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Tournament Report Madness (Edison, NJ)

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Michael J Flores

non lue,
24 nov. 1997, 03:00:0024/11/1997


So even though I haven't written a tournament report in eons, and I
hadn't planned to after this weekend's affair, about everyone I saw told
me to put this or that into my tournament report... so I decided to
write one. Also, Mike Lucarello hates tournament reports, and I support
anything hated by the evil Lucarello!


So I had no idea what deck to play in the $1000 Type II tournament. I
had been testing exhaustively over the past two weeks, taking a break
from Extended testing, to try to scrape up some of Gray Matter's dollars.

These are the decks that I thought were good:

U/w Control
R/x "Sligh"
WWx with good creatures supported by bad other cards
g5c with 4 jellyfish and 4 Memory Lapse
some kind of Necro
some kind of blue deck with Ophidian
that one deck with all of those silly cards that no one plays (Natural
Balance, Infernal Contract, etc.)

So I played, played, played, and I realized that in this environment,
there were no really dominant decks. I really worked a lot on the U/w
control deck, but it lost to my g/R beatdown deck, disruptive Necro, and
g5c (it proved to be *amazing* against everybody else's Sligh decks,
though). I liked g5c, which totally ignores Propaganda, which is useful,
creams BloomDrain (oh yeah, that is the name of the silly deck), but
loses horribly to my g/R deck, and I decided that I would not bring a
deck to a tournament if it ran in fear of the Mogg Fanatic. g5c really
cannot stop the Fanatic and friends, which is depressing for such a neat

La la la.

So I ended up at Edison with no deck. Albert Tran had long ago decided
to play our U/w deck, and my friend Jeff was, like me, unsure. We
brought U/w components and began busily making decks. I decided that it
would be more fun to play a silly top-deck game with the Schneider clan
and Pete Leiher, so I did that instead of making my deck. I told Jeff
and Bert to make my deck with our U/w components and Bert's decklist instead.

Then I further did not make my deck by sitting around, watching Jon
Finkel beat the snot out of Happy John Chinnock for about an hour in
Jackal Pup Sligh vs. Lauer Necro.

So I went back to my friends' table and took my neat U/w deck, which was
made from an amalgamation of Jeff's best cards and my best cards and boy
was it a sight to behold. Tons of Arena lands, alternate art everything,
and a great decklist to boot... If I had just forked over the $12 for a
final foreign Winter Orb, it would have been perfect, but we just used an
old Revised Winter Orb instead. So I stole the deck (which Jeff thought
he was going to be able to use) and I beat up on randoms around the
tournament area.

So Jeff really wanted the deck, so I just further did not make my own
deck by playing Big Tony with my g/R deck vs. his all commons mono-G
beatdown deck. I lost and lost and lost and lost and lost. Everybody
said I was amazing at losing to the all-commons deck. I was reminded of
the time at Philly when Matt Elias beat me 27-0 in mono-G vs. Black
Weenie, when Chris Peculiar said "No Winter Orbs? What, you just think
Memory Lapse is cool?"

So then the tournament was about to start, and I had no deck, so I just
decided to play g/R and gave Jeff the good deck. I took out 2 Karplusian
Forests and replaced them with Gemstone Mines so I could play 1 Perish
in my sideboard, which I never used, because I got beat down by mono-G while
playing with Tony. If you want a copy of my decklist, it should be on the
Dojo, but I had a better sideboard, which was

1 Perish
3 Simoon
4 Tranquil Domain
3 Detonate
4 Pyroblast.

La la la. Now onto the tournament proper.


I play this dude Jeremy, who is with Rx, like me. He has Cursed Scroll
(like Finkel and others), but I remain unconvinced on this card. I still
think my Giant Growths are better.

Game 1:

It is the total mirror game. I play Mountain, he plays Mountain; I play
Gemstone, ditto on his side. We do this dance for a while, and he goes
for first blood with the Sandstalker, which I Incinerate.

Then I go for Ball Lightning or Sandstalker or something, and he tries to
Kindle it, but all of a sudden it is too huge. Bam. I discard my hand
to end his day.

Game 2:

I side out 3 of my Vandals for 3 Simoons.

