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[YAVP] Behind the Screenshot: The Titanium Ascension [LONG]

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Feb 3, 2004, 5:18:42 AM2/3/04
All Trinity every wanted to do was be a pop-idol. Unfortunately everyone
thought she was just a lazy good-for-nothing. This was true, but Trinity
didn't see it that way. She just thought that her hands had better things
to do than honest labor. She actually was quite Charming and quite a Boon
to the Family once she concentrated on becoming bard. She worked hard as
a short order cook for vegetarian gnomish miners in order to afford her
first mandoline. Her family was very pleased with her newfound
productivity and Heired her with the family Seven League Boots. When she
earned enough for the mandoline, Trinity swore off work altogether and
headed for the Drakalor Chain to make a name for herself.

She would become the next ChAoS pLaNe iDoL!

Screenshot (cropX:0-3)

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Trinity St:99 Le:42 Wi:44 Dx:99 To:46 Ch:25 Ap:20 Ma:30 Pe:35 C-
DV/PV: 65/65 H: 262(262) P: 178(218) Exp: 1/87 ChAoS M: 217614
Blessed Invisible Bloated Berserk (spd: 811)


The most exciting parts to the game were the water and fire
temples, and clearing D50. The most boring parts were training
in the SMC, the ID dive, and building HP for the endgame. I
tried to run up the score by doing as many of the quests as
possible and it looks like the only ones missed were Khereb's
chaotic ones. I managed to do the arena with perma invis with
only 2 blessed potions of visibility, by using \WoMonster
Detection and Teleportation, I also wished for the cute dog to
clear the quest que, but in the achievements section, it doesn't
say that I brought joy back to a tiny girl. Oh well.

Many wishes used. 2 pool: Giant Boar Skull and Spellbooks of
Cure Critical Wounds. 5 wand: arrows of demon slaying (x2),
cute dog, potions of visibility. and cave bear.

You don't have to read all the stuff below, it's really long! ^_^


Play by play:

Trinity trained in the SMC with a brown bear tamed in the woods.
She ran around bloated and strained! while reading a scribbled
scroll. She sold everything that wasn't magical or an arrow and
bought a full set of keys at $250 each. She might have used a
prayer here, but since it was so long ago, I don't remember. The
brown bear became experienced and they went to puppy cave.

She found white altar on PC4 and she became extremely close to
Shalla by sacrificing many cooked corpses gathered from PC5. She
trained her St to 21 with sickness from kobold corpses. After
saving Yrrigs, she recieved the Healing skill from Jharod.

With DV at ~60-70 she went to the BUGWIL and, at the cost of the
brown bear's life, acquired a killer bug pet named Mushi.
Almost 20 game days had passed.

Trinity and Mushi went to the COC and found a [Cloak of Invis in
a vault on the upper levels. She wore this thoughout most of her
adventure, very rarely removing it. With her invisibility, every
level from the big room on D6 to dwarftown on D9 was pacified
with some sort of breeder.

In dwarftown, all brown h's were ordered slain. Their murder
produced 3 pickaxes, which became heavily corroded, and were
used to mine out all the pacified levels. Several appearance
boosting equipment drops along with the si kept Waldenbrook out
of money and the cash was used to clean out a wand shop on D7.
That shop restocked several times while the level was being
mined, and it produced very many useful wands.

They explored down to Khel and found a mixed vault and a vault
of ogres. The ogre corpses eventually increased her strength to
36. A scroll shop was found but she didn't bother to force it to
restock. They avoided the DH. Instead she used \WoDoor Creation
to surround the corner stairs of Animated Forest and dug a
tunnel through the northern wall. She found a climbing set and
an ancient scythe, and after Mushi cleared Khelly's room of
chaos scum, they trudged back to dwarftown.

She continued training To to 30, Wi to 28, and Dex to 37 with
herbs. They ascended to the wilderness and killed a necromancer
in a dwarven graveyard. She wore an amulet of the cold heart and
2 rings of cold resistance to resist his icy bolts. There, she
found some gauntlets and a grey broadsword.

They cleared UD, which was truely uninteresting, and a quick
lunge into a gremlin cave produced the phial of Caladrial. She
used it to train concentration.

They made a very quick dive to get the platinum ring. Wearing
the elemental gauntlets and 2 rings of fire resistance, she lost
no HP in the encounter with a red Z. Identifying her gear
reveiled an 'AoLS in her pack.

After saving the dying sage, they advanced towards the wall of
flames. Invisible, she did not wake up the graveyard and she
quickly dug to the stairs. She acquired beeswax from a beehive
and locked up the banshee in a corner room far from the stairs.
She decided to do the Water Temple on the way up.

Trinity DV/PV ~80/20 HP ~33
Snake from Beyond DV/PV 45/22 HP 570 .

The Snake from Beyond is a real pet killer. It has high DV
and is very poisonous. It doesn't see in the dark.

Trinity ordered Mushi to kill the Chaos Scum, then left him just
outside the tunnel she dug to the temple area. Invisible, she
dug out the main temple to let the snake free and ran to the
tunnel. Unfortunately, a non-hostile goblin went through the
tunnel and was blocking her path. She swam to get around it, and
ran to the end of the tunnel. She then used *CoDark to darken the
mouth of tunnel and \WoWebbed around the corner. Wearing an
amulet of light, she waited for it to appear. When it was
adjacent, she removed the amulet and true berserked it with an
adamantium halberd until it ran away. She put on the amulet and
threw rocks at it on coward until it gave chase. She led it into
the web and finally ordered Mushi finish the SfB off.

