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APAP Lock-Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu (Atheist/Pacifist/Genoless)

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Ben Hiles

Sep 12, 2002, 6:35:43 PM9/12/02
Atheist, Pacifist Ascension Post (yes I know I'm overloading the

The Story of Azriel, The Lawful Archon
I was spending the day in the Plane of Fire with Loki playing a little
Texas Hold'Em. Sure I was cheating, but does it really matter since
gods don't need money? Suddenly there was a golden sheen in front of
me, and I felt a wrenching sensation. I looked up and there was a
Djinni in front of me. As it faded into smoke, its face turned into
Loki's, and he winked at me.

I looked around and saw that I was in a dingy little town. That
schmuck had sent me to earth. It would take me days to walk back to
heaven. I noticed there was a gnome next to me with a grin from ear
to ear. That pissed me off even more, so I removed Sunsword from its
scabbard. As the sword started to glow, the boy's smile got even
larger! Did he know who he was dealing with? I swung the sword at
him, but my arm froze before I removed his ugly little head. What?!?
Not only had Loki sent me to earth, but he had placed some sort of
protection curse on me. After losing face in front of this bumpkin I
started to stalk to the edge of town.

As I reached the stairs, a piercing sound rang through the air. The
gnome was next to me again and he was pointing at a priest. Before I
had a chance to think about this, Sunsword was in my right hand, and
the priest's head was in my left. NO!!! Loki had bound me to
a... a... a mortal. The monster lead me around town, and had me kill
everything in sight. If I strayed to far, he would make that *noise*.
The only thing I wanted to do was shove that whistle so far down his
throat that it would come out the other end.

He lead me out of town, and forced me to kill everything in sight.
Sure that is my job as an Angel of Death, but I do it on the orders of
an Almighty, not a ground dweller. I was created to destroy the
minions of hell, not grid bugs. The little prick wouldn't lift a
finger. He would take a seat on the rocks, entertain himself by
drawing in the dirt and wait until everything was dead. He would then loot
the bodies, sometimes he would even munch on a leg or two. He didn't even
burn the corpses as is proper. Didn't he know that these creatures
were created so that their bodies could be burnt? That aroma is the
only thing that pleases the gods, and he didn't seem to care.

We came to a sink, and this was the first good thing to happen all
day. Lock, the name he insisted I call him, definitely needed to
bathe. As he was attempting to turn the sink on, a demon appeared.
At least this prison I was in wouldn't be a total waste. I
approached the wench, for it was one of the minions that charm mortals
and then have their way with them, with Sunsword held high! Then the
strange little gnome pushed me out of the room. He was depriving me
of my only joy in life. I will not even attempt to describe the
noises I heard on the other side of that door. After many hours he
finally let me back in. He looked happy and stronger than ever, and
the demon was spent. There was no joy in killing her, because she
barely even put up a fight.

We descended further into the dungeon. On every level, lock would dig
through the walls until he found a vault full of gold. He searched
through the gold, but he never found what he was looking for. He was
ever forcing me deeper into the dungeon. Every step took me further
from heaven. After much time, we came upon an impressive castle. I
was ready to knock down the door, and kill the king. The coward
insisted on flying around back and sneaking in like a thief. I
dispensed with a few dragons. The craven lifted up the scales of one
of the dragons, and wore it like a coat. Lock again entered a room,
and wouldn't let me him join him. I heard some neighs on the other
side, but I couldn't figure out what was going on. He finally let me
in, and I saw before me 5 grey unicorns. I dispatched with them, and
we each picked up one of their horns. Lock finally let me into the
thrown room, and I slew the soldiers that were guarding it.

At this point, Lock did something that I will never understand. He
took all of the armor from the soldiers, and placed it in neat little
piles. He then cast a spell over the piles, and proceeded to rout
around in his piles. He would then curse a few times, and repeat the
process. Eventually he gave up, and took a seat on the floor. He sat
there for hours writing notes to himself, and then reading them back
to himself. When he was done doing that, he took some potions out of
his bag. He started pouring them into each other in a bizarre manner.
He drank some of the potions, and others he set aside. He handed me a
few potions, I didn't want to take anything from his hands, but he
forced the vile liquid down my throat.

