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RQFTCI03 Game 7 Rounds 7-8: Ortsnamen, mariticide and uxoricide

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Mark Brader

Jan 19, 2021, 12:29:06 AM1/19/21
These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2003-03-03,
and should be interpreted accordingly. All questions were written
by members of the Usual Suspects, but have been reformatted and
may have been retyped and/or edited by me. I will reveal the
correct answers in about 3 days.

For further information, including an explanation of the """
notation that may appear in these rounds, see my 2020-06-23
companion posting on "Reposted Questions from the Canadian
Inquisition (RQFTCI*)".

I did not write these rounds.

* Game 7, Round 7 - Geography - Place Names in Other Languages

If it's Tuesday this must be Frankreich ["FRAHNK-rike"]. We'll give
you the current name of a country in a language other than English.
We'll also tell you which language it's in. You give the country's
name in English. By the way, they are all UN member countries.

For example: We say, "The language is German: the country is
Frankreich." You say, "France".

1. The language is French: the country is Lettonie ["leh-toe-NEE"].
2. The language is Hebrew: the country is Sefarad ["se-fa-RAD"].
3. The language is Arabic: the country is al-Urdun ["al-oor-DOON"].
4. The language is Latin: the country is Lusitania.
5. The language is Spanish: the country is Argelia ["ar-HAIL-ya"].
6. The language is Arabic: the country is al-Hind.

7. The language is Spanish: the country is Paises Bajos

8. The language is German: the country is Griechenland

9. The language is Russian: the country is Khorvatiya

10. The language is Russian: the country is Shveytsariya

* Game 7, Round 8 - Miscellaneous/History/Entertainment/Sleaze -
50 Ways to Kill Your Lover

These questions all deal with people who were murdered -- at least
allegedly -- by their supposed significant other.

For monarchs you must give name and number if applicable.
For other people you must give the surname they were known by,
or if that appears in the question, then their first name.

1. The mother of all spousal murder cases is, of course, that of
O.J. Simpson, who we hasten to add was never convicted of it
in criminal court, though he was successfully sued, as civil
court requires a lower standard of proof. The original criminal
trial gave rise to a boatload of minor or transient celebrities.
We'll ask you to name just one: the presiding judge.

2. John Simon Ritchie, better known as Sid Vicious, was charged in
the 1978 murder of his girlfriend Nancy Spungen, but never
brought to trial since he died of a drug overdose a few months
later. At what venerable New York *location* did the murder
take place?

3. The aforementioned Sid Vicious was played by Gary Oldman in the
1986 movie "Sid and Nancy"; a year later Oldman played the
real-life victim of a domestic killing in another movie.
Who was that?

4. The author of "The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet" was
murdered by his lover in 1980. Name either of the principals
in this incident.

5. This English king, who probably had lovers of both sexes,
was murdered in 1327, allegedly on the instigation of his wife
Isabella and her lover Roger Mortimer. Name and number required
if applicable.

6. Comedian Phil Hartman's wife Bryn murdered him and then killed
herself in May 1998. Her family launched a suit against the
drug manufacturer Pfizer, claiming that her actions were caused
by a medication she was taking -- even though both cocaine
and alcohol were also found in her system. Which popular
anti-depressant was she using?

7. Who (other than himself) was killed by Paul Snider on 1980-08-14?

8. Which Roman emperor was allegedly murdered by his wife Agrippina
by being fed a dish of poison mushrooms?

9. On 1976-03-21, Andy Williams's ex-wife killed her then-lover.
Name either her or her victim.

10. Actor Robert Blake """currently""" sits in jail awaiting trial
for the murder of his wife. Name her.

Mark Brader "The worst things may happen, including a program
Toronto that works fine on your computer but crashes on your customer's machine." -- Dan Pop

My text in this article is in the public domain.

Joshua Kreitzer

Jan 19, 2021, 9:44:02 AM1/19/21
to (Mark Brader) wrote in news:ytSdnW1R-peG85v9nZ2dnUU7-

> * Game 7, Round 7 - Geography - Place Names in Other Languages
> If it's Tuesday this must be Frankreich ["FRAHNK-rike"]. We'll give
> you the current name of a country in a language other than English.
> We'll also tell you which language it's in. You give the country's
> name in English. By the way, they are all UN member countries.
> 1. The language is French: the country is Lettonie ["leh-toe-NEE"].

Lithuania; Latvia

> 2. The language is Hebrew: the country is Sefarad ["se-fa-RAD"].