She decided to do Darkforge, and on the way to the surface,
Mushi spawned in the big room. She led the friendly spawn to D7
and started a bug farm there. In Darkforge, she used teleport
traps to scout the rooms and [RedDragonScaleMail. She then
trained her bow skill on the Steel Golems until she got her 1st
corruption, Mushi cleared the Golems, and she ordered Mushi to
slay the dwarven artificer, thinking that she would use the
smithing skill she had learned. Turns out she never bothered to
smith anything. She recieved a wish from a blue pool and wished
for a Giant Boar Skull.

Decision time. Max out Dx or not? Went for maxing out Dx
and abusing Wi. The orb and an amulet gives 14 Wi, just
enough for confusion not to be too big of a problem. Also,
there's no chance of surviving the ACW's blast with the
amount of HP available at this point.

She raided the bug farm, ordering Mushi to kill his brothers
until he was severly injured. They then tramped to the the Bug
Wilderness. She calmed many bugs and entered the Bug Temple
surrounded by non-hostiles. She was only slightly injured in the
1st room. She blocked the killer bug pits with \WoDoorCreation,
and tamed or calmed everything in the temple proper. After
kicking most of the statues and stealing the loot, she sent the
spare pets on suicide runs on the killer bug pits, leaving only
Mushi and one moderately experienced killer bug that was spared
for surface missions. She left the spare on D1 and raided the
bug farm again.

With HP~55, DV 100+ ring of ice and fire immunity, it was time
to do the tower of eternal flames.

Trinity left Mushi on ToEF3, and lured all monsters on the right
side downstairs to be killed by him. She dug a tunnel to the
temple proper and lured the chaos scum downstairs. She zapped a
wand of far slaying at the Ancient Chaos Wyrm and waited at end
of the tunnel for the nasties to pour out. She led the temple
residents downstairs until she started to resist the confusion
cast by the ACW.

She ran to the stairs and, invisible, summoned a wall of
creatures with a \WoMonsterCreation. The ACW came into LOS but
could not energy bolt her though the wall of monsters. It cast a
spell and she became confused, so she went downstairs and waited
until it wore off. She went upstairs and waited until the ACW
moved into a spot where there was a wall behind it. She then
blasted it with \WoStunning until it was stunned and then removed
her [CoInvis and lured the wall downstairs to be killed. She then
\WoWebbed all the squares adjacent to the square above the
stairs. She went up, waited for the stunned ACW to stumble to
her, and lured it down. After it to stumbled into a web, she
ordered Mushi to destroy it.

After cashing in some heavily tainted corpses for !PoCC, they
dove for the Casino. They passed an eternal guardian in peace
and found a gift shop with [Robes of Resistance, and 2 ]Magical
Writing Sets. She won $5Mil playing slots and was so stunned by
her winnings, she had to pray to Shalla come to her senses.

In search of spellbooks, they dove deeper in the CoC. A Catlord
gave her a ring, and they partially cleared a greater red dragon
vault and a black dragon vault. They cleared the air temple and
she trained bows to lvl 10 above the earth temple. Running low
on arrows, she had Mushi clear most of the temple, and an ASB
dropped an orb.

Item Detection showed yellow ~bracers in a secret room in a
greater undead vault guarded by a Lich King. She stole the ~BoW,
ignored the vault, and ran to the split at D47.

They went to D48 first, and Mushi killed the anomoly guardians.
A werewolf lord pit went untouched, stopping monster generation
on the level. She made sure the level was clean with Monster
Detection before popping in Fire, Air, and Earth Orb.

They dove to BDC2 and scummed there until she was tainted with
several Dx reducing corruptions. She did not find any healing
spellbooks, but she did find some good utility ones, Strength of
Atlas and Farsight.

They left via the shortcut and headed back to the bug farm to
continue raising Dx. They then headed to the ID to look for a
sceptre. Mushi killed a female chaos knight named Malakai while
she was stuck in some webs.

In ascending, Trinity had Mushi wait on top of sceptre while she
explored for the upstairs. She would then take sceptre to the
stairs, drop it, and practice spellcasting or mining while
waiting for Mushi to catch up. She picked up the mana battery
corruption twice while ascending, and after sifting through 17+
pages of wands, and using almost all her water and booze, she
improved her PP from 8 to ~175.

They found 2 greater moloch pits in the ID. The first brought
her bow skill to 14. and the second one gave her Grand Mastery.
She was completely exhausted of ammo at this point.

When the non-corrupting levels were reached, she wore her ring
of weakness and ate all the St improving corpses in her pack.
She carried over 100 corpses from her mining and the many giant
pits they found. Her St improved to the 80's from her giant and
ogre diet.

About a week to day 60, that time was used to build for the MT.

With her Dx maximized to about 81, she started building Wi with
blessed morgia roots. She used *CoKnowlege to get her Le to 35,
and wrote 7 ?SoCR, which reduced her Ma to 1.

They once again dove to BDC2 for spellbooks. A brown pool on UL2
with an altar on UL3 gave her some nice intrinsics and a wish
for spellbooks of Cure Critical Wounds. They went through the
shortcut to the surface and she found a Watery Cave on eastern
most river square.

