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YAAP: Flyte-Wiz-Elf-Fem-Law foodless atheist

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Will Noble

Feb 8, 2008, 7:18:47 AM2/8/08
The result of generous start-scumming, I ascended a foodless-atheist character
using the last of the speculated strategies for this tricky combo: finishing
the game before your nutrition runs out. I aimed to prove that with a ring of
slow digestion, the 900 initial nutrition points can last a whole game.
Accordingly, I never life-saved, "new"-poly'd, or quaffed potions of
juice/booze; the nutrition counter decreased monotonically for the
duration. This game took 11662 turns (about 3.5 hours), or just a little
past the 'hungry' spot.

Besides the required =oSD, I started with identify, charging, and a marker. An
armor shop on dlvl2 had speed boots, gauntlets of dexterity, and a +1 pointy
hat. Itzak sold me two magic lamps.

Okay, bear with me, the rest of the game wasn't all *that* easy. Really.

After checking out mine town, I headed on down to grab some gems and the luck
stone. On the way I practiced identifying and soon had basic in divination. A
wolf beneath mine town dropped... another magic lamp. Two of the lamps turned
out to be blessed, so I had the mkot and +2 SDSM by the time I got up.

By sokoban, I had gathered 10 potions of water and knew about scrolls of
remove curse and confuse monster, so that gave me holy and unholy water. I
blessed and rubbed the last lamp for a bag of holding. A bones pile on dlvl 19
contributed lots of scrolls and potions, but otherwise the rest of the
dungeons was uneventful. Got the wand at 6760. (0:1), but I can't complain. I
wished for cursed scrolls of genocide, summoned some black unicorns and maxed
luck. The rest of the wishes eventually went to two more markers and a ring of
conflict (by the portal to Air). Dropped down to Gehennom, levelport back to
level 15 for the quest (incubi gave me xlvl 11-14), gate back to Gehennom.

With the new markers, I wrote magic mapping, jumping (in case of congested
astral doorway, never used), charm monster (never used), remove curse (also
never used after advancing to skilled for blessed ?oRC effect) and detect
monster (way cooler than telepathy). Thus prepared, I proceeded to do hell the
privileged way, mapping every level and digging paths. Do vlad, gate back to
the mines because I forgot candles, gate back, map, map, kill orcus, map, find
VS, and the rest is, as they say, the rest.

A few peculiarities. Fire vortices are scary without fire resistance. Use
magic missiles. A single stray punch could be fatal. On the other hand, the
spell of extra healing goes a long way when your max hp is 78. Also, conflict
was used sparingly. I only put it on for the last 20 turns or so of Astral,
even leaving it off for air, preferring to burn /oD charges on the
elementals. Likewise for =oL; a blessed potion of levitation got me through
the entire middle planes.

Did I mention intrinsics? This post is subtitled "Intrinsics are For Wimps". I
had sleep (racial), see invisible (throne), speed (wand), and invisibility
(wand). I never got poison, shock, cold, disintegration, or telepathy at any
point in the game, and, save the couple turns I wore =oFR to cross the Sanctum
moat, fire as well. Fire traps shaved off fewer than 20 hp. With half physical
damage and -28 AC, minotaurs barely tickled, anyway. I drank 5 b!oEH after
getting to Astral to be on the safe side.

All in all a distastefully lucky game, but mission accomplished. :)

Flyte, lawful female elven Wizard

2 ...|
---------..-- ---
|.......|%..-- --
|...@AA$-@A@@A$ &
|..H%...|.11.--- [ %
|.......|%1%-- -- %
---------..-- ----.---
1 1...| | -------
----- | |
------- -
| -

Flyte the Enchantress St:17 Dx:20 Co:16 In:20 Wi:18 Ch:15 Lawful S:488281
Astral Plane $:0 HP:78(102) Pw:166(166) AC:-22 Xp:14/98334 T:11662 Hungry

