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YAAP - Arc-Dwa-Fem-Cha, 2185 turns

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Feb 25, 2010, 2:44:55 PM2/25/10
It all started with the accidental death of a pudding farmer
(milleria) on, dungeon level 22, announced on
#nethack. Rolled a dwarven archeologist and began digging in the hope
of encountering the bones. Happened upon the first level of sokoban on
the way and solved most of it for the scrolls, a wand and ring. Also
robbed a general store on the way. Upon the sight of dlvl22 was
confronted with the sight of 50-odd black puddings - success!

Luckily one of the rings picked up on the way was invisibility, so
with that and the archeologist's starting stealth (and the occasional
dust Elbereth), dodged my way over to milleria's ghost and picked up
the useful stuff (armor mostly). Headed to his stash adjacent to the
altar for a wand of cancellation to zap at his bag. The stash was an
@'s dream, 113 pages of items, eg. enough potions of healing/extra
healing/full healing to alchemise for over 2000 hp. Quickly gained a
full intrinsic set (from tins in the stash), put on a ring of free
action and all the armor so I'd be safe from mistakes.

After this, standing on burnt Elbereth with a full ascension kit and
more, the game was an exercise in making sure that the turns after T:
2000, when the quest was opened up, went as efficiently as possible. A
source of carried magic resistance was needed as I was going to be
polymorphed into an air elemental for the bulk of the ascension run.
Despite there being at least 12 artifacts already generated, elected
to wish up the Sceptre of Might for this purpose (the Orb of Detection
being unsuitable is it was stealable by covetous monsters). Got lucky
and the Sceptre appeared at the 2nd attempt.

Dug and level teleported through the dungeon from top to bottom,
mapping along the way to insure against any mishaps on the ascension
run. Killed Vlad for the candelabrum, found the vibrating square and
dropped Asmodeus on the bottom level. Then was at a loss for useful
things to do to pass the time (still had over a 1000 turns to kill).
Considered polypiling rings for increase damage/protection rings to
eat but both turned out inedible.

The plan after getting the Amulet of Yendor was simply to quaff cursed
potions of gain level to get from Moloch's Sanctum to Dlvl1 as quickly
as possible. Unfortunately being lawful, it was necessary to wear a
helm of opposite alignment to minimise the effects of the mysterious
force pushing me back down. This ruled out being an air elemental (the
fastest polymorph form) for the Gehennom part as they can't wear
armor. The fastest that one can be whilst wearing a helm turned out to
be while riding a hasted warhorse. Thus roughly 800 turns were spent
riding up and down on an open level in order to get riding skill to
basic (so that picking up the Bell of Opening and the Amulet of Yendor
wouldn't require dismounting).

Finally the Wizard was lured out of his tower and the Book of the Dead
retrieved. Blessed potions of speed and moster detection were quaffed
and the final preparations for carried inventory made. Inventory was
kept to a relative minimum so that the 60 potions of gain level could
be carried without becoming burdened. It worked out so only 2 moves
would be wasted by getting out potions from the bag of holding, the
first midway through Gehennom to take out 15 and the latter once the
Valley was reached to get out the remaining ones, all the while
remaining unburdened.

Planning over with, the quest leader was approached, a monster killed
on T:2000, alignment checked with a stethoscope and the quest opened.
Level teleported to the Minion's level, teleported next to him, 2
hitted him with a +7 Werebane and flaying, and picked up the bell.
Amusingly he sent in a foocubus which proceeded to have a good time
with my steed and steal its saddle. Got a lucky level teleport close
to the portal on the quest home level, remounted my steed, rode
through the portal and level teleported back to the vibrating square
level, via the Valley.

Lit the candelabrum (could've saved a move by doing that before the
quest started), rang the bell and read the book. Went down with
Asmodeus, he took his sweet time in killing the high priest (would've
been faster with a double team of him and Orcus, maybe even a dream
team of all the named demons). Finally he brought the Amulet to me and
was rewarded with a cockatrice egg. The Amulet was picked up and many
cursed potions of gain level quaffed.

Upon reaching the valley, the remaining potions, scrolls and wands
were removed from the bag of holding (as air elementals can't
manipulate bags) and I polymorphed into an air elemental. The
remaining cursed potions of gain level were quaffed (coming 2 short
owing to some bad luck with the mysterious force, losing two moves to
the slower teleport+stair climbing).

Rodney was finally put out of his misery on the Plane of Earth,
unfortunately cursed gold detection showed the portal to be far away.
The portal spawns on the other 3 planes weren't so bad, re-polymorphed
to an air elemental on Air to take advantage of the increased hitdice
of an elemental generated on their own plane. Stupidly vacillated for
a while on the Plane of Water, realising there was no way for a blind
air elemental to see the detected portal. Re-detection and eventual
polymorph to a non-blind form showed it to be adjacent to where I had
moved, under a monster!

Unfortunately the mess on Water meant I'd lost the better hitdice of a
native air elemental as a buffer for Astral. It turned out not to
matter, in between wands of digging to clear the doors and wands of
teleport and death to clear the way, nothing much got any hits in
(even though I realised later I forgot to toggle the conflict on the
Sceptre!). The first altar was neutral, the second one was chaotic, so
I polymorphed into a titan, put on the helm of opposite alignment and
#offered up the Amulet.


Thanks to Maud for revolutionising low-turn speed nethacking, this run
wouldn't have been conceivable without his dedication!

Zach Edwardson

Feb 26, 2010, 11:06:33 AM2/26/10

Thats Crazy talk!

Congrats on the speed run, from someone who is so bad they have yet to
do a YAFAP.


Feb 27, 2010, 12:27:20 AM2/27/10

That's pretty impressive.

Message has been deleted

// u l i e n

Feb 28, 2010, 11:38:46 AM2/28/10
On Feb 27, 3:49 pm, archmage84 <> wrote:
> On Feb 28, 9:46 am, Julia Matsuzaki <>
> wrote:
> > Just watched some of "milleria"'s ttyrecs; it pudding farms for thousands
> > of turns and then suicides.
> > Even if you're not the bones-stuffer who did it (seems suspicious to me),
> > this is still not a valid ascension. You cheated.
> That's actually quite true.

Sounds suspicious to me. What if a user were to do the same without
automation. Not because he/she was attempting to stuff the bones
level, but because that was his/her current mindset? Is there
restriction to freedom in nethack? Does this restriction be influenced
by the present attitude of the user? Could two equivalent games be
called on either side of cheating merely because in one case the user
was drinking several cases of red wine to dull the pain of his
deceased wife? Do the two genders have an associated percentage with
how likely one or the other is to have a cheating game? Can one tell
the gender of the user by observing a ttyrec?



Mar 1, 2010, 3:22:16 AM3/1/10

All good questions, but you lost me after the second or third.

Kent Paul Dolan

Mar 20, 2010, 3:39:07 AM3/20/10
// u l i e n wrote:
> archmage84 <> wrote:
>> Julia Matsuzaki <> wrote:

>>> Just watched some of "milleria"'s ttyrecs; it
>>> pudding farms for thousands of turns and then
>>> suicides.

>>> Even if you're not the bones-stuffer who did it
>>> (seems suspicious to me), this is still not a
>>> valid ascension. You cheated.

If by "cheating" you use the definition "used out of
band information about the current game", then yes;
assessing what particular bones files might be
available based on others just-terminated games, and
then playing in specific ways to take advantage of
the information gained thereby, is indeed cheating
by this definition.

>> That's actually quite true.

> Sounds suspicious to me. What if a user were to do
> the same without automation. Not because he/she
> was attempting to stuff the bones level, but
> because that was his/her current mindset? Is there
> restriction to freedom in nethack? Does this
> restriction be influenced by the present attitude
> of the user? Could two equivalent games be called
> on either side of cheating merely because in one
> case the user was drinking several cases of red
> wine to dull the pain of his deceased wife? Do the
> two genders have an associated percentage with how
> likely one or the other is to have a cheating
> game? Can one tell the gender of the user by
> observing a ttyrec?

Take your meds, Julian, you're babbling again, and
you've been displaying manic behavior for days.



Mar 20, 2010, 7:04:01 AM3/20/10

All the better to peck your eyes out; my jerky motion.

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