She left Mushi in the bandit village and explored the cave. The
greater water dragon had nothing worth stealing.

She brought Mushi into cave and let him drown while casting Cure
Critical Wounds on him until he seemed "friendlier" after such
cruel treatment. Only when he was critically wounded did she let
him surface. She brought him to VD and ordered the severely
injured bug to wait for her. She talked to the healer and he
gave her a !PoUH after telling her she was on the right path.
Continuing on this righteous "path", she abused Mushi many
times gaining many blessed !PoUH. At Darknight, day 60, it
was time for her to become Chaotic.

Trinity and her faithful bug raided the dwarven graveyard,
looting graves and eating greater undead corpses. When her L+
deteriorated to N, she acquired the pickpocket skill and robbed
unsuspecting undead of their valuables. Her alignment quickly
sank to chaotic.

She chatted with an old crone, satiated a purple ratling, went
to an ancient stone circle, and ordered Mushi to kill a
multi-headed dragon they found there.

At this point Mushi was pretty much invulnerable, averaging
18 hits (max 21) for ~65 DMG (max 331). He did astonishing
amounts of damage.

She gave the old crone some trinkets, and got a medal. She
brought the trinity to D48, and a quick sac at the air temple
reveiled her to be absolutely close to Fjordnar. She quaffed
her stack of blessed !PoUH and improved her HP to ~175.
Time for the mana temple.

At the MT, she zapped a blessed \WoDetect Traps and pushed Mushi
though the traps all the way into the temple, healing him when
needed. She made a quick dash into the temple proper to make
some alarm traps and then waited with Mushi in the hallway for
the chaos archmage to appear. When he did, she had her bug engage
him. She healed Mushi many times in the conflict, and her morals
shifted from C- to N+ in the longish battle. NV finally fell to
Mushi's talons and dropped a mana orb.
Time to build for Andy.

They returned to BDC2 and reduced the corruption there with four
blessed ?SoPeace. The dragons Mushi killed dropped another ]MWS
and a \WoWish (3). She left Mushi at BDC2, popped in the
mana orb on D48 and went to the surface to write 4 ?SoCRs. She
wished twice for "arrows of demon slaying" and with some others
scummed from BDC had a nice stack of 66. Drowning her spare bug
built her HP to 250 and her spellcasting increased her Ma to 18.

I can't stress enough how boring it is to build HP. Even
with teleport traps, \WoDoorCreation, pacified levels, it
is the most boring, tedious, repetitive activity in the
game! At 100 to 200+ keypresses for 1-3 HP, getting 1 HP
from your potions several times in a row, is absolutely

Anyway, she's ready for Andy.
Intrinsic spd 200, 250 HP, 200 PP, 200 DV, 22 SoCR,
16 !PoBoost Speed, \WoPara (22), +para, +death, 2 wish.

Trinity and her surface bug went to the ???? and killed all the
sleeping assassins there. She paralyzed the Master Assassin with
a wand and picked up a sting after her bug killed him.

They entered the Quickling Tree, but left quickly after clearing
the first room. She visited the Mad Minstral and listened to his
songs. They murdered an insulting Old Barbarian. A Raider Lord
hiding in the swamps was killed, and a Master Thief outlived his
usefulness. She also told Blup where his mom was hiding.

She went back to BDC, reunited with her pal Mushi, and killed
a purple W found at the bottom. She got rewarded with a needle
for destroying the ancient karmic wyrms enemy, and promptly
destroyed him as well. They cleared all the remaining vaults and
found a bunch of artifacts and \WoWish (5).

She wished for cute dog and made a red t happy. Then she wished
for !PoVisibility to master the arena. After clearing 21 fights
with two potions, she ordered the arena master slain and got a
?SoPeace from a grateful green r. She wanted to get the
shopkeepers guild to owe her money, but couldn't figure out how.

Exhausting the Drakalor Chain of it's available quests, it
was time to end her time on this plane. She would start by
clearing D50.

A blessed ?SoFS produced a greater fire elemental named Hiei.
He did just fine dispatching the lesser denizens of D50. Trinity
plugged the lever balors with slaying ammo and slowed them so
Hiei could kill them with little trouble.

As they advanced to the main room, Trinity made a corridor with
\WoDC, making sure to unlock and lock each one with her blessed
keys. Her efforts made a corridor that led straight though the
non-hostile Ghost Lords and deep into the main room. The corridor
and wall of ghosts reduced the available area for summoning and
kept the room under control. When the balors woke up, she locked
up the corridor and pushed Hiei to dungeon area to battle them.

Trinity's alignment was taking a beating from all the healing
and she foolishly prayed for crowning, thinking the amulet of
chaos would keep her alignment low. A terrible mistake as
Hiei was quickly losing health and in danger of becoming a
WMoPC. Trinity couldn't afford to train another pet, as most
of the high experience weaklings have already fallen. To make
matters worse, Fisty decided wake up and pound on Hiei. Trinity
was risking becoming a fallen champion healing her friend.

Time to regroup. Trinity shoved the critically wounded Hiei away
from the melee, teleported to the stairs, and went up to D49
to think things over.

First thing to take care of was alignment. She went to D48, put
on her ring of weakness and wielded her pickaxe 1d6-9 and wished
for a cave bear. She repeatedly calmed and thrashed the bear
on coward until she was at 10000 black stones.

