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YAAP Zen-Sam-Hum-Law-Fem

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Christian Bressler

Jan 26, 2002, 5:15:09 AM1/26/02

this (rt long) game I tooked no notes so no very detailed
informations availiable.

After years of training Zen was very skilled in zen.
She anticipated everything and was that used to be blindfolded
that her everydaylife was difficult when she removed it.

Her master decided she was ready and with an impressive
ceremony her village took leave of her.
But just before she entered a local wise woman appeared
and made a final prediction.
She said Zen will loose almost all her powers and skills
when she enters. But if she trusts in herself and didn't
remove her blindfold she will prevail.
While vanishing the wise lady mumbled something like,
you will have to remove it once, but only Zen heared that.

For sentimental reasons she showed one final time her
face, but the irritating feeling let her stumble and thus
she entered the dungeons of doom not very ladylike.

She immidiately blindfolded herself and was shocked.
Her comfort with that had vanished completely, she stumbled
around and felt there was a little dog aside her and soon she
bumped into her first wall.

Handicaped that way she uses her fingers to grope(touch) her
surroundings before (almost) each move.
Surely but slowly she explored the dungeons and collected
various things.
Sometimes she got hit by something but with some untargeted
swings that stopped.

At Dlvl4 she found an extra set of downstairs, felt a chaotic
altar (sensible fingers) and was greated while entering a
She didn't want to mess with the shopkeeper thus she left
She explored further and sacrificed some corpses.
Zen soon converted the altar. Felt something brushing against
her feet and finally Amaterasu Omikami dropped a
samurai sword at her feet. She was used to her trusty katana
and now her god gave her a simple samurai sword???
But she thougt it surley has some powers and used it
a while.

But when she found a long sword she dipped for Excalibur
since she hoped the boring s<move>s<move>s<move>...
pattern would end, but no, searching from items is
different than/from hitting 's'.
But her samurai sword was thoroughly rusty+corroded, so
she stayed with Excalibur.

A while later she bumped into a monster which started to steal
some items (luckily not the blindfold). She realized in the past
there had to be several incarnations of her failing by that way.
Therefore she left that place in a hurry.
Eventually after a snack she felt her powers coming back step
by step and felt ready to take on the nymph.
Now she was able to hit that thief with arrows from afar.

She was confident enough to enter the shop at Dlvl4 and learned
it was a armory with nothing worth to mention, but she selled
some stuff there.

Now she solved Sokoban("oR) and entered the gnomish mines.
At minetown she ignored the temple and visited the general
store first.
Her inventory (..., a wand, a ring, a potion, a ...) botherd her.
At first she checked if she owned a cheap scroll, no not the case.
So she selled and rebuyed almost all her stuff and identified
her inventory the expensive way (~6k).
Including a +4 elven cloak.

Now she was able to call and name some of her stuff.
With the rest of her money she bought some (4 iirc) candles,
a expensive lamp, a expensive bag, a cheap bag and
a magic marker.

Zen descendet further down and got a gray stone and some gems
from the bottom.
She revistited the store and sell-ided her new stuff, since no
cheap scroll found yet.
By sell-id-ing her gray stone she learned even though the description
isn't changing she was able to call it afterwards.
The expensive bag was a (BoH she learned by removing some of her

Zen owned four potions which she wasn't able to call or ID, since
the shop had no interest in them.
She visited the altar at Dlvl4 dropped those potions, prayed and
returned to minetown, now the price had changed and she could
call the remaining two potions holy water.

Now the boring part of that game started, since the armory was
the only store in the dungeons Zen felt like a pendulum
in visiting the Dungeon and minetown again and again.
But she found no ?oId.

With entering Dlvl25 she thougth her luck has changed, she found
a maze with a minotaur (not reached medusa yet) and sensed
carefully around. She detected a ghost called Blume. Unluckily
a failed illitarate barbarian ...
So no scrolls but GDSM, Speed boots, T-Shirt and gauntlets of power.
And some rings, wands, potions, a stethoscope, a lamp but no bag.

Exploring the maze was no fun, eventually she found out the exit
was near the start (five steps) but the oppsite direction she went
for the ghost.

With Dlvl28 she found medusa, but with no means of levitation
she decided to sell-id her recent findings. On her way up
the RNG created a mmf next to her in the maze and the first two
attacks of this creature succeeded.

With a very rich shopkeeper and an almost empty dungeon Zen
lost faith for a moment.
But then she reexplored the forgotten levels, the message
"This place looks familiar..." didn't fited in.

