This allows the user to configure whether a message always waits for --more--,
or if it's never shown, or if it's never shown more than once in row.
Patch DB:
Direct URL:
The format is
MSGTYPE=foo "string to match"
Where "foo" is one of "hide", "stop" or "norep", and the string to match
is a message to be matched, with '*' and '?' wildcard expansion.
"hide" hides the message, so it's never shown.
"stop" always prompts for --more-- after the message.
"norep" shows the message, but not again if no other message is shown in between.
("noshow" is an alias to "hide", and "more" is an alias to "stop")
For example:
# displacing pets
MSGTYPE=hide "You displaced *"
# items on floor
MSGTYPE=norep "You see here a *"
MSGTYPE=norep "You see here an *"
# delayed instadeaths
MSGTYPE=stop "You are slowing down."
MSGTYPE=stop "You find it hard to breathe."
MSGTYPE=stop "You are turning a little *"
Pasi Kallinen -- NetHack Patch Database
Wow. Awesome! I've always wanted this feature.
I zap a /Wishing and wish for it to be applied to NAO and that the
option doesn't need to be defined before the start of a new game.
Looking at the code, it seems you can define exceptions from
exceptions: the specific stuff goes first.
Is it possible to make messages show only in the control-P window? I
like to paste that buffer into grep. Can you enlarge it beyond 60
What kind of regular expressions are supported? For example, I don't
want to see battle spam, but I do want to know if someone hits my
named cat with a strong weapon (broad pick, silver saber, long
sword ...). Is it possible to configure that?
It's on NAO, and no, you don't have to start a new game,
just save and reload to continue your game on the new binary.
Pasi Kallinen
I haven't looked at the code how that could be done. Also, the whole
control-P window smells a bit kludgey.
> What kind of regular expressions are supported? For example, I don't
> want to see battle spam, but I do want to know if someone hits my
> named cat with a strong weapon (broad pick, silver saber, long
> sword ...). Is it possible to configure that?
Not regular expressions, just the '?' and '*' globbing.
The patch is now available on NAO.
Do the "*"'s work unix-like or MSdog like? That is a preceeding wild
pattern allowed such as "*there is less" or just following?