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[FS or TRADE] AFM and MM transparent backboards

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Tom Altenbach

May 16, 2006, 7:13:04 AM5/16/06
Next week I will have:

4 x MM backboards
5 x AFM backboards full laminated
3 x AFM backboards from back laminated with stickers on frontside

Price will be 75 EURO each plus 42 EURO airmail shipping.
Up to 5 boards for the same shipping price.

Board laminated from the back and stickers on front:

Completely laminated from the front like the MM backboards:

Only MM boards comes with 4 flashers. On AFM boards the lightning
is customer work !!

MM backboard: (please contact me, I have not heard from Brian Lambert
longer time) !!

Trade ?!

I am looking for many parts for Monster Bash and Creature.

Looking also for Cabinett Decals for:

- HS2
- WW

Best regards


May 16, 2006, 10:45:05 AM5/16/06
I wonder what happened to Brian Lambert and the money people sent him
for AFM backboards that were never shipped. They were supposed to be
out by the end of January IIRC. A month or two ago he sent out a
strange email that he hadn't been in touch because of some "secret
agent" work or something like that. Apparently his company was holding
him incommunicado (????)

He needs to ship the backboards or return the money.

On Tue, 16 May 2006 13:13:04 +0200, Tom Altenbach <>


May 16, 2006, 12:27:11 PM5/16/06
Holy cow, at a total cost of 117 euro including shipping to the US ($149.70)
that's one expensive piece of plexiglass!

"Tom Altenbach" <> wrote in message

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May 16, 2006, 1:18:48 PM5/16/06
I get this when clicking on your links:

error 403: Forbidden!

Es sind nur ungenügende Zugriffsrechte gesetzt. Bitte ändern Sie die
Rechte mit Ihrem FTP-Programm.

Would love to get the full laminate AFM mod- your MM mod was great!


Tom Altenbach

May 16, 2006, 2:58:32 PM5/16/06
@Kenbo: I feel very sorry about this way. Brian was a very helpfull hand
to safe some money on shipping cause he always got 5 boards and
distributed them in the US. He also got a batch of 5 AFM boards in
januaray from me. Please try to contact him, I did not know that he has
not delivered the boards yet !! I am very sorry for this.

@arcaderehab: I do not create the prices on the german postal system. I
can also ship on normal way but than people have to wait up to 10 (!!)
weeks for the board and feel very unhappy cause on paypal you can get 6
weeks later your money back. This kind of insurance will not work on
normal postal delivery.
The boards: They are handcrafted and pre-drilled, expect the holes for
flashers and the box with the strobeboard, they are not fitted with a
sticker or something like that. They are fitted with a "dia" or
"negative" which is not printed, it is lightened like photographs in the
old day. On your comment I can see that you never saw a backboard in
action ;-)

@_marc: Try to view the pictures with a webbrowser, not ftp. Or try in
your browser the right mouse button and "safe as ...". I can also send
you the pictures by mail. If yiou are interested in a board, maybe you
find people to order togheter to safe money on postage !
Just mail me .... Thanxx for the nice words on the MM board.

PS: I am looking for some figurines for the MB, mine are very yellow
from dust and nicotin ;-(

Bill Ung

May 16, 2006, 3:07:27 PM5/16/06
On Tue, 16 May 2006 07:45:05 -0700, Kenbo <>

>I wonder what happened to Brian Lambert and the money people sent him
>for AFM backboards that were never shipped. They were supposed to be
>out by the end of January IIRC. A month or two ago he sent out a
>strange email that he hadn't been in touch because of some "secret
>agent" work or something like that. Apparently his company was holding
>him incommunicado (????)
>He needs to ship the backboards or return the money.

I am forced to agree. The last communication I got from Brian was
back towards the end of March. Since then, additional Emails to him
have gone unanswered.

Not sure what's going on, but if it is not happening, then a refund is
in order.

