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First 7DRL Attempt using Adobe Flash

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Timothy M

2010年3月6日 11:51:052010/3/6
This is my announcement that I'll be starting work on my 7DRL.

I'm not sure what theme I will use yet.. hopefully something will come
to me while working on the engine. I've never made a roguelike
before... or even beaten one. So this should be interesting.

I'll be using tiles and writting it in Flash CS4 using AS3, so you can
just play it out of your browser.

I'd like to make it easy for noobies like me to play, so I probably
won't use any complicated spell casting system or lots of keyboard
controls. I'd like to have just a few basic commands (maybe even just
movement keys) and hopefully get more people interested in roguelike

I'll post updates to my website at

It's currently 11:49am Saturday, March 06, 2010.
So I'll post my final results on March 13, 2010.

- Timothy S. Murphy

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