Second problem was Fisty. Hiei needed more time to get through
Fisty's high DV. The only thing to do was for Trinity to draw
Fisty's fire away from Hiei.

She telported back to Hiei and healed him up. Even slowed and
critically wounded, Fisty was extremely dangerous. She and Hiei
engaged the greater balor in melee, and whenever Hiei got his
combo in, Trinity would immediately cast frost bolt on Fisty.
Shrugging off the bolt, the greater balor would then attack her
on his next move. She was never in much danger from the slowed
greater balor's criticals and eventually Hiei got in a lethal
blow. The other balors were not a threat after this change in

After sterilizing D50, Trinity put on her Chaos accessories,
uncursed them, quaffed some easily made !PoRC, quaffed her !PoBS
and jumped in the gate. Andy was mobile long enough to cast
darkness before becoming paralyzed. He probably wanted to cast a
bolt spell, but a goblin summoned with a \WoCM was in the way.
She shot 41 blessed poisoned slayers at him, hitting him 18
times before he croaked.

Background Information

Name: Trinity Race: female Hurthling Class: Bard
Eye color: green Hair color: brown Complexion: light
Height: 2'8" Weight: 57 pounds Scars: 6
Age: 39 (grown-up)
Star sign: Falcon Birthday: 29/Falcon (day 239 of the year)

Your parents are travelling adventurers. They are doing moderately
well but are talented enough to survive.
As a child your parents cared a lot for you. Despite all
circumstances you enjoyed a happy and fine childhood.
During your youth you were very lazy. You slept a lot and didn't
care too much for your duties and tasks. Your parents were not very happy
with you.
As a young adult you had to work a lot to finance your
apprenticeship. You were often tired and exhausted but all this was
forgotten, when you finally achieved your goal.
You decided to become a Bard.

Total weight: 30767 stones Carrying capacity: 55575 stones

He: blessed eternium cap (+1, +1) [+7, +7] [28s]
Ne: blessed sapphire amulet "Preserver" [+4, +4] {Wi+7} [3s]
Bo: blessed robes of resistance (-4, -4) [+3, +12] {To+5} [60s]
Gi: blessed girdle of strength [+4, +3] {St+3} [15s]
Cl: blessed hooded cloak [+6, +3] [40s]
RH: uncursed Sceptre of Chaos (+8, 6d6+8) [-8, +0] {Ma+8} (+8 spd) [800s]
LH: blessed tower eternium shield (+2) [+13, +4] [70s]
RR: blessed ring of the master cat [+0, +5] {Dx+16} (+16 spd) [1s]
LR: blessed ring of slaying (+7 melee damage, +6 missile damage) [1s]
Br: blessed bracers of war [+8, +4] {Dx+8} [10s]
Ga: blessed thick gauntlets (-1, -2) [+3, +4] [15s]
Bo: blessed seven league boots (+1, +1) [+4, +4] [30s]
MW: blessed long bow of accuracy (+9, +2) [30s]
Mi: bundle of 25 blessed arrows of demon slaying (+3, 1d6+3) (p) [50s]
Tl: blessed pick axe of penetration (+6, 1d6+8) (p) [75s]