+-- Bill Ung ------------------------------------------+
| ÁTTACK FROM MÁRS: Come here, tasty human!! |
| The ÁFM Mini-Saucer LED mod kits THIRD run is here!! |
| R*FM Mini-Saucer LED mod kits are also available!! |
| Full Details are at: |


May 16, 2006, 3:36:41 PM5/16/06
I'll try to call Briam today. He's around, but is unavailable at times
because of the nature of his job.


I will pay you for 5 AFM boards and then people here in states can
contact me and I will get them out to them quickly. Do I paypal you?


Michael O'Brien

May 16, 2006, 5:02:46 PM5/16/06
Yes, Brian does need to either send out the MM lighted backboard mods,
or refund the money. I paid 4 months ago (for the MM one) and have
still not received my board. I would also be very interested in the AFM
backboard mod, but obviously I would like to receive the product. My
emails to Brian over the past month+ have gone unanswered as well...



May 16, 2006, 5:54:59 PM5/16/06
Well I was trying to avoid the public spectacle of the RGP net. but
since this has reared it's ugly head let's for for it. I sent
Brian my money in Dec.05 for the AFM Back Board. It was to be sent out
in Jan. 06. I waited patiently until last April, 04. 06. Emailed him
for up date, got a reply, he was in europe, will update me when he
returned. That was April 4. Got nothing after that. Asked for a refund
last week (7 days ago) as have sold my AFM. Have emailed him several
times. no reposnse. Now I see Tom A. has not has any contact with for
some time. What am I to think? I think SCREWED! Nice business
relationship, NOT!


May 16, 2006, 7:16:40 PM5/16/06
Tom: Your product is having some problems (AND VERY RIGHTLY SO)
primarily because of the Brian Lambert issue. He has several folks cash
for your product with no prospect of delivery. Myself included.
However I have requested a refund as I nolonger own an ARM, (sold).
Even by your admission that you have NOT had any contact with him, what
are we to expect??? What is you take on this issue??? Will you honor
our commitment? People with cash out want to know. And your rep on RGP
is very much at stake.



May 16, 2006, 7:26:10 PM5/16/06
OK, My rant is over. Please excuse my outburst. I don't appreciate this
kind of crappy nonbusiness crap. It's crappy.


sea girt

May 17, 2006, 7:56:38 AM5/17/06
Did u receive my email?

Roger (UK)

May 17, 2006, 12:00:33 PM5/17/06
Hi Tom,

Sent you an email off group.

Let me know if you don't get it.



May 17, 2006, 12:29:48 PM5/17/06
Tom- you there? Multiple emails sent. I can gladly assist distribute
these in US if you want.


Tom Altenbach

May 17, 2006, 1:40:52 PM5/17/06
Hi there
I am sorry, I have not recieved any email.
Please send again to tom(at)
I will not post my adress here due to spamming.

An american friend told me that Marc would like to distribute
the boards for me within the US and told me that he is a trustfull
person , known in the rgp. I will make him a offer for 5 boards.
After arrival he can sell them in the USA.

Hopefully someone can reach Brian. He paid me all the boards and I send
them out. That means he should still have the boards. I worked several
month together with him without any problem. I understand that you are
serious unhappy with the situation, but I will not loose a bad word
about him. maybe he has his reasons ... hopefully he will answer mails
and send out the boards asap !!

I will get in contact with Marc.

Best regards



May 17, 2006, 3:52:46 PM5/17/06
Who here lives near Brian Lambert? I know he lives or works fairly
close to Chris Hutchins since he dropped an MM backboard off at Chris'
shop for me last year. Any chance somebody local could knock on his
door and prompt him to send the boards out to those who have paid him

On Wed, 17 May 2006 19:40:52 +0200, Tom Altenbach <>

>Hi there

Roger (UK)

May 18, 2006, 2:33:01 AM5/18/06
Ok Tom,

I've emailed off group again.

Did you get this one?



