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A Random Town Generation Algorithm

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Feb 12, 2006, 5:57:41 PM2/12/06
I have implemented a random town generation algorithm algorithm. It
works pretty well for me and leaves quite a lot room of improvement. I
will summarize the main steps of it here:

Basic algorithm:

1. Start with a map covered in grass.
2. Pick a random point close to the centre of the map.
3. Draw streets in a cross from this point. One street going across the
whole map horizontally through this point, and another street going
vertically through this point. (ie this point becomes a street
4. Repeat steps 2 to 3 for each of the four blocks that were created by
the street subdivision. Keep doing this recursively till a minimum (or
close to minimum) size has been reached.
5. In each of these small subdivisions, use the same algorithm, but
instead of placing streets place houses.

Now, I went a little further and made a few more modifications:

1. Start with a map covered in grass.
2. Draw either a horizontal or vertical street through the whole map and
line it with trees. This is the main street.
3. In the middle of the map, build a Town Square next to this main street.
a) At this stage my town square has a randomly shaped 3-roomed town
hall. But I plan to add some more things, maybe a little lake like I
had in my original project.

4. Divide the unused areas around the main street and the town square
into rectangular blocks.
5. For each of these blocks do the following:
6. Like before, pick a random point and draw streets in a cross from
this point. And do the same for each of the new rectangles created by
this (recursively) until you've reached a minimum size (or close to it).
8. Subdivide each of these street blocks into sections for specific
houses as before.
9. Ideally all these new created subdivisions should be stored in some
list. So now pick a random one from this list and place some
non-standard feature that you always want to be present (for example a
shop). You can put in several of these.
10. Now put in houses into all the remaining rectangles.

I am still developing this, but its working really well. Some generated

Kostatus (kostatus001 at ihug co nz) (My older project) (My reviews)


Feb 12, 2006, 9:17:26 PM2/12/06
Kostatus wrote:

<snip algorithm>

A correction: When dividing existing street blocks into house sections,
only divide in half, not into quarters. This can be either split
horizontally or vertically, you could do this randomly, or you could
alternate the directions (this is what I did).


Feb 13, 2006, 6:19:05 AM2/13/06
Kostatus wrote:
> I am still developing this, but its working really well. Some generated
> maps:

I think it needs more special buildings. It can be boring to explore
through all those small houses. There are village or town-like
levels in some roguelikes, but it's no good if there is
nothing inside the houses.


Feb 13, 2006, 6:55:17 AM2/13/06

Yeah I'm working on that. I will have a variety of shops, blacksmiths,
some temples, + more interesting buildings worked into the town.


Feb 13, 2006, 7:24:16 AM2/13/06
Excellent post. Interesting to see different peoples methods. I do
something like this but I build on the "street", or lines :D


Feb 13, 2006, 11:34:57 AM2/13/06

"Kostatus" <> wrote in message

> Krice wrote:
> > Kostatus wrote:
> >> I am still developing this, but its working really well. Some
> >> maps:
> >
> > I think it needs more special buildings. It can be boring to explore
> > through all those small houses. There are village or town-like
> > levels in some roguelikes, but it's no good if there is
> > nothing inside the houses.
> >
> Yeah I'm working on that. I will have a variety of shops, blacksmiths,
> some temples, + more interesting buildings worked into the town.