When he was finally happy, we head back up. I could feel hell below
us, but the milksop didn't want to venture down there. Before we took
the stairs up, Lock placed a blindfold around his head. When we got
to the top of the stairs, the hideous Gorgon was in front of us. She
looked at me, but her gaze had no effect. I looked at her, but my
gaze had no effect. I grew bored, so I removed her head. Lock
started destroying the statues of the heroes Medusa had killed, but he
did not find what he was looking for.

Lock traveled to a temple but he wouldn't let me join him. Listening at
the door I could here Lock slapping the priest. He would then mumble
some words until the priest was happy again. He repeated this for
longer than I care to think about. At one point, I felt the life
force leave Lock. This brought joy to my heart, but something
prevented Lock's death. I grew bored, so I found a comfortable spot
in the dirt (who thought a creature such as me would sleep on the
ground?). No sooner had I closed my eyes and lock called for me and
ordered me to kill the priest.

We ventured on, until we came to a great tower. We entered it, and
Lock consulted with a man who identified himself as Neferet the
Green. We descended the depths of this great tower. When we reached
the bottom, we were in some type of prison. Lock told me to be
careful, for there was a great wizard in this prison. I never found
this great wizard, but I did find a weakling whom I killed with a few
swings of my sword. My master took the amulet that had been around
his neck, and he seemed satisfied. Lock took the amulet back to
Neferet, and Neferet was overcome with joy. He congratulated Lock on
his great victory. I tried to tell Neferet that Lock had nothing to
do with it, but something had sewn my mouth shut.

Lock took the amulet in his hands, and a mysterious force took us to
hell. Finally, I could do the job I was created for. Wraiths,
demons, vampires, ghosts - they all fell before my sword. There was
even a priest to Moloch, but he was no match for me. We descended
deeper into the depths of hell and my heart was strangely warmed. I
was almost... happy. I'm sure that Loki sensed my pleasure, so he
placed a bait in front of me to remind me of the prison I was in. I
took a step, and I was thrown out of hell back into the dungeon. I
was here, and Lock was nowhere to be seen. With each passing second,
I could feel my bond growing weaker. Just as I finally felt that I
was about to be free, Lock returned to me. He scolded me for running
off like that. Did he think I was some kind of dog?

We went back into hell, and the journey was much as before. Lock ran
in to the Princes of Hell, but the sneak would not let me kill them.
He gave me some gold, and then went on their merry way. At times
great worms or cockatrices would join us, but they never lasted very

When we came upon another tower, Lock befriended a few mind flayers.
Lock was too lazy to climb this tower, so he used the flayers to lure
the Wizard of Yendor out. The wizard teleported from place to place,
and I followed him. I finally struck him down inside his tower. Lock
ordered me to bring the book that the Wizard had been carrying, but I
pretended like I couldn't hear him. You need to find pleasure where
you can.

After climbing the tower and fetching the book himself we traveled to
the end of hell. Lock light the candles he had stolen from a vampire,
rang the bell he had stolen from a little wizard, and read the book he
had taken from a great wizard. This caused the earth to shake, and
the way was open before us. We entered a great temple, and there were
many things for me to kill. In the center of the temple there was a
high priest. He ordered us to begone, but I was answering to a silly
little gnome, not a priest of Moloch. When his body hit the floor, I
couldn't believe what was in front of me - the Amulet of Yendor! I
knew if I returned this to heaven I would be free of the gnome I was
bound to. But the gnome saw me reaching for the amulet, so he
ordered me to go sit in the corner. I tried to fight it, but I had to
follow his orders.

We then fled up through hell on our way to heaven. The Wizard
attacked us, but he was no match for me. At one point Lock forced
some more of his foul tasting tonic down my throat. At last, we
reached the entrance to the elemental planes. On the planes of fire
we met my friend, the Archon Sariel. He attempted to free me, but
Lock convinced him to join his cause. Alas, Sariel was killed during
our siege of the Astral plane. I was forced to kill Pestilence, but
his powers could not harm me. When we reached the temple of Thoth,
and Lock offered the amulet.