Now remember how I said he was with Rx? Well, his "x" happened to be
white, and he got Warmth out on the second turn. Now that just sucked.
Do you want to know something humorous? Hammer-lock on an opponent's
creatures and life, and him not being dead. That is humorous. I had
Jeremy Hammer-locked, with like 2 or 3 Fireblasts in my hand, and I knew
he was never going to die. He, on the other hand, kept showing me his
last card in hand, and I was like "Ouch for 2," "Ouch for 2," until I was

Game 3:

This is the funniest game ever. I mean EVER. If you think you have
played a funnier game, you are wrong.

This is me: I take your Ball Lightning. End of your turn, I Kindle,
Kindle. Draw, done.

I take your Ironclaw Orcs or whatever, Kindle, Kindle. Untap, draw,
Torch, Fireblast.

I think it was Mike Lucarello who pointed out that 2+3+4+5 is only 2
points more than 4 Incinerates, but I still think it is funny.

1-0 match.


Game 1:

I am really dumb. For like 3 turns, I am like if I draw 1 land, I can
Torch him out. Of course I draw like a Goblin Vandal, and he Torches me
out instead. Too bad I let him block that pesky Canyon Wildcat with his
own Canyon Wildcat back on turn 3, huh?

Game 2:

I wasn't mad at Kieron, my opponent, I was mad at my own idiocy.
Mountainwalk has been around longer than I've been playing, after all. I
just bolt him a bunch of times and Torch-Fireblast him out.

Game 3:

I had a pretty good draw.

Turn-1 Fanatic.
Turn-2 Ironclaw Orcs.
Turn-3 I don't cast Ball Lightning or Sandstalker.
Turn-4 I cast Ball Lightning, he bolts, I Giant Growth. He eats 11.
Turn-5 I cast Sandstalker, he bolts I Giant Growth. He eats a Fireblast too.

Burn decks are so dumb.

2-0 match.


I am feeling pretty good about my deck. As one of the few undefeated
players in the Type II bracket, I face off against Eric, who I don't
know. I had heard there was one BloomDrain player, and I was pretty sure
I would lose the first game against Bloom, but beat it after sideboarding.

Too bad he was with White Weenie. Let me just say that White Weenie
always beat Sligh, and now Sligh no longer has Pyrokinesis and Anarchy,
but White Weenie now gets Soltaris and Empyrial Armor. I am honestly
surprised there weren't more White Weenie decks.

Game 1:

I draw one action card. I Ball Lightning him successfully and sit. And
sit. And sit. Game.

Game 2:

He plays second-turn... Freewind Falcon. Now that just blows. I think
Freewind Falcon is jank. Let me reiterate that. I am a longtime White
Weenie player, and I THINK FREEWIND FALCON IS JANK. Too bad it shuts
Sligh down almost completely. If it were any other creature (except
Repentant Blacksmith, I guess) I would have won with my 3 Ball
Lightnings, Sandstalker, and burn. If I drew Incinerate, I would have
won, too. Oh well. Serves me right for not making my deck.

2-1 match.

Finkel was playing to my right, and he beat almost the same White Weenie
deck with his Jackal Pup Sligh. My friend Albert was playing to my left,
and he lost to BloomDrain by drawing one permission spell in 2 games. I
was actually annoyed by that, because U/w was doing well against Bloom in
playtesting. Finkel ended up losing to my White Weenie opponent the next
round, though. I used to say Sligh cannot deal with Serra Angel. Now it
cannot deal with Freewind Falcon. Bunk.

I drop out of the Type II and play in the $200 side tournament with the
same deck.


I sit across from my first round opponent, and say "Curt, let me be the
first to welcome you to the underacheivers' bracket. Nobody here is
allowed to play a land on the second turn!" That of course got a hurrah
from everyone at the table.

Game 1:

Curt is with Rx, just like me, but he doesn't tip me off to his support
color in the first game. Probably that is because I Ball
Lightning/Sandstalker/Blasted him to death in 4 turns.