Your inventory
k - a cursed amulet of life saving
I - the blessed Eye of the Aethiopica
a - a blessed +7 quarterstaff (weapon in hands)
b - an uncursed fireproof +4 cloak of magic resistance (being worn)
n - a blessed +4 T-shirt (being worn)
v - an uncursed -1 pair of levitation boots
x - a blessed fireproof +4 pair of speed boots (being worn)
y - a blessed fireproof +4 pair of gauntlets of dexterity (being worn)
E - an uncursed +0 mummy wrapping
N - a blessed greased +4 silver dragon scale mail (being worn)
Q - a cursed -1 helm of opposite alignment (being worn)
Y - a blessed +6 cornuthaum
W - the uncursed Book of the Dead
r - an uncursed diluted potion of full healing
G - an uncursed potion of extra healing
K - a blessed ring of slow digestion (on left hand)
O - an uncursed ring of conflict
Z - an uncursed rusty ring of fire resistance
j - a wand of digging (0:0)
l - a wand of wishing (1:0)
s - a wand of lightning (0:5)
B - a wand of create monster (0:12)
F - a wand of death (1:0)
H - a wand of digging (0:5)
L - a wand of fire (1:4)
U - a wand of digging (0:4)
X - a wand of death (1:6)
c - an uncursed rusty stethoscope
d - a can of grease (0:20)
e - an uncursed skeleton key
f - a blessed greased fireproof bag of holding
g - a cursed fireproof magic marker (1:5)
i - a blessed +0 unicorn horn
o - an uncursed blindfold
p - the uncursed Candelabrum of Invocation (7 candles attached)
q - a fireproof magic marker (1:42)
t - the blessed rustproof Master Key of Thievery
w - a +0 pick-axe
C - an uncursed brass lantern
J - the Bell of Opening (0:2)
M - an uncursed towel
V - an uncursed oil lamp (lit)
P - an uncursed luckstone

Contents of the bag of holding:
10277 gold pieces
an uncursed amulet versus poison
an uncursed +0 pair of water walking boots
an uncursed -1 oilskin cloak
a cursed scroll of confuse monster
an uncursed scroll of light
an uncursed scroll of stinking cloud
an uncursed scroll of punishment
an uncursed scroll of fire
an uncursed scroll of food detection
6 blessed scrolls of blank paper
2 blessed scrolls of enchant weapon
an uncursed scroll of enchant armor
a cursed scroll of genocide
3 uncursed scrolls of blank paper
a blessed scroll of confuse monster
6 cursed scrolls of blank paper
4 uncursed scrolls of remove curse
an uncursed scroll of gold detection
an uncursed spellbook of remove curse
an uncursed spellbook of charm monster
an uncursed spellbook of magic missile
a blessed spellbook of magic mapping
an uncursed spellbook of sleep
2 potions of unholy water
an uncursed potion of speed
an uncursed potion of water
8 potions of holy water
a blessed potion of speed
a cursed -1 ring of increase damage
an uncursed ring of regeneration
a cursed ring of hunger
an uncursed ring of stealth
an uncursed ring of invisibility
an uncursed ring of invisibility
an uncursed ring of shock resistance
a cursed ring of searching
a cursed wand of digging (0:3)
a cursed wand of digging (0:8)
a cursed wand of lightning (0:0)
a wand of digging (0:4)
a wand of digging (0:8)
a wand of striking (0:3)
a wand of digging (0:8)
a wand of light (0:13)
a cursed rusty wand of digging (0:7)
a cursed wand of probing (0:4)
a cursed wand of striking (0:7)
a wand of enlightenment (0:11)
a cursed wand of speed monster (0:5)
a cursed wand of magic missile (0:4)
a cursed wand of striking (0:7)
a cursed wand of create monster (0:11)
a wand of magic missile (0:6)
a wand of magic missile (0:8)
a wand of undead turning (0:6)
a fireproof magic marker (1:9)
an uncursed jade stone
an uncursed aquamarine stone
an uncursed aquamarine stone
an uncursed amethyst stone
2 uncursed rubies
2 uncursed topaz stones
6 uncursed dilithium crystals
6 uncursed emeralds

Final attributes
You were piously aligned
You were sleep resistant
You were magic-protected
You saw invisible
You were warned
You had infravision
You were invisible to others
You had teleport control
You had slower digestion
You were very fast
You had reflection
You were extremely lucky (13)
You had extra luck
Bad luck did not time out for you
Good luck did not time out for you
You survived

Spells known in the end
Name Level Category Fail
a - force bolt 1 attack 0%
b - identify 3 divination 0%
c - extra healing 3 healing 0%
d - light 1 divination 0%
e - magic missile 2 attack 0%
f - sleep 1 enchantment 0%
g - detect monsters 1 divination 0%
h - jumping 1 escape 0%
i - magic mapping 5 divination 0%
j - teleport away 6 escape 100%
k - knock 1 matter 0%
l - detect unseen 3 divination 0%
m - charm monster 3 enchantment 0%
n - remove curse 3 clerical 0%

Vanquished creatures
The Wizard of Yendor (5 times)
Famine (twice)
a high priest
6 krakens
a titan
a purple worm
2 gray dragons
a red dragon
a yellow dragon
8 minotaurs
The Dark One
4 Angels
a demilich
Vlad the Impaler
2 stone golems
an Olog-hai


693 creatures vanquished.