This gnome did nothing, and he gets all of the glory. I did all of
the work, and what was my reward? I was given a golden collar
encrusted with jewels, and a hat covered with little silver bells.
What type of reward is that for one as great as me? When Lock grows
bored, he calls for me and commands me to entertain his friends.
Angels and gods that were once my friends. I'm forced to juggle, and
tumble and... the humiliation is too much to bear.

Someday, the world will feel my wrath.

Lock, neutral male gnomish Wizard
There isn't much else to tell. One of the early shops was an armor
shop, and I found the HoB and GoP there. With my pet dog Spot I
quickly made my way to the Oracle. I received the consultations and
reached level 3. I then explored Sokoban and found the BoH. Spot and
I tried to go deeper, but we found the Big Room so we retreated.

I then went to Mine Town. One of the hardest parts of the game
happened since Spot was killed and I was left without a pet. I ran
through the explored levels, trying to find a cat or dog. It was
tough trying to stay alive with about 30 HP and no healing spells.
Needless to say, I made liberal use of Elbereth. I finally found
another dog on the Oracle level. After I leveled it up, I returned to
mine town. A poly trap bellow mine town turned the dog into a
mid-level monster (I don't remember what). I found a magic lamp on
the last level. After returning to mine town I made some holy water
(confused remove curse) and the rest of the story is told above.

Lock the Enchanter St:25 Dx:18 Co:18 In:23 Wi:22 Ch:11 Neutral
Astral Plane $:0 HP:308(308) Pw:175(260) AC:-25 Xp:17/640000 T:62291

Your inventory
q - a blessed scroll of gold detection
r - 19 uncursed scrolls of blank paper
Z - a wand of wishing (1:0)
b - the blessed thoroughly rusty -2 Magicbane (weapon in hand)
c - a blessed +5 Hawaiian shirt (being worn)
d - an uncursed +4 silver dragon scale mail (being worn)
e - an uncursed greased fireproof +4 robe (being worn)
f - a blessed rustproof +4 pair of gauntlets of power (being worn)
g - a blessed rustproof +4 helm of brilliance (being worn)
h - a blessed +4 pair of low boots
\\ Never saw Speed boots or jumping boots
m - an uncursed +0 pair of levitation boots (being worn)
A - an uncursed amulet of life saving (being worn)
H - a cheap plastic imitation of the Amulet of Yendor
I - the blessed Eye of the Aethiopica
P - a cursed amulet of life saving
p - an uncursed ring of regeneration
D - an uncursed ring of free action (on left hand)
J - an uncursed thoroughly rusty ring of slow digestion (on right hand)
a - a +0 pick-axe
l - a blessed bag of holding
s - a blessed stethoscope
w - an uncursed magic whistle
x - an uncursed blindfold
z - a blessed +0 unicorn horn
E - a can of grease (0:1)
L - a blessed lock pick
T - a blessed tinning kit (0:31)
y - a blessed luckstone

Contents of the bag of holding:
3 blessed potions of full healing
9 potions of holy water named water 1
an uncursed potion of booze
a potion of unholy water named water 1
4 uncursed potions of fruit juice
an uncursed potion of oil
an uncursed potion of object detection
3 uncursed scrolls of create monster
2 blessed scrolls of gold detection
an uncursed scroll of destroy armor
a blessed scroll of enchant weapon
a blessed scroll of blank paper
an uncursed scroll of genocide
8 uncursed lembas wafers
an uncursed eucalyptus leaf
an uncursed tin of floating eye meat
a wand of polymorph (0:1)
a wand of death (0:3)
a wand of teleportation (0:1)
a rusty wand of death (0:0)
a wand of digging (0:7)
a rusty wand of death (0:7)
a wand of death (0:5)
a +0 bullwhip
an uncursed -2 pair of gauntlets of fumbling
\\ Why didn't I polypile those? They could have become the speed
\\ boots I wanted!
an uncursed +0 pair of water walking boots
an uncursed ring of conflict \\ I don't think I ever used conflict,
\\ but I had it just in case.

