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RQFTCINO13 Game 4, Rounds 7-8: SF and genetics

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Mark Brader

Oct 25, 2022, 5:43:02 AM10/25/22
These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2013-02-25,
and should be interpreted accordingly. All questions were written
by members of the Night Owls, but have been reformatted and may
have been retyped and/or edited by me. I will reveal the correct
answers in about 3 days.

For further information, including an explanation of the """
notation that may appear in these rounds, see my 2022-09-09
companion posting on "Reposted Questions from the Canadian
Inquisition (RQFTCI*)".

* Game 4, Round 7 - Literature - Science-Fiction Books

These works appear on NPR's list of the top 100 science-fiction
and fantasy books. In each case, name the author.

1. "The Road".
2. "Foundation".
3. "Neuromancer".
4. "Cat's Cradle".
5. "The Time Machine".
6. "A Clockwork Orange".
7. "The Illustrated Man".
8. "The Handmaid's Tale".
9. "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea".
10. "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?".

* Game 4, Round 8 - Science - Genetics

1. On 1953-02-28, at Cambridge University's Cavendish Labs, James
Watson and Francis Crick made what discovery about the structure
of DNA?

2. What plant did Gregor Mendel use for his heredity studies for
the paper he published in 1866?

3. In the acronym DNA, what does the A stand for?

4. How many chromosomes do humans normally have in each typical

5. Chromosomes are duplicated prior to cell division. What is it
called if there is an error in that duplication?

6. If two green genes give you green, and two yellow genes give
you yellow, and one gene of each type also gives you yellow,
then what type of gene is the green gene?

7. They are scattered throughout the cell outside the nucleus and
produces the cell's energy. They contain a small loop of DNA
and there are 500-1,000 of them in every human cell. What are
they called?

8. In the 1950s, what group of viruses was found to be made up of
RNA rather the than usual DNA?

9. What is the name of the initiative to identify and map all of
the genes found in people?

10. What social genetic movement arose with the idea of improving
the human stock by promoting the breeding of gifted individuals
and preventing the less gifted from doing so?

Mark Brader, Toronto | "A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough." | --Franklin Roosevelt

My text in this article is in the public domain.

Dan Tilque

Oct 25, 2022, 1:29:11 PM10/25/22
On 10/24/22 22:42, Mark Brader wrote:
> * Game 4, Round 7 - Literature - Science-Fiction Books
> These works appear on NPR's list of the top 100 science-fiction
> and fantasy books. In each case, name the author.
> 1. "The Road".
> 2. "Foundation".


> 3. "Neuromancer".


> 4. "Cat's Cradle".


> 5. "The Time Machine".


> 6. "A Clockwork Orange".


> 7. "The Illustrated Man".


> 8. "The Handmaid's Tale".


> 9. "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea".


> 10. "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?".


> * Game 4, Round 8 - Science - Genetics
> 1. On 1953-02-28, at Cambridge University's Cavendish Labs, James
> Watson and Francis Crick made what discovery about the structure
> of DNA?

that it's a double helix

> 2. What plant did Gregor Mendel use for his heredity studies for
> the paper he published in 1866?


> 3. In the acronym DNA, what does the A stand for?


> 4. How many chromosomes do humans normally have in each typical
> cell?


> 5. Chromosomes are duplicated prior to cell division. What is it
> called if there is an error in that duplication?


> 6. If two green genes give you green, and two yellow genes give
> you yellow, and one gene of each type also gives you yellow,
> then what type of gene is the green gene?


> 7. They are scattered throughout the cell outside the nucleus and
> produces the cell's energy. They contain a small loop of DNA
> and there are 500-1,000 of them in every human cell. What are
> they called?


> 8. In the 1950s, what group of viruses was found to be made up of
> RNA rather the than usual DNA?


> 9. What is the name of the initiative to identify and map all of
> the genes found in people?

Human Genome Project

> 10. What social genetic movement arose with the idea of improving
> the human stock by promoting the breeding of gifted individuals
> and preventing the less gifted from doing so?

Social Darwinism

Dan Tilque

Erland Sommarskog

Oct 25, 2022, 6:04:46 PM10/25/22
Mark Brader ( writes:
> * Game 4, Round 7 - Literature - Science-Fiction Books
> 2. "Foundation".

Isaac Asimow

> 6. "A Clockwork Orange".


> 8. "The Handmaid's Tale".

Margarete Atwood

> 9. "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea".