Genocided or extinct species:
dwarf lords
dwarf kings
mind flayers
master mind flayers
master liches
erinyes (extinct)
11 species genocided.
1 species extinct.

Voluntary challenges
You went without food
You were an atheist
You genocided 11 types of monsters
You never polymorphed an object
You never changed form
You used 8 wishes

Your skills at the end
Fighting Skills
Weapon Skills
quarterstaff [Expert]
Spellcasting Skills
attack spells [Basic]
healing spells [Basic]
divination spells [Skilled]
enchantment spells [Basic]
clerical spells [Skilled]

Goodbye Flyte the Demigoddess...
You went to your reward with 1100312 points,
The Candelabrum of Invocation (worth 5000 zorkmids and 12500 points)
The Master Key of Thievery (worth 3500 zorkmids and 8750 points)
The Eye of the Aethiopica (worth 4000 zorkmids and 10000 points)
The Bell of Opening (worth 5000 zorkmids and 12500 points)
The Book of the Dead (worth 10000 zorkmids and 25000 points)
6 dilithium crystals (worth 27000 zorkmids),
6 emeralds (worth 15000 zorkmids),
2 rubies (worth 7000 zorkmids),
2 aquamarine stones (worth 3000 zorkmids),
2 topaz stones (worth 1800 zorkmids),
1 amethyst stone (worth 600 zorkmids),
1 jade stone (worth 300 zorkmids),
1 amulet of life saving (worth 150 zorkmids),
1 amulet versus poison (worth 150 zorkmids),
and 10277 pieces of gold, after 11662 moves.
Killer: ascended
You were level 14 with a maximum of 102 hit points when you ascended.

No Points Name Hp [max]
1 2147483647 Zadir-Pri-Hum-Fem-Neu died on the Astral Plane.
Killed by overexertion. 4140 [4140]
2 2147483647 ctaboir-Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu ascended to demigoddess-hood.
3 2145937336 greqrg-Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood. 297 [297]

1999 3876492 AdamMil-Val-Hum-Fem-Neu ascended to
demigoddess-hood. 229 [387]
2000 3876472 Zanasj-Kni-Hum-Mal-Law ascended to demigod-hood. 426 [441]
1100312 Flyte-Wiz-Elf-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 78 [102]


Feb 8, 2008, 10:27:14 AM2/8/08
On Feb 8, 4:18 am, Will Noble <> wrote:

> The result of generous start-scumming, I ascended a foodless-atheist character
> using the last of the speculated strategies for this tricky combo: finishing
> the game before your nutrition runs out. I aimed to prove that with a ring of
> slow digestion, the 900 initial nutrition points can last a whole game.

Very impressive! Of course, my typical ascension is well over 60K
turns :-P

> Did I mention intrinsics? This post is subtitled "Intrinsics are For Wimps". I
> had sleep (racial), see invisible (throne), speed (wand), and invisibility
> (wand). I never got poison, shock, cold, disintegration, or telepathy at any
> point in the game, and, save the couple turns I wore =oFR to cross the Sanctum
> moat, fire as well. Fire traps shaved off fewer than 20 hp. With half physical
> damage and -28 AC, minotaurs barely tickled, anyway. I drank 5 b!oEH after
> getting to Astral to be on the safe side.

Even more impressive! I've never considered even trying to ascend
without getting a full set of intrinsics, especially poison

> All in all a distastefully lucky game, but mission accomplished. :)

I'd say even with the lamps and the bones, it still took great skill
to pull that off.

- funcrunch

David Damerell

Feb 8, 2008, 12:19:15 PM2/8/08
Quoting funcrunch <>:
>Even more impressive! I've never considered even trying to ascend
>without getting a full set of intrinsics, especially poison

I think you should consider dispensing with disint resistance.
David Damerell <> Distortion Field!
Today is First Tuesday, February.