Final attributes
You were piously aligned
You were fire resistant
You were cold resistant
You were sleep resistant
You were disintegration-resistant
You were shock resistant
You were poison resistant
You were magic-protected
You could recognize detrimental food
You saw invisible
You were telepathic
You were warned
You had infravision
You were sensing the presence of monsters
You were invisible to others \\ Invisibility is really helpful,
especially early on.
You aggravated monsters
You had teleport control
You were levitating
You had slower digestion
You were fast
You had reflection
You had free action
Your life would have been saved
You were extremely lucky
You had extra luck
Good luck did not time out for you
You survived after being killed once
\\ I made a priest mad (in order to boost my allignment) when I
didn't have free action

Vanquished creatures
Orcus \\ I paid the others off for the sake of speed.
The Wizard of Yendor (8 times) \\ I was starting to get worried
since my Archon was level 44
Pestilence (twice)
5 arch-liches
a high priest
a mastodon

13 purple worms \\ Whenever I saw a purple w, I teleported to it and
started charming. I didn't want to hear "Burb"
from across the dungeon.

The Dark One \\ Yawn

5 master mind flayers \\ Reverse genocided and charmed two of them.
It got Rodney out of the tower, but my
Archon ended up inside with Rodeny, so I had
to climb the tower in the end.

4 cockatrices \\ Once again, I charmed them as soon as I saw them.
I previous pacifist was stoned to death by a
cockatrice when I was dancing around it and missed
the vital message.

3 gnome kings \\ These are tasty, but apparently other monsters
don't like it when you do that.

2 white unicorns \\ I didn't see a single unicorn before the castle,
8 gray unicorns \\ and I had to reverse genocide grays to improve
3 black unicorns \\ my luck. This means I didn't have a horn until
\\ this point.

2663 creatures vanquished. \\ I didn't lay hands on them, I swear.
\\ OK, at least I didn't finish any of
\\ them off.

Voluntary challenges
You were an atheist
You were a pacifist
You never genocided any monsters
\\ I still haven't been able to keep "You never hit with a wielded
weapon." I didn't notice that a Umber Hulk confused me, so when
I tried to displace a pet I hit it with Magicbane. I could have
been wielding a cream pie, but I was fairly certain that I
wouldn't kill anything so I wanted MR and curse-absorbing more
than that conduct.
You polymorphed 1015 items \\ And all I got was this =FA.
\\ Probably the most fruitless polypiling
\\ sessions I've ever had.
You never changed form
You used 7 wishes\\ Archon, Magicbane, MM, ~10 !GL for the Archon
(wished for three at a time);Magic Lamp (only
one all game), Smoky Potion (invisibility),

Goodbye Lock the Demigod...
You went to your reward with 44650 points,
Magicbane (worth 3500 zorkmids and 8750 points)
The Eye of the Aethiopica (worth 4000 zorkmids and 10000 points)
2 amulets of life saving (worth 300 zorkmids),
1 cheap plastic imitation of the Amulet of Yendor (worth 0 zorkmids),
\\ I don't remember picking that up...
and 0 pieces of gold, after 62291 moves.
Killer: ascended
You were level 17 with a maximum of 308 hit points when you ascended.

You reached the 22nd place on the top 100 list.

No Points Name Hp [max]
1 8305435 Sam-Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood. 642 [642]
2 6737344 Quinn-Val-Hum-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 301 [422]
3 5810460 Ex-Arc-Dwa-Mal-Law ascended to demigod-hood. 412 [412]

20 55392 Lorien-Val-Hum-Fem-Law died in The Gnomish Mines on
level 7 [max 9]. Killed by a warhorse, while
helpless. - [85]
21 49346 Stewart-Mon-Hum-Fem-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom
on level 5 [max 11]. Killed by an orc mummy. - [129]
22 44650 Lock-Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood. 308 [308]
23 44265 Dei-Val-Hum-Fem-Law died in The Gnomish Mines on
level 12. Killed by an ogre king. - [72]
24 39620 Mark-Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom on
level 9 [max 10]. Killed by a priest of Shan Lai
Ching, while helpless. - [146]


Sep 13, 2002, 2:48:26 AM9/13/02
In article <>, bph7 says...

