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HUO Monster Bash Guessing Game! (how many plays)

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Apr 17, 2009, 2:04:40 PM4/17/09
I finially picked up my first HUO pin. A Monster Bash! After
talking to the owner I came to the conclusion that he didn't know
anything about pins , the batteries were originals, the playfield
glass had never been off except when he put the (1)ball in it when
new . The 3 other balls were in the coin box. "Extra Balls" he said !
I got the receipt where he bought it new and the interesting story of
how he came to own it. Well when I picked it up it was late and I had
a long way to get home. All the way home I was dreaming of pulling the
aduits to see how many plays where on it. Unfortunatly one battery had
leaked just enough that after the ride home it had lost connection.
Just my luck!
So heres a link to some pics . How many plays would you guess!!! The
only thing that shows anything other than new is the Mosh pit and some
minor cabinet decal problems.

Lloyd Olson

Apr 17, 2009, 2:10:02 PM4/17/09
Since it won't start with only one ball in it, I guess no plays. LTG :)

"countdown" <> wrote in message

Aaron Cooke

Apr 17, 2009, 2:13:55 PM4/17/09
if it only had 1 ball installed wouldn't it constantly be searching
for missing balls on startup?

Looks very nice in the pics. I'd guess it would take maybe 500-700
plays to develop that much mosh pit wear but maybe that area wears
faster than I realize. the fact that the shooter lane plastic is
still clear and if it hadn't been wiped down would make me guess
closer to the 500 number.


Apr 17, 2009, 2:15:49 PM4/17/09

Looks pretty freikin' nice to me!

Looks like brand new!


Joe Jet

Apr 17, 2009, 2:22:16 PM4/17/09

Geez... how do people find these deals... can i ask how much $$ you


Apr 17, 2009, 2:23:52 PM4/17/09
On Apr 17, 1:10 pm, "Lloyd Olson" <> wrote:
> Since it won't start with only one ball in it, I guess no plays.  LTG :)
I thought that also, but It did start and play with the 1 ball
only! When turned on it would boot then search for ball every time.
I thought that was odd so when I looked in the ball trough there was
only one.At that point I had already played 3-4 games. Looking in the
manual there is a setting (factory setting)that allows it to continue
playing if ball get hung up.

Apr 17, 2009, 2:25:29 PM4/17/09
Make sure you get a protector for that mosh pit hole pronto!

Beautiful pin.



Apr 17, 2009, 2:26:02 PM4/17/09
On Apr 17, 1:22 pm, Joe Jet <> wrote:
> Geez... how do people find these deals... can i ask how much $$ you
> paid?

No kidding. This kind of stuff never happens to me. Or like
recently, I'll have a good lead and then someone will jump in and
steal it.



Apr 17, 2009, 2:39:56 PM4/17/09

I sold a real 200 game HUO MB that I sold to a well known RGP'er. Had
a lot more wear than this one! Congrats!!!


Apr 17, 2009, 2:51:21 PM4/17/09

He shoots, he scores, listen to the crowd, their going crazy. What a
awesome hit dude. You can be proud of that one. I really want to know
what you paid for it.

Apr 17, 2009, 2:53:49 PM4/17/09
That kick out hole, holy crap that is clean!

How much $$$???

I bet you are getting it for a steal... Bastard... BASTARD! =]


Apr 17, 2009, 2:59:11 PM4/17/09

Nice find on a great game. I honestly doubt he will post a price
because if it was a great deal and he decides to sell it down the road
for more, then the price police will put out a warrant for his arrest.

Bryan Kelly

Apr 17, 2009, 3:16:04 PM4/17/09
On Apr 17, 1:53 pm, wrote:

> ... Bastard... BASTARD! =]

I heard, AH. ;-)

Bryan (CARGPB 14)
Home of the EXECUTIVE Pin Footie


Apr 17, 2009, 3:16:45 PM4/17/09

Congratulations, I really like it when I hear good news for somebody.
I think it is a really fun game with a cool theme.

Get the mantis Drac Trac support and Mosh pit protector to keep it
looking that nice. Mosh pit looks super nice, so I really don't see a
lot of plays on the machine.

Bryan Kelly

Apr 17, 2009, 3:21:03 PM4/17/09
If you do a little research, you'll find the Mosh Pit would start to
show signs of wear after only 100 games or so. I don't think I've
ever seen a pin with a scoop that got beat up so badly as this one.

It really makes no difference how many games have been played on it.
That's one hell of a great deal. In fact, that's one we all dream of.

A Kerry Stair protector and a Drac trac bracket should be installed


Apr 17, 2009, 3:42:03 PM4/17/09
> On Apr 17, 11:04�am, countdown <> wrote:

Congrats on finding a game that nice ! , I couldnt guess the numbers
of plays on it, But I can tell it wasn't many, Just goes to show
there ARE still some good games & deals out there !