Feb 8, 2008, 2:25:17 PM2/8/08
On Feb 8, 4:18 am, Will Noble <> wrote:
> The result of generous start-scumming, I ascended a foodless-atheist character
> using the last of the speculated strategies for this tricky combo: finishing
> the game before your nutrition runs out. I aimed to prove that with a ring of
> slow digestion, the 900 initial nutrition points can last a whole game.
> Accordingly, I never life-saved, "new"-poly'd, or quaffed potions of
> juice/booze; the nutrition counter decreased monotonically for the
> duration. This game took 11662 turns (about 3.5 hours), or just a little
> past the 'hungry' spot.
Very impressive ascension! I saw it on the NAO 'Most Recent Game'
list and was impressed at how quickly you ascended and then I noticed
the conducts!

> Besides the required =oSD, I started with identify, charging, and a marker. An
> armor shop on dlvl2 had speed boots, gauntlets of dexterity, and a +1 pointy
> hat. Itzak sold me two magic lamps.

That is a pretty good start with the good inventory and the wishes.

> Okay, bear with me, the rest of the game wasn't all *that* easy. Really.
> After checking out mine town, I headed on down to grab some gems and the luck

With such a need for speed, why did you spend the time going down to
Mine's End? Did you skip Sokoban?

> stone. On the way I practiced identifying and soon had basic in divination. A
> wolf beneath mine town dropped... another magic lamp. Two of the lamps turned
> out to be blessed, so I had the mkot and +2 SDSM by the time I got up.

Why did you wish for mkot if you weren't going to be teleporting?
Just for the half physical damage?

> By sokoban, I had gathered 10 potions of water and knew about scrolls of
> remove curse and confuse monster, so that gave me holy and unholy water. I
> blessed and rubbed the last lamp for a bag of holding. A bones pile on dlvl 19
> contributed lots of scrolls and potions, but otherwise the rest of the
> dungeons was uneventful. Got the wand at 6760. (0:1), but I can't complain. I

That seems fast but I guess with the early wishes you could zoom down
to the castle without too much drama, no?

> wished for cursed scrolls of genocide, summoned some black unicorns and maxed

You used a wish for the scroll of genocide? Why didn't you just write
them? And why did you go through so much effort just to max luck?

> luck. The rest of the wishes eventually went to two more markers and a ring of
> conflict (by the portal to Air). Dropped down to Gehennom, levelport back to
> level 15 for the quest (incubi gave me xlvl 11-14), gate back to Gehennom.
> With the new markers, I wrote magic mapping, jumping (in case of congested
> astral doorway, never used), charm monster (never used), remove curse (also
> never used after advancing to skilled for blessed ?oRC effect) and detect
> monster (way cooler than telepathy). Thus prepared, I proceeded to do hell the
> privileged way, mapping every level and digging paths. Do vlad, gate back to
> the mines because I forgot candles, gate back, map, map, kill orcus, map, find
> VS, and the rest is, as they say, the rest.

I don't understand how you made it through so fast with all of your
digging and spellbook work. You must have been quite efficient.

> A few peculiarities. Fire vortices are scary without fire resistance. Use
> magic missiles. A single stray punch could be fatal. On the other hand, the
> spell of extra healing goes a long way when your max hp is 78. Also, conflict
> was used sparingly. I only put it on for the last 20 turns or so of Astral,
> even leaving it off for air, preferring to burn /oD charges on the
> elementals. Likewise for =oL; a blessed potion of levitation got me through
> the entire middle planes.
> Did I mention intrinsics? This post is subtitled "Intrinsics are For Wimps". I
> had sleep (racial), see invisible (throne), speed (wand), and invisibility
> (wand). I never got poison, shock, cold, disintegration, or telepathy at any
> point in the game, and, save the couple turns I wore =oFR to cross the Sanctum
> moat, fire as well. Fire traps shaved off fewer than 20 hp. With half physical
> damage and -28 AC, minotaurs barely tickled, anyway. I drank 5 b!oEH after
> getting to Astral to be on the safe side.

Did you save rings and/or dragon scales? I suppose the Eye of the
Aethiopica was useful for telepathy.

> All in all a distastefully lucky game, but mission accomplished. :)

Congratulations again.


Feb 8, 2008, 2:29:03 PM2/8/08
On Feb 8, 9:19 am, David Damerell <>

> Quoting funcrunch <>:
> >Even more impressive! I've never considered even trying to ascend
> >without getting a full set of intrinsics, especially poison
> >resistance.
> I think you should consider dispensing with disint resistance.