> 3. The language is Arabic: the country is al-Urdun ["al-oor-DOON"].


> 4. The language is Latin: the country is Lusitania.


> 5. The language is Spanish: the country is Argelia ["ar-HAIL-ya"].


> 6. The language is Arabic: the country is al-Hind.


> 7. The language is Spanish: the country is Paises Bajos
> ["pie-EE-sess-BA-hoce"].


> 8. The language is German: the country is Griechenland
> ["GREE-shen-lahnt"].


> 9. The language is Russian: the country is Khorvatiya
> ["khor-VAT-ee-yah"].


> 10. The language is Russian: the country is Shveytsariya
> ["shvey-TSAR-ee-yah"].


> * Game 7, Round 8 - Miscellaneous/History/Entertainment/Sleaze -
> 50 Ways to Kill Your Lover
> These questions all deal with people who were murdered -- at least
> allegedly -- by their supposed significant other.
> 1. The mother of all spousal murder cases is, of course, that of
> O.J. Simpson, who we hasten to add was never convicted of it
> in criminal court, though he was successfully sued, as civil
> court requires a lower standard of proof. The original criminal
> trial gave rise to a boatload of minor or transient celebrities.
> We'll ask you to name just one: the presiding judge.

Lance Ito

> 2. John Simon Ritchie, better known as Sid Vicious, was charged in
> the 1978 murder of his girlfriend Nancy Spungen, but never
> brought to trial since he died of a drug overdose a few months
> later. At what venerable New York *location* did the murder
> take place?

Chelsea Hotel

> 3. The aforementioned Sid Vicious was played by Gary Oldman in the
> 1986 movie "Sid and Nancy"; a year later Oldman played the
> real-life victim of a domestic killing in another movie.
> Who was that?

Joe Orton

> 4. The author of "The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet" was
> murdered by his lover in 1980. Name either of the principals
> in this incident.

Tarnower; Harris

> 5. This English king, who probably had lovers of both sexes,
> was murdered in 1327, allegedly on the instigation of his wife
> Isabella and her lover Roger Mortimer. Name and number required
> if applicable.

Edward III

> 6. Comedian Phil Hartman's wife Bryn murdered him and then killed
> herself in May 1998. Her family launched a suit against the
> drug manufacturer Pfizer, claiming that her actions were caused
> by a medication she was taking -- even though both cocaine
> and alcohol were also found in her system. Which popular
> anti-depressant was she using?

Zoloft; Prozac

> 7. Who (other than himself) was killed by Paul Snider on 1980-08-14?

Dorothy Stratten

> 8. Which Roman emperor was allegedly murdered by his wife Agrippina
> by being fed a dish of poison mushrooms?

Nero; Caligula

> 9. On 1976-03-21, Andy Williams's ex-wife killed her then-lover.
> Name either her or her victim.

Claudine Longet; "Spider" Sabich

> 10. Actor Robert Blake """currently""" sits in jail awaiting trial
> for the murder of his wife. Name her.

Bonny Bakley

Joshua Kreitzer

Dan Tilque

Jan 19, 2021, 2:00:25 PM1/19/21
On 1/18/21 9:28 PM, Mark Brader wrote:
> * Game 7, Round 7 - Geography - Place Names in Other Languages
> If it's Tuesday this must be Frankreich ["FRAHNK-rike"]. We'll give
> you the current name of a country in a language other than English.
> We'll also tell you which language it's in. You give the country's
> name in English. By the way, they are all UN member countries.
> For example: We say, "The language is German: the country is
> Frankreich." You say, "France".
> 1. The language is French: the country is Lettonie ["leh-toe-NEE"].


> 2. The language is Hebrew: the country is Sefarad ["se-fa-RAD"].

South Africa

> 3. The language is Arabic: the country is al-Urdun ["al-oor-DOON"].


> 4. The language is Latin: the country is Lusitania.


> 5. The language is Spanish: the country is Argelia ["ar-HAIL-ya"].


> 6. The language is Arabic: the country is al-Hind.


> 7. The language is Spanish: the country is Paises Bajos
> ["pie-EE-sess-BA-hoce"].


> 8. The language is German: the country is Griechenland
> ["GREE-shen-lahnt"].


> 9. The language is Russian: the country is Khorvatiya
> ["khor-VAT-ee-yah"].


> 10. The language is Russian: the country is Shveytsariya
> ["shvey-TSAR-ee-yah"].