> Atheist, Pacifist Ascension Post (yes I know I'm overloading the
> acronym)

Great ascension, great (superb) story!

> Lock traveled to a temple but he wouldn't let me join him. Listening at
> the door I could here Lock slapping the priest. He would then mumble
> some words until the priest was happy again. He repeated this for
> longer than I care to think about. At one point, I felt the life
> force leave Lock. This brought joy to my heart, but something
> prevented Lock's death. I grew bored, so I found a comfortable spot
> in the dirt (who thought a creature such as me would sleep on the
> ground?). No sooner had I closed my eyes and lock called for me and
> ordered me to kill the priest.

I took me some time to figure this out. Is "Angering a non-co-aligned
priest" something new?
Hmm, maybe I didn't read it properly when I tried an pacifist as there
were only two priests in the entire game and my Archon disposed of them
even when I tried to keep it away.


//Remove absolutelynospam to mail directly.
//Ascended:W,V (genopolywish),P(ill ath), T,K,H,S,B,C,P,W
(naked),Ro,Ra,A,W,almost pacifist A
//In progress:Speed? Any 3.4 just to see the levels?

Tina Hall

Sep 13, 2002, 10:01:00 AM9/13/02
Ben Hiles wrote:

> Atheist, Pacifist Ascension Post (yes I know I'm overloading
> the acronym)

The reason for why I almost skipped this post, and that would
have been a shame. Please people, don't invent new abbreviatios
for stuff that's already got them.

> The Story of Azriel, The Lawful Archon


> When Lock grows bored, he calls for me and commands me to
> entertain his friends. Angels and gods that were once my
> friends. I'm forced to juggle, and tumble and... the
> humiliation is too much to bear.
> Someday, the world will feel my wrath.

I wish him luck. Poor Azriel surely deserves better than that. :)

Thanks for the great story, and congratulations!

> 5 master mind flayers \\ Reverse genocided and charmed two
> of them. It got Rodney out of the
> tower, but my Archon ended up
> inside with Rodeny, so I had to
> climb the tower in the end.

How could that happen?

A. Tina "summer stinks" Hall - Spring is an atrocity, but summer
is like waking up to find you spent the night with Demogorgon,
already feeling deathly sick, and all your gear is spread across
various bermuda piles. (Emails: <>)

Ben Hiles

Sep 13, 2002, 10:43:09 AM9/13/02
On Fri, 13 Sep 2002 09:48:26 +0300, lmfback wrote:
>In article <>, bph7
> says...
>> Atheist, Pacifist Ascension Post (yes I know I'm overloading the
>> acronym)
>Great ascension, great (superb) story!

Thank you.

>I took me some time to figure this out. Is "Angering a non-co-aligned
>priest" something new?
>Hmm, maybe I didn't read it properly when I tried an pacifist as there
>were only two priests in the entire game and my Archon disposed of them
>even when I tried to keep it away.

Angering a non-coaligned priest increases your alignment by two
points. As far as I know this is the only way a neutral, atheist,
pacifist can increase his allignment. I had intended to play a
chaotic since they have more alignment options, but my elvish wizards
kept dying in the mines (arrows really hurt when you only have 20
HP). By the time I remembered gnomish wizards are neutral, I had
gotten this character off the ground.

According to the praying spoiler, a pacifist can do the following
things (this is a 3.3.1 spoiler, so I don't know if anything has
+1 As a chaotic, being seduced by a foocubus
+2 Angering a non-coaligned priest
+1 Praying successfully, with alignment 1 or less and a
minor trouble
+5 As a chaotic, sacrificing a member of your own race
+5 Sacrificing a non-coaligned unicorn on a coaligned
+1 With alignment below -5, contributing 200*level to
400*level to a priest, getting clairvoyance
set to 0 With alignment negative, donating more than 600*level
to a coaligned priest, which is more than half your
visible gold, and this hasn't happened in the past 5000
+2 Same as previous, but with positive alignment
+1 As a chaotic human or a lawful demon, genociding
+1 As a chaotic non-rogue, stealing from a shop
+1 As a chaotic, choosing not to pay for damage to a shop
+1 As a lawful, untrapping a monster
+1 As a lawful or Healer, casting a heal spell on a pet or
peaceful creature