Game 2:

I go for the kill with a bunch of Fireblasts, but he Honorable Passages
me. That is annoying. I set up again, and try to Torch him for 5. He
goes blue and 4, Ertai's Meddling for 4 turns. So I am annoyed and sit
there for two turns. I knock my Torch. Done. I knock my Torch twice.

He goes "How many more turns?"

I go "Two, I think. Wait a minute, that is a blue interrupt targeting my
spell. I guess you take 5." Fireblast, Fireblast.

Burn decks are so dumb.


I finished my round much more quickly than everyone else, and while
busily puttering around, I hear a judge call out "MIKE FLORES?" For my
quick play, I get a special treat, an extra opponent!

I guess there was a funny number of players, and I had just played my
*second* round match, as everyone was now doing. I was now warping back
in time to meet my first round opponent, while everyone else had gotten a
mysterious bye.


I am playing against Matt, who was with U/R Frenetic Control.

Game 1:

At some point, Matt accidentally knocks over the top card of his library
while drawing, and I see it is a Dismiss. He has six mana on his discard
phase, so I try to bleed the Dismiss out of his hand with some bolts,
which I do. He figures the 2 mana up will cover any
Sandstalker/Fireblast nonsense I have up my sleeve while he beats me down
with a Frenetic Efreet. 2 mana doesn't do squat against Kaervek, though.

Game 2:

I forget what happens, other than that his carcass was probably black and
smoking at the end of the thirty seconds. Nice kid with a solid deck,


ROUND THREE (or Two, or I don't know)

I play against Ken, who is with mono-blue Ophidian.

Game 1:

I am kind of manascrewed, but have been able to do a bunch of damage by
little guys and bolts. Ken has used Legacy's Allure and Man-o'-War to
mess up my offense. He has lots of mana, and hasn't cast a counterspell
the entire game. Knowing that he will in all likelihood kill me the next
turn, I tap out for Ball Lightning, even though he has an untapped Wall
of Air. I figure if he has a counterspell, he might waste it on the Ball
Lightning, and I might be able to Blast him to death. I attack.

Ken: I block with Wall of Air and Ophidian.
Me: I trample over Ophidian for 3.

Holy Pikula!

Game 2:

Ken is kind of mana-shy, and that is bad against Sligh, even when you
draw most of your Hydroblasts. Boom Boom. Burn decks are so dumb.


So I am hanging around the $1000 Type II to watch two of my friends
play. Albert Tran is with our U/w Control against Jon Finkel with Jackal
Pup Sligh.

Jon plays a good game, as always, but he gets the mad Karplusian Forest
draw. Plus, I don't think Jackal Pup is as effective against U/w as
Goblin Vandal is. Albert has been steadily beating down with jellyfish,
staying slightly ahead against Jackal Pups and Ironclaw Orcs due to one
Propaganda on his side. Al has 4 mana up on Jon's discard phase.

Al: I Impulse during your discard.
Jon: I respond by bolting your Man-o'-War.
Al: Hmmm... I Meddle it onto your Jackal Pup.
Jon: Meddle?

I was elated by this turn of events, mostly because Finkel and I had been
arguing about the contents of our decks. I didn't like Cursed Scroll or
the Pup; Jon always ribs me. I danced around singing "Finkel lost to the
Flores card, Finkel lost to the Flores card!" I thought it was pretty
funny. Waterspout beatdown for the finish.

I just had to put that in. People who know both me and Jon know why,
especially after all the nice things I said about him in my Dojo article!


I was playing Elliot Fertik, who was with my G/r deck. He had Finkel-esque
Cursed Scrolls and stuff in his deck in the main draw, but I convinced him
to make his deck more like mine for this $200 tournament. He put some
Honorable Passages in the sideboard, too, going with no Karplusian
Forests, but some Cities instead. I might have gone with Cities in my
deck for a little bit more diverse sideboard, but I didn't want to play
with my beat-up Chronicles Cities in my otherwise beautifully
blackborderized deck.

Game 1:

I draw one land. Nobody beats Sligh with one land... except me, I
guess. I have a Mogg and a Gemstone Mine out, and Elliot is beating the
crap out of me, and he senses my misery, busting Giant Growth on his
attacker. I am like, okay, I Mogg it in response. Doh! I start to
top-deck land, and that is good. I mean considering what deck I was
playing, if I didn't have land, I had to have something else that was
interesting, right? I guess that depends on your definition of

I totally lucked out on this one, of course. Holy Pikula!

