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Andrew Smythe Davidson

не прочитано,
11 янв. 1997 г., 03:00:0011.01.1997

Any chance one of the imps could take a few seconds to give us a weekly update
or something... you all know the score:

Week 1: It'll be up in a week...
Week 2: Just give us till next week...
Week 3: Definately in a fortnight...


Week 7: Yeah, by tommorow...


Week 14: AnotherMUD? hmmm.. didn't I used to be an implementor there a LONG
way back?

So how about it? Is there anybody out there?

Ooodles of hugs,

Pete Endean

не прочитано,
15 янв. 1997 г., 03:00:0015.01.1997

In article <5b78ms$> (Andrew Smythe Davidson) writes:
>From: (Andrew Smythe Davidson)
>Subject: AnotherMUD
>Date: 11 Jan 1997 05:33:16 GMT

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we've seen it all before, I know. But AnotherMUD's
provider is getting a new link, and AnotherMUD is getting a new machine. The
last I heard, even the imps didn't have access to the site, and the imms
mailing list at compart was inaccessable, so the imms mail is being sent as
copies to the various imms, if there are any imms out there who were on the
original list, and don't know what I have already said, then mail one of the
imps, and check that you have any new info.

When AnotherMUD DOES come back, don't expect it to be the tired old thing
that it was before, because seeing as the mud is down anyway, and there is
going to be a new machine; the mud is going to be brought up as the update.
So AM+ here we come....

Just don't ask me when. ;)

Me, or one of the other imms/imps will post here as soon as any further news
breaks. Watch this space. :)

Pete. (aka Mort)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | <--- wanders off to think about finishing
| his area for AM+.....

не прочитано,
16 янв. 1997 г., 03:00:0016.01.1997

AnotherMud???? Hmm.. Didn't I used to be an Imp there a long time ago?

AnotherMud is down atleast until the update is finished, and that will
take quite some time still. Our real-life jobs are taking up most of
our time right now, so I cannot say when the update will be finished.

Furthermore I havent heard from Compart yet, so I do not know when our
new machine will be running either.

Keep an eye on for updates
on the situation.


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