Ben Hiles
Graduate Student
Dept. Of Psychology
Cornell University


Sep 13, 2002, 10:46:24 AM9/13/02
"Ben Hiles" wrote:

> The Story of Azriel, The Lawful Archon
> --------------------------------------


> Lock the Enchanter St:25 Dx:18 Co:18 In:23 Wi:22 Ch:11 Neutral
> Astral Plane $:0 HP:308(308) Pw:175(260) AC:-25 Xp:17/640000 T:62291


> Voluntary challenges
> You were an atheist
> You were a pacifist
> You never genocided any monsters

> ...
> Goodbye Lock the Demigod...

Huge combo, and a well told story from the Archon's point of view.


Christine Nuwayser

Sep 13, 2002, 12:33:46 PM9/13/02
to (Ben Hiles) wrote in message news:<>...

> Atheist, Pacifist Ascension Post (yes I know I'm overloading the
> acronym)
> The Story of Azriel, The Lawful Archon

<snip a fantastic tale>

Bravo, storyteller! I throw sacks of zorkmids at your feet. Great
ascension, great post!

cnuwayser at yahoo dot com to reply

Sam Dennis

Sep 13, 2002, 1:29:49 PM9/13/02
Ben Hiles wrote:
> According to the praying spoiler, a pacifist can do the following
> things (this is a 3.3.1 spoiler, so I don't know if anything has
> changed):

> +1 With alignment below -5, contributing 200*level to
> 400*level to a priest, getting clairvoyance

<nitpick> Excluding 400 * level <nitpick>

> set to 0 With alignment negative, donating more than 600*level

<nitpick> "more than or equal to" <nitpick>

> to a coaligned priest, which is more than half your
> visible gold, and this hasn't happened in the past 5000
> moves
> +2 Same as previous, but with positive alignment

Not the same. This happens if it has been less than or equal to 5000 moves or
<nitpick> your alignment is non-negative <nitpick> .


Ben Hiles

Sep 13, 2002, 2:06:34 PM9/13/02
On Fri, 13 Sep 2002 14:01:00 GMT+1, Tina Hall wrote:
>Ben Hiles wrote:
>> Atheist, Pacifist Ascension Post (yes I know I'm overloading
>> the acronym)
>The reason for why I almost skipped this post, and that would
>have been a shame. Please people, don't invent new abbreviatios
>for stuff that's already got them.

I actually wasn't sure which acronym to use. Would YAPAP have been
the right one?

>Thanks for the great story, and congratulations!
>> 5 master mind flayers \\ Reverse genocided and charmed two
>> of them. It got Rodney out of the
>> tower, but my Archon ended up
>> inside with Rodeny, so I had to
>> climb the tower in the end.
>How could that happen?

---------------------------- <- Me surrounded by a lot of random pets
|.......|..|.A@......|.....| <- Azriel and Rodney fighting

When I tamed the mind flayers I had a brain fart. I was standing on
the down stair when I should have been on the up stair. I didn't
think of doing the upstairs/downstairs trick (which may have been hard
since I would need Rodney and the Azriel (my archon) next to me).

As I was crossing the map I tamed most of the pets Rodney sent after
me. I ended up in a tight corridor on top with tons of pets. When I
used the magic whistle Azriel ended up in the tower. I suppose Rodney
ended up in there because he tried to teleport next to me.


Sep 13, 2002, 3:21:45 PM9/13/02
Ben Hiles wrote on 12 Sep 2002 22:35:43 GMT in article

> Atheist, Pacifist Ascension Post (yes I know I'm overloading the
> acronym)


> The Story of Azriel, The Lawful Archon

Extra points for creativity :)

> As he was attempting to turn the sink on, a demon appeared.
> At least this prison I was in wouldn't be a total waste. I
> approached the wench, for it was one of the minions that charm mortals
> and then have their way with them, with Sunsword held high! Then the
> strange little gnome pushed me out of the room. He was depriving me
> of my only joy in life. I will not even attempt to describe the
> noises I heard on the other side of that door.

Heh heh.