Game 2:

Elliot is manascrewed, and nobody beats Sligh on one land. Boom Boom.
Burn decks are so dumb.


So I meet up with one of the greatest guys on the Tour, Happy John, in
the finals. Let's compile all the things we know about this match before

1. I am now a commanding 8-0 in games in this tournament.
2. I am with burn, and John is with Necro.
3. John Chinnock has never beaten me.

Now let's explicate these things.

1. I am 8-0 not because I have been good, but totally lucky everywhere. You
don't say "Holy Pikula" when you are *supposed* to win.
2. John isn't just with Necro, he is with Lauer Necro. If there is one
truth out there, it is that Mike Flores can never, and I mean *never*
have a good relationship with a Mad Genius deck. Ask anyone. I
never beat Lauer. People I know playing my decks might be able
to beat people playing Lauer, or people playing his decks, but I
personally can never beat them. When I play a Lauer deck, I get
manascrewed. When I play against a Lauer deck, they draw their
restricted or restricted-esque cards (depending on the format),
whereas I am manascrewed. It happens every time. Argh!
3. I have never beaten John Chinnock, either. I think we intentionally
drew into a PTQ final 8 once, but that was the extent of our
tournament history. Come on people, one of us is this goofy net
nerd with a sportscoat, one has made 2 straight final 8s on the Tour,
is the NE Regional Champion, NJ State Champion, and is playing in
Rio. You do not have to be the Mad Genius to do the math.

Remember, the winner of this match is assured many dollars. The loser is
assured a "You'll get 'em next time, chief." Now for the pre-match talk.

Happy John: Mike, do you want to play Paris Mulligan?

Me: I hate Paris Mulligan. It fucks me every time.

Happy John: It's just that I don't want one of us to lose because of one

Me: My deck runs much better on one land than yours!

Happy John: All right. Now when you write your tournament report, I want
you to say one thing...

Me: I know, you would have won the main draw, except you got

Happy John: One Swamp then One Quicksand! It was the biggest crap! Oh,
wait, that's not it. I want you to say that my deck is good against
everything but burn. I believe in this deck.

Me: We both know that you are going to win. Anyway, I like Necro too.

Game One:

I draw... One Undiscovered Paradise! Undiscovered Paradise, Goblin

Mike Lucarello: Manascrewed!
(The assembled crowd concurs).

Me: I should have taken the Paris Mulligan offer.

Chinnock: Swamp, Ritual, Steel Golem.

Me: Replay the Undiscovered, attack with Vandal. Chinnock blocks, I Grow!

Chinnock: Another Steel Golem! Snake Basket! Four angry Snakes! Nine
angry Snakes!

I think you can see where this went.

Game Two:

I finally drew my Simoon. I had sideboarded Simoon in almost every match
all day, and I finally saw one. On the bad side, I saw only one Mountain
and one Gemstone Mine for land.

Happy John Ritual-Stupored away my Gemstone Mine on his first turn (DAMN!)
and repeatedly Agonized me so I would never draw another land. Meanwhile,
wave after wave of angry Snakes beat me up, all while I looked at my
useless Simoon. Argh!

So I had zero victory dollars, but a lot of fun playing in Edison.

Within precious few seconds of my defeat in the Type II finals, a free
Type II was about to begin. I wanted to play my Necrodeck, but as I
assembled it the tournament started, so I missed the boat.

Convinced that a good Knight-Necro could beat burn, I spent the next two
hours playing the same match over and over against Jon Finkel. A good
bulk of that time was spent with the musical stylings of John Chinnock
singing his smash single "Flores Gonna Win" or "Finkel Gonna Win"
depending if you have the MTV or Dance Mix versions.

For the first segment, my Necrodeck won 8000 games.

For the second segment, with no alterations on either part, Jon's Pup
Sligh won 9095 games.