> * Game 7, Round 8 - Miscellaneous/History/Entertainment/Sleaze -
> 50 Ways to Kill Your Lover
> These questions all deal with people who were murdered -- at least
> allegedly -- by their supposed significant other.
> For monarchs you must give name and number if applicable.
> For other people you must give the surname they were known by,
> or if that appears in the question, then their first name.
> 1. The mother of all spousal murder cases is, of course, that of
> O.J. Simpson, who we hasten to add was never convicted of it
> in criminal court, though he was successfully sued, as civil
> court requires a lower standard of proof. The original criminal
> trial gave rise to a boatload of minor or transient celebrities.
> We'll ask you to name just one: the presiding judge.


> 2. John Simon Ritchie, better known as Sid Vicious, was charged in
> the 1978 murder of his girlfriend Nancy Spungen, but never
> brought to trial since he died of a drug overdose a few months
> later. At what venerable New York *location* did the murder
> take place?
> 3. The aforementioned Sid Vicious was played by Gary Oldman in the
> 1986 movie "Sid and Nancy"; a year later Oldman played the
> real-life victim of a domestic killing in another movie.
> Who was that?
> 4. The author of "The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet" was
> murdered by his lover in 1980. Name either of the principals
> in this incident.
> 5. This English king, who probably had lovers of both sexes,
> was murdered in 1327, allegedly on the instigation of his wife
> Isabella and her lover Roger Mortimer. Name and number required
> if applicable.

Edward II

> 6. Comedian Phil Hartman's wife Bryn murdered him and then killed
> herself in May 1998. Her family launched a suit against the
> drug manufacturer Pfizer, claiming that her actions were caused
> by a medication she was taking -- even though both cocaine
> and alcohol were also found in her system. Which popular
> anti-depressant was she using?


> 7. Who (other than himself) was killed by Paul Snider on 1980-08-14?
> 8. Which Roman emperor was allegedly murdered by his wife Agrippina
> by being fed a dish of poison mushrooms?
> 9. On 1976-03-21, Andy Williams's ex-wife killed her then-lover.
> Name either her or her victim.
> 10. Actor Robert Blake """currently""" sits in jail awaiting trial
> for the murder of his wife. Name her.

Dan Tilque

Erland Sommarskog

Jan 19, 2021, 2:18:21 PM1/19/21
Mark Brader ( writes:
> * Game 7, Round 7 - Geography - Place Names in Other Languages
> 1. The language is French: the country is Lettonie ["leh-toe-NEE"].


> 2. The language is Hebrew: the country is Sefarad ["se-fa-RAD"].


> 3. The language is Arabic: the country is al-Urdun ["al-oor-DOON"].


> 4. The language is Latin: the country is Lusitania.


> 5. The language is Spanish: the country is Argelia ["ar-HAIL-ya"].


> 6. The language is Arabic: the country is al-Hind.


> 7. The language is Spanish: the country is Paises Bajos
> ["pie-EE-sess-BA-hoce"].


> 8. The language is German: the country is Griechenland
> ["GREE-shen-lahnt"].


> 9. The language is Russian: the country is Khorvatiya
> ["khor-VAT-ee-yah"].


> 10. The language is Russian: the country is Shveytsariya
> ["shvey-TSAR-ee-yah"].


> * Game 7, Round 8 - Miscellaneous/History/Entertainment/Sleaze -
> 50 Ways to Kill Your Lover
> 5. This English king, who probably had lovers of both sexes,
> was murdered in 1327, allegedly on the instigation of his wife
> Isabella and her lover Roger Mortimer. Name and number required
> if applicable.

Edward II

Dan Blum

Jan 19, 2021, 6:40:56 PM1/19/21
Mark Brader <> wrote:

> * Game 7, Round 7 - Geography - Place Names in Other Languages

> 1. The language is French: the country is Lettonie ["leh-toe-NEE"].


> 2. The language is Hebrew: the country is Sefarad ["se-fa-RAD"].


> 3. The language is Arabic: the country is al-Urdun ["al-oor-DOON"].


> 4. The language is Latin: the country is Lusitania.


> 5. The language is Spanish: the country is Argelia ["ar-HAIL-ya"].

Poland; Hungary

> 6. The language is Arabic: the country is al-Hind.


> 7. The language is Spanish: the country is Paises Bajos
> ["pie-EE-sess-BA-hoce"].


> 8. The language is German: the country is Griechenland
> ["GREE-shen-lahnt"].


> 9. The language is Russian: the country is Khorvatiya
> ["khor-VAT-ee-yah"].