Total weight: 29539 stones Carrying capacity: 55575 stones

Helmets ('[')
blessed helm of water breathing [+0, +4] [30s]
uncursed Crown of Chaos (-6, -6) [+0, +15] {Ma+10} (+10 spd) [500s]
uncursed helm of leadership [+3, -1] {Ch+9} [100s]
Armor ('[')
blessed eternium plate mail of leadership (-1, -2) [-1, +13] [240s]
Shields ('[')
blessed medium obsidian shield "Protector" [+20, +4] {To+2} [46s]
Gauntlets ('[')
uncursed elemental gauntlets (-1, +0) [+0, +3] [10s]
Cloaks ('[')
Girdles ('[')
Boots ('[')
uncursed seven league boots (+1, -1) [+1, +0] [30s]
uncursed seven league boots [+1, +0] [30s]
Necklaces (''')
blessed rusty amulet of balance [3s]
blessed amulet of life saving [3s]
uncursed Medal of Chaos {Ap+12} [300s]
blessed necklace of the silver tongue {Ch+3} [2s]
blessed amulet of chaos [3s]
Bracers (',')
One-handed weapons ('(')
blessed pick axe (+0, 1d6-9) [75s]
uncursed sword of Nonnak (+2, 4d3+2) [+2, +2] {Wi+5} [80s]
uncursed rune-covered heavy mace "Purifier" (+5, 4d5+5) [-4, +1] {Wi+4}
blessed emerald dagger "Serpent's Bite" (+3, 3d4+3) [+3, +1] [13s]
uncursed black rune-covered dagger "Sting" (+8, 3d4) [+4, +1] [10s]
blessed dwarven rune axe "Rolf's Companion" (+3, 3d6+6) [+4, +4] {To+3}
uncursed black rune-covered dagger "Needle" (+8, 3d4) [+4, +1] [10s]
uncursed golden gladius "Death's Sting" (+2, 2d5+2) [+3, +3] (+7 spd)
uncursed rune-covered club "Skullcrusher" (+12, 3d6+2) [-3, +0] {St+4}
heap of 2 uncursed scourges (-2, 1d3+3) [50s]
uncursed scourge (-5, 1d3+3) [25s]
uncursed scourge (-4, 1d3+5) [25s]
uncursed flaming scourge (-3, 1d3+3) [25s]
heap of 2 uncursed scourges (-4, 1d3+3) [50s]
heap of 2 uncursed scourges (-3, 1d3+3) [50s]
uncursed scourge (-1, 1d3+6) [25s]
Two-handed weapons ('(')
uncursed rune-covered halberd "Wyrmlance" (+15, 4d8+10) [-2, +0] [50s]
blessed shining long spear "Soaker" (+9, 3d7) [+3, +0] [10s]
uncursed hammer of the gods (+1, 7d6+8) [-6, +0] [400s]
blessed staff of the Wanderer (+2, 3d8+2) [+6, +3] {To+6} [40s]
Missile weapons ('}')
Missiles ('/')
bundle of 18 blessed unbalanced arrows of slaying (-8, 1d6) (p) [36s]
bundle of 65 blessed arrows (+0, 1d6) (p) [130s]
bundle of 7 uncursed penetrating mithril arrows (+0, 1d6) (p) [14s]
bundle of 8 blessed arrows of humanoid slaying (-1, 1d6+3) (p) [16s]
bundle of 8 blessed arrows of humanoid slaying (+2, 1d6+3) (p) [16s]
bundle of 11 blessed arrows of humanoid slaying (+3, 1d6+3) (p) [22s]
Tools (']')
uncursed magical writing set (2) [5s]
Instruments ('{')
uncursed mandoline [23s]
Rings ('=')
blessed ring of ice [1s]
heap of 10 uncursed rings of stun resistance [10s]
heap of 9 uncursed rings of mental stability [+0, +1] {Le+1} [9s]
heap of 2 uncursed rings of weakness [2s]
Wands ('\')
blessed wand of paralyzation (11 charges) [3s]
blessed wand of poison (19 charges) [3s]
uncursed wand of teleportation (4 charges) [4s]
uncursed wand of destruction (2 charges) [3s]
uncursed wand of death (3 charges) [3s]
uncursed wand of wishing (4 charges) [3s]
uncursed wand of destruction (3 charges) [3s]
Potions ('!')
heap of 7 blessed potions of boost dexterity [14s]
heap of 5 uncursed potions of boost toughness [10s]
heap of 5 blessed potions of boost willpower [10s]
heap of 6 blessed potions of extra healing [12s]
heap of 34 uncursed potions of poison [136s]
heap of 2 blessed potions of boost mana [4s]
heap of 3 blessed potions of boost toughness [6s]
heap of 5 potions of holy water [20s]
blessed potion of visibility [4s]
uncursed potion of boost speed [2s]
uncursed potion of mana [4s]
uncursed potion of water [4s]
Scrolls ('?')
heap of 4 blessed scrolls of chaos resistance [8s]
heap of 2 blessed scrolls of protection [4s]
heap of 2 uncursed scrolls of increase melee damage [4s]
heap of 2 blessed scrolls of familiar summoning [4s]
heap of 5 uncursed scrolls of defense [10s]
uncursed scroll of protection [2s]
uncursed scroll of peace [2s]
Books ('"')
uncursed spellbook of Farsight [100s]
uncursed spellbook of Strength of Atlas [100s]
Food ('%')
Valuables ('$')
1510065 gold pieces [15100s]
Gems ('*')
heap of 6 uncursed crystals of health [6s]
heap of 7 uncursed crystals of power [7s]
heap of 18 uncursed crystals of darkness [18s]
heap of 15 blessed crystals of power [15s]
heap of 3 blessed crystals of darkness [3s]
heap of 10 uncursed crystals of knowledge [10s]

Weapon Skills

Melee weapon Lvl Hit Dam DV Level Required marks
--------------------- --- --- --- -- ------------- --------------
Unarmed fighting 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 15
Daggers & knives 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 15
Clubs & hammers 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 15
Maces & flails 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 15
Swords 2 +2 +0 +0 basic 40
Axes 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 3
Whips 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 15
Pole arms 2 +2 +0 +1 basic 8
Twohanded weapons 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 15
Staves 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 15

Missile weapon Lvl Hit Dam Ra Level Required marks
--------------------- --- --- --- -- ------------- --------------
Slings 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 5
Bows 15 +30 +22 +5 Grand Mastery
Crossbows 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7
Thrown axes & hammers 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7
Thrown daggers 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7
Thrown rocks & clubs 4 +8 +6 +1 skilled 12
Thrown spears 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7
Boomerangs & scurgari 3 +6 +4 +1 basic 32

Shields Lvl DV Level Required marks
--------------------- --- --- ------------- --------------
Shields 10 +20 excellent 621

Damage caused with your melee weapons:
Right hand: +85 bonus to hit, 6d6+81 damage

Damage caused with your missile weapons:
Ammunition: 25, base range: 31, +109 bonus to hit, 1d6+77 damage