And low and behold, eventually she owned three cheap scrolls.
(Its argueable but you can read/use ided scrolls but not books
while blind.
"As you pronounce the formula on it, the scroll disappears.")
After blessing them she ided her (mm and some scrolls priced 60
first and wrote new ?oId. From that point in time she used that
tactics to Id stuff.
The RNG showed humor again, since she learned her very first found
spellbook was a spellbook of identify, useless anyway.
Now she used her last zorkminds to buy some protection (4AC).

She enchanted her stuff, genod hL and with her =oLev she felt ready
for the castle.
She stashed the "a wand" from a chest in the castle away and entered
DLvl30 the VotD.
A crowded place with some ghosts including Liquido a former fast
caveman attempt.
At the altar she ID-ed her new stuff and was the proud owner of
three wow (0:2,0:3,1:1) two /oCancel and a /oDeath.

Now Zen visited her quest, zapped Ashikaga Takauji and returned.
(She "saw" a standard flying above the town!???)

Equipped with everything she needed and without using a wish so far
she decided to try wishless.
Thus she didn't write ?oMM but explored gehennom the hard way.

But at the bottom she ran out of ?oId and drank a typo'ed !oPoly.
Byebye T-shirt and cloak, so she burned her wow(1:1) [T-shirt,(oMM].

Now she visited Rodney, the Sanctum (she removed her blindfold after
the first two steps read the book and put the blindfold on, so the
wise lady was rigth), grabbed the amulet and took an intensive lesson
in climbing stairs.

She reached Dlvl32 easily, only to met Dlvl46 a few climbs later.
To cheer things up, rodney stole the amulet, double troubled and
Zen ended with two AoY, now she used one of her two remaining
?oId named the real one and proceeded in train climbing.
At Dlvl34 rodney came back, stole the amulet again and used
a (well charged) /oDig. At Dlvl41 Zen decided its enough so she
scared rodney all the way up to the VotD, only to learn she missed
a double trouble and the rodney here wasn't carrying the amulet.

At Dlvl40 she had a sense of deja vu, to be sure she probed Rodney
and eventually the AoY layed on top of his corpse in the VotD.

After wishing for another (MM, the planes went smooth, she used
c?oGD at earth, air and water and sake/?oGD at fire.
To sense the various elementals she used b!oMD's and finally a =oWarn.

The Astral Plane was hard without jumping, but ...

The voice of Amaterasu Omikami booms: "Congratulations, mortal!"
"In return for thy service, I grant thee the gift of Immortality!"
You ascend to the status of Demigoddess...

Zen the Daimyo St:25 Dx:18 Co:18 In:12 Wi:18 Ch:11 Lawful S:1589155
Astral Plane $:0 HP:409(420) Pw:106(106) AC:-36 Xp:24/40035674 Satiated Blind

Y - a cursed amulet of life saving (being worn)
a - the blessed rustproof +6 Excalibur (weapon in hand)
A - a cursed +4 T-shirt (being worn)
B - a blessed +5 gray dragon scale mail (being worn)
C - a cursed thoroughly burnt +4 oilskin cloak (being worn)
D - an uncursed thoroughly burnt +5 pair of speed boots (being worn)
E - a cursed very rusty +4 pair of gauntlets of power (being worn)
F - an uncursed +3 shield of reflection (being worn)
G - an uncursed thoroughly rusty +4 dwarvish iron helm (being worn)
K - an uncursed tripe ration
N - an uncursed lizard corpse
P - an uncursed potion of full healing
u - a cursed ring of warning
H - an uncursed ring of slow digestion (on left hand)
I - an uncursed ring of free action (on right hand)
L - an uncursed ring of levitation
b - a cursed wand of death (0:2)
i - a wand of teleportation (0:3)
t - a wand of teleportation (0:5)
O - a wand of digging (0:2)
U - a cursed wand of teleportation (0:8)
W - a cursed wand of probing (0:9)
d - a blessed +0 unicorn horn
f - a cursed blindfold (being worn)
q - a blessed bag of holding named holding
s - an uncursed skeleton key
w - a cursed stethoscope
R - an uncursed sack
X - an uncursed amethyst stone
Z - a blessed luckstone

Contents of the bag of holding named holding:

5 uncursed lumps of royal jelly
a +0 unicorn horn
an uncursed ring of teleport control
a wand of teleportation (0:8)
a blessed magic marker (0:9)
a wand of secret door detection (2:5)
a wand of secret door detection (1:3)
a cursed wand of secret door detection (0:9)
a wand of teleportation (0:4)
a cursed wand of secret door detection (0:12)
an uncursed ring of polymorph control
3 blessed scrolls of identify
5 uncursed scrolls of blank paper
3 uncursed scrolls of fire
an uncursed scroll of identify
a blessed magic lamp
a wand of opening (2:4)
a wand of sleep (2:5)
a wand of teleportation (0:5)
a wand of death (0:0)
16 cursed scrolls of teleportation
an uncursed wooden flute
a cursed wand of digging (0:11) + others
2 potions of unholy water
8 potions of holy water
an uncursed scroll of taming
a blessed scroll of remove curse
2 blessed scrolls of charging
2 blessed scrolls of blank paper
a blessed scroll of fire
an uncursed magic whistle
the blessed +0 Tsurugi of Muramasa
a wand of fire (0:3)
an uncursed lembas wafer
a can of grease (0:22)
a wand of enlightenment (0:8)
a wand of probing (0:8)
an uncursed eucalyptus leaf
a wand of wishing (0:2)
a wand of wishing (0:2)
2 uncursed lizard corpses
20 uncursed K-rations
an uncursed carrot
a blessed luckstone

Contents of the sack:

a wand of cancellation (0:4)
a wand of death (0:3)
a wand of cancellation (0:3)
a wand of cancellation (0:5)
a wand of cancellation (1:3)
a wand of cancellation (1:12)
a wand of death (0:4)
a wand of cancellation (0:3)

Final Attributes:

You were piously aligned.
You were fire resistant.
You were cold resistant.
You were sleep resistant.
You were disintegration-resistant.
You were shock resistant.
You were poison resistant.
You were level-drain resistant.
You were magic-protected.
You were blinded.
You saw invisible.
You were telepathic.
You had automatic searching.
You were invisible to others.
You were stealthy.
You had slower digestion.
You were protected.
You were very fast.
You had reflection.
You had free action.
Your life would have been saved.
You were very lucky.
You had extra luck.
Good luck did not time out for you.
You survived.

Vanquished creatures:

The Wizard of Yendor (12 times)
Death /* second and last altar */
Famine (2 times) /* first altar */
a high priest
Ashikaga Takauji
Vlad the Impaler
2 air elementals
5 fire elementals
9 earth elementals
3 water elementals
a djinni
a tengu
5 green slimes /*Eeekk*/
77 killer bees /* deadly if you dont see em coming */
a large kobold

2012 creatures vanquished.

Genocided species:

hobbits, dwarves, bugbears, dwarf lords, dwarf kings, mind flayers,
master mind flayers
liches, demiliches, master liches, arch-liches

11 species genocided.

Voluntary challenges:

You genocided 11 types of monsters.
You used 3 wishes. /* +3 T-Shirt, 2b(mm */
You did not wish for any artifacts.

Sayonara Zen the Demigoddess...

You went to your reward with 3184010 points,
Excalibur (worth 1500 zorkmids and 3750 points)
The Tsurugi of Muramasa (worth 50000 zorkmids and 125000 points)
3 amethyst stones (worth 1800 zorkmids),
1 amulet of life saving (worth 150 zorkmids),
and 4360 pieces of gold, after 63581 moves.
You were level 24 with a maximum of 420 hit points when you ascended.

You made the top ten list!

No Points Name Hp [max]
1 6470136 Minsk-Mon-Hum-Fem-Neu ascended to demigoddess-hood. 421 [455]
2 6193776 Poldi-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 393 [393]
3 4049748 Klar-Bar-Orc-Fem-Cha ascended to demigoddess-hood. 159 [242]
6 3482555 Tuut-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 338 [338]
7 3235221 Jun-Kni-Hum-Mal-Law ascended to demigod-hood. 256 [327]
8 3184010 Zen-Sam-Hum-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 409 [420]
9 3092496 Hark-Rog-Orc-Fem-Cha ascended to demigoddess-hood. 275 [282]
10 3021822 Inter-Kni-Hum-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 270 [270]


P.S.: pacifist round table step 5 of 13 completed.


Jan 26, 2002, 6:42:52 AM1/26/02
Christian Bressler <> wrote:
>After years of training Zen was very skilled in zen.
>She anticipated everything and was that used to be blindfolded
>that her everydaylife was difficult when she removed it.

Congratulations! My attempts at a ZS ("Zatoichi", natch) always end up
with a stupid death around the early/mid game (most recent one: an Ettin
Mummy - they hit horribly hard and don't show up with telepathy so you
can't run away until you've been hit a couple of times. A couple of
times which just happened to be too much for poor Zatoichi)

>She explored further and sacrificed some corpses.
>Zen soon converted the altar. Felt something brushing against
>her feet and finally Amaterasu Omikami dropped a
>samurai sword at her feet. She was used to her trusty katana

Its quite amusing spending several thousand turns hacking away at
monsters with Snickersnee, not knowing that it actually is

W - a samurai sword

I do find it somewhat strange that it shows up as samurai sword rather
than katana as well...