I have collected a list of city type places from various sources for my RL.
I havn't fully culled the list yet but I hope you find it useful if you (or
anyone else) needs more ideas.
abbey almshouse altar ampitheater apartments archives artgallery asylum
auctionblock bank bar(gate) barn barracks baths bazaar belltower
boardinghouse brewery bridge bridlesmith brothel burialmound butchersrow
butchery cairn calvarystable casino castle catacombs cathedral causeway
censor chapel chapterhouse charnelhouse church churchyard circus citadel
civilcourt clinic clocktower cloister club college colosseum column
commonhall cornmarket court crane(on docks, takes goods off ships)
criminalcourt croft crypt customs customshouse dam dock earthhouse eatery
embassy estate fairground fishmarket flophouse foodmarket fortress foundry
fountian friary fullingmill gaol/jail garden gate gatehouse gateway
generalstore gibbet grammerschool graveyard greathall green greene
greenhouse griddlesmith guardtower guild guildhall gymnasium hall house
harbor haymongergate hill hillfort hippodrome home hospital hostel house
hovel hut hypocaust icehouse inn jail keep kennel lane latrine laundry
leperhouse library lighthouse limekiln livestockmarket lumberyard manor
manorhouse mansion march market marketcenter marketcross mausoleum mayors
meatmarket meetinghall mews mill mint monastary monolith monument moothall
museum necropolis nedlergate nursery orchard palace park parsonage pawnshop
pier pillory place port porterslodge postern poultry priory prison privy
propylaeum punishmentsquare quay resturaunt row saltern school shambles
shirehouse shrine silo slavemarket smelters smithy smokehouse spital square
stable stadium staith standingstone standingstones statue stockfishrow
stocksmarket street tavern temple tenterfield theater theatre thorpe
tolhouse tollbooth tollsell tomb tournamentfield tower town townhall
trainingschools treasury university vicarage warehouse watchtower watermill
weighhouse well wharf windmill woolhouse zoo


Feb 13, 2006, 11:37:07 AM2/13/06

"Balaam" <> wrote in message

> Excellent post. Interesting to see different peoples methods. I do
> something like this but I build on the "street", or lines :D

I'm using a system where I divide the map into grids and put different
things in each grid (or not), real simple, fast, and works great.


Feb 13, 2006, 3:10:26 PM2/13/06
I have a pretty decent generator that takes a list of features or
buildings and tries to add them. Here are some screenshots:


Feb 13, 2006, 3:27:21 PM2/13/06
Wow...these are all great ideas. I *really* wish someone would create
an RPG with all the things they talk about. It would be amazing to
travel through huge worlds with realistic towns.

However, I wonder at what point realism will become annoying. For
example, you wouldn't want to have to walk to someplace in a giant
world. Realistically, most people will never go everywhere in the
world. Is it worth it to make a world so big that it can't be
explored? Do people want to spend more time in travel than combat and
questing? Or do we want an easy way out, like teleport spells and
overworld walking?


Feb 13, 2006, 5:36:17 PM2/13/06

Nice and simple algorithm; seems a bit like plasma fractal ;)

Perhaps you will want to use it for smaller towns, exploration of such
big maps can be boring for the player. Using crawly paths instead of
straight roads would be better, though I guess that would depend on the
kind of town that is intended to be made.

Also, preinitializing the map with some 'parks' or important places
that are connected by big roads would produce more irregular maps.
(Applying the recursive rule to the resulting rectangles after the
places are joint)

Just some ideas...

> --
> Kostatus (kostatus001 at ihug co nz)
> (My older project)
> (My reviews)



Feb 13, 2006, 6:25:00 PM2/13/06

Says who that the whole city must be explored? just say that most
people are too poor or lame to have anything worth stealing, or make it
unlawful to steal from houses. rows and rows of houses need not be
explored. That's only necessary in dungeons, where the loot is.


Feb 13, 2006, 10:01:39 PM2/13/06

I use a similar approach for the ruins levels on CastlevaniaRL, as seen

Your towns look pretty nice... what are you using for the rivers?

The farms look a bit like U6 - u7, if you know what I mean ;)


Feb 14, 2006, 4:46:28 AM2/14/06

Kostatus wrote:
> Krice wrote:
> > Kostatus wrote:
> >> I am still developing this, but its working really well. Some generated
> >> maps:

I don't think there should be so many alleys: usually in the city
center large or medium streets like those in the screenshot surround
blocks containing a single large building or many small buildings with
abutting walls. Alleys should be a variation: most of them blind, to
make room for doors and windows, and a few cutting between two streets.
In residential neighbourhoods, small homes are isolated, but there is
plenty of space, both for wide roads and for gardens.

> > I think it needs more special buildings. It can be boring to explore
> > through all those small houses. There are village or town-like
> > levels in some roguelikes, but it's no good if there is
> > nothing inside the houses.
> >
> Yeah I'm working on that. I will have a variety of shops, blacksmiths,
> some temples, + more interesting buildings worked into the town.

