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QFTCI11 Game 10 Rounds 9-10 answers; scoring delayed

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Michael Wares

Oct 31, 2011, 2:09:15 PM10/31/11
Mark Brader has been temporarily separated by problems at
both from Usenet and from his email there, and has asked me to post
the following for him.


For anyone who may have been waiting on tenterhooks, here are the
answers to the latest set of QFTCI11 questions. I will score the
game and continue with new postings as soon as I'm connected again.
Please see the existing thread for the full questions and the URL
for the handout.

Game 10, Round 9

1. Thirty Years War: 1618-48
2. Lifetime of Alexander the Great: 356-323 BC
3. Second Punic War: 218-202 BC
4. Muhammad's life after the Hegira: 622-632
5. War of the Roses: 1455-85
6. The Regency: 1811-20
7. The Restoration: 1660-85
8. Reign of Richard the Lionheart: 1189-99
9. Hundred Years War: 1337-1453 [sic]
10. War of the Spanish Succession: 1701-14

Game 10, Round 10

A1. L.A. area team: Logo 5 (Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, baseball)
A2. U. of Arizona football: Logo 2 (Wildcats)

Logo 1 - Houston/Tennessee Oilers (now Titans, football)
Logo 3 - Albuquerque Isotopes (Pacific Coast League baseball)
Logo 4 - Atlanta (now Calgary) Flames (hockey)

B1. Symbol 3: Fascism (Fascist Party)
B2. Symbol 3 on US coins: Dime

C1. Electric current: Equation 3, I
C2. Distance traveled: Equation 5, s

Equation 2 - Force = mass x acceleration
Equation 4 - The basis for how exponentiation of complex numbers
is defined
Equation 5 - Wave speed = frequency x wavelength

D1. Columbia River: 1
D2. Congo River: 2

River 3: Yukon
River 4: Loire
River 5: Colorado

E1. Premier 4: BC (Christy Clark)
E2. Premier 1: Newfoundland and Labrador (Kathy Dunderdale)

Premier 2: Ed Stelmach, Alberta
Premier 3: Eva Aariak, Nunavut
Premier 5: Jean Charest, Quebec

F1. Married to Orson Welles: Woman 2 (Rita Hayworth)
F2. Married to Roger Vadim: Woman 4 (Brigitte Bardot). Jane Fonda is
on the handout.

Woman 1: Raquel Welch
Woman 3: Marilyn Monroe
Woman 5: Jayne Mansfield
Posted by Michael Wares for Mark Brader (normally

Michael Wares

Oct 31, 2011, 2:21:58 PM10/31/11
Mark Brader has asked me to post a correction:

> C2. Distance traveled: Equation 5, s

This should be: "Equation 1".


Michael Wares
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