Archery ..................100 (superb) [+1d3]
Bridge building .......... 15 (mediocre) [+4d5] (mr)
Climbing ................. 88 (great) [+3d3]
Concentration ............100 (superb) [+2d4]
Cooking ..................100 (superb) [+1d5] (ma)
Detect traps ............. 21 (mediocre) [+4d5]
Disarm traps ............. 16 (mediocre) [+4d5]
First aid ................100 (superb) [+2d4]
Food preservation ........100 (superb) [+2d4]
Gardening ................ 29 (mediocre) [+4d4]
Gemology .................100 (superb) [+1d5]
Haggling ................. 20 (mediocre) [+4d5]
Healing ..................100 (superb) [+2d4]
Herbalism ................100 (superb) [+2d4]
Listening ................100 (superb) [+2d4]
Literacy .................100 (superb) [+1d5]
Mining ...................100 (superb) [+1d3]
Music ....................100 (superb) [+2d4]
Pick locks ............... 57 (good) [+3d5]
Pick pockets ............. 99 (superb) [+2d4]
Smithing ................. 23 (mediocre) [+4d5]
Stealth ..................100 (superb) [+1d5]
Survival .................100 (superb) [+1d5]
Swimming ................. 30 (mediocre) [+3d4]
Two weapon combat ........ 13 (mediocre) [+4d4]


Cure Critical Wounds: 541, 13pp (Effectivity: +11)
Cure Serious Wounds : 820, 10pp (Effectivity: +0)
Farsight : 324, 17pp (Effectivity: +1)
Frost Bolt : 1237, 12pp (Effectivity: +3)
Ice Ball : 360, 25pp (Effectivity: +0)
Light : 1317, 3pp (Effectivity: +1)
Magic Missile : 1231, 8pp (Effectivity: +0)
Revelation : 203, 33pp (Effectivity: +0)
Slow Monster : 1244, 7pp (Effectivity: +3)
Strength of Atlas : 358, 10pp (Effectivity: +1)
Teleportation : 209, 20pp (Effectivity: +12)

Her further life:

After slaying Andor Drakon and absorbing his powers you quickly grow
accustomed to your new might. You enjoy yourself slaughtering your
opposition for a couple of moments and then prepare for a greater goal...
the conquest of your former home world.

To your own surprise you have to realize that omnipotence is a stretchable
word and that you no longer are strong enough (maybe due to the heavy
fighting before) to pass the Chaos gate or even send malicious energies
through it to harass Ancardia. Thus you bide your time and enjoy yourself
sending Chaos troops to Ancardia every couple of centuries.

This continues until you are finally strong enough to create a bridge
between the planes of Chaos and Ancardia. Sadly a nasty surprise is waiting
for you: the heroic folks of Ancardia obviously did not forget the last
incursion of Chaos and this time a hero is prepared to challenge you. Bathed
in the radiance of Law and Goodness She enters your home plane and
challenges you to a battle.

To your very surprise your dark magics don't effect her and you are killed
in a long battle. In the last seconds of your life, facing the might of the
hero of light, you wonder if everything could have been different, had you
made some other decisions in your mortal life...

/ Boo!

Her achievements during her adventures:

Trinity, the hurthling bard, managed to become a ChAoS gOd.
She scored 6051364 points.
She survived for 0 years, 85 days, 1 hour, 0 minutes and 45 seconds (217614
31 companions were killed during her adventures.
Trinity visited 116 places.
Her strength score was modified by +92 during her career.
Her learning score was modified by +27 during her career.
Her willpower score was modified by +22 during her career.
Her dexterity score was modified by +68 during her career.
Her toughness score was modified by +24 during her career.
Her charisma score was modified by +9 during her career.
Her appearance score was modified by +6 during her career.
Her mana score was modified by +11 during her career.
Her perception score was modified by +21 during her career.
She was the champion of the arena.
She was the head of the thieves guild.
She made a little water dragon very happy.
She brought an infamous raider lord to justice.
She defeated the arch enemy of a mighty karmic wyrm.
She adhered to the principles of the Cat Lord and thus rose to great fame.
She stopped the generation of nasty bugs.
She saved Khelavaster from certain death.
She ended her adventuring life in the palace of Andor Drakon.
1 monster perished under her attacks.
The following 34 artifacts were generated during her adventure:
the si
the dwarven rune axe "Rolf's Companion"
the scythe of corruption "Moon Sickle"
the ring of the master cat
the golden gladius "Death's Sting"
the Chaos Orb of Elemental Water
the Chaos Orb of Elemental Air
the Chaos Orb of Elemental Fire
the Chaos Orb of Elemental Earth
the obsidian quarrel "Thunderstroke"
the staff of the Wanderer
the sword of Nonnak
the elemental gauntlets
the ring of the High Kings
the phial of Caladriel
the crown of science
the hammer of the gods
the boots of great speed
the Crown of Chaos
the Sceptre of Chaos
the Medal of Chaos
the rune-covered club "Skullcrusher"
the bracers of war
the Chaos Orb of Elemental Mana
the black rune-covered dagger "Needle"
the black rune-covered dagger "Sting"
the rune-covered sling "Whirlwind"
the robes of resistance
the rune-covered heavy mace "Purifier"
the medium obsidian shield "Protector"
the sapphire amulet "Preserver"
the shining long spear "Soaker"
the emerald dagger "Serpent's Bite"
the rune-covered halberd "Wyrmlance"
She possessed the following intrinsics:
She was fire resistant (enhanced through an item).
She was poison resistant (enhanced through items).
She was cold resistant.
She was acid resistant (enhanced through an item).
She was lucky (enhanced through items).
Fate smiled upon her (enhanced through an item).
She was doomed (gained through an item).
She was cursed (gained through an item).
She was sleep resistant.
She was petrification resistant.
She was able to control teleportation.
She was invisible.
She was stun resistant (gained through an item).
She was paralyzation resistant (enhanced through an item).
She was resistant to death rays (enhanced through an item).
She was shock resistant (enhanced through items).
She was able to see invisible things (enhanced through an item).
She was immune to fire attacks.
She was able to resist confusion attacks (gained through an item).
She had the following talents: Alert, Boon to the Family, Charming, Heir.
She had a final speed score of 811 (final base speed: 190).
She was a Chaos Goddes. She asked for 2 divine interventions.
She was Chaos personified.