Most building types are going to be rectangular; at the abstraction
level of the example screenshots what varies is the location of doors
and the size (area and sometimes edge length) and aspect ratio of the
For example, a small shop might have a 2:3 to 2:5 aspect ratio and a
single door in the middle of the street-facing short side; a
middle-class house could be larger, with a 1:3 to 1:1 front/side aspect
ratio, reaching from the street to a back alley, with a door in front
and one in the back; a large bar could have a 1:1 to 4:1 aspect ratio
and two or three well spaced doors on the long side.

Lorenzo Gatti

Juho Julkunen

Feb 14, 2006, 9:59:59 AM2/14/06

One thing I like about Morrowind is the sence of space. If you want to
travel someplace, you need to _travel_ there, and it's useful to plan
your route. Doesn't necessarily mean travelling on foot, though, and of
course, in a graphical game you can watch the scenery on the way.

PLEASE NOTE: Some quantum physics theories suggest that when the
consumer is not directly observing this product, it may cease to exist
or will exist only in a vague and undetermined state.


Feb 14, 2006, 2:50:29 PM2/14/06
> Your towns look pretty nice... what are you using for the
> rivers?

I start from the middle of the map and make a row of waters. Then I
move the row over one and generate a random number from -1 to 1, and
adjust the start of the row accordingly, so it might end up looking
like this:


Then I randomly choose whether the tiles are water or bridge.
Obviously this is a very poor way to way to do things, and I've had
several terrible-looking map generations. I only put good ones on my
site. ;-)

> The farms look a bit like U6 - u7, if you know what I
> mean ;)

I don't, but oh well. I like them. :-)

Wild Halcyon

Feb 16, 2006, 11:37:14 AM2/16/06

Should a character travel everywhere in the world? No one has ever
visited every place in the real world, and in many RPGs (including
commercial ones) there are optional areas that you simply don't need to
visit. I think the bigger problem with RLs and a huge world is that
huge worlds take large quantities of time to explore - even without
visiting the optional areas. RLs feel, by nature, to be short games. No
one that I know wants to invest 20+ hours in a game only to die and
have it all ended in an instant.

I think a good portion of questing *is* the travel. When a character is
just starting out, the quests will more than likely be close to home
and require little travel. As a character becomes more powerful, in
almost *all* RPGs that I have seen, they also gain more influence -
from obtaining vehicles such as ships or horses to just gaining more
wealth on average. This allows them to both obtain audience with those
who might have more important/difficult/far-reaching quests and have
the means of getting to the quest destination as well.

The most hated plot device in my mind is starting out meeting with the
king. Historically, king's don't meet up with farmers to discuss
bringing down local bandits, although for some reason many low-brow
RPGs include this very sort of thing. It takes very little thought to
replace "king" with "sheriff" and later introduce the king as the one
who gives the more important quest(s). This has less to do with RLs
since most RLs have a simple plot that doesn't gain explanation through
NPCs (obtain the X, defeat Bad Guy Y, etc), but if you're going to
include an overworld with a rich variety of towns and NPCs, this sort
of reasoning might come into play.

Just my 2 cents.

Jim Strathmeyer

Feb 16, 2006, 11:48:37 AM2/16/06
Wild Halcyon <> schrieb:

> Should a character travel everywhere in the world? No one has ever
> visited every place in the real world, and in many RPGs (including
> commercial ones) there are optional areas that you simply don't need
> to visit. I think the bigger problem with RLs and a huge world is that
> huge worlds take large quantities of time to explore - even without
> visiting the optional areas. RLs feel, by nature, to be short games.

Just because a world is there doesn't mean you have to explore it. You
sound like a Nethacker or old-school computer-D&D player who scours
every last cornor of the dungeon looking for loot. Maybe in a game I
know there's a large normal forest west of my house. Filled with deer
and bunny rabbits and trees. Sure, I can wander through it. Or I can
automatically walk the rode though it, or take a horse, or carriage.

