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EM with electronic sound!?!

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Corey C.

Nov 26, 2007, 9:33:00 AM11/26/07
I was at a dude's place last night dropping off the Joker Poker he
bought from me and we got playing his Williams Grand Prix, which is
the only other game he has. Before turning it on and playing a game,
we opened it up and were talking about how EM's operated in general
when I noticed not a chime box on the inner side of the cabinet, but a
solid state SOUND BOARD that said "Pinscore" and "Made in Canada" on
it. (This is in London, Ontario.) There were a couple of screw holes
in the wood where a chime box once was and this sound board had
obviously been added post-manufacture. There was also a speaker in the
back of the lower cabinet.

Obviously, I was a little surprised to see it. It had a couple of pots
on it that were marked "volume" and the sounds that it made were very
basic indeed. It kinda sounded like the "electronic chimes" option
that early solid state Stern games had.

I know there was an EM Zaccaria game or two that had electronic sound,
but has anyone heard of any other EM's with this type of

My curious mind wants to know what this is all about.


Fred Kemper

Nov 26, 2007, 9:37:28 AM11/26/07
Those are aftermarket pieces of junk that ops often
put on games in attempt to prolong a game's earning
power. I've run across these and others similar over
the years.

I always remove them, and repair the damage.


Corey C.

Nov 26, 2007, 9:39:23 AM11/26/07
I also thought it was ironic that he now has an EM with electronic
sound and a SS with chimes. :)


Nov 26, 2007, 9:42:38 AM11/26/07
On Nov 26, 9:33 am, "Corey C." <> wrote:
> My curious mind wants to know what this is all about.

The solid state games changed pinball nearly over night. EMs were in
less demand and cool items such as digital score displays and
electronic sound were sought after.

The aftermarket sound boards were one way to add this, I think even
GTB put some in from the factory since they were still running EMs and
SS games at the same time.

GTB also tried (and failed) to make the score reels look like digital


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Jim D. in TN

Nov 26, 2007, 9:58:06 AM11/26/07
On Nov 26, 9:33 am, "Corey C." <> wrote:

> I know there was an EM Zaccaria game or two that had electronic sound,
> but has anyone heard of any other EM's with this type of modification?

Some Williams & Chicago Coin EM gun games had factory electronic sound
beginning about 1969. It took one board per sound effect. No reason
EM pinball games couldn't have had electronic sounds but I'm not aware
of any that did.


Nov 26, 2007, 10:05:14 AM11/26/07

Several Spanish games from the mid 70's were EM's with electronic
sound, notably Recel's Icarus and Lady Luck and Interflip's Dragon.
I'm sure there were others also. in a lot of ways the games from
overseas were ahead of the north american ones, including better
playfield clearcoats, (Or in the case of Dragon a plexi playfield)



Nov 26, 2007, 11:04:32 AM11/26/07
"Corey C." <> wrote in news:6c6958ea-1921-47aa-b04d-

Yeah, you'll run into those if you look at enough EMs. I have a friend
with a Grand Prix with one of those, and the best way to describe it's
sound effects are as a cross between Space Invaders and trucks honking!

I think I have one of those piles of crap laying around somewhere... Or
maybe I threw it out. I can't remember now.

Have a home video that's trapped on your camera? Want to share it on the
web or on DVD?


Nov 26, 2007, 2:24:58 PM11/26/07
On Nov 26, 6:33 am, "Corey C." <> wrote:
> My curious mind wants to know what this is all about.
> Corey

Wico sold 'em back in the late seventies. As previously stated, to get
a bit more location mileage out of them.

Check out this score display:
Some ops wouldn't let go. But many had no electronics/computer skills.

AL CARGPB 33(1/3)

Ron, (Boatcat)

Nov 27, 2007, 3:15:09 AM11/27/07

I remember installing these in our home
sales games at Christmas '79 for a South Jersey
Vending Co. They were an aftermarket add-on from
Wico. It had 3 different sounds, (for each scoring
amount), plus a pop bumper sound, reminiscent of
Stern Hot Hand.
SS Games were too expensive to buy at
the time, and all were interested in dumping their
EM's. I guess this helped give the buyer a SS


Nov 28, 2007, 12:24:08 AM11/28/07

Hi I have a 78 gottlieb Gemini
It has the chime box and a solid state SOUND BOARD in it..


Nov 28, 2007, 10:04:58 AM11/28/07
On Nov 26, 8:33 am, "Corey C." <> wrote:
> My curious mind wants to know what this is all about.

I scanned and posted the schematics for one of these things a few
years ago (that Fred Kemper loaned/gave me)

The boards were kinda fun to fire up and try touching/ground various
components to see what kind of weird sounds you could get out it.

Sounded awful actually installed in an EM.


Nov 28, 2007, 11:45:16 AM11/28/07

...I just sold a 1974 Williams Upper Deck Pitch and Bat and it was an
EM machine with electronic sound...Mike

Jerry Irons

Nov 28, 2007, 10:21:38 PM11/28/07
I bought my first EM, a Williams Space Odyssey, opened it up and saw,
instead of a chime box, some sort of weird sound card. I remember
thinking, what the heck is that thing!, and then, where are the things
that go ding?

It had a WICO card in it, non-functional. I wanted chimes anyway :-)


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