>A while later she bumped into a monster which started to steal
>some items (luckily not the blindfold). She realized in the past
>there had to be several incarnations of her failing by that way.
>Therefore she left that place in a hurry.

I failed a few ZS from an errant nymph... grr.

>She was confident enough to enter the shop at Dlvl4 and learned
>it was a armory with nothing worth to mention, but she selled
>some stuff there.

Its annoying that even (m)oving into a shopkeeper when blind and not
able to detect them from other means will anger them...

>Her inventory (..., a wand, a ring, a potion, a ...) botherd her.
>At first she checked if she owned a cheap scroll, no not the case.
>So she selled and rebuyed almost all her stuff and identified
>her inventory the expensive way (~6k).
>Including a +4 elven cloak.

Sell-pseudo-id'ing items is definitely the key!

>And low and behold, eventually she owned three cheap scrolls.
>(Its argueable but you can read/use ided scrolls but not books
> while blind.
> "As you pronounce the formula on it, the scroll disappears.")

Yep! When I first thought about ZS, I reckoned it would have to also be
illiterate, but then I remembered that since you can read scrols when
blind so long as you know what the name of the scroll is it would be

>Now Zen visited her quest, zapped Ashikaga Takauji and returned.
>(She "saw" a standard flying above the town!???)

With her mind's eye? :-)

>Equipped with everything she needed and without using a wish so far
>she decided to try wishless.
>Thus she didn't write ?oMM but explored gehennom the hard way.

Oh - how tedious!

>Now she visited Rodney, the Sanctum (she removed her blindfold after
>the first two steps read the book and put the blindfold on, so the

Excellent! Minimal number of turns with sight!

>Zen ended with two AoY, now she used one of her two remaining
>?oId named the real one and proceeded in train climbing.

Ah, I was wondering about how to do that... I was considering even
sell-id'ing it (and probably having to kill the SHK to retrieve it
afterwards - that is if you can even sell it) if I ever got that far.

>Genocided species:
>hobbits, dwarves, bugbears, dwarf lords, dwarf kings, mind flayers,
>master mind flayers
>liches, demiliches, master liches, arch-liches

Completely understandable - they would have made the game even more
tedious than I'm sure it was!

Once again, many congrats! Its a hard and tedious challenge, but I had
a feeling you'd be the first to get Zen Samurai under your belt.


Philipp Lucas

Jan 26, 2002, 10:25:24 AM1/26/02
On 26 Jan 2002 10:15:09 GMT, Christian Bressler <>


>Her comfort with that had vanished completely, she stumbled
>around and felt there was a little dog aside her and soon she
>bumped into her first wall.

Did you kill the dog?

>(Its argueable but you can read/use ided scrolls but not books
> while blind.
> "As you pronounce the formula on it, the scroll disappears.")

The scroll itself is magic. It's just the focus that you need when you
recite the formula. Or something.

Whatever, I find it more inconsistent that to name a class of objects it
suffices to hear a shopkeeper announce the description, although for a
blind character this does confer no additional information in keeping
things apart. I mean, the blind character can distinguish red potions from
yellow potions, because he stacks exactly those of the same kind, but you
can't name them. Let Nardonaja call them "red" and "yellow", and suddenly
you can.

>At the altar she ID-ed her new stuff and was the proud owner of
>three wow (0:2,0:3,1:1) two /oCancel and a /oDeath.

One /oW from Blume?

>You were telepathic.

Did you get telepathy early? Or did you use "oESP, [oTelepathy for a long

Philipp Lucas

Kate Nepveu

Jan 26, 2002, 2:11:00 PM1/26/02
Christian Bressler <> wrote:


> She anticipated everything and was that used to be blindfolded
> that her everydaylife was difficult when she removed it.


> You were blinded.
> You saw invisible.

Heh. Much good it did you, I'm sure...

Congratulations! That's really impressive.

Nethack Spoilers; The Paired Reading Page; Book Reviews; Book Log
"I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends."
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Christian Bressler

Jan 29, 2002, 11:58:36 AM1/29/02
Chi <> wrote:

: Christian Bressler <> wrote:
: Congratulations!