Enjoy it !



Apr 17, 2009, 3:42:09 PM4/17/09

Game looks great, hope you got it for a good $, not many plays on that


Nick M

Apr 17, 2009, 4:16:44 PM4/17/09

I'm thinking 127, great score!!!


Apr 17, 2009, 5:39:27 PM4/17/09
My huo MB has around 350 plays, and that infmaous scoop hole has just
the slightest wear starting on the edge of the wood. That being said,
I would say yours has no more than a couple hundred plays max. Very
nice machine, congrats!

Apr 17, 2009, 5:59:38 PM4/17/09

How much $$$$? Grrrrrr


Apr 17, 2009, 6:09:58 PM4/17/09

I don't think I would tell how much $$,,,, because of the Price Police
who would 100 % for sure flame him if he ever sold it,,,

Apr 17, 2009, 7:03:36 PM4/17/09

Beautiful Game! Congrats.

BTW: I noticed to different color rubber rings (white at top and black
everywhere else)? Needs a minor clean and new rubbers and you could
side it back in the box!

I understand the price thing (very secret) but would be interested in
knowing the play count. My guess 283.

Kerry Richard


Apr 17, 2009, 7:31:48 PM4/17/09

My completely uneducated guess:

Who cares what you paid for it.
If it was priced right for you Congrats.

Apr 17, 2009, 7:34:59 PM4/17/09

Congratulations on a really beautiful machine. I'll say 176.


Apr 17, 2009, 7:46:41 PM4/17/09
I went ahead and put a Cliffy black line protector on it as there was
a tiny area of clear right on the edge that had lifted from the ball
hitting it. The Mantis bracket its on its way.
Ok here's the story (long). I see an add for a "pinball machine for
sale" . It didn't list the name of the machine or a pic. I call up but
got a voice mail. I left message. He called me back at 5.30 Saturday
evening. He said "yeas, I saws you called my number". I said "yes, I
called about the pinball machine . What is the name of it? He said
"Bally". I said "thats the manufacture of it but whats the name of
the Theme". He said " UH UH! Monster Bash". So right there I'm
thinking Scam! So I figure I'm just going to feel him out a little
more. I say "how is the score displayed?" He says "like a pinball
machine, yous know score in each corner, man do you knows what a
pinball machine is?"(he asked me that)!!! I'm like Still thinking
he's scaming "well that don't quite look like the Monster Bash I see
on the internet. Are you close to the machine now?" He said "no but
gives me 5 minutes I'll go to where its at and call you back". So
I'm figuring either he is not going to call me back or he is going to
look it up online ! About 5 minutes goes by and he calls. In the back
ground I here a roll up door. Then he says " Its in the back behind
alls my furniture". I hear stuff being moved around. And then He said
" Ive gots to put the phone down to raise the top." He raises the top
the saids "Oh its not Bally is Williams! " Finially there hope this is
real. I say "what about the score dispays." He says "I don't see's
them, Oh wait I remember now! This ones is at the bottom in a
retangle. I was thinking bouts the ones I payed in the Casinos". So to
shorting the story a little. I go there 3 1/2 hours away leaving here
at 7:30 that night. It was is a climate controll storge unit . Turns
out he had a gambling problem . He was in a casino in 99 and hit the
jack pot. He later got to talking with a "good looking lady" that said
she worked at Brady dist. If he would spot her $500 so she could keep
playing she would sell him a pinball machine at "a good price". So he
did and she sold him this MB, although I don't know how good the price
was then. 500 that night and 3200 later. Anyway he said he didn't play
it much as it was to much stuff going on. His 3 girls played it mostly
(1 now in HS, 2 in college). He got a divorce because of the
gambing.He put all his belongs in the storage unit. He turned out to
be a nice friendly guy. I asked him did he have the receipt where he
bought it. He said yea its in all this stuff some where and started
pulling out Grocery bags full of receipts where he had charged credit
cards to gamble on. Sure enough in one was the pinball receipt.
I did get a good deal on it but figured I took a big chance going to
a big city to meet a guy I didn't know in the middle of the night with
him knowing I had cash. I did feel alot better when I got there and
found out it was in a very nice storage facility in which he had to
put in a code to get thru the front gate.

Josh A.

Apr 17, 2009, 8:02:22 PM4/17/09
On Apr 17, 5:46 pm, countdown <> wrote:
> I did get a good deal on it but figured I took a big chance
> going to a big city to meet a guy I didn't know in the middle
> of the night with him knowing I had cash.

Wow, I'll say. You have a way bigger pair than I do to make a
rendezvous like that by yourself. Congratulations! It makes me think
that maybe the $200 MM I saw this morning on Craigslist might even
have been real.


