennsylvania does not border Kentucky. Virginia does not border Ohio.
Tennessee does not border Ohio or Maryland. Louisiana does not
border any one of the three states named.

> 10. Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee.

Arkansas. 4 for Stephen, Joshua, Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Peter, Pete,
Jason, Erland, and Bruce.

Alabama does not border Louisiana. Missouri does not border Louisiana
or Mississippi. West Virigina does not border any one of the three
states named. But on all these questions, I applaud the spirit
of guessing.

Scores, if there are no errors:

GAME 5 ROUNDS-> 2 4 6 7 8 BEST
TOPICS-> Can Spo Ent Sci Geo THREE
Stephen Perry -- 40 36 40 40 120
Joshua Kreitzer 4 30 40 16 40 110
Pete Gayde -- 40 16 23 40 103
Gareth Owen -- 36 36 24 8 96
Bruce Bowler -- 16 0 32 36 84
Dan Blum -- 4 28 22 32 82
"Calvin" 0 23 31 27 7 81
Dan Tilque -- 8 8 20 40 68
Peter Smyth 4 31 8 0 24 63
Jason Kreitzer 0 16 16 16 24 56
Erland Sommarskog -- 20 0 0 28 48
Marc Dashevsky 0 16 20 -- -- 36

Mark Brader, Toronto | "This is a film of non-stop action | and non-start intelligence." --Mark Leeper

Joshua Kreitzer

Jun 22, 2017, 3:12:20 AM6/22/17
A couple of minor corrections which don't affect the results: (Mark Brader) wrote in

>> 6. Kansas, Illinois, Oklahoma.
> Nebraska does not border either Illinois or Oklahoma.

Indiana does border Illinois.

>> 7. Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas.
> Missouri does not border Texas or Oklahoma.

Missouri does border Oklahoma.

Joshua Kreitzer

Mark Brader

Jun 22, 2017, 6:57:54 AM6/22/17
Joshua Kreitzer:
> A couple of minor corrections which don't affect the results:

Thanks. As you might have guessed, I did those annotations by hand.
Mark Brader | "What can be more palpably absurd than the prospect held out
Toronto | of locomotives travelling twice as fast as stagecoaches?" | -- The Quarterly Review (England), March 1825

Marc Dashevsky

Jun 25, 2017, 2:27:36 AM6/25/17
In article <>, says...
> * Game 5, Round 7 - Science - Sharks
> 1. Sharks have the most powerful jaws on the planet. How do they
> differ from most other animals' jaws?
They are made of cartilage rather than bone

> 2. How many gill slits does a shark have on each side of its body?

> 3. What is the skeleton of a shark made of?

> 4. What sense is 10,000 times keener in a shark than a human?

> The rest of the questions are about specific shark species or
> groups. In each case, name the species or group of sharks.
> 5. This largest shark is a slow-moving filter feeder that feeds
> almost exclusively on plankton. The largest confirmed individual
> was 12.65 m long and weighed about 21 t. What is its name?
whale shark

> 6. This species, which can reach a length of 5 m, is named for the
> dark vertical stripes found mainly on juveniles. The blunt-nosed
> predator has a well-earned reputation for attacking people.
tiger shark

> 7. This group of sharks is known for the distinctive structure of
> their heads. Their wide-set eyes give them a better visual
> range than other sharks.
hammerhead shark

> 8. This species of shark is aggressive and usually lives near
> high population areas, even venturing far inland via rivers and
> tributaries. They are thought to be one of the three species
> most likely to attack humans. They get their name from their
> short, blunt snout.
bull shark

> 9. This shark averages 2-3 m in length and likes to swim in shallow
> ocean waters. Its common name comes from the yellowish color
> of its back.

> 10. This primarily solitary shark, which can reach lengths of 7 m,
> has a narrow pointed snout, two pectoral fins, and a first dorsal
> fin with a triangle shape. If they bite a human, they usually
> will stop the attack, since we aren't really tasty to them.
> * Game 5, Round 8 - Geography - Bordering US States
> We will give you three states, and you simply name the one state
> that borders all three. (By "border" here we refer to a land
> border, including rivers.) For example, if we'd been doing
> Canadian provinces and territories and said Alberta, Manitoba,
> and the Northwest Territories, the answer would be Saskatchewan.
> 1. Utah, Idaho, Oregon.

> 2. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois.

> 3. New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware.
New Jersey

> 4. South Dakota, Colorado, Iowa.

> 5. Indiana, Ohio, Illinois.

> 6. Kansas, Illinois, Oklahoma.

> 7. Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas.
New Mexico

> 8. West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana.

> 9. Ohio, Maryland, Kentucky.
West Virginia

> 10. Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee.

Replace "usenet" with "marc" in the e-mail address.

Mark Brader

Jun 25, 2017, 3:13:02 AM6/25/17
If Marc Dashevsky had posted his answers on time, I would have accepted
his clever answer on the first question and he would have scored 24 points
on Round 7 and 40 points on Round 8.
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