Jules Verne

> * Game 4, Round 8 - Science - Genetics
> 1. On 1953-02-28, at Cambridge University's Cavendish Labs, James
> Watson and Francis Crick made what discovery about the structure
> of DNA?

It's twisted

> 2. What plant did Gregor Mendel use for his heredity studies for
> the paper he published in 1866?


> 3. In the acronym DNA, what does the A stand for?


> 4. How many chromosomes do humans normally have in each typical
> cell?


> 5. Chromosomes are duplicated prior to cell division. What is it
> called if there is an error in that duplication?


> 7. They are scattered throughout the cell outside the nucleus and
> produces the cell's energy. They contain a small loop of DNA
> and there are 500-1,000 of them in every human cell. What are
> they called?


> 8. In the 1950s, what group of viruses was found to be made up of
> RNA rather the than usual DNA?


> 9. What is the name of the initiative to identify and map all of
> the genes found in people?

Project Hugo

Joshua Kreitzer

Oct 26, 2022, 1:10:01 AM10/26/22
On Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 12:43:02 AM UTC-5, Mark Brader wrote:

> * Game 4, Round 7 - Literature - Science-Fiction Books
> These works appear on NPR's list of the top 100 science-fiction
> and fantasy books. In each case, name the author.
> 1. "The Road".


> 2. "Foundation".


> 3. "Neuromancer".


> 4. "Cat's Cradle".


> 5. "The Time Machine".


> 6. "A Clockwork Orange".


> 7. "The Illustrated Man".


> 8. "The Handmaid's Tale".


> 9. "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea".


> 10. "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?".


> * Game 4, Round 8 - Science - Genetics
> 1. On 1953-02-28, at Cambridge University's Cavendish Labs, James
> Watson and Francis Crick made what discovery about the structure
> of DNA?

it is shaped like a double helix

> 2. What plant did Gregor Mendel use for his heredity studies for
> the paper he published in 1866?


> 3. In the acronym DNA, what does the A stand for?


> 4. How many chromosomes do humans normally have in each typical
> cell?


> 6. If two green genes give you green, and two yellow genes give
> you yellow, and one gene of each type also gives you yellow,
> then what type of gene is the green gene?


> 7. They are scattered throughout the cell outside the nucleus and
> produces the cell's energy. They contain a small loop of DNA
> and there are 500-1,000 of them in every human cell. What are
> they called?


> 8. In the 1950s, what group of viruses was found to be made up of
> RNA rather the than usual DNA?


> 9. What is the name of the initiative to identify and map all of
> the genes found in people?

Human Genome Project

> 10. What social genetic movement arose with the idea of improving
> the human stock by promoting the breeding of gifted individuals
> and preventing the less gifted from doing so?


Joshua Kreitzer

Dan Blum

Oct 27, 2022, 4:39:58 AM10/27/22
Mark Brader <> wrote:

> * Game 4, Round 7 - Literature - Science-Fiction Books

> 1. "The Road".

Cormac McCarthy

> 2. "Foundation".

Isaac Asimov

> 3. "Neuromancer".

William Gibson

> 4. "Cat's Cradle".

Kurt Vonnegut

> 5. "The Time Machine".

H. G. Wells

> 6. "A Clockwork Orange".

Anthony Burgess

> 7. "The Illustrated Man".

Ray Bradbury

> 8. "The Handmaid's Tale".

Margaret Atwood

> 9. "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea".

Jules Verne

> 10. "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?".

Philip K. Dick

> * Game 4, Round 8 - Science - Genetics

> 1. On 1953-02-28, at Cambridge University's Cavendish Labs, James
> Watson and Francis Crick made what discovery about the structure
> of DNA?

it's a double helix

> 2. What plant did Gregor Mendel use for his heredity studies for
> the paper he published in 1866?


> 3. In the acronym DNA, what does the A stand for?


> 4. How many chromosomes do humans normally have in each typical
> cell?


> 5. Chromosomes are duplicated prior to cell division. What is it
> called if there is an error in that duplication?


> 6. If two green genes give you green, and two yellow genes give
> you yellow, and one gene of each type also gives you yellow,
> then what type of gene is the green gene?


> 7. They are scattered throughout the cell outside the nucleus and
> produces the cell's energy. They contain a small loop of DNA
> and there are 500-1,000 of them in every human cell. What are
> they called?


> 8. In the 1950s, what group of viruses was found to be made up of
> RNA rather the than usual DNA?


> 9. What is the name of the initiative to identify and map all of
> the genes found in people?

