- The Heart of Ahriman - The Tsurugi of Murasama - The Eye of the
Enjoy them, and Merry Christmas :) Nearly halfway through the series of
artifacts now.
Roger Barnett
----- - Tales From The Pit
The Angband Webcomic
Thanks for posting these! Looking forward to the rest.
I dunno. Shouldn't it be round, or at least oval-ish?
"Authority is not given to you, Steward of Gondor, to order the hour of
your death," answered Gandalf. "And only the heathen kings, under the
domination of the Dark Power, did thus, slaying themselves in pride and
despair, murdering their kin to ease their own death." - Tolkien
> This is nitpicky, but luckstones are gray and tsurugis are "long
> samurai swords." I absolutely love the Eye of the Aethiopica, though,
> and the other two are great nitpicks aside.
Heh, I had exactly the same thought when I saw the picture of the
tsurugi... "what the hell, it's a European-style blade - japanese
swords gotta be curved!" or something like that.
However, I actually had no idea what a tsurugi really was and because I
was bored, I asked wikipedia... now I know that tsurugis (or whatever
the plural form is) are indeed straight-bladed swords.
>From wikipedia:
"Tsurugi" is a Japanese word used to refer to any type of broadsword,
or various Chinese heroes' weapons or Chinese swords (Jian). The word
is used in the west to refer to a specific type of Japanese straight,
double-edged sword no longer in common use."
That aside, the nitpick about the Heart of Ahriman remains - but who
cares? It looks very nice, completely different from the picture I had
in mind for it, but nice nonetheless, as do the others. The Eye is my
absolute favourite so far, followed by the Orb of Fate.
Great work there Calamarain, keep it up!
Impressive what you've achieved in that short time. 8-)
> - The Heart of Ahriman
With a weight of 10 for luckstones this object appears to me a bit bulky.
> - The Tsurugi of Murasama
> - The Eye of the
> Aethiopica
Umm.., isn't an amulet supposed to be worn around the neck?
> Enjoy them, and Merry Christmas :) Nearly halfway through the series of
> artifacts now.
I must have missed some of your appealing work (I'll go searching[*]),
but from those seen so far I like the overworld glasses most.
[*] Searching on that devianart site by your name does not show anything.
Is there any other source where one can view all of your Nethack art on
a single place? (If you like [drop me a note per e-mail] I can put copies
on my site; at least teporarily since my web space is quite limited.)
> - The Heart of Ahriman
> - The Tsurugi of Murasama
> - The Eye of the
> Aethiopica
> Enjoy them, and Merry Christmas :) Nearly halfway through the series of
> artifacts now.
Your artifact series are _amazing_. My favorite is the Orb of Fate.
Just to nitpick, though, for the Eye, shouldn't it be hanging from a long
chain, which you would have for an amulet? The existing version looks very
much like a keychain doodat, which makes it not as impressive.
Call me blind! I missed the link to your personal deviantart gallery.
Still can't download the large versions. :-(
(Fullview doesn't show anything and download button is missing.)
It's whatever the amulet of ESP is, so it could be a square one. I've
done too much round stuff, so I decided to make it square :)
Roger Barnett
----- - Tales From The Pit
The Angband Webcomic
Yeah, I wasn't quite sure what the shape of a tsurugi was either - I
was actually planning to do it similar to a katana until I read the
wikipedia entry. Though with the colours chosen for it, it actually
looks quite similar to my conception of Frost Brand.
> That aside, the nitpick about the Heart of Ahriman remains - but who
> cares? It looks very nice, completely different from the picture I had
> in mind for it, but nice nonetheless, as do the others. The Eye is my
> absolute favourite so far, followed by the Orb of Fate.
Yeah, a gray stone would have been closer to the ideal for a luckstone,
but it looked just plain dull. I could always weasel my way out of it
by saying that it's glowing purple because someone just #invoked it :P
> Great work there Calamarain, keep it up!
Thanks! And I plan to - only seven left to do. The challenging ones
will be the Mitre of Holiness (getting a decent helmet shape/mesh will
be hard), and the Scepter of Might (how do I make it look cool, but
also look caveman primitive?)
Roger Barnett
----- - Tales From The Pit
The Angband Webcomic
Many thanks :) My personal favourite so far is the Heart, but that took
a lot longer to make than the Orb.
> Just to nitpick, though, for the Eye, shouldn't it be hanging from a long
> chain, which you would have for an amulet? The existing version looks very
> much like a keychain doodat, which makes it not as impressive.
> --
> Nodey
Quite true, but I decided in the end to draw it without the chain. It's
still an amulet, just without the chain to put it round your neck. You
have to do that part yourself. Think of it as a pendant with a broken
cord :P
Roger Barnett
----- - Tales From The Pit
The Angband Webcomic
Deviantart is having some problems at the moment, but they seem to be
fixing them. When I've done the entire series of 13 - I'll host them
somewhere off dA as a permanent webpage. As for my personal gallery -
it's - lots of various bits of art
there, including the Nethack Throne and the Amulet of Yendor. Three
Angband ones too - daggers. Oh, and if you want something to mock -
look at my early "art", it's wonderfully crap :) I had no idea what I
was doing or how to use the various programs.
Roger Barnett
----- - Tales From The Pit
The Angband Webcomic
Mine too -- I made it my screen background.
Small nitpick -- isn't Dark One a woman? The hand holding Eye certainly
does not look female.
> Small nitpick -- isn't Dark One a woman? The hand holding Eye certainly
> does not look female.
I think (s)he has an equal chance to be either.
Raisse, killed by a vampire bat
-- LegoHack:
Status of Raisse (piously neutral): Level 8 HP 63(67) AC -3, fast.
Also, I tried to make the hand look grey and deadish - not quite
undead, but certainly not normal human.
Roger Barnett
----- - Tales From The Pit
The Angband Webcomic
The Dark One *ought* to be male given that the game quotes the
Silmarillion's description of Sauron, which uses the masculine pronoun
Martin Read - my opinions are my own. share them if you wish.
\ / "the lights shine clear through the sodium haze the night draws near
\/ and the daylight fades" -- Sisters of Mercy, "Lights"