Hungary; Poland

> 10. The language is Russian: the country is Shveytsariya
> ["shvey-TSAR-ee-yah"].


> * Game 7, Round 8 - Miscellaneous/History/Entertainment/Sleaze -
> 50 Ways to Kill Your Lover

> 1. The mother of all spousal murder cases is, of course, that of
> O.J. Simpson, who we hasten to add was never convicted of it
> in criminal court, though he was successfully sued, as civil
> court requires a lower standard of proof. The original criminal
> trial gave rise to a boatload of minor or transient celebrities.
> We'll ask you to name just one: the presiding judge.


> 2. John Simon Ritchie, better known as Sid Vicious, was charged in
> the 1978 murder of his girlfriend Nancy Spungen, but never
> brought to trial since he died of a drug overdose a few months
> later. At what venerable New York *location* did the murder
> take place?

Pennsylvania Hotel; Waldorf-Astoria

> 5. This English king, who probably had lovers of both sexes,
> was murdered in 1327, allegedly on the instigation of his wife
> Isabella and her lover Roger Mortimer. Name and number required
> if applicable.

Edward II

> 6. Comedian Phil Hartman's wife Bryn murdered him and then killed
> herself in May 1998. Her family launched a suit against the
> drug manufacturer Pfizer, claiming that her actions were caused
> by a medication she was taking -- even though both cocaine
> and alcohol were also found in her system. Which popular
> anti-depressant was she using?


> 8. Which Roman emperor was allegedly murdered by his wife Agrippina
> by being fed a dish of poison mushrooms?


Dan Blum
"I wouldn't have believed it myself if I hadn't just made it up."

Pete Gayde

Jan 20, 2021, 11:47:48 PM1/20/21
Mark Brader wrote:
> These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2003-03-03,
> and should be interpreted accordingly. All questions were written
> by members of the Usual Suspects, but have been reformatted and
> may have been retyped and/or edited by me. I will reveal the
> correct answers in about 3 days.
> For further information, including an explanation of the """
> notation that may appear in these rounds, see my 2020-06-23
> companion posting on "Reposted Questions from the Canadian
> Inquisition (RQFTCI*)".
> I did not write these rounds.
> * Game 7, Round 7 - Geography - Place Names in Other Languages
> If it's Tuesday this must be Frankreich ["FRAHNK-rike"]. We'll give
> you the current name of a country in a language other than English.
> We'll also tell you which language it's in. You give the country's
> name in English. By the way, they are all UN member countries.
> For example: We say, "The language is German: the country is
> Frankreich." You say, "France".
> 1. The language is French: the country is Lettonie ["leh-toe-NEE"].

Latvia; Lithuania

> 2. The language is Hebrew: the country is Sefarad ["se-fa-RAD"].

Morocco; Libya

> 3. The language is Arabic: the country is al-Urdun ["al-oor-DOON"].
> 4. The language is Latin: the country is Lusitania.

England; Ireland

> 5. The language is Spanish: the country is Argelia ["ar-HAIL-ya"].
> 6. The language is Arabic: the country is al-Hind.
> 7. The language is Spanish: the country is Paises Bajos
> ["pie-EE-sess-BA-hoce"].

Cote D'Ivoire

> 8. The language is German: the country is Griechenland
> ["GREE-shen-lahnt"].


> 9. The language is Russian: the country is Khorvatiya
> ["khor-VAT-ee-yah"].
> 10. The language is Russian: the country is Shveytsariya
> ["shvey-TSAR-ee-yah"].


> * Game 7, Round 8 - Miscellaneous/History/Entertainment/Sleaze -
> 50 Ways to Kill Your Lover
> These questions all deal with people who were murdered -- at least
> allegedly -- by their supposed significant other.
> For monarchs you must give name and number if applicable.
> For other people you must give the surname they were known by,
> or if that appears in the question, then their first name.
> 1. The mother of all spousal murder cases is, of course, that of
> O.J. Simpson, who we hasten to add was never convicted of it
> in criminal court, though he was successfully sued, as civil
> court requires a lower standard of proof. The original criminal
> trial gave rise to a boatload of minor or transient celebrities.
> We'll ask you to name just one: the presiding judge.


> 2. John Simon Ritchie, better known as Sid Vicious, was charged in
> the 1978 murder of his girlfriend Nancy Spungen, but never
> brought to trial since he died of a drug overdose a few months
> later. At what venerable New York *location* did the murder
> take place?