May 22, 2006, 2:31:50 PM5/22/06
Still no contact from either Tom or Brian. I have emailed both. I will
keep this link active as it is a pretty lame deal. Tom please respond
on this site as to latest developments.I believe Brian lives in
Charlotte NC? Not sure if I remember correctly from the return address
when he sent me my MM board. I live about 90 miles away, I could visit
him, if the following is correct. Does anyone has his address if other
than Charlotte. I found two Brian Lamberts in Charlotte: Brian Lambert,
(704) 544-1295, 16673 Commons Creek Dr, Charlotte, NC 28277 Brian
Lambert, (704) 519-0540, 1806 Asbury Hall Ct, Charlotte, NC 28209. With
intruding too much into his life, I'm ready to start resolving this

Tom Altenbach

May 24, 2006, 4:13:21 PM5/24/06
Hi Roger ..

yes, sure I got your mail and answered it.

@Zardoz: Sorry, no email under this name.

Brian mailed me and told me that he already started to pay back money.
It seems that he is still very busy. I am also in contact with marc and
will send him some boards on friday.

Best regards

Roger (UK) schrieb:


May 26, 2006, 6:48:10 PM5/26/06
Brian has refunded my $$$. Thanx! Has said he was going to give expline
in RGP. HAS THIS HAPPENED? Very curious as to why he was unable to
respond to his customers requests for information for months Re: their


May 26, 2006, 8:01:16 PM5/26/06
I really want the AFM backboard I paid for but if Brian can't deliver
I want a refund too.

On Wed, 24 May 2006 22:13:21 +0200, Tom Altenbach <>

>Hi Roger ..

May 27, 2006, 12:22:55 AM5/27/06
I owe a very large, public apology to Kenbo, Zardoz, Bill Ung and about
3-4 other folks for whom I had been holding backboard pre-order
payments. Each of you forwarded payment to me with the expectation of
receiving a backboard in late January/early February, and I have simply
not been able to deliver against that commitment. For those of you who
know me personally, you probably have some understanding of the
constraints of my work, but for others, this probably felt...welll,
like you had been ripped off...and for that I am truly sorry. I want
you to know that I have already issued refunds to several of you, and I
WILL be in contact with the remainder of you over the next few days to
get this straightened out finally.

The only reason that I haven't been able to contact a few of you yet,
is because I only have a few more AFM boards on hand right now, and I
am awaiting a respose from some of the folks who were first in line
back in Dec/January to determine whether they still want their board or
a refund...Once I know exactly which people are still getting these
last few boards, I'll be refunding the remainder of you, and forwarding
your contact information to Marc Bergen. Marc will be taking over the
role of importer/re-distributor for Tom. Marc is a good guy who has
graciously agreed to take on this task for the hobby in my stead (if
you run the numbers you'll see he's not doing it for the money).

In addition to letting you know that I haven't absconded with your
money, and that I've still got a few more refunds to issue, though, I
thought that each of you deserved some explanation for what happened
over the past few months...even if that runs the very real risk of
sounding like a big excuse. I know that each of you waited pretty
patiently through a long period of "radio silence" from me on e-mail,
and I think I at least owe you an explanation in addition to the

For the benefit of those who don't know me personally, I work for a
very large bank called Wachovia doing Corporate Strategy and M&A, and
the demands of that job sometimes require me to completely limit my
communications with outside parties in order to avoid even the
appearance of impropriety with respect to insider trading. In this day
and age of corporate scandals, one need not look any further than high
profile trial of Martha Stewart to understand why my employer is so
conservative about maintaining confidentiality on these matters.

Anyway, since January, my team has been deeply absorbed in some
critical strategic work for the bank. (BTW, Kendo, in my last e-mail I
said it was NOT nearly so 'cloak and dagger' as it might
you'll probably have everytbody thinking I'm a spy or something!)
Generally speaking, due to NDAs, I can't talk about deals we are
involved in, but some of you may have actually seen the very large $24
Billion acquisition of Golden West that Wachovia recently announced.