> No one that I know wants to invest 20+ hours in a game only to die and
> have it all ended in an instant.

Are you sure? I think this is how games work. You play until you win or
lose, and then the game is over. I don't want to invest 20+ hours
playing a game that requires no skill to play. This is why I hate Fable,
Morrowind, Final Fantasy, Diablo, et cetera.

Jim Strathmeyer

Wild Halcyon

Feb 16, 2006, 2:02:49 PM2/16/06

Jim Strathmeyer wrote:
> Wild Halcyon <> schrieb:
> > Should a character travel everywhere in the world? No one has ever
> > visited every place in the real world, and in many RPGs (including
> > commercial ones) there are optional areas that you simply don't need
> > to visit. I think the bigger problem with RLs and a huge world is that
> > huge worlds take large quantities of time to explore - even without
> > visiting the optional areas. RLs feel, by nature, to be short games.
> Just because a world is there doesn't mean you have to explore it. You
> sound like a Nethacker or old-school computer-D&D player who scours
> every last cornor of the dungeon looking for loot. Maybe in a game I
> know there's a large normal forest west of my house. Filled with deer
> and bunny rabbits and trees. Sure, I can wander through it. Or I can
> automatically walk the rode though it, or take a horse, or carriage.

Absolutely, but I was more or less referring to worlds where it might
take 10 minutes to walk from town to town, which excluding dungeons
could put the game easily over several hours if you have to revisit
several towns over the course of the game.

> > No one that I know wants to invest 20+ hours in a game only to die and
> > have it all ended in an instant.
> Are you sure? I think this is how games work. You play until you win or
> lose, and then the game is over. I don't want to invest 20+ hours
> playing a game that requires no skill to play. This is why I hate Fable,
> Morrowind, Final Fantasy, Diablo, et cetera.

Hehehe, I was playing a final fantasy game when I read that. The threat
of permadeath doesn't make the game harder, it makes the player more
cautious. Going up against an uber-monster is just as difficult whether
your character comes back or not, it only changes how likely the player
is to try to battle it, and whether the player will have to start from
0 if they lose.

I agree that final fantasy (and potentially the others, but that's the
only one from that list that I have played) is easy, but its not
because it takes 20+ hours and features save points. Its because that's
the way the designers made the game - I think they purposefully wanted
joe everyman to be able to beat the game without resorting to a
strategy guide (although, sadly, some people still cant).

Jim Strathmeyer

Feb 16, 2006, 5:05:41 PM2/16/06
Wild Halcyon <> schrieb:

> Jim Strathmeyer wrote:
>> Just because a world is there doesn't mean you have to explore it.
>> You sound like a Nethacker or old-school computer-D&D player who
>> scours every last cornor of the dungeon looking for loot. Maybe in a
>> game I know there's a large normal forest west of my house. Filled
>> with deer and bunny rabbits and trees. Sure, I can wander through it.
>> Or I can automatically walk the rode though it, or take a horse, or
>> carriage.

> Absolutely, but I was more or less referring to worlds where it might
> take 10 minutes to walk from town to town, which excluding dungeons
> could put the game easily over several hours if you have to revisit
> several towns over the course of the game.

I was implying that you could solve that with some sort of travel
commands. Nethack became a lot better when they implemented traveling,
and it's possible that someone could implement a Nethack travel command
that could take you between levels. There's no reason you can't automate
player actions, like autopickup.

Jim Strathmeyer


Feb 17, 2006, 3:15:45 PM2/17/06
>> No one that I know wants to invest 20+ hours in a game only to die and
>> have it all ended in an instant.

> Are you sure? I think this is how games work. You play until you win or
> lose, and then the game is over. I don't want to invest 20+ hours
> playing a game that requires no skill to play.

The thing to watch out for is cheap deaths. I've had good characters
die in Nethack because they were held down by rope golems, or a nymph
took all of their good equipment. I've had many good characters in
ADOM die because a gibbering mouther babbled them to confusion while
other monsters pounded on them. The Banshee level is an insta-death if
you don't know what's going on. Of course, maybe I'm guilty of diving
too deep too soon ;). Even so, there should be a basic guide to
monsters you can read (without checking the info files like in
Angband), or maybe signs on a level of difficult or would-be
insta-death monsters, so you can watch out for them.