> We ventured on, until we came to a great tower. We entered it, and
> Lock consulted with a man who identified himself as Neferet the
> Green.


> On the planes of fire
> we met my friend, the Archon Sariel. He attempted to free me, but
> Lock convinced him to join his cause.

I'll bet it takes a lot of tries for a level 17 character to charm an

> b - the blessed thoroughly rusty -2 Magicbane (weapon in hand)


> \\ I made a priest mad (in order to boost my allignment) when I
> didn't have free action

Oh, clever.

"Do you think that they, with their Battles, Famine, Black Death
and Serfdom, were less enlightened than we are, with our Wars,
Blockade, Influenza and Conscription?" -- T. H. White


Sep 13, 2002, 5:38:25 PM9/13/02
Ben Hiles wrote on 13 Sep 2002 18:06:34 GMT in article

> I actually wasn't sure which acronym to use. Would YAPAP have been
> the right one?


Dylan O'Donnell

Sep 13, 2002, 6:13:16 PM9/13/02
Rast <> writes:
> Ben Hiles wrote on 13 Sep 2002 18:06:34 GMT in article
> <>:
> > I actually wasn't sure which acronym to use. Would YAPAP have been
> > the right one?


(Acronyms should not be multiplied without necessity.)

: Dylan O'Donnell :
: "Hi! I'm Prozac the Bear!" :
: -- Prozac the Bear, "Triangle and Robert" :

Tina Hall

Sep 13, 2002, 8:25:00 PM9/13/02
Ben Hiles wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Sep 2002 14:01:00 GMT+1, Tina Hall wrote:
>> Ben Hiles wrote:

> >> Atheist, Pacifist Ascension Post (yes I know I'm
> >> overloading the acronym)
> >
> >The reason for why I almost skipped this post, and that would
> >have been a shame. Please people, don't invent new
> >abbreviatios for stuff that's already got them.
> I actually wasn't sure which acronym to use. Would YAPAP have
> been the right one?

That'd be a new invention too. Afaik there's only YAAP and YAFAP.
If you put anything else important into the subject line in plain
words, people won't have to puzzle about what on earth it means
too. :) (Ok, I made the same mistake of making up a shortcut for
a YAAP, and came up with one that's actually valid and means
something else too, I'm better now. :) )

[tame Archon and Rodney inside the tower after waking Rodney with
> >How could that happen?
[snip screenshot]
> [...] I ended up in a tight corridor on top with tons of

> pets. When I used the magic whistle Azriel ended up in the
> tower. I suppose Rodney ended up in there because he tried to
> teleport next to me.

Should have guessed at that, had pets end up inside the tower too
before, but for some reason I pictured them both inside the
little tower where Rodney dwells, not in the surrounding

Tina, killed by brainlessness (once)

Sep 13, 2002, 9:52:47 PM9/13/02
Dylan O'Donnell <> wrote:

> Rast <> writes:
> (Acronyms should not be multiplied without necessity.)



Dr. Richard E. Hawkins

Sep 14, 2002, 2:21:08 PM9/14/02
In article <>,
Tina Hall <> wrote:

>That'd be a new invention too. Afaik there's only YAAP and YAFAP.
>If you put anything else important into the subject line in plain
>words, people won't have to puzzle about what on earth it means
>too. :) (Ok, I made the same mistake of making up a shortcut for
>a YAAP, and came up with one that's actually valid and means
>something else too, I'm better now. :) )

So how do you tell the difference between Yet Another Ascension Post and
Yet Another Acronym Post?


hawk, ever curious
Richard E. Hawkins, Asst. Prof. of Economics /"\ ASCII ribbon campaign Smeal 178 (814) 375-4700 \ / against HTML mail
These opinions will not be those of X and postings.
Penn State until it pays my retainer. / \

Brett R.

Sep 15, 2002, 9:58:41 PM9/15/02
Sam Dennis <> wrote in message news:<slrnao484...@localhost.loopback>...

Wow, you're really into boundry conditions, eh?

