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Naming conventions

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Sep 14, 2006, 5:21:36 PM9/14/06
Hello fellow nethackers!

My most recent game, a Human Archeologist named Pickard (terrible pun,
I know, but he was an amateur archeologist after all) had recently
discovered a magic whistle, which lead, naturally, to pet taming and
polytrap dancing, and the upshot is that I have a small army of 8
terrible monsters and one cat as pets. They are:

Worf, a Jabberwock
Data, a Gray Dragon
Lore, a Baby Gray Dragon
Spot, a Housecat (formerly, in a previous life, belonging to
Barclay, a Purple Worm
Ensign Ro, a Salamander
Troi, a Couatl
O'Brian, a Barrow Wight
Tasha, a Marlith

They're my crew!

Note, all females are capable of grabbing and crushing, save Tasha, who
only cares for the company of androids.

No Incubus (or Aleax), ergo no Riker. No Mind Flayer (or Quantum
Mechanic), ergo no Q. I had a Blue Dragon, Geordie, but he got killed
and Worf ate his corpse before I could raise him. Oh, those Klingons
and their funeral rituals.

My question to you, my fellow nethackers, is do you ever follow certain
naming conventions in your own games? To me, stuff like this is what
makes nethack even more fun. I didn't start this game to amass a crew
like this, but there you go.

Also, there is no better way to clear Ludios or the Castle than to
teleport a purple worm and his comrades in for you! Burp burp burp and
a thousand moves later nothing but piles of armor and unused potions,
scrolls and wands. No teleport my ass!

-Ryan; Nethacker since '04, two ascentions so far and about 50
ascendable saves sitting around. Asc #1 - Gnome wizard named Sad
Mushroom. #2 was a Gnome Arch named Plinth. Or was it Alvepikk? Gnomes
are convenient!

P.S. Thank you for your patience re all my exposition.

Paul E Collins

Sep 14, 2006, 6:23:19 PM9/14/06
grandtheftgato wrote:

> My question to you, my fellow nethackers, is do
> you ever follow certain naming conventions in your
> own games?

Dragons get coloured stone names (Emerald, Sapphire, etc.): I can't
remember why I started doing that. A lichen or mold gets called
"Cutie" (erm, I just like how their tile looks) and then swiftly
abandoned. Aleaxes and archons get "angelic" names (Michael, Gabriel).
Most others get a name that sounds approximately like their monster
type, e.g. Archie the arch-lich, or at least one that begins with the
same letter. Once I acquired a dozen gremlins and started running out
of proper G-names.

Yeah, I'm not very original apparently.

I recently discovered that there *is* a way to determine a pet's
gender, so that you can give it an appropriately male or female name:
hold up a looking glass. It will ignore "his", "her", or "its"

> stuff like this is what makes nethack even more fun.

Yes. Apart from the fact that they serve as a bones level warning, I
always enjoy finding other people's named pets. I remember a water
moccasin called "Daddy's Little Bones Pile Guarder" making me laugh
out loud.



Sep 14, 2006, 6:40:55 PM9/14/06
Cute Trek names.

well my pet dogs start out as Serious Black, and horses as Tiznow.

I usually pick a random theme or just give them names to match the
first letter of there creature types. Xavier the Xorn or Aron the Ant.

and whoever had white dragon called Beaster and died in the
mines...your bones file killed one of my most promising Valks in a long

Sep 14, 2006, 7:28:49 PM9/14/06
On Thu, Sep 14, 2006 at 02:21:36PM -0700, grandtheftgato wrote:
> Hello fellow nethackers!



> My question to you, my fellow nethackers, is do you ever follow
> certain naming conventions in your own games? To me, stuff like this
> is what makes nethack even more fun. I didn't start this game to amass
> a crew like this, but there you go.

Not really... although recently, I've been naming pets after Russian
words. (No particular reason except that I just started learning Russian
and love the sound of it.)

> Also, there is no better way to clear Ludios or the Castle than to
> teleport a purple worm and his comrades in for you! Burp burp burp and
> a thousand moves later nothing but piles of armor and unused potions,
> scrolls and wands. No teleport my ass!


That's a cool idea, but definitely agreed that purple worms are the best
pets! My last promising gnomish healer acquired an army of 6 purple
worms and went marauding in Gehennom. He had actually acquired about 9
purple worms in total, although the others were lost due to carelessness
or unfortunate accidents. The pets' names started out rather unoriginal,
and then became a series of bad puns followed by gratuitous butcherings
of Russian words:

Purple G. Worm (G. stands for Gulper, obviously)
Purple G. Worm II (pronounced "Purple G. Worm the Second" -- after the
first either stepped into a polytrap or ate a shapechanger and
turned into some pathetic reject.)
Purple H. Worm (the successor of G. Worm II, of course)
Violet (violet worm, yes...)
Charlene (just 'cos Violet was a female name---and Charlene also holds
the honor of having swallowed Juiblex whole when he teleported
to the up stairs, with no ill effects)
Rozavnik (derived from the Russian word for 'pink')
Pyat'nik ('fifth', since it was the 5th in the surviving party at
the time)
Shyest'nik ('sixth')
Pyat'nik II (Pyat'nik the Second, after I stupidly displaced Pyat'nik
into Juiblex's Swamp)

Durak the healer (and btw his name is also a gratuitous Russian word)
got cocky after this crew of purple worms proved well able to swallow
just about every threatening monster in Gehennom---liches, demiliches,
arch-liches, master liches, MF's, MMF's, even minotaurs---and choked to
death on a fortune cookie after feasting on a white dragon.

I don't remember if Gehennom can have bones files, but if so, beware of
the Purple Army... (OK, OK, really lame pun). It would be rather
embarrassing to have a tombstone reading 'Swallowed by Charlene' or
'Eaten by Violet' or something to that effect. :-)


Life is too short to run proprietary software. -- Bdale Garbee

Rachel Elizabeth Dillon

Sep 15, 2006, 10:51:45 AM9/15/06
On 2006-09-14, grandtheftgato <> wrote:
> My question to you, my fellow nethackers, is do you ever follow certain
> naming conventions in your own games? To me, stuff like this is what
> makes nethack even more fun. I didn't start this game to amass a crew
> like this, but there you go.

The only naming convention I follow is to always name u with names of My
Little Ponies. When they get polymorphed, this can get kind of twisted:
"Gusty eats a pony corpse named Wind Whistler!"


Maarten Hilhorst

Sep 17, 2006, 5:03:04 PM9/17/06
All my first pets are called Touchwood, after Catweazles pet toad. My next
pets are named Sator, Arepo, Tenet, Opera and Rotas (in that order).
Salmay, Delmay and Adonay follow. If I feel the need to get more pets,
Zazal, Hasmael, Barsabel, Shedbarshemoth and Shempemporash are still

If I can use two weapons, the secondary one will be called Adamcos.
Maarten Hilhorst

Chris Odorjan

Sep 17, 2006, 7:58:36 PM9/17/06
On 09/14/06 5:21 PM, grandtheftgato wrote:

> My question to you, my fellow nethackers, is do you ever follow certain
> naming conventions in your own games?

I usually call my cat Stimpy and my dog Ren, to follow a friend's lead.
In one of his games I once witnessed Stimpy get polymorphed into a
crocodile and appropriately renamed Croc-o-Stimpy...

Chris Odorjan - -

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