: My attempts at a ZS ("Zatoichi", natch) always end up

: with a stupid death around the early/mid game (most recent one: an Ettin
: Mummy - they hit horribly hard and don't show up with telepathy so you
: can't run away until you've been hit a couple of times. A couple of
: times which just happened to be too much for poor Zatoichi)

Hmm, warning is your friend, and occasional hitting "s" even while
in rooms helps too.

:>A while later she bumped into a monster which started to steal

:>some items (luckily not the blindfold). She realized in the past
:>there had to be several incarnations of her failing by that way.
:>Therefore she left that place in a hurry.
: I failed a few ZS from an errant nymph... grr.

Only a few? You're lucky, are you?

:>She was confident enough to enter the shop at Dlvl4 and learned

:>it was a armory with nothing worth to mention, but she selled
:>some stuff there.
: Its annoying that even (m)oving into a shopkeeper when blind and not
: able to detect them from other means will anger them...


:> (shop IDing)
: Sell-pseudo-id'ing items is definitely the key!

Yes, and with it it's not a difficult conduct anymore.

:>Zen ended with two AoY, now she used one of her two remaining

:>?oId named the real one and proceeded in train climbing.
: Ah, I was wondering about how to do that... I was considering even
: sell-id'ing it (and probably having to kill the SHK to retrieve it
: afterwards - that is if you can even sell it) if I ever got that far.

No, the (any) shopkeeper wouldn't have interest in it.

: Once again, many congrats! Its a hard and tedious challenge, but I had

: a feeling you'd be the first to get Zen Samurai under your belt.

Not that hard, only tedious.

: Chris.

Christian Bressler

Jan 29, 2002, 12:05:18 PM1/29/02
Philipp Lucas <> wrote:
: On 26 Jan 2002 10:15:09 GMT, Christian Bressler <>
: wrote:

: Congratulations!


:>Her comfort with that had vanished completely, she stumbled

:>around and felt there was a little dog aside her and soon she
:>bumped into her first wall.
: Did you kill the dog?

No, in that particular game not, but thats simple rl-luck.

:>At the altar she ID-ed her new stuff and was the proud owner of

:>three wow (0:2,0:3,1:1) two /oCancel and a /oDeath.
: One /oW from Blume?

I don't know, but he was between medusa and stronghold, thus I
doubt he had a WoW(0:x). The (1:1) was definetly from Liquido.

:>You were telepathic.

: Did you get telepathy early? Or did you use "oESP, [oTelepathy for a long
: time?

DLvl 5 or 6, turn approx 3-5k.

: --
: Philipp Lucas

Christian Bressler

Jan 29, 2002, 12:06:59 PM1/29/02
Kate Nepveu <> wrote:
: Christian Bressler <> wrote:

: [...]
:> You were blinded.

:> You saw invisible.
: Heh. Much good it did you, I'm sure...

If for some reason the blindfold had fallen into a potion of
invisibility, Zen hab been prepared ;-)

: Congratulations! That's really impressive.


: Kate


Jan 29, 2002, 2:28:12 PM1/29/02
Christian Bressler schrieb:

> Chi <> wrote:
> : Christian Bressler <> wrote:
> : Congratulations!

Me, too, of course.

> :>A while later she bumped into a monster which started to steal
> :>some items (luckily not the blindfold). She realized in the past
> :>there had to be several incarnations of her failing by that way.
> :>Therefore she left that place in a hurry.
> : I failed a few ZS from an errant nymph... grr.
> Only a few? You're lucky, are you?

Nymphs pre telepathy are horrible for blind characters. My
blindfolded samurai (stalled in the wizard's tower since august
last year) only met them _after_ becoming telepathic, but the
two times something got stolen, it just _had_ to be the worn
blindfold. With my few tries, i found the search for ESP the
biggest early-game problem: floating eyes don't attack and move
very slowly, so you can easily fail to find them. And without
ESP, a blind game is really just groping in the dark. In one
case, i deliberately emptied fountains until i could wish for a
helm of telepathy.

> :>She was confident enough to enter the shop at Dlvl4 and learned
> :>it was a armory with nothing worth to mention, but she selled
> :>some stuff there.
> : Its annoying that even (m)oving into a shopkeeper when blind and not
> : able to detect them from other means will anger them...
> YES.

The first lesson about blindfolded playing i learned. Another
important lesson is that you can't read something that's been
written in the dust when blind, including "closed for inventory"

> :> (shop IDing)
> : Sell-pseudo-id'ing items is definitely the key!
> Yes, and with it it's not a difficult conduct anymore.

It very much depends on having a general store somewhere,
though. Without sell-id, scrolls, wands and potions are almost
impossible to handle reasonably.

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