Mark Brader:
> These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2003-03-03,
> and should be interpreted accordingly... For further information...
> see my 2020-06-23 companion posting on "Reposted Questions from
> the Canadian Inquisition (RQFTCI*)".
> I did not write these rounds.
> * Game 7, Round 7 - Geography - Place Names in Other Languages
> If it's Tuesday this must be Frankreich ["FRAHNK-rike"]. We'll give
> you the current name of a country in a language other than English.
> We'll also tell you which language it's in. You give the country's
> name in English. By the way, they are all UN member countries.
> For example: We say, "The language is German: the country is
> Frankreich." You say, "France".
> 1. The language is French: the country is Lettonie ["leh-toe-NEE"].
Latvia (not Lithuania, which is Lituanie). 4 for Dan Tilque
and Erland. 3 for Pete. 2 for Joshua.
> 2. The language is Hebrew: the country is Sefarad ["se-fa-RAD"].
Spain. 4 for Joshua and Dan Blum.
> 3. The language is Arabic: the country is al-Urdun ["al-oor-DOON"].
Jordan. 4 for Joshua.
> 4. The language is Latin: the country is Lusitania.
Portugal. 4 for Joshua, Dan Tilque, Erland, and Dan Blum.
> 5. The language is Spanish: the country is Argelia ["ar-HAIL-ya"].
Algeria. 4 for Joshua, Dan Tilque, and Erland.
> 6. The language is Arabic: the country is al-Hind.
India. 4 for Joshua, Dan Tilque, Erland, and Dan Blum.
> 7. The language is Spanish: the country is Paises Bajos
> ["pie-EE-sess-BA-hoce"].
Netherlands. (Also accepting "Holland".) 4 for Joshua, Dan Tilque,
Erland, and Dan Blum.
> 8. The language is German: the country is Griechenland
> ["GREE-shen-lahnt"].
Greece. 4 for everyone -- Joshua, Dan Tilque, Erland, Dan Blum,
and Pete.
> 9. The language is Russian: the country is Khorvatiya
> ["khor-VAT-ee-yah"].
Croatia. 4 for Joshua and Erland.
Remember, its local-language name is Hrvatska, as seen in the domain
suffix ".hr".
> 10. The language is Russian: the country is Shveytsariya
> ["shvey-TSAR-ee-yah"].
Switzerland. (Joined the UN in 2002.) 4 for Joshua, Dan Tilque,
Erland, and Pete.
> * Game 7, Round 8 - Miscellaneous/History/Entertainment/Sleaze -
> 50 Ways to Kill Your Lover
> These questions all deal with people who were murdered -- at least
> allegedly -- by their supposed significant other.
In the score table I'm showing this as a second history round.
> For monarchs you must give name and number if applicable.
> For other people you must give the surname they were known by,
> or if that appears in the question, then their first name.
> 1. The mother of all spousal murder cases is, of course, that of
> O.J. Simpson, who we hasten to add was never convicted of it
> in criminal court, though he was successfully sued, as civil
> court requires a lower standard of proof. The original criminal
> trial gave rise to a boatload of minor or transient celebrities.
> We'll ask you to name just one: the presiding judge.
Lance Ito. 4 for Joshua, Dan Tilque, Dan Blum, and Pete.
> 2. John Simon Ritchie, better known as Sid Vicious, was charged in
> the 1978 murder of his girlfriend Nancy Spungen, but never
> brought to trial since he died of a drug overdose a few months
> later. At what venerable New York *location* did the murder
> take place?
Chelsea Hotel. 4 for Joshua.
> 3. The aforementioned Sid Vicious was played by Gary Oldman in the
> 1986 movie "Sid and Nancy"; a year later Oldman played the
> real-life victim of a domestic killing in another movie.
> Who was that?
Joe Orton ("Prick Up Your Ears"). 4 for Joshua.
> 4. The author of "The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet" was
> murdered by his lover in 1980. Name either of the principals
> in this incident.
Herman Tarnower, Jean Harris. 4 for Joshua (the hard way) and Pete.
> 5. This English king, who probably had lovers of both sexes,
> was murdered in 1327, allegedly on the instigation of his wife
> Isabella and her lover Roger Mortimer. Name and number required
> if applicable.
Edward II. 4 for Dan Tilque, Erland, and Dan Blum.
> 6. Comedian Phil Hartman's wife Bryn murdered him and then killed
> herself in May 1998. Her family launched a suit against the
> drug manufacturer Pfizer, claiming that her actions were caused
> by a medication she was taking -- even though both cocaine
> and alcohol were also found in her system. Which popular
> anti-depressant was she using?
Zoloft (sertraline). 3 for Joshua.
> 7. Who (other than himself) was killed by Paul Snider on 1980-08-14?
Dorothy Stratten (his wife). 4 for Joshua and Pete.
> 8. Which Roman emperor was allegedly murdered by his wife Agrippina
> by being fed a dish of poison mushrooms?
Claudius. (In 54.)
> 9. On 1976-03-21, Andy Williams's ex-wife killed her then-lover.
> Name either her or her victim.
Claudine Longet, Spider Sabich. 4 for Joshua (the hard way) and Pete.
> 10. Actor Robert Blake """currently""" sits in jail awaiting trial
> for the murder of his wife. Name her.
Bonny Lee Bakley. Like Simpson, Blake was acquitted, but found
liable under civil law. He's still alive. 4 for Joshua.
Scores, if there are no errors:
GAME 7 ROUNDS-> 2 3 4 6 7 8 BEST
TOPICS-> Spo Sci His Lit Geo His FOUR
Joshua Kreitzer 4 28 12 20 38 31 117
Dan Tilque 4 40 4 36 28 8 112
Dan Blum 0 28 20 40 20 8 108
Erland Sommarskog 7 39 8 4 32 4 86
Pete Gayde 8 4 8 8 11 16 43
Mark Brader, Toronto "Big programs are a bug." -- Geoff Collyer