On the other hand, you could turn into a ghost when you die (MAngband),
or respawn at the starting town without your equipment (medics).
Either way, it puts you at a severe disadvantage for dying, and is
almost as undesirable as having to start over. The only difference is
you keep your stats, alignment, quest status, and so on.

What do you think?

"So then I thought, 'Ha! Maybe there's a bug in the complier itself!'"

Juho Julkunen

Feb 17, 2006, 4:30:34 PM2/17/06
Jim Strathmeyer ( wrote:
> Wild Halcyon <> schrieb:

> > No one that I know wants to invest 20+ hours in a game only to die and

> > have it all ended in an instant.
> Are you sure? I think this is how games work. You play until you win or
> lose, and then the game is over. I don't want to invest 20+ hours
> playing a game that requires no skill to play. This is why I hate Fable,
> Morrowind, Final Fantasy, Diablo, et cetera.

Fable is really ridiculous in that it doesn't let you fail even
optional quests, but there's no reason why you couldn't ironman
Morrowind, for example. You don't need to load a savefile if you die.

Although I don't know what exactly you mean by "no skill".

RHADOMANCER, n. One who uses a divining-rod in prospecting for
precious metals in the pocket of a fool.
--Devil's Dictionary

Jim Strathmeyer

Feb 17, 2006, 4:33:54 PM2/17/06
Juho Julkunen <> schrieb:

> Fable is really ridiculous in that it doesn't let you fail even
> optional quests, but there's no reason why you couldn't ironman
> Morrowind, for example. You don't need to load a savefile if you die.

> Although I don't know what exactly you mean by "no skill".

I don't understand what's so unclear. I could play Morrowind ironman and
beat it trivialy. I could, but would get bored, first. I first played
and beat Diablo 2 with a Necromancer, and then beat it ironman with an
Amazon, and though I wouldn't have called it trivial, I'm sure it would
be much easier if I had played it more than twice.

I can understand how you could feel insulted if you like those games,
but I still hope that productive discussion is still possible. I don't
care if you enjoy playing The Sims, but hopefully you can understand my
disdain for it.

Jim Strathmeyer


Feb 17, 2006, 6:23:01 PM2/17/06
Jim Strathmeyer wrote:
> Juho Julkunen <> schrieb:
>>Fable is really ridiculous in that it doesn't let you fail even
>>optional quests, but there's no reason why you couldn't ironman
>>Morrowind, for example. You don't need to load a savefile if you die.
>>Although I don't know what exactly you mean by "no skill".
> I don't understand what's so unclear. I could play Morrowind ironman and
> beat it trivialy. I could, but would get bored, first. I first played
> and beat Diablo 2 with a Necromancer, and then beat it ironman with an
> Amazon, and though I wouldn't have called it trivial, I'm sure it would
> be much easier if I had played it more than twice.

Regarding Morrowind, it is trivial to "beat the system" and get as much
power as possible for your level. That only matters if that's what you
attempt to do. Morrowind tries to be a "role playing" game, rather than
be a "min maxing" game, in that it rewards your character for doing what
the character wants to do. If you suspend disbelief you won't spend
hours jumping up and down to get that acrobatics skill up (with its
corresponding strength score).

If you don't suspend disbelief, it's trivial to beat. You can win the
game in less than 15 minutes from character creation, if you know how
(Well, that's the single-segment run that abuses alchemy. The
multi-segment (i.e. not Ironman) record is seven minutes thirty seconds.
The videos can be found here: ).

So yes, I can understand your disdain for Morrowind. But hopefully you
can understand that for people who are able to suspend disbelief, the
game is very good.


