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[EC 2010 in Paris] Do we reprint week of nightmares A.K.A Activities during the week of the EC

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Dec 8, 2009, 9:04:39 AM12/8/09
Hello everybody

as you are probably aware, Paris and all its players will be welcoming
you for the European Championship next year 2010. The EC will take
place at
Résidence Internationale de Paris (R.I.P)
44, rue Louis Lumière 75020 Paris

New dates (before Halloween)
October, 29th : LAST CHANCE
October, 30th : EC DAY 1
October, 31th : EC DAY2

so we have basically decided that it would be a good idea to offer
something very similar to the week of nightmares, as Paris is a great
town and has lots to offer. We are ready to take days off at work to
set things up.

We are considering the following opportunities that could start from
the Saturday before the EC or on Monday:
homologated tournaments with qualifying spots to the EC for winners
duffin drafts in touristic areas such as the Louvre museum, the castle
of Versailles
games in pubs

they would last until Thursday when we will start the usual welcome
party and the classical LCQ activities.

so now, the question is basically: would you like it? Would you like
to come to Paris like one week before? Would you like to take part to
those activities?

On the opposite side, since 1st of November is a free day, we might do
additional activities after the tournament has ended, the week after.
If this is something you would prefer, let us know!

Finally, please remember that two forums are already opened for all
questions on EC, discussions on Vtes and so on:

please come there if you had any questions. There are similar
discussions as this one opened there so if you need, you can post
there also


Matthew T. Morgan

Dec 8, 2009, 9:30:57 AM12/8/09
On Tue, 8 Dec 2009, orianice wrote:

> so now, the question is basically: would you like it? Would you like
> to come to Paris like one week before? Would you like to take part to
> those activities?

Yes, yes, yes!

alex fnurp

Dec 8, 2009, 10:16:52 AM12/8/09

Oh god, that would be fantastic :)


Dec 8, 2009, 10:46:00 AM12/8/09
If you don't change the dates anymore: God yes!

Jakob Sievers

Dec 8, 2009, 3:47:23 PM12/8/09
orianice <> writes:

> We are considering the following opportunities that could start from
> the Saturday before the EC or on Monday:
> homologated tournaments with qualifying spots to the EC for winners
> duffin drafts in touristic areas such as the Louvre museum, the castle
> of Versailles
> games in pubs
> they would last until Thursday when we will start the usual welcome
> party and the classical LCQ activities.
> so now, the question is basically: would you like it? Would you like
> to come to Paris like one week before? Would you like to take part to
> those activities?


> On the opposite side, since 1st of November is a free day, we might do
> additional activities after the tournament has ended, the week after.
> If this is something you would prefer, let us know!

Also good.



Dec 8, 2009, 5:42:06 PM12/8/09
On Dec 8, 2:04 pm, orianice <> wrote:
> so now, the question is basically: would you like it? Would you like
> to come to Paris like one week before? Would you like to take part to
> those activities?

The week before will probably be a stretch for us Portuguese players,
but let me just state my inane happiness at the event being during
that weekend. Birthday on the 31st and whatnot. ^^ Should any of us be
able to be there earlier on, events would be most welcome!



Dec 8, 2009, 6:28:44 PM12/8/09

> please come there if you had any questions. There are similar
> discussions as this one opened there so if you need, you can post
> there also
> Best

Yes, just do it!

Isak Bjärmark Esbjörnsson
Prince of Örebro


Dec 8, 2009, 9:42:23 PM12/8/09
On Dec 8, 2:04 pm, orianice <> wrote:

Please tell us the fixed costs to stay there, so we can plan the trip.
No good doing plans without knowing the cost.



Dec 8, 2009, 10:44:40 PM12/8/09
orianice wrote:
> Hello everybody
> as you are probably aware, Paris and all its players will be welcoming
> you for the European Championship next year 2010. The EC will take
> place at
> R�sidence Internationale de Paris (R.I.P)
> 44, rue Louis Lumi�re 75020 Paris

Paris is a nice central location. I predict record breaking

> New dates (before Halloween)
> October, 29th : LAST CHANCE
> October, 30th : EC DAY 1
> October, 31th : EC DAY2
> so we have basically decided that it would be a good idea to offer
> something very similar to the week of nightmares, as Paris is a great
> town and has lots to offer. We are ready to take days off at work to
> set things up.
> We are considering the following opportunities that could start from
> the Saturday before the EC or on Monday:
> homologated tournaments with qualifying spots to the EC for winners
> duffin drafts in touristic areas such as the Louvre museum, the castle
> of Versailles
> games in pubs
> they would last until Thursday when we will start the usual welcome
> party and the classical LCQ activities.
> so now, the question is basically: would you like it? Would you like
> to come to Paris like one week before? Would you like to take part to
> those activities?
> On the opposite side, since 1st of November is a free day, we might do
> additional activities after the tournament has ended, the week after.
> If this is something you would prefer, let us know!

How about both. Start Wed leading up, end Tues or Wed
after. Then some folks can take a long weekend leading up
to it, some can take long weekend after, and others can be
there the whole time.

> Finally, please remember that two forums are already opened for all
> questions on EC, discussions on Vtes and so on:

Are they both francophone, or is one english?

> please come there if you had any questions. There are similar
> discussions as this one opened there so if you need, you can post
> there also
> Best

Wish i could be there, but I can pretty much guarantee I
won't, unless for some craaaaazy reason, I have to go to
Europe for some solar thing.

best -



Dec 9, 2009, 2:15:02 AM12/9/09

This all sounds awesome mate.



Dec 9, 2009, 3:35:56 AM12/9/09
Sounds great


Dec 9, 2009, 6:56:32 AM12/9/09
On Dec 9, 4:44 am, librarian <> wrote:
> > Finally, please remember that two forums are already opened for all
> > questions on EC, discussions on Vtes and so on:
> >
> >
> Are they both francophone, or is one english?

Both are english and french, and we can also answer questions in


Dec 9, 2009, 7:51:36 AM12/9/09
On Dec 9, 3:44 am, librarian <> wrote:
> orianice wrote:
> > Hello everybody
> > as you are probably aware, Paris and all its players will be welcoming
> > you for the European Championship next year 2010. The EC will take
> > place at
> > Résidence Internationale de Paris (R.I.P)
> > 44, rue Louis Lumière 75020 Paris

Start playing in the best lottery you can get. If you are a
millionaire, you can go to Paris.
There's a plan.



Dec 9, 2009, 9:43:11 PM12/9/09

Is there the danger of having this date over the NAC date?
I hope not. I want to try the New Caprica expansion with my Cylon
friends (to make them loose, of course).



Dec 17, 2009, 5:42:05 AM12/17/09
Ok I am upping this so that we also can hear people who rather attend
EC only than WoN and if yes, why.
if you do not wish to tell it publicly, feel free to contact me
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