CBGB; The Dakota

> 3. The aforementioned Sid Vicious was played by Gary Oldman in the
> 1986 movie "Sid and Nancy"; a year later Oldman played the
> real-life victim of a domestic killing in another movie.
> Who was that?
> 4. The author of "The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet" was
> murdered by his lover in 1980. Name either of the principals
> in this incident.


> 5. This English king, who probably had lovers of both sexes,
> was murdered in 1327, allegedly on the instigation of his wife
> Isabella and her lover Roger Mortimer. Name and number required
> if applicable.
> 6. Comedian Phil Hartman's wife Bryn murdered him and then killed
> herself in May 1998. Her family launched a suit against the
> drug manufacturer Pfizer, claiming that her actions were caused
> by a medication she was taking -- even though both cocaine
> and alcohol were also found in her system. Which popular
> anti-depressant was she using?
> 7. Who (other than himself) was killed by Paul Snider on 1980-08-14?


> 8. Which Roman emperor was allegedly murdered by his wife Agrippina
> by being fed a dish of poison mushrooms?


> 9. On 1976-03-21, Andy Williams's ex-wife killed her then-lover.
> Name either her or her victim.

Claudine Longet

> 10. Actor Robert Blake """currently""" sits in jail awaiting trial
> for the murder of his wife. Name her.

Pete Gayde

Mark Brader

Jan 21, 2021, 2:27:19 AM1/21/21
In April 2020, when the Canadian Inquisition had only recently
suspended its season, I posted this question originally written
by someone on MI5 for use on 2020-02-03.

> These athletes are named Smith. Give their first names.
> F2. This man was the quarterback for the Washington Redskins.
> He suffered a compound spiral fracture to the tibia and
> fibula in his right leg in Week 11 of the 2018 season, and
> has not played since, although he still hopes to return to
> the NFL.

Stephen Perry correctly named the athlete as Alex Smith.

I'd just like to mention that "60 Minutes" did an item this week
on the man.

Due to the spiral break, the tibia was fractured into so many pieces
that it had to be joined with plates and a couple of dozen screws
inside the leg, *and* a sort of cage structure around the leg,
called a "fixator", that he had to wear for 10 months.

But it was worse than that. A "compound fracture" is one where the
broken bone protrudes from the skin, and in this case, the result was
that it got infected -- with *necrotizing fasciitis*, also known as
"flesh-eating disease". As a result he lost a large part of the
muscle tissue around the bone -- tissue that had to be removed,
involving 8 surgeries in 10 days, so he wouldn't die of sepsis.
Then they replaced some of it with a transplant from the other leg.

And after *that*, a lot of physiotherapy and exercise.

And 23 months after the injury that might well have cost him the
leg, he was back playing in the NFL.

Here's the "60 Minutes" piece if you're interested:

Mark Brader, Toronto | "The time to make up your mind about people | is never." --The Philadelphia Story

Mark Brader

Jan 21, 2021, 2:28:15 AM1/21/21
Oops, I meant to post this in a new thread. Here goes again.

Mark Brader

Jan 22, 2021, 1:16:30 AM1/22/21
Mark Brader:
> These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2003-03-03,
> and should be interpreted accordingly... For further information...
> see my 2020-06-23 companion posting on "Reposted Questions from
> the Canadian Inquisition (RQFTCI*)".

> I did not write these rounds.

> * Game 7, Round 7 - Geography - Place Names in Other Languages

> If it's Tuesday this must be Frankreich ["FRAHNK-rike"]. We'll give
> you the current name of a country in a language other than English.
> We'll also tell you which language it's in. You give the country's
> name in English. By the way, they are all UN member countries.

> For example: We say, "The language is German: the country is
> Frankreich." You say, "France".

> 1. The language is French: the country is Lettonie ["leh-toe-NEE"].

Latvia (not Lithuania, which is Lituanie). 4 for Dan Tilque
and Erland. 3 for Pete. 2 for Joshua.

> 2. The language is Hebrew: the country is Sefarad ["se-fa-RAD"].

Spain. 4 for Joshua and Dan Blum.

> 3. The language is Arabic: the country is al-Urdun ["al-oor-DOON"].

Jordan. 4 for Joshua.

> 4. The language is Latin: the country is Lusitania.

Portugal. 4 for Joshua, Dan Tilque, Erland, and Dan Blum.

> 5. The language is Spanish: the country is Argelia ["ar-HAIL-ya"].

Algeria. 4 for Joshua, Dan Tilque, and Erland.

> 6. The language is Arabic: the country is al-Hind.