Feb 17, 2006, 7:01:39 PM2/17/06
Elethiomel wrote:

>> I don't understand what's so unclear. I could play Morrowind ironman and
>> beat it trivialy. I could, but would get bored, first. I first played
>> and beat Diablo 2 with a Necromancer, and then beat it ironman with an
>> Amazon, and though I wouldn't have called it trivial, I'm sure it would
>> be much easier if I had played it more than twice.
> Regarding Morrowind, it is trivial to "beat the system" and get as much
> power as possible for your level. That only matters if that's what you
> attempt to do. Morrowind tries to be a "role playing" game, rather than
> be a "min maxing" game, in that it rewards your character for doing what
> the character wants to do. If you suspend disbelief you won't spend
> hours jumping up and down to get that acrobatics skill up (with its
> corresponding strength score).
> If you don't suspend disbelief, it's trivial to beat. You can win the
> game in less than 15 minutes from character creation, if you know how
> (Well, that's the single-segment run that abuses alchemy. The
> multi-segment (i.e. not Ironman) record is seven minutes thirty seconds.
> The videos can be found here:
> ).
> So yes, I can understand your disdain for Morrowind. But hopefully you
> can understand that for people who are able to suspend disbelief, the
> game is very good.

The point of games is to enjoy them. Not to win them as fast as
possible - which means less enjoyment time. The link that you gave with
people trying to finish as fast as possible no doubt played the game
fully first and enjoyed it enough to go back to it again and try to
finish it in a fast way.

Morrowind has a main storyline and many side-quests. Even if you've
never played the game before you could just stick to the storyline
quests and do nothing else, except maybe jump up and down for an hour to
improve your acrobatics. But what a bore!

The game designer should make sure that a game can't be finished that
quickly. But it's ultimately up to the player to decide how to play the

As you said, Morrowind is a "role playing" game. And should be played
like a role playing game - ie you playing the role. If people try to
see it as a "finish as fast as you can" or as a 3D shooter, then I can
see why they find it boring.

Juho Julkunen

Feb 17, 2006, 8:10:06 PM2/17/06
Jim Strathmeyer ( wrote:
> Juho Julkunen <> schrieb:
> > Fable is really ridiculous in that it doesn't let you fail even
> > optional quests, but there's no reason why you couldn't ironman
> > Morrowind, for example. You don't need to load a savefile if you die.
> > Although I don't know what exactly you mean by "no skill".
> I don't understand what's so unclear.

Your definition of skill. Or more to the point, the concept of a game
that requires no skill to play. Only game I can think of that truly
requires no skill is Progress Quest.

I would say that skillset required to play and beat, say, Fable, is
quite different and trivial to gain compared to skills required to beat
a roguelike game, though.

I presume you meant games that can be beaten without serious

Then again, I don't play Fable because it would be particularly
challenging. I play it because it's fun. And with Fable, I don't think
fun is where the plot is.

> I could play Morrowind ironman and
> beat it trivialy. I could, but would get bored, first. I first played

Incidentally, though I'm fairly confident I could beat Morrowind quite
handily, I haven't yet done so. Somehow it doesn't seem the point.
Likewise, I've enjoyed Spider-Man 2 much more after completing the

> and beat Diablo 2 with a Necromancer, and then beat it ironman with an
> Amazon, and though I wouldn't have called it trivial, I'm sure it would
> be much easier if I had played it more than twice.

And aquired more skill?

> I can understand how you could feel insulted if you like those games,
> but I still hope that productive discussion is still possible. I don't
> care if you enjoy playing The Sims, but hopefully you can understand my
> disdain for it.

I think I can. Personally, I consider games something else than a
challenge to overcome, but I can hardly fault you for not wanting to
play games you can't find any fun in.

"Phew, that fire trap barely singed you at all, my trusty Moloch
--Last Words, ADoM Collection

Juho Julkunen

Feb 17, 2006, 8:18:23 PM2/17/06
Kostatus ( wrote:

> The point of games is to enjoy them. Not to win them as fast as
> possible

Unless, of course, you enjoy trying to beat them as fast as possible.
As you say, the point of games is to enjoy them. That means playing
them in a fashion that one enjoys.

"Deep in the human unconsciousness is a pervasive need for a logical
universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step
beyond logic."
--Frank Herbert

Juho Julkunen

Feb 19, 2006, 2:14:57 PM2/19/06
Jim Strathmeyer ( wrote:

> but I still hope that productive discussion is still possible. I don't
> care if you enjoy playing The Sims, but hopefully you can understand my
> disdain for it.

