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Re: Williams/Bally Backglass Art Package Needed

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Nov 10, 2009, 7:30:06 AM11/10/09
I don't know if 5 hours and 20min was long enough for someone to reply
with bg artwork...

It sounds like you're giving up on your process (again) and are going
to do NEW playfields from SCRATCH???

I don't think IPB is going to look at you too favorably with your
history of incomplete projects aside from the direct ink Seawitch bgs.

It seems like you're back in the rut of talking big about doing
something you can't accomplish/complete, and then throw every excuse
at when it fails except
"This was over my head, I can't do it"

I STILL think if you had not given up on the direct ink process that
by now you would have perfected it.

On Nov 9, 8:05 pm, ""
<> wrote:
> On Nov 9, 2:44 pm, ""
> <> wrote:
> > It's time to move forward with a glass project for licensing with
> > Illinois Pin Ball. I will get an outside vendor in my area to silk
> > screen each color. Just like the way they were traditionally done on
> > tempered glass. If you can help out please email me privately. I will
> > then verify the title & work for approval with Gene & Kim. My working
> > towards licensing has been going on for years. I will start with a
> > small glass project & move on from there. One small step at a time, to
> > build a relationship for new pinball product for 2010.
> > There are a number of people on the CPR art team. Please don't submit
> > any requests if it is something planned in the future with them. My
> > license will be with Illinois Pin Ball, & I will work with outside
> > vendors for my projects. CPR is doing great things the last four years
> > & they have enough projects to run with for years.
> >
> > Thanks: John Greatwich, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
> Still looking & if nothing happens towards a glass project. I have a
> back up plan of action. I would rather do a back glass run which I can
> get done in 3 - 6 months. My initial glass order has been used up &  I
> got out over 30 Seawitch glass (last 6 going out this week & a couple
> more left). This demonstrated that new glass from films is a viable
> alternative. Would I do it again, probably not if I had 30+ glass,
> much easier to do a run the traditional way.
> I have been talking with the company that did the original Fathom
> playfield run for Greg Walker & Mike Purcell. Over the last couple of
> years I have told them my interest in doing some more pinball
> projects. One of the best companies in Eastern Canada for doing work:
> I will go with either a glass order first or the back up plan is to go
> with new Sorcerer playfields. That's my plan for 2010. So if nothing
> happens soon I will get the ok from Illinois Pin Ball to run
> playfields. The art would get approved, contract out cnc, & silk
> screening. Order the plastics:
> Do glueing in house along with other playfield processes. Finish clear
> coats would also be contracted out.
> My playfield restorations are grinding slowly ahead. If things don't
> get rolling along I will move onto new playfields for the titles I
> have said that aren't in production elsewhere (Sorcerer). There is no
> need to have 2 or more companies doing the same thing. Eight Ball
> Deluxe, High Speed, Captain Fantastic, & Space Shuttle come  to mind
> for being done already or soon.

Nov 10, 2009, 7:49:46 AM11/10/09
> > for being done already or soon.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

The chances of Bally/Williams backglass art is about nil, just like I
have searched for in the past. I have finished my Seawitch glass run &
other tests using films. Time to move forward if things don't pan out
with my printer. My focus now is to finish Sorcerer's with a very
small run of new playfields. If CPR rolls out the other titles in
2010, even better for people looking for playfields. I will always
remain a minor player in the pinball parts business.

As for my relationship with pinball rights owners, all have been
favourable & willing to work or provide input to my pinball projects.
Even Wayne Gillard still responds to my posts, & he won't have any
business dealings with me, since he is more than happy with his
supplier CPR. People will see for themselves what happens with
Illinois Pin Ball.


Nov 10, 2009, 8:21:23 AM11/10/09

Are you still doing HS direct ink restoration?


Nov 10, 2009, 9:26:55 AM11/10/09
On Nov 10, 9:21 am, Sam <> wrote:
> Sam- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

I am going to try to do all restorations with direct ink. The problem
lies with my printer having available time to do playfields. High
Speed art is being improved upon & if my printer is ready they will
get done. Same with all the other files like Star Gazer & Eight Ball
Deluxe. That is still my goal for Fall & Winter, if the printer gets
rolling them through.

But I have to move forward & get things done. Everyone has stated
their frustrations about the slow process going on for years. So the
plan is to move forward with new playfields. I am working out the
details to contract out the work with outside vendors. That being
said, if things work out & new Sorcerer playfields are done early 2010
(target time February - March).

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