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YANI: Artifact food items

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Malcolm Ryan

Jul 20, 2003, 8:51:54 PM7/20/03
Another YANI stemming from my last one. Mythology is full of special
artifact food items - the "Kallisti" apple which lead to the downfall
of troy, the apple in the Garden of Eden, the magic apple in sleeping
beauty (What is it with apples?)

Could we introduce a special artifact food item into nethack?
What powers would it have?


Michael Schlenker

Jul 21, 2003, 2:32:13 AM7/21/03

"Kallisti" => chaotic artifact, carrying it could give intrinsic
conflict for (female?) humanoids, foocubi would always try to seduce you
to get it, nymphs would always try to steal it first, throwing it at a
monster automatically charms the monster.


Richard Bos

Jul 21, 2003, 5:11:37 AM7/21/03
to (Malcolm Ryan) wrote:

> Another YANI stemming from my last one. Mythology is full of special
> artifact food items - the "Kallisti" apple which lead to the downfall
> of troy, the apple in the Garden of Eden, the magic apple in sleeping
> beauty (What is it with apples?)

I don't know, but the fruit in Eden is not called an apple in the bible;
and Eris' apple wasn't a real, edible apple, but one made of gold. It's
probably nothing more than that apples are the most common fruit in



Jul 22, 2003, 2:32:11 PM7/22/03
Michael Schlenker <> wrote:
> "Kallisti" => chaotic artifact, carrying it could give intrinsic
> conflict for (female?) humanoids, foocubi would always try to seduce you

If you're male, and you offer it on an alter of any alignment, you should
become that alignment if you're not already and get a wish. It could be
refered to as "pulling a Paris."

...hmm...this would also fix the impossibility of beating the game if your
alignment changes before you do the quest.

Pick spot. Shut up. Wait.
-Kimahri Ronso


Jul 23, 2003, 10:32:11 AM7/23/03
updoc wrote:
> Michael Schlenker <> wrote:
>>"Kallisti" => chaotic artifact, carrying it could give intrinsic
>>conflict for (female?) humanoids, foocubi would always try to seduce you
> If you're male, and you offer it on an alter of any alignment, you should
> become that alignment if you're not already and get a wish. It could be
> refered to as "pulling a Paris."
In the Conducts window? "You pulled a Paris."

> ...hmm...this would also fix the impossibility of beating the game if your
> alignment changes before you do the quest.
Some people would say it's not broken ;)


Jul 28, 2003, 1:25:40 PM7/28/03

Malcolm Ryan wrote:

> Could we introduce a special artifact food item into nethack?
> What powers would it have?

Hmmm, lessee.....

Excarrotbur -- makes a great long sword, and makes your vision clear

Meatballs -- well remember that episode of the Swedish Chef on the
Muppet Show when he made Swedish Meatballs, and they bounced, and he
ended up playing tennis with the old guys in the balcony? I remember
him saying, "Ursky-bursky, beency-bouncy burgers! Bork! bork! bork!"
Hmmm, not very helpful for the game, I'm afraid.

In the spirit of the old Warner Bros. cartoon you could have an artifact
icebox that was magically light enough for you to be able to lift it,
while magically heavy enough to crush monsters you dropped it on.

How about an artifact Banana-Boomerang?


Artemis the Ranger

Jul 28, 2003, 6:46:50 PM7/28/03
to (Malcolm Ryan) wrote in message news:<>...

Mead of Inspiration (from Norse mythology.) It would contain a certain
limited number of drinks, probably about 5. Each drink would increase
either your intelligence or wisdom by 1 and give you temporary
immunity to mind-flayer attacks. Class would be Valkyrie, of course;
alignment would be to Odin (lawful for other classes.) The
disadvantage is that, as long as you're carrying around the artifact,
the giant eagle Suttung is chasing after you, trying to get it back...
(For more information, look up the Norse story of the Mead of
Inspiration (or Mead of Poetry).)

Or what about the pomegranate from the Greek story of Persephone?
After eating six seeds of the pomegranate, Persephone was doomed to
stay in Hades with her kidnapper, Pluto, for six months out of every
year. Hmmm... the artifact could be used six times (pomegranate
containing six seeds). Each time a seed was eaten, it would completely
satisfy your hunger for a few hundred moves, but during that time,
nobody on the current dungeon level (including you, of course) would
be able to leave it! (Not by any means: digging, scroll of teleport,
trapdoor, or any other way.)

Any more ideas?

Artemis the Ranger

Darkhawk (H. Nicoll)

Jul 28, 2003, 7:14:57 PM7/28/03
Artemis the Ranger <> wrote:
> Or what about the pomegranate from the Greek story of Persephone?
> After eating six seeds of the pomegranate, Persephone was doomed to
> stay in Hades with her kidnapper, Pluto, for six months out of every
> year. Hmmm... the artifact could be used six times (pomegranate
> containing six seeds). Each time a seed was eaten, it would completely
> satisfy your hunger for a few hundred moves, but during that time,
> nobody on the current dungeon level (including you, of course) would
> be able to leave it! (Not by any means: digging, scroll of teleport,
> trapdoor, or any other way.)

Or have it only allow movement /downwards/, and locate it somewhere in

- Darkhawk, starvation

Heather Anne Nicoll - Darkhawk -
They are one person, they are two alone
They are three together, they are for each other.
- "Helplessly Hoping", Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young

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