Human Genome Project

> 10. What social genetic movement arose with the idea of improving
> the human stock by promoting the breeding of gifted individuals
> and preventing the less gifted from doing so?


Dan Blum
"I wouldn't have believed it myself if I hadn't just made it up."

Mark Brader

Oct 28, 2022, 7:39:51 AM10/28/22
Mark Brader:
> These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2013-02-25,
> and should be interpreted accordingly... For further information...
> see my 2022-09-09 companion posting on "Reposted Questions from
> the Canadian Inquisition (RQFTCI*)".

> * Game 4, Round 7 - Literature - Science-Fiction Books

> These works appear on NPR's list of the top 100 science-fiction
> and fantasy books. In each case, name the author.

This was the easiest round in the original game, and the
second-easiest in the entire season.

> 1. "The Road".

Cormac McCarthy (published 2006). 4 for Joshua and Dan Blum.

> 2. "Foundation".

Isaac Asimov (1951). 4 for everyone -- Dan Tilque, Erland, Joshua,
and Dan Blum.

> 3. "Neuromancer".

William Gibson (1984). 4 for Dan Tilque, Joshua, and Dan Blum.

> 4. "Cat's Cradle".

Kurt Vonnegut (1963). 4 for Dan Tilque, Joshua, and Dan Blum.

> 5. "The Time Machine".

H.G. Wells (1895). 4 for Dan Tilque, Joshua, and Dan Blum.

> 6. "A Clockwork Orange".

Anthony Burgess (1962). 4 for everyone.

> 7. "The Illustrated Man".

Ray Bradbury (1951). 4 for Dan Tilque, Joshua, and Dan Blum.

> 8. "The Handmaid's Tale".

Margaret Atwood (1985). 4 for everyone.

> 9. "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea".

Jules Verne (1870 in French, English translation 1873). 4 for

> 10. "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?".

Philip K. Dick (1968). 4 for Dan Tilque, Joshua, and Dan Blum.

> * Game 4, Round 8 - Science - Genetics

> 1. On 1953-02-28, at Cambridge University's Cavendish Labs, James
> Watson and Francis Crick made what discovery about the structure
> of DNA?

It is a double helix. 4 for Dan Tilque, Joshua, and Dan Blum.

And that explained how it could be replicated.

> 2. What plant did Gregor Mendel use for his heredity studies for
> the paper he published in 1866?

Peas. 4 for everyone.

> 3. In the acronym DNA, what does the A stand for?

(DeoxyriboNucleic) Acid. Not amino acid. 4 for everyone.

> 4. How many chromosomes do humans normally have in each typical
> cell?

46 (23 pairs). 4 for everyone.

> 5. Chromosomes are duplicated prior to cell division. What is it
> called if there is an error in that duplication?

A mutation. 4 for Dan Tilque, Erland, and Dan Blum.

> 6. If two green genes give you green, and two yellow genes give
> you yellow, and one gene of each type also gives you yellow,
> then what type of gene is the green gene?

Recessive. 4 for Dan Tilque, Joshua, and Dan Blum.

> 7. They are scattered throughout the cell outside the nucleus and
> produces the cell's energy. They contain a small loop of DNA
> and there are 500-1,000 of them in every human cell. What are
> they called?

Mitochondria. 4 for Dan Tilque, Erland, and Dan Blum.

> 8. In the 1950s, what group of viruses was found to be made up of
> RNA rather the than usual DNA?

Retroviruses. 4 for Dan Tilque, Joshua, and Dan Blum.

> 9. What is the name of the initiative to identify and map all of
> the genes found in people?

Human Genome Project. 4 for Dan Tilque, Joshua, and Dan Blum.

> 10. What social genetic movement arose with the idea of improving
> the human stock by promoting the breeding of gifted individuals
> and preventing the less gifted from doing so?

Eugenics. (Not social darwinism, which is about sociopolitical
systems and not inherited characteristics.) 4 for Joshua
and Dan Blum.

Scores, if there are no errors:

GAME 4 ROUNDS-> 2 3 4 6 7 8 BEST
TOPICS-> Ent Geo His Lei Lit Sci FOUR
Dan Blum 28 22 40 34 40 40 154
Dan Tilque 0 28 40 36 36 36 148
Joshua Kreitzer 40 27 32 31 40 32 144
Erland Sommarskog 0 12 24 20 16 20 80

Mark Brader, Toronto "The cure of the typo has struck again." --Peter Young
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