India. 4 for Joshua, Dan Tilque, Erland, and Dan Blum.

> 7. The language is Spanish: the country is Paises Bajos
> ["pie-EE-sess-BA-hoce"].

Netherlands. (Also accepting "Holland".) 4 for Joshua, Dan Tilque,
Erland, and Dan Blum.

> 8. The language is German: the country is Griechenland
> ["GREE-shen-lahnt"].

Greece. 4 for everyone -- Joshua, Dan Tilque, Erland, Dan Blum,
and Pete.

> 9. The language is Russian: the country is Khorvatiya
> ["khor-VAT-ee-yah"].

Croatia. 4 for Joshua and Erland.

Remember, its local-language name is Hrvatska, as seen in the domain
suffix ".hr".

> 10. The language is Russian: the country is Shveytsariya
> ["shvey-TSAR-ee-yah"].

Switzerland. (Joined the UN in 2002.) 4 for Joshua, Dan Tilque,
Erland, and Pete.

> * Game 7, Round 8 - Miscellaneous/History/Entertainment/Sleaze -
> 50 Ways to Kill Your Lover

> These questions all deal with people who were murdered -- at least
> allegedly -- by their supposed significant other.

In the score table I'm showing this as a second history round.

> For monarchs you must give name and number if applicable.
> For other people you must give the surname they were known by,
> or if that appears in the question, then their first name.

> 1. The mother of all spousal murder cases is, of course, that of
> O.J. Simpson, who we hasten to add was never convicted of it
> in criminal court, though he was successfully sued, as civil
> court requires a lower standard of proof. The original criminal
> trial gave rise to a boatload of minor or transient celebrities.
> We'll ask you to name just one: the presiding judge.

Lance Ito. 4 for Joshua, Dan Tilque, Dan Blum, and Pete.

> 2. John Simon Ritchie, better known as Sid Vicious, was charged in
> the 1978 murder of his girlfriend Nancy Spungen, but never
> brought to trial since he died of a drug overdose a few months
> later. At what venerable New York *location* did the murder
> take place?

Chelsea Hotel. 4 for Joshua.

> 3. The aforementioned Sid Vicious was played by Gary Oldman in the
> 1986 movie "Sid and Nancy"; a year later Oldman played the
> real-life victim of a domestic killing in another movie.
> Who was that?

Joe Orton ("Prick Up Your Ears"). 4 for Joshua.

> 4. The author of "The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet" was
> murdered by his lover in 1980. Name either of the principals
> in this incident.

Herman Tarnower, Jean Harris. 4 for Joshua (the hard way) and Pete.

> 5. This English king, who probably had lovers of both sexes,
> was murdered in 1327, allegedly on the instigation of his wife
> Isabella and her lover Roger Mortimer. Name and number required
> if applicable.

Edward II. 4 for Dan Tilque, Erland, and Dan Blum.

> 6. Comedian Phil Hartman's wife Bryn murdered him and then killed
> herself in May 1998. Her family launched a suit against the
> drug manufacturer Pfizer, claiming that her actions were caused
> by a medication she was taking -- even though both cocaine
> and alcohol were also found in her system. Which popular
> anti-depressant was she using?

Zoloft (sertraline). 3 for Joshua.

> 7. Who (other than himself) was killed by Paul Snider on 1980-08-14?

Dorothy Stratten (his wife). 4 for Joshua and Pete.

> 8. Which Roman emperor was allegedly murdered by his wife Agrippina
> by being fed a dish of poison mushrooms?

Claudius. (In 54.)

> 9. On 1976-03-21, Andy Williams's ex-wife killed her then-lover.
> Name either her or her victim.

Claudine Longet, Spider Sabich. 4 for Joshua (the hard way) and Pete.

> 10. Actor Robert Blake """currently""" sits in jail awaiting trial
> for the murder of his wife. Name her.

Bonny Lee Bakley. Like Simpson, Blake was acquitted, but found
liable under civil law. He's still alive. 4 for Joshua.

Scores, if there are no errors:

GAME 7 ROUNDS-> 2 3 4 6 7 8 BEST
TOPICS-> Spo Sci His Lit Geo His FOUR
Joshua Kreitzer 4 28 12 20 38 31 117
Dan Tilque 4 40 4 36 28 8 112
Dan Blum 0 28 20 40 20 8 108
Erland Sommarskog 7 39 8 4 32 4 86
Pete Gayde 8 4 8 8 11 16 43

Mark Brader, Toronto "Big programs are a bug." -- Geoff Collyer
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