Both of us said that whenever we lost, it was just because we were

I conclude that for Necro to beat Sligh, the Necrodeck has to draw
blockers in the early game, and even be willing to sacrifice pump knights
(by not First Striking them) early, then set up with disruption. Bad
Moon black decks can consistently beat burn, but they are horrid against
U/w from our playtesting, whereas Knight-Necro can beat U/w consistently.



BEATDOWN: Playing lots of little creatures with no care for card
advantage in the hopes of bringing your opponent into death range via
direct damage or other endgame hammer (example: g/R Beatdown deck).


Sitting there doing nothing for many turns (as with a defensive deck), then
bringing out a single threat, and killing the opponent with it (esample:
Fat Moti Beatdown, Outpost Beatdown).


Doing something that is annoying yet has no direct effect on life totals
(example: "Ophidians are so Beatdown." -Dave Price).

BOLT: Any sort of card that does damage. Lightning Bolt, Incincerate,
Guerilla Tactics, Hammer of Bogardan, Kindle, and Psionic Blast are all


Psionic Blast is also any card that does 4 damage for 3 mana. Fog Elemental
and Viashino Sandstalker are both "Psionic Blasts."

FLORES CARD: A single card whose presence in a deck is "sketch" or "jank"
where the design seems to be otherwise sound. Examples of Flores Cards are
Benalish Knight, Fog Elemental, or Meddle.

HOLY PIKULA: This thing you say when you are getting beat down, and there
is no chance for you to win, due to manascrew, opposing God-draw, or
whatever, but somehow your opponent is reduced to 0 or fewer life and you
are not. Example:

Pikula: This guy went Swamp, Ritual, Ritual, Ritual, Hypno, Necro
Tower, Zuran Orb on the first turn, then he beat me down with Hypno and
Knights and Stupored away my whole hand.

Some other player: So you lost.

Pikula: No, I won. You see...
(and so on)

SLIGH: Last name of Paul Sligh. Also, any deck. If there is an Ironclaw
Orc in your deck, it is Sligh. If there are Canyon Wildcats and
Fireslingers in your deck instead of Ironclaw Orcs, your deck is still
Sligh. Your deck may have one or more colors. It may or may not run on
a mana curve. It may have celerity creatures (like Ball Lightning and
Sandstalker) or it may have utility creatures (like Dwarven Miner and
Orcish Artillery). For example, a Paris qualifier report from a
Philadelphia PTQ last year (won by Dave Price's Sligh deck and another
mono-red deck) said that the Big Blue deck present in the final 8 was Sligh.


Now this is about the longest thing I have ever written for the
newsgroup. If you made it this far, I would appreciate an email, if only
for the humor value of anyone getting this far. My email address is

I hope you enjoyed it!



non lue,
24 nov. 1997, 03:00:0024/11/1997
à Michael J Flores

Well Mike, that was a pretty cool report. Except for your constantly
using the term 'Flores cards' to refer to things which should rightfully
be termed 'Webster cards'.

And Mountainwalk is so cool I used to use Burrowing in my Alpha decks.
Shame on you.


alan webster
not quite ready to play Burn

John M Shuler

non lue,
25 nov. 1997, 03:00:0025/11/1997

Michael J Flores ( wrote:
: playing with Tony. If you want a copy of my decklist, it should be on the
: Dojo, but I had a better sideboard, which was

: 1 Perish
: 3 Simoon
: 4 Tranquil Domain
: 3 Detonate
: 4 Pyroblast.

Stop playing with detonate.


: I play this dude Jeremy, who is with Rx, like me. He has Cursed Scroll
: (like Finkel and others), but I remain unconvinced on this card. I still

Let the countdown begin. Sooner or later, I'm sure that you'll
figure out that a renewable, colorless source of direct damage
that can target both players and creatures is halfway decent.

: Game 1:
: Then I go for Ball Lightning or Sandstalker or something, and he tries to

: Kindle it, but all of a sudden it is too huge. Bam. I discard my hand
: to end his day.

Giant Growth success story #1.

: Game 2:
: last card in hand, and I was like "Ouch for 2," "Ouch for 2," until I was
: dead.

But you are unconvinced.