Sam Dennis

Sep 15, 2002, 11:20:37 PM9/15/02
Brett R. wrote:
> Sam Dennis <> wrote in message news:<slrnao484...@localhost.loopback>...
>> Ben Hiles wrote:
>> > +1 With alignment below -5, contributing 200*level to
>> > 400*level to a priest, getting clairvoyance
>> <nitpick> Excluding 400 * level <nitpick>
>> [snipped similar]

> Wow, you're really into boundry conditions, eh?

Well, I did enclose them in '<nitpick>' tags... one of the inaccuracies was of
a different sort.


David Damerell

Sep 16, 2002, 9:37:13 AM9/16/02
Ben Hiles <> wrote:
>I actually wasn't sure which acronym to use. Would YAPAP have been
>the right one?

YAFAP was one too many.
David Damerell <> flcl?

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins

Sep 16, 2002, 10:27:43 AM9/16/02
In article <>,

Brett R. <> wrote:
>Sam Dennis <> wrote in message

>>Not the same. This happens if it has been less than or equal to 5000 moves or
>> <nitpick> your alignment is non-negative <nitpick> .

>Wow, you're really into boundry conditions, eh?

And a happy Kuhn-Tucker day to you, too :)


Ben Hiles

Sep 17, 2002, 4:42:42 PM9/17/02
On Sat, 14 Sep 2002 00:25:00, Tina Hall wrote:
>Ben Hiles wrote:
>> On Fri, 13 Sep 2002 14:01:00 GMT+1, Tina Hall wrote:
>>> Ben Hiles wrote:
>> >> Atheist, Pacifist Ascension Post (yes I know I'm
>> >> overloading the acronym)
>> >
>> >The reason for why I almost skipped this post, and that would
>> >have been a shame. Please people, don't invent new
>> >abbreviatios for stuff that's already got them.
>> I actually wasn't sure which acronym to use. Would YAPAP have
>> been the right one?
>That'd be a new invention too. Afaik there's only YAAP and YAFAP.
>If you put anything else important into the subject line in plain
>words, people won't have to puzzle about what on earth it means
>too. :) (Ok, I made the same mistake of making up a shortcut for
>a YAAP, and came up with one that's actually valid and means
>something else too, I'm better now. :) )

All of the previous pacifist posts I found in google groups used PAP,
APAP (another pacifist), NPAP (nude pacifist), or YAPAP, but I
definitely agree with the principle of limiting the number of

This reminded me of a question, how many pacifists have there been? I
found the following 6 posts. Is this the complete list? (URLs need
to be recombined)

Ben Hiles

Sep 17, 2002, 5:01:03 PM9/17/02
On Fri, 13 Sep 2002 15:21:45 -0400, Rast wrote:
>Ben Hiles wrote on 12 Sep 2002 22:35:43 GMT in article
>> We ventured on, until we came to a great tower. We entered it, and
>> Lock consulted with a man who identified himself as Neferet the
>> Green.

Thanks, I didn't know that. Is there a story/legend behind Neferet?
Google only brings up stuff related to nethack.

>> On the planes of fire
>> we met my friend, the Archon Sariel. He attempted to free me, but
>> Lock convinced him to join his cause.
>I'll bet it takes a lot of tries for a level 17 character to charm an

If the archon was the base level of 19, each attempt has a 18/98 (18%)
chance, so it isn't a hopeless situation. I think I got it on the
second try.

Robin Johnson

Sep 17, 2002, 5:05:50 PM9/17/02
to (Ben Hiles) hypothesised:

> On Fri, 13 Sep 2002 15:21:45 -0400, Rast wrote:
> >Ben Hiles wrote on 12 Sep 2002 22:35:43 GMT in article
> ><>:
> >> We ventured on, until we came to a great tower. We entered it, and
> >> Lock consulted with a man who identified himself as Neferet the
> >> Green.
> >
> >Herself.
> Thanks, I didn't know that. Is there a story/legend behind Neferet?
> Google only brings up stuff related to nethack.

I don't think so, as her database entry is original and not a quote.
I'm guessing "the Wizard of Balance" (former Wizard Quest leader) was
removed because it didn't make sense for him to be Chaotic.
Robin Johnson
rj at robinjohnson dot f9 dot co dot uk
Only idiots quote sig blocks.

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