The following monster was vanquished:
1 ElDeR cHaOs GoD

Thanks for reading!
This took an awful long time to write (and play).
I posted an unedited .flg in the HoF if you want to view it,
so check it out whenever they finish updating.
Now I'm off to play the new version of Gearhead, .804 =^_^=


The Beerslayer

Feb 3, 2004, 6:56:50 AM2/3/04

Al wrote:

> She brought an infamous raider lord to justice.

OK, I give up. How did she do this without killing him? Paralysis?
Obviously, if the bug (or whatever companion she had at the time) had done
the actual killing, she would not have gotten credit for it.

-- Jeff
-- aka The Eternal Newbie :)

Malte Helmert

Feb 3, 2004, 5:45:34 AM2/3/04
Al wrote:





Congratulations! I had no doubt you'd make it after the character dump.
:-) Level 1 Titanium Woman, and a chaos god ending to boot. Another
unbeatable record.

> She was a Chaos Goddes. She asked for 2 divine interventions.

Oops, typo. Report to Thomas?

> The following monster was vanquished:
> 1 ElDeR cHaOs GoD

So ElDeR cHaOs GoDs enter the ecological balance man high score list.

> Thanks for reading!
> This took an awful long time to write (and play).

Very nice. One question though, why did you clear D:50 at all? It seems
to me that preparing for the end fight and directly teleporting to the
gate should have been much easier.


Jarek Hirny

Feb 3, 2004, 9:16:08 AM2/3/04
I stało się tak, że Al napisał(a):

> She would become the next ChAoS pLaNe iDoL!

Congratulations. I wonder if there's any challenge which you wouldn't
beat. Hey, thought about eternium man? :>

_-(_)- _-(_)- _-(_)- _-(")- _-(_)- _-(_)- _-(_)-
`(___) `(___) `(___) `%%%%% `(___) `(___) `(___)
jgs // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\
Who's the black sheep in the family?

Doug B

Feb 3, 2004, 12:12:00 PM2/3/04
The Beerslayer <> wrote in message news:<bycc2xa3trvw.4pa9pa1qt6my$>...

> Al wrote:
> > She brought an infamous raider lord to justice.
> OK, I give up. How did she do this without killing him? Paralysis?
> Obviously, if the bug (or whatever companion she had at the time) had done
> the actual killing, she would not have gotten credit for it.
> -- Jeff
> -- aka The Eternal Newbie :)

The answer is that AI is a shameless fibber :P
She ought to have been content with pulling the wool over everyone's
eyes with her supposed wilderness victory - she pushed the envelope a
bit too far and it's quite obvious she's making the whole thing up.
Quite sad really

In other news, I just beat the eternium man challenge with a drakeling
farmer, with the added stipulations that I never exceed 100 stones of
carried weight and dont kill any goblins. WOOHOO!

Janek Kozicki

Feb 3, 2004, 12:39:21 PM2/3/04
Al said: (by the date of 3 Feb 2004 02:18:42 -0800)

<snip story>

wow. I've read whole story with hold breath.

> The following monster was vanquished:
> 1 ElDeR cHaOs GoD


Janek Kozicki |


Feb 3, 2004, 12:44:19 PM2/3/04
The Beerslayer <> wrote in message news:<bycc2xa3trvw.4pa9pa1qt6my$>...

She did have a bug kill him. She did not get the sheriff's reward,
but the game did get the quest cleared off the quest que.


Alex Pinachos

Feb 3, 2004, 1:22:38 PM2/3/04

"Malte Helmert" <> wrote in message

> Very nice. One question though, why did you clear D:50 at all? It seems

After finding the second wand of wishing,
she felt she needed a challenge ^_^;

It almost a shame to waste such a nice character
on the crappy chaos god ending! ^_^

> Malte


Alex Pinachos

Feb 3, 2004, 1:54:17 PM2/3/04

"Jarek Hirny" <> wrote in message

Eternium man is really hard!

There are too many factors that the PC cannot control.
Even with my best eternium men, monster generation eventually
cuts down to zero and the PC has to leave and play normally, or
starve to death :<

Maybe, one day someone will get really lucky! ^_^


Janek Kozicki

Feb 3, 2004, 2:31:12 PM2/3/04
Alex Pinachos said: (by the date of Tue, 3 Feb 2004 13:54:17 -0500)

> "Jarek Hirny" <> wrote in message
> > I stało się tak, że Al napisał(a):
> >
> > > She would become the next ChAoS pLaNe iDoL!
> >
> > Congratulations. I wonder if there's any challenge which you wouldn't
> > beat. Hey, thought about eternium man? :>
> >

> Eternium man is really hard!