Apr 17, 2009, 8:30:47 PM4/17/09

Congrats on getting a good deal on a beautiful MB! I love that game,
one of my favorites.



Apr 17, 2009, 10:08:38 PM4/17/09
Dude, that is awesome. Nice score.


Apr 18, 2009, 12:10:07 AM4/18/09
Congrats!!! Great find.

Robert Winter

Apr 18, 2009, 2:21:33 AM4/18/09
countdown wrote:
> I finially picked up my first HUO pin. A Monster Bash! After
> talking to the owner I came to the conclusion that he didn't know
> anything about pins , the batteries were originals, the playfield
> glass had never been off except when he put the (1)ball in it when
> new . The 3 other balls were in the coin box. "Extra Balls" he said !
> I got the receipt where he bought it new and the interesting story of
> how he came to own it. Well when I picked it up it was late and I had
> a long way to get home. All the way home I was dreaming of pulling the
> aduits to see how many plays where on it. Unfortunatly one battery had
> leaked just enough that after the ride home it had lost connection.
> Just my luck!
> So heres a link to some pics . How many plays would you guess!!! The
> only thing that shows anything other than new is the Mosh pit and some
> minor cabinet decal problems.

My HUO MB had 301 plays on it when I sold it so based on the Mosh Pit
wear, yours probably has about 350-400 plays.

Also seems to be an early production game as Drac's feet have not been
cut off.

Nice game!



Apr 18, 2009, 6:22:16 PM4/18/09
On Apr 18, 2:21 am, Robert Winter <> wrote:
> countdown wrote:
> >  I finially picked up my first HUO pin.  AMonsterBash!  After

> > talking to the owner I came to the conclusion that he didn't know
> > anything about pins , the batteries were originals, the playfield
> > glass had never been off except when he put the (1)ball in it when
> > new . The 3 other balls were in the coin box. "Extra Balls" he said !
> > I got the receipt where he bought it new and the interesting story of
> > how he came to own it. Well when I picked it up it was late and I had
> > a long way to get home. All the way home I was dreaming of pulling the
> > aduits to see how many plays where on it. Unfortunatly one battery had
> > leaked just enough that after the ride home it had lost connection.
> > Just my luck!
> >  So  heres a link to some pics . How many plays would you guess!!! The
> > only thing that shows anything other than new is the Mosh pit and some
> > minor cabinet decal problems.

> My HUO MB had 301 plays on it when I sold it so based on the Mosh Pit
> wear, yours probably has about 350-400 plays.
> Also seems to be an early production game as Drac's feet have not been
> cut off.
> Nice game!
> Robert
> -----

$800 - that was one hella deal....

I'll offer $900 - quick $100 profit...hahah

Now I wish I could make a find like that!


Apr 18, 2009, 8:45:29 PM4/18/09

Yeah right, whatever, the poor acting and accent chops say this is
mostly a made up story...
I cant's see's this as being real's at all...get over it...

Apr 19, 2009, 6:59:18 PM4/19/09
Congrats to u.


Apr 30, 2009, 11:22:53 PM4/30/09
Great job!

This is the one I called about and barely missed. I posted about the $800
HUO Monster Bash earlier on RGP and got bashed by a few knuckle or pin heads
thinking they were the only ones that knew the difference between a scam and
the real deal. After all, I wouldn't have posted unless I was pretty sure it
was for real. I also know of the lady he was talking about. She was nice and
gave me tons of posters and flyers. (about 70 Monster Bash posters were in
the bunch) She offered to sell me a CV NIB at the time for $2800, but I just
didn't have the money at the time. I wish that deal was still available.

Bill Fisher

"countdown" <> wrote in message


Apr 30, 2009, 11:50:34 PM4/30/09
On Apr 17, 11:04 am, countdown <> wrote:
>  I finially picked up my first HUO pin.  A Monster Bash!  After

> talking to the owner I came to the conclusion that he didn't know
> anything about pins , the batteries were originals, the playfield
> glass had never been off except when he put the (1)ball in it when
> new . The 3 other balls were in the coin box. "Extra Balls" he said !
> I got the receipt where he bought it new and the interesting story of
> how he came to own it. Well when I picked it up it was late and I had
> a long way to get home. All the way home I was dreaming of pulling the
> aduits to see how many plays where on it. Unfortunatly one battery had
> leaked just enough that after the ride home it had lost connection.
> Just my luck!
>  So  heres a link to some pics . How many plays would you guess!!! The
> only thing that shows anything other than new is the Mosh pit and some
> minor cabinet decal problems.

All the coils have spade lugs. Confirm that's the way they came????


May 1, 2009, 7:10:21 AM5/1/09

Yes, the last couple models out of the factory used spade lugs instead
of soldering. (Very bad idea IMO)

-scott CARGPB#29

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