Actually, on reflection, I'm not sure I can understand that. Not liking
a game, sure. Disdaining a game because it doesn't offer what you're
looking for? That sounds a little strange.

Of course, not having played The Sims I can't say it doesn't deserve
contempt, but I undertood you were using it as an example of a class.

"Casting her as a dumb blonde was a bit like casting a dwarf as a short


Feb 20, 2006, 10:05:04 PM2/20/06

> I think it needs more special buildings. It can be boring to explore
> through all those small houses. There are village or town-like
> levels in some roguelikes, but it's no good if there is
> nothing inside the houses.

I see potential for survival horror. Having to explore every house for any
scrap of food, any tool, any way to survive. A vast city filled with houses,
each a potential lair for (zombie, cthulian horror, genetic mutation, etc.)
or a potential storehouse for the resources neccessary in such an
apocalyptic scenario. Obviously if _every_ house were empty, it wouldn't be
any fun, but for urban survival scenarios I think this makes some pretty
town/city maps.

always lurking,

Kornel Kisielewicz

Feb 21, 2006, 6:40:32 PM2/21/06
Kostatus napisał(a):

> I am still developing this, but its working really well. Some generated
> maps:

Duh, I guess it would be nice to post in this thread, for I did random
townbuilding once... I dusted out an old version of GenRogue (2 versions
older than the "current" -- AFAIR it's from 2003) and made a few

1. A sample town...

2. Inside a building...

3. On the first floor of the given building...

4. It's lonely on the top :-(...

5. Another part of town...

6. First floor of a smaller buildning...

7. Another bigger town...

8. And again we go higher... (1st floor)

9. ...and to the top to the balcony...

hope you enjoy them,
At your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz ( []
"Well, the philosophy of the World of Shadows is based on most of the
degenerate, immoral and foremost amoral philosophical beliefs of our
world exagarated to the maximum." --Anubis


Feb 22, 2006, 7:48:35 AM2/22/06
Kornel Kisielewicz wrote:
> Duh, I guess it would be nice to post in this thread, for I did random
> townbuilding once... I dusted out an old version of GenRogue (2 versions
> older than the "current" -- AFAIR it's from 2003) and made a few
> Screenshots:

Looks interesting actually:) Have you ever thought of moving to
graphical roguelike to get more details than ascii can represent?


Feb 22, 2006, 10:15:16 AM2/22/06
> Duh, I guess it would be nice to post in this thread, for I did random
> townbuilding once... I dusted out an old version of GenRogue (2 versions
> older than the "current" -- AFAIR it's from 2003) and made a few
> Screenshots:

GenRogue, huh? Isn't the at the one that's considered vaporware? It
looks really nice...I think this is the first roguelike I've seen with
multi-level towns. Keep working on it!

"So then I thought, "Ha! Maybe there's a bug in the compiler itself!"

Kornel Kisielewicz

Feb 23, 2006, 1:25:48 PM2/23/06
Krice napisał(a):

ROTFL, I actually decided on moving into 3D :-P.

At your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz ( []

"Girls are good teachers, even though they don't know a thing
about roguelikes" - Igor Savin

Kornel Kisielewicz

Feb 23, 2006, 1:26:29 PM2/23/06
Gamer_2k4 napisał(a):

>> Duh, I guess it would be nice to post in this thread, for I did random
>> townbuilding once... I dusted out an old version of GenRogue (2 versions
>> older than the "current" -- AFAIR it's from 2003) and made a few
>> Screenshots:
> GenRogue, huh? Isn't the at the one that's considered vaporware?

Yup ;-).

> It looks really nice...I think this is the first roguelike I've seen with
> multi-level towns. Keep working on it!

Nah. That's a quite outdated version (3 years old).

At your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz ( []

Christopher Brandt

Feb 23, 2006, 4:52:12 PM2/23/06
Kornel Kisielewicz schrieb:

> Krice napisał(a):
> > Kornel Kisielewicz wrote:
> >> Duh, I guess it would be nice to post in this thread, for I did random
> >> townbuilding once... I dusted out an old version of GenRogue (2
> versions
> >> older than the "current" -- AFAIR it's from 2003) and made a few
> >> Screenshots:
> >
> > Looks interesting actually:) Have you ever thought of moving to
> > graphical roguelike to get more details than ascii can represent?
> ROTFL, I actually decided on moving into 3D :-P.

Oh no, it looked so nice that way... will you leave the option to play
with ascii tiles?

Kornel Kisielewicz

Feb 23, 2006, 5:03:44 PM2/23/06
Christopher Brandt napisał(a):

Leaving ASCII support would mean that the development of the game would
be hampered by the ASCII interface. It's next to impossible to make a
game run parrallel with two versions out of which one is turn-based,
100% gridbased, no-height, and the other is 3D realtime and object
freeform :-]

At your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz ( []

My opinions are my own. Share them at your own risk.

Christopher Brandt

Feb 23, 2006, 5:25:52 PM2/23/06
Kornel Kisielewicz schrieb:

> Christopher Brandt napisał(a):
>> Kornel Kisielewicz schrieb:
>>> Krice napisał(a):
>>> > Kornel Kisielewicz wrote:
>>> >> Duh, I guess it would be nice to post in this thread, for I did
>>> random
>>> >> townbuilding once... I dusted out an old version of GenRogue (2
>>> versions
>>> >> older than the "current" -- AFAIR it's from 2003) and made a few
>>> >> Screenshots:
>>> >
>>> > Looks interesting actually:) Have you ever thought of moving to
>>> > graphical roguelike to get more details than ascii can represent?
>>> ROTFL, I actually decided on moving into 3D :-P.
>> Oh no, it looked so nice that way... will you leave the option to play
>> with ascii tiles?
> Leaving ASCII support would mean that the development of the game would
> be hampered by the ASCII interface. It's next to impossible to make a
> game run parrallel with two versions out of which one is turn-based,
> 100% gridbased, no-height, and the other is 3D realtime and object
> freeform :-]

Ah, so it has gone this way. Sounds interesting! Will there be a
screenshot this year?

Kornel Kisielewicz

Feb 23, 2006, 5:36:49 PM2/23/06

Who knows ;-).

But yeah, I hope so.

At your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz ( []

My Princess has returned to me...


Feb 24, 2006, 2:17:14 AM2/24/06

"Kornel Kisielewicz" <> wrote in message
> Gamer_2k4 napisal(a):

>>> Duh, I guess it would be nice to post in this thread, for I did random
>>> townbuilding once... I dusted out an old version of GenRogue (2 versions
>>> older than the "current" -- AFAIR it's from 2003) and made a few
>>> Screenshots:
>> GenRogue, huh? Isn't the at the one that's considered vaporware?
> Yup ;-).
We still wait in hope!


Kornel Kisielewicz

Feb 24, 2006, 9:04:18 AM2/24/06
Lochok napisał(a):

As a matter of fact, so am I ^_^

At your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz ( []

"From what I've read, a lot of people believe that GenRogue
exists and will be released some day" -- Arxenia Xentrophore


Feb 25, 2006, 7:51:00 AM2/25/06
Kornel Kisielewicz wrote:
> game run parrallel with two versions out of which one is turn-based,
> 100% gridbased, no-height, and the other is 3D realtime and object
> freeform :-]

It wasn't a joke, then?:) What kind of 3D is it?

Kornel Kisielewicz

Feb 25, 2006, 11:34:56 AM2/25/06
Krice napisał(a):

Unfortunately it wasn't. As for the 3D... well I wrote that in the above
quotation -- I yet have to decide on wether it will be TPP or FPP, but I
guess I'll rather follow the TPP idea (which unfortunately will make
camera movement in enclosed spaces problematic :-/. Yat, the first
instances will be still gridbased FPP (think Dungeon Master with
seamless movement).

At your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz ( []

"Shadows universe is non-heroic, unfair, cruel and designed to
start playing on your nerves and sanity." -- Anubis

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