> There are too many factors that the PC cannot control.
> Even with my best eternium men, monster generation eventually
> cuts down to zero and the PC has to leave and play normally, or
> starve to death :<
> Maybe, one day someone will get really lucky! ^_^

hahah. or doomed :) because when doomed, monster generation does not

knife of damnation or such, to wield sometimes...

Janek Kozicki |

Malte Helmert

Feb 3, 2004, 2:22:23 PM2/3/04
Alex Pinachos wrote:
> Eternium man is really hard!
> There are too many factors that the PC cannot control.
> Even with my best eternium men, monster generation eventually
> cuts down to zero and the PC has to leave and play normally, or
> starve to death :<

Or summon monsters from the book. :-) (Which would of course require a
lot of luck to get that book or a wish.)


Jarek Hirny

Feb 3, 2004, 5:07:32 PM2/3/04
I stało się tak, że Alex Pinachos napisał(a):

> Eternium man is really hard!

No doubt about it. But Al seems to beat everything that is to beat, so why
not eternium man too? ;-)

The Beerslayer

Feb 3, 2004, 8:08:00 PM2/3/04
Al responded:

> I wrote:
>> I
>> doubt
>> this
>> is
>> spoily
>> so
>> this
>> is
>> only
>> a
>> short
>> space
>> ...

>>> She brought an infamous raider lord to justice.
>> OK, I give up. How did she do this without killing him? Paralysis?
>> Obviously, if the bug (or whatever companion she had at the time) had done
>> the actual killing, she would not have gotten credit for it.

> She did have a bug kill him. She did not get the sheriff's reward,
> but the game did get the quest cleared off the quest que.

OK, I buy that the quest is no longer available once Kranach is dead, by
whatever means. But I didn't realize the PC got credit for "bringing
Kranach to justice" if some other entity makes the actual kill.

Just out of curiosity, does it matter if the actual killer is a companion
or not? Suppose one could turn one of the other raiders or some other
handy monster hostile toward Kranach and have it kill him in the PC's
presence, without it being a companion of the PC's. Would the PC still get
the accolades for bringing him to justice?

Enquiring minds want to know! :)

-- Jeff
-- aka The Eternal Newbie :)

If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this
is tea, please bring me some coffee. - Abraham Lincoln

Eva Myers

Feb 4, 2004, 4:12:44 AM2/4/04
The Beerslayer <> writes:

You get credit for "bringing him to justice" if you deliver his corpse
to the sheriff, no matter how he died.

You get the 3000 gold coins if you killed him yourself (you do not
need his corpse for this reward).

As you gathered, the quest is cleared off the quest list once Kranach
has died or disappeared and you talk to the sheriff again.

Eva Myers, Computer Officer, Statistical Laboratory, University of Cambridge
Email: WWW:
Ignorance and deception can't save anybody. *Knowing* saves them.

Josh Singh

Feb 3, 2004, 12:32:29 PM2/3/04
Al ( writes:

First of all, Al, I'd like to say that you're sick, sick with these
challenge games. Congratulations (again). How many records do you plan on
obliterating? :)

> All Trinity every wanted to do was be a pop-idol. Unfortunately
> everyone thought she was just a lazy good-for-nothing. This was true,
> but Trinity didn't see it that way. She just thought that her hands
> had better things to do than honest labor. She actually was quite
> Charming and quite a Boon to the Family once she concentrated on
> becoming bard. She worked hard as
> a short order cook for vegetarian gnomish miners in order to afford
> her first mandoline. Her family was very pleased with her newfound
> productivity and Heired her with the family Seven League Boots. When
> she earned enough for the mandoline, Trinity swore off work
> altogether and headed for the Drakalor Chain to make a name for
> herself.
> She would become the next ChAoS pLaNe iDoL!

You're full of flavour, aren't you? Honestly, I love this little blurb.

> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Screenshot (cropX:0-3)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

<massive snippage>

> -
> Trinity DV/PV ~80/20 HP ~33
> Snake from Beyond DV/PV 45/22 HP 570 .
> The Snake from Beyond is a real pet killer. It has high DV
> and is very poisonous. It doesn't see in the dark.
> -

I didn't know this. Damn, I'll have to keep that in mind; it'd make the
Snake a cake(walk).

> Thanks for reading!

Don't thank us, it's a great read.

Again, way to go!

Curry Bucket's Controversial Web Presence: Nihilism with a ghetto blast or
DeadHeads' Delight: The lowly way to get high

The Beerslayer

Feb 4, 2004, 3:04:03 PM2/4/04

Eva Myers wrote:

> The Beerslayer writes:
>> OK, I buy that the quest is no longer available once Kranach is dead, by
>> whatever means. But I didn't realize the PC got credit for "bringing
>> Kranach to justice" if some other entity makes the actual kill.
> You get credit for "bringing him to justice" if you deliver his corpse
> to the sheriff, no matter how he died.

OK, I didn't know this.

If Kranach is killed in my presence, but not by me, will he always leave a
corpse? I know he doesn't always leave one if *I* kill him... so if my pet
kills him and he doesn't leave a corpse, I assume I can't get credit for
bringing him to justice?

> You get the 3000 gold coins if you killed him yourself (you do not
> need his corpse for this reward).

This is what I've always done, so the only reason I've ever brought his
corpse to the sheriff is to collect (on top of the 3000 gp reward) the
extra 150 gp (or whatever the bounty is) for any "generic" raider lord
corpse (yes, I know there's only one).

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