: I had a pretty good draw.
: Turn-4 I cast Ball Lightning, he bolts, I Giant Growth. He eats 11.

: Turn-5 I cast Sandstalker, he bolts I Giant Growth. He eats a Fireblast too.

Giant Growth Success Stories #2 & #3

: Burn decks are so dumb.


: Too bad he was with White Weenie. Let me just say that White Weenie

: always beat Sligh, and now Sligh no longer has Pyrokinesis and Anarchy,

Beats it, or eats it alive with a light picante sauce?

: Game 2:

: He plays second-turn... Freewind Falcon. Now that just blows. I think
: Freewind Falcon is jank. Let me reiterate that. I am a longtime White
: Weenie player, and I THINK FREEWIND FALCON IS JANK. Too bad it shuts

Metagame. Freewind is the bomb. Armors are also the bomb. And it's
all because everyone and their mom sports almost entirely red-based

: I drop out of the Type II and play in the $200 side tournament with the
: same deck.

mmm hmm

: ROUND THREE (or Two, or I don't know)

: I play against Ken, who is with mono-blue Ophidian.

: Game 1:
: Ken: I block with Wall of Air and Ophidian.

: Me: I trample over Ophidian for 3.

Tell Ken to come play down in the D.C. area. I could use
some opponents like him.

: arguing about the contents of our decks. I didn't like Cursed Scroll or

: the Pup; Jon always ribs me. I danced around singing "Finkel lost to the
: Flores card, Finkel lost to the Flores card!" I thought it was pretty

It's similar to the freewind. It's all about the metagame. If there
is a lot of targetted red removal floating around in a lot of
creature heavy decks (and there are, golly!) then meddle is
suddenly the bomb.

: Game 1:
: guess. I have a Mogg and a Gemstone Mine out, and Elliot is beating the

: crap out of me, and he senses my misery, busting Giant Growth on his
: attacker. I am like, okay, I Mogg it in response. Doh! I start to

Giant Growth Failure Story #1.

: So I meet up with one of the greatest guys on the Tour, Happy John, in

: the finals. Let's compile all the things we know about this match before
: proceeding:

: 1. I am now a commanding 8-0 in games in this tournament.
: 2. I am with burn, and John is with Necro.
: 3. John Chinnock has never beaten me.

4. Giant Growth is 3-1 so far this tournament
5. You suffer from "the curse", and will lose no matter
what. Complain to Brian Schneider or Derek Rank about
this, they'll understand.
6. The Gods smile upon John 24/7. He must buy babies on the
black market with his MTG winnings and sacrifice them
every night or something.
7. "Holy Pikula" = "I'm such a good player"

: Remember, the winner of this match is assured many dollars. The loser is

: assured a "You'll get 'em next time, chief." Now for the pre-match talk.

ease up on the Opalka talk

: Happy John: Mike, do you want to play Paris Mulligan?

: Me: I hate Paris Mulligan. It fucks me every time.

Paris Mulligan is the bomb. Always accept it.

: Mike Lucarello: Manascrewed!
: (The assembled crowd concurs).

damn peanut gallery

: Chinnock: Another Steel Golem! Snake Basket! Four angry Snakes! Nine
: angry Snakes!

No Simoon in the main deck makes Mike snakefood.

On the other hand, we are treated to Giant Growth Success Story

: Both of us said that whenever we lost, it was just because we were
: manascrewed.

That's the only reason anyone EVER loses

: BOLT: Any sort of card that does damage. Lightning Bolt, Incincerate,

: Guerilla Tactics, Hammer of Bogardan, Kindle, and Psionic Blast are all
: "Bolts."

What about the "Bolt Fanatic"?

: SLIGH: Last name of Paul Sligh. Also, any deck. If there is an Ironclaw

Best definition I've seen.

John M. Shuler
Why post in .rules and get a good answer, when you can post
in .strategy and get abused?
- Jeff Boes


non lue,
25 nov. 1997, 03:00:0025/11/1997

Hey Flores you forgot something....
Bachmann: Play my deck and you will win
Flores: No, I have done excessive amounts of playtesting with this deck and I
feel confident
Bachmann: Monored with Giant Growth sucks shit you are gonna lose
Flores: I lost wah wah wah wah!
David Bachmann

Michael J Flores

non lue,
25 nov. 1997, 03:00:0025/11/1997

Maniac187 ( wrote:
: Hey Flores you forgot something....