I do when I play a Monk. ;-)

- funcrunch

Will Noble

Feb 10, 2008, 12:29:24 AM2/10/08
On 2008-02-08, Carl <> wrote:
>> After checking out mine town, I headed on down to grab some gems and the luck
> With such a need for speed, why did you spend the time going down to
> Mine's End? Did you skip Sokoban?

That's my naive fast wizard strategy: grab the gems and luckstone,
dfv, then wish for genocide to max luck, so I can wish up markers
and write up any needed scrolls or spellbooks on the spot. Unless
you have two or more wands of create monster or the equivalent
spell, you can't reliably max luck quickly. Should probably watch
videos of faster ascensions (Theta, Rast, or ContraDuck, maybe),
but it worked on my fastest game, a 10271-turn wizard.

> Why did you wish for mkot if you weren't going to be teleporting?
> Just for the half physical damage?

Either half physical damage or teleport control would be worth a
wish on its own. In fact I wish for =oTC quite a bit. Levelporting
saved lots of turns, and half damage helped with the low hp. mkot
is by far my most wished for artifact.

>> dungeons was uneventful. Got the wand at 6760. (0:1), but I can't complain. I
> That seems fast but I guess with the early wishes you could zoom down
> to the castle without too much drama, no?

Yes, but with speed boots and BoH I wasn't worried about wasting
too many turns. I'm generally confident of my ability to zoom
through the late game, rather.

>> wished for cursed scrolls of genocide, summoned some black unicorns and maxed
> You used a wish for the scroll of genocide? Why didn't you just write
> them? And why did you go through so much effort just to max luck?

I had enough resources that I didn't really need the wish, so I
got luck and writing of the needed books out of the way.

> I don't understand how you made it through so fast with all of your
> digging and spellbook work. You must have been quite efficient.

Writing books doesn't really take any time. Mapping every level
instead of every other level saves some time, since you can go
straight from staircase to staircase. I'd do it bottom-up, even,
but the amulet makes you hungry. Surprisingly I didn't miss
teleportitis too much. It's been a while since I went without it.

> Did you save rings and/or dragon scales? I suppose the Eye of the
> Aethiopica was useful for telepathy.

Nope! I found a =oFR, so I used that for a couple of turns. Never
needed the starting ring of shock resistance, and I didn't find
other resistance rings. Never put on the the EotA. I wrote a
spellbook of detect monsters to compensate for lack of telepathy

> Congratulations again.

Thanks! And by the way, congrats on the 11-conduct ascension!
*That* is an impressive ascension. I wasn't sure it was possible.
Can't wait for the YAAP for twelve.

Will Noble

Feb 9, 2008, 11:54:02 PM2/9/08
On 2008-02-08, funcrunch <> wrote:
> Very impressive! Of course, my typical ascension is well over 60K
> turns :-P

Thanks! And same here until recently. Fast games are fun.

> Even more impressive! I've never considered even trying to ascend
> without getting a full set of intrinsics, especially poison
> resistance.

I remember having a discussion in #nethack about which intrinciscs were
absolutely indispensible, and we agreed on fire and poison, so it was a nice
sub-achievement for me to ascend without either.


Mar 4, 2008, 12:41:10 PM3/4/08
On Feb 8, 7:18 am, Will Noble <> wrote:
> spell of extra healing goes a long way when your max hp is 78. Also, conflict

How did you not die from the woy with only 78 hp?


Apr 3, 2008, 9:09:29 AM4/3/08
On Feb 10, 1:29 am, Will Noble <> wrote:

> On 2008-02-08, Carl <> wrote:
> >> After checking out mine town, I headed on down to grab some gems and the luck
> > With such a need for speed, why did you spend the time going down to
> > Mine's End?  Did you skip Sokoban?
> That's my naive fast wizard strategy: grab the gems and luckstone,
> dfv, then wish for genocide to max luck, so I can wish up markers
> and write up any needed scrolls or spellbooks on the spot. Unless
> you have two or more wands of create monster or the equivalent
> spell, you can't reliably max luck quickly. Should probably watch
> videos of faster ascensions (Theta, Rast, or ContraDuck, maybe),
> but it worked on my fastest game, a 10271-turn wizard.
> >> wished for cursed scrolls of genocide, summoned some black unicorns and maxed
> > You used a wish for the scroll of genocide?  Why didn't you just write
> > them?  And why did you go through so much effort just to max luck?

What was the reason for maxing luck? Are scrolls and book easier to
write or something?

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