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GESCH Comp Cancelled

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Dec 1, 2006, 7:52:12 PM12/1/06
GESCH Comp has been shut down to due to total
lack of interest. No one wanted to judge or enter.

Dec 1, 2006, 8:03:28 PM12/1/06
Sorry to hear that. Not that I was interested in judging or entering,
but it would've been fun to see what kind of crazy stuff would've come
out of it...


Dec 1, 2006, 8:34:27 PM12/1/06

Maybe the Main Comp was still too fresh in everyone's minds and the
most important thing was getting the reviews out. I may try again in
the spring and go up against Spring Thing and then again maybe not.

David Whyld

Dec 1, 2006, 9:02:07 PM12/1/06
To be honest, I'd always assumed this was some kind of joke comp so
never even considered writing a game for it. I mean "The Great Emily
Short Cheese Heist Comp" makes me cringe.


Dec 1, 2006, 9:33:26 PM12/1/06
"David Whyld"

> To be honest, I'd always assumed this was some kind of joke comp so
> never even considered writing a game for it.

Diverse comp entries authored by David Whyld:

The Amazing Uncle Griswold, Back to Life... Unfortunately, Barney's Problem,
Buried Alive, Choose Your Own..., Cowboy Blues, A Day at the Office, A Day
In The Life Of A Superhero, Dead Reckoning, The Door to Utopia, The Final
Question, Goblin Hunt, Halloween Hijinks, The Haunted House of Hideous
Horror, Jailbreak Bob, Jim Pond & the Agents of F.A.R.T., Lair of the
Vampire, Mortality, The Mystery of the Darkhaven Caves, Neighbours From
Hell, Oh No Not Another Fantasy Adventure, Paint!!!, The Princess In The
Tower, Private Eye, Requiem, The Revenge Of Clueless Bob Newbie!, The
Revenge Of Clueless Bob Newbie, Part 2: This Time It's Personal, The Saga of
Percy the Viking, Scene of the Crime, Scene of the Crime 2: City in Fear,
Second Chance, Shards of Memory, A Short Damn Fantasy Adventure, