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Slash release 4!

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Tom Proudfoot

Mar 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/8/96
Ok, here's the fourth release of Slash, with many requested bug and
balance fixes. :)

On the subject of the difficulty of downloading the binaries, I am
perfectly able and willing to email anyone uuencoded binaries. Attached
binaries, though, are out of my league, so hopefully y'all have shell
accounts. Just make sure to specify if you want the binaries, source
changes, or both.

I will also attempt to upload stuff to into the
pub/incoming/games/rpg section... hopefully we can spread from there. is the binaries is the source files changed from release 3

Please remember to keep a backup of your record and nethack.cnf files to
copy over the ones in if you've been playing previously.

Things fixed in release #4:

* Fixed crash caused by a god-given angelic pet
* Fixed a bug that kept soldiers & shopkeepers from having armor & K-rations
* Eating a master mind flayer increases intelligence.
* Fixed a crash bug with kicking (only happened in UNIX... :<)
* Fixed a bug with monks getting artifacts from sacrificing.

* You gain hit points faster -- 1.5 as fast as in release 3 for a 25
constitution, and the lower constitution doesn't drop the speed as fast
as it did.
* Fixed a bug with hp regeneration rounding.
* Artifacts hit as magical weapons 2 plusses better than listed.
* Made monsters that need magic weapons to hit strike as those magic weapons.
* Lightsabers can hit anything.
* Made candles more common and cheaper.
* Made getting pets less likely and artifacts more likely from sacrificing.
* Made low level bones files (levels 2, 3, etc.) less common.
* Made altars a lot more common, because they won't appear on special
* Made level draining less likely to work, and magic resistance helps
to protect from it (not 100%, though)
* Made the nethack directory in nethack.cnf default to '.'

Tom Proudfoot

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