On Saturday, February 22, 2014 5:43:16 AM UTC-5, Erland Sommarskog wrote:
> swp (
Stephen...@gmail.com) writes:
> ***
> > #7. Sochi, Russia, is the site of the current Winter Olympics. It has
> > many "sister cities", the first of which was Cheltenham,
> > Gloucestershire, United Kingdom. Since what *year* has Cheltenham
> > been Sochi's sister city?
> What a completely crazy question!
sort of. I heard about the large number of sister cities for Sochi during the
opening ceremony telecast, and decided to add something regarding that as a
question in the next knock out contest. It is topical for current events, of
course, and isn't as whacky as asking how many sister cities Sochi has. Oh,
and I like the alliteration of saying 'Sochi's Sister Cities' too.