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Space real-time roguelike

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Jakub Debski

Apr 20, 2008, 9:13:13 AM4/20/08


Apr 20, 2008, 7:57:09 PM4/20/08
On Apr 20, 10:13 am, Jakub Debski <> wrote:
> regards,
> Jakub

real-time != rogue-like


Apr 20, 2008, 7:58:18 PM4/20/08
On Apr 21, 1:13 am, Jakub Debski <> wrote:
> regards,
> Jakub

Is it fun?

Apr 20, 2008, 10:12:50 PM4/20/08

I gave it a try last night. The game certainly looks like fun. I
didn't get all that far.

It's a 2D shoot em up with an area map and gates connecting maps,

Star systems serve as levels. After you've looted the pirate hideouts
in one you can gate to the next. I messed around with trying to figure
out a trade route but lost money-- it would be a grind, IMO, to
actually rely on trade routes for income. I also had a mission to
escort a freighter but I got too wrapped up in looting a wreck and the
freighter got zotzed. First time I died I got thumped by pirates, the
second I ran out of fuel. The star systems were different in each game
which I expect is where the inspiration from roguelikes comes in.
Pirates were based in different positions and in the second game there
wasn't a corporate base in the starting system.

Docs say this is a beta version with unimplemented features.

It was more fun to pick up and play than most roguelikes, but games
inspired by roguelikes usually are a lot easier to pick up than proper
roguelikes. Controls were easy to figure out, helpful prompts appeared
now and then, and it's easier to understand a game map that uses
graphics rather than ASCII-- IMO, anyway.

I noticed a resurrect feature, so that could be another argument
against Transcendence being a proper roguelike. I'd expect the real
question should be "Are there enough varieties of items, enemies, and
tactical situations in Transcendence that roguelike fans will enjoy
it?" rather than "Can real-time games be counted as roguelikes?"

Jakub Debski

Apr 21, 2008, 2:49:11 AM4/21/08
> Is it fun?

I'm impressed how fun it is.


Jakub Debski

Apr 21, 2008, 3:06:11 AM4/21/08
> I noticed a resurrect feature, so that could be another argument
> against Transcendence being a proper roguelike.

I have discovered this game two days ago and still don't know
everything about it, but the resurect feature (insurance) seems to be
amulet of life saving.
A "proper roguelike"?
As we know there is no single definition of a roguelike.
There are many different games that can be counted as roguelike,
having many features that weren't in the original Rogue. For instance:
- Decker
- JauntTrooper - Mission: Firestorm
- Sorcerer's Cave
- Strefa Smierci (real-time)

while some others, more similar on the first sight, like "Castle of the
winds" aren't.
The good review of the presented game is here:

The author of the game says:
Q2. What was the main inspiration behind Transcendence?
Transcendence was inspired by two seminal games: Nethack and Star
Control II.


Lorenzo Gatti

Apr 21, 2008, 4:01:44 AM4/21/08

Transcendence is fun and original, but I gave up after several games
because (in the current version, 0.98d, I'll try next one eagerly) it
has balance problems:
1) Too much randomness: finding certain stores and items is critically
important, and there is no remedy if they are missing, as you can
either linger wasting fuel or dive and be slaughtered because of
insufficient equipment.
2) Easily harvested infinite resources (the pirates appearing out of
thin air). Fuel is vastly ineffective in forcing advancement, since
not all fuel sources can be depleted.

As graphics are already excellent, I hope future development will
address these limitations.

Lorenzo Gatti


Apr 21, 2008, 6:58:23 AM4/21/08

> 1) Too much randomness: finding certain stores and items is critically
> important, and there is no remedy if they are missing, as you can
> either linger wasting fuel or dive and be slaughtered because of
> insufficient equipment.

Well this certainly sounds like a roguelike!

> 2) Easily harvested infinite resources (the pirates appearing out of
> thin air). Fuel is vastly ineffective in forcing advancement, since
> not all fuel sources can be depleted.

This sounds more like ADOM than Crawl...


Lars Kecke

Apr 21, 2008, 8:18:02 AM4/21/08
Jakub Debski schrieb:

Wow. Looks a lot like EV Nova. Unfortunatley it's windows only.


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