For those of you who labored along with no context for why I was unable
to return personal and hobby e-mails since January, I know that this
explanation probably won't relieve all of the anxiety this has caused
you, but I do hope that it will provide some context on why I have been
unable to respond. I'll look forward to e-mailing each of you soon,
and getting this behind me (and enjoying the long weekend and a little has been earned).



May 27, 2006, 12:33:29 AM5/27/06
Bravo- Brian. Thanks for the hard work you have put into this in the

Brian has been busy clearing up past orders and/or refunds. I have 4
AFM boards arriving soon and will post when they are available. MM
boards are to follow later. If you want to send me an email and get on
the list- it would help me to sort through who is STILL interested. I
will not be taking money until the boards are in my hands and ready to
ship. Tom is giving me his best price- and the biggest savings is in
shipping. I will be passing these on at cost- zero markup.

More later.



May 27, 2006, 9:48:03 AM5/27/06
If anyone is in dire need of the MM board right now, I have one that
I'll probably never use. Cost would be whatever Brian/Marc's rate is +


Jun 1, 2006, 11:01:09 AM6/1/06
A quick update for everybody: At this point, all of my board inventory
is accounted for and allocated/shipped to people who have paid.
However, not everybody who had paid will actually get a board from me
because I ran out of inventory, but those folks should all have refunds
by now - See below.

I think everybody should fall into one of four categories:

1) The last of my boards are shipping today for Mark S, Ken S, Hank W,
and Mike O (sorry, but I can't keep up with all of the RGP screen names
and their associated email addresses and actual names).

2) A large group of you expressed interest, but never advanced any
payment: I've forwarded your names to Marc B., along with a note from
me saying that he'll be taking over if you're interested. Marc's inbox
is probalby full of these notes from me now, and I'm sure he'll be
working through them to determine how many boards he should stock.

3) Bill U. - Per our e-mails, our deal should be complete in the next
day or so.

4) For everyody else who paid, but isn't getting a board from me...You
should've received a refund by now and a note explaining how to contact
Marc to get on his order list...If you didn't get either the note or
the refund for some reason, just contact me at my email privately and
I'll get it straightened out. I expect that Marc will be reaching out
to each of you very shortly to get his order list complete!

I want to apologize once again to each of you for the delays,
confusion, and hassle associated with this project. I've done my best
to make this right (now that my job has allowed me to resume some
normal functioning), and I trust that each of you know that my
inability to execute on this for the past few months should be NO
reflection on Tom.



Jun 5, 2006, 4:31:11 PM6/5/06
On 26 May 2006 21:22:55 -0700, wrote:


>I owe a very large, public apology to Kenbo, Zardoz, Bill Ung and about
>3-4 other folks for whom I had been holding backboard pre-order
>payments. Each of you forwarded payment to me with the expectation of
>receiving a backboard in late January/early February, and I have simply
>not been able to deliver against that commitment. For those of you who
>know me personally, you probably have some understanding of the
>constraints of my work, but for others, this probably felt...welll,
>like you had been ripped off...and for that I am truly sorry. I want
>you to know that I have already issued refunds to several of you, and I
>WILL be in contact with the remainder of you over the next few days to
>get this straightened out finally.

I'd like to thank Brian for following up and getting these backboards
out. Mine arrived today.

One problem - there's a big crack in the middle and the board is
nearly ready to break completely in two. There's a scratch on it too,
right out of the box, but that's the least of my worries.

Is there any warranty on these things?


Jun 9, 2006, 10:49:27 PM6/9/06
Sorry to hear of the shipping damages...You have mail.


Dec 16, 2017, 5:12:35 AM12/16/17
Hi,I'm interested in a MM back board. Do you still have one? Kind regards Per

Pin Del

Dec 16, 2017, 10:54:04 AM12/16/17
On Saturday, December 16, 2017 at 5:12:35 AM UTC-5, wrote:
> Hi,I'm interested in a MM back board. Do you still have one? Kind regards Per

Dont count on it after 11 years,
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