Sorry for the oversight, Dave.

Okay everyone, please insert Dave's first three conversation segments
before the $1000 tournament section, to be reiterated right after I
dropped for the $200 tournament, then again before the free one. The
"excessive amounts of playtesting" was an unfortunate mis-quote, and
should read "I was too lazy to make my good deck," however.

Regardless of deck choice, the fourth statement is usually accurate.

(funny how well Giant Growth has been doing against the "superior" Cursed
Scroll, though... thought I'd mention it)


non lue,
25 nov. 1997, 03:00:0025/11/1997

Its everyones favorite friend Mike Lucarello again. I just though that I would
throw in my 2 cents for whatever it is worth. I don't really hate tournament
reports, I am glad that there are people out there that waste their time
writing them. As for me yelling out the "mana screwed" thing and proceding to
laugh at you, it was great because you denied Happy John's offer and proceeded
to get your ass kick by him. All and all it was pretty damn funny. I am glad
you put my name in your tournament report because I wanted everyone to know
Everyones friend,
Mike Lucarello
p.s. Is there anyone else out there that things John Shuler spends too much
time on the newsgroups

The Corrupter

non lue,
25 nov. 1997, 03:00:0025/11/1997

On Mon, 24 Nov 1997, eeyoo wrote:

> Well Mike, that was a pretty cool report. Except for your constantly
> using the term 'Flores cards' to refer to things which should rightfully
> be termed 'Webster cards'.

I get that title in the Midwest... :)

I'm sure some of you will see me at the PTQ season, so get used to it...

Go Rogue Decks!

Adrian Sullivan <>
@#$ The Corrupter $#@ GAT/CS/WS C(+++)$ N++ PS++@ b++ R+++* r+ z++**?
Game Theorist, Coffee Addict, Opinionated Gynophile Hedonist MHTHTS
But who needs labels? - Comments always welcome...

Michael J Flores

non lue,
26 nov. 1997, 03:00:0026/11/1997

CrazyMike7 ( wrote:
: Its everyones favorite friend Mike Lucarello again. I just though that I would

: throw in my 2 cents for whatever it is worth. I don't really hate tournament
: reports, I am glad that there are people out there that waste their time
: writing them. As for me yelling out the "mana screwed" thing and proceding to
: laugh at you, it was great because you denied Happy John's offer and proceeded
: to get your ass kick by him. All and all it was pretty damn funny. I am glad
: you put my name in your tournament report because I wanted everyone to know

Congrats Mike. Many dollars to you, I'm sure.

Yes, I realize the irony in declining the Paris Mulligan, than losing to
double manascrew.


: Everyones friend,


non lue,
26 nov. 1997, 03:00:0026/11/1997

>I am kind of manascrewed, but have been able to do a bunch of damage by
>little guys and bolts. Ken has used Legacy's Allure and Man-o'-War to
>mess up my offense. He has lots of mana, and hasn't cast a counterspell
>the entire game. Knowing that he will in all likelihood kill me the next
>turn, I tap out for Ball Lightning, even though he has an untapped Wall
>of Air. I figure if he has a counterspell, he might waste it on the Ball
>Lightning, and I might be able to Blast him to death. I attack.
>Ken: I block with Wall of Air and Ophidian.
>Me: I trample over Ophidian for 3.

OK, I know Ken is taking a little bit of a beating for this move. (I saw the
other post about giving him a permanent invitation to DC area games. :) ) I
rode down with him (I was the scrub playing the Demented Stairwell deck that
actually did fairly well considering it was more-or-less thrown together until
I met Lauer-potence and a poor draw). Anway, in defense of Ken. He is quite a
good player and was kicking himself the WHOLE way back to Albany. You were
right, he was going to win the next turn and who knows how the match would have
turned out, but I guess wars are won and lost in the "little details" aren't

All-in-all a fun tournament. As always, I seemed to do a lot better in the
trading dept than the playing dept...


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