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Ratio of instagank to winners?

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Jun 9, 2010, 3:28:07 PM6/9/10
Another slow diving, but very well geared ranger, even had helm of
seeing this time, so RBlind is locked and ready to go.

Down stairs for my first trip to 1500'.

Detect monsters, and... oh, I'm in the middle of a room full of
vibration hounds. Hit/Stunned/Repeat, Dead.

I know there are some problems you just can't escape from, despite
your best precautions... Just wondering about how often these fairly
unpreventable deaths are, in comparison to winners?

5 to 1? 10 to 1? Should I get used to these sour grapes, or is it a
pretty rare occurrence to get instaganked?


Wally the Grey

Jun 9, 2010, 5:22:50 PM6/9/10
FunkyD wrote:
> Down stairs for my first trip to 1500'.
> Detect monsters, and... oh, I'm in the middle of a room full of
> vibration hounds. Hit/Stunned/Repeat, Dead.

So much for "hounds are rarer, so ESP is not as vital", eh, Timo? :)

Timo Pietilä

Jun 9, 2010, 10:39:29 PM6/9/10

Depends of the version. That change is very recent. Might not actually
be in official version even.

Timo Pietilä

Timo Pietilä

Jun 9, 2010, 10:48:25 PM6/9/10
FunkyD wrote:
> Another slow diving, but very well geared ranger, even had helm of
> seeing this time, so RBlind is locked and ready to go.
> Down stairs for my first trip to 1500'.
> Detect monsters, and... oh, I'm in the middle of a room full of
> vibration hounds. Hit/Stunned/Repeat, Dead.
> I know there are some problems you just can't escape from, despite
> your best precautions.

That's not true. You can play pretty much 100% safe game barring dying
in dlvl1 at clvl1 to undetected trap, but that is just plain boring.

>.. Just wondering about how often these fairly
> unpreventable deaths are, in comparison to winners?
> 5 to 1? 10 to 1? Should I get used to these sour grapes, or is it a
> pretty rare occurrence to get instaganked?

Something like 1/100, 100 being winners. Playing relatively fast reduces
the chances of those happening very often. ESP saves from that, so
deeper you are safe and early those kinds of insta-kill group monsters
do not exist, so it is the middle of the game where you are in danger.
The old "stat-gain" area.

Timo Pietilä

Eddie Grove

Jun 9, 2010, 9:23:59 PM6/9/10
FunkyD <> writes:

> Another slow diving, but very well geared ranger, even had helm of
> seeing this time, so RBlind is locked and ready to go.
> Down stairs for my first trip to 1500'.
> Detect monsters, and... oh, I'm in the middle of a room full of
> vibration hounds. Hit/Stunned/Repeat, Dead.

You might have survived with more infravision. Had you seen a hat or amulet
with infravision? Until you have ESP, I would rate infravision higher than
rBlind or any single elemental resistance. Of course you want the ability to
have rBlind and each elemental resistance, but those can be swap items. You
want to enter a new level or teleport about a level with maximum infravision.

> 5 to 1? 10 to 1? Should I get used to these sour grapes, or is it a
> pretty rare occurrence to get instaganked?

Every time you take the stairs, or recall to the dungeon, or teleport, you
take a risk. The fewer times you repeat levels, the less this particular
risk. That is, assuming a minimum depth. It is safe to stairscum DL 1.


Matthew Vernon

Jun 10, 2010, 5:55:43 AM6/10/10
Timo Pietilä <> writes:

> That's not true. You can play pretty much 100% safe game barring dying
> in dlvl1 at clvl1 to undetected trap, but that is just plain boring.

...but then you get complacent and die (IME) - dying "of boredom" as
it were.

> >.. Just wondering about how often these fairly
> > unpreventable deaths are, in comparison to winners?
> > 5 to 1? 10 to 1? Should I get used to these sour grapes, or is it a
> > pretty rare occurrence to get instaganked?
> Something like 1/100, 100 being winners. Playing relatively fast
> reduces the chances of those happening very often. ESP saves from
> that, so deeper you are safe and early those kinds of insta-kill group
> monsters do not exist, so it is the middle of the game where you are
> in danger. The old "stat-gain" area.

I've stopped waiting for max-stats before going below dlvl 40 these


Rapun.sel - outermost outpost of the Pick Empire

Timo Pietilä

Jun 10, 2010, 1:03:28 PM6/10/10
Matthew Vernon wrote:
> Timo Pietilä <> writes:
>> That's not true. You can play pretty much 100% safe game barring dying
>> in dlvl1 at clvl1 to undetected trap, but that is just plain boring.
> ...but then you get complacent and die (IME) - dying "of boredom" as
> it were.

That's true. You need patience to play slow game, but with some speed in
diving you just have to take some chances.

Try the latest nightlies. There those hounds are much rarer, which is
really good.

>>> .. Just wondering about how often these fairly
>>> unpreventable deaths are, in comparison to winners?
>>> 5 to 1? 10 to 1? Should I get used to these sour grapes, or is it a
>>> pretty rare occurrence to get instaganked?
>> Something like 1/100, 100 being winners. Playing relatively fast
>> reduces the chances of those happening very often. ESP saves from
>> that, so deeper you are safe and early those kinds of insta-kill group
>> monsters do not exist, so it is the middle of the game where you are
>> in danger. The old "stat-gain" area.
> I've stopped waiting for max-stats before going below dlvl 40 these
> days.

In that case ESP is a life saver. Check BM with ever visit to town.
Check every (Blessed), Gondolin, *slay evil*, Magi (both cloak and
helmet), Lordliness, Lothlorien Bows for ESP. Also there are helmets of
telepathy which are relatively common beyond stat-gain depths. Deeper
the quality of items increase so chances to get ESP increase also.

Even if that item would be utter crap for other purposes ESP makes it
something you would want to keep as your main-whatever and that
something non-crap-whatever as swap for action.

Detection is a life saver and ESP works as "detect nearly every monster
every turn without using a turn". Knowing what you are about to
encounter is more important than being able to handle that something. If
you know that this something is there you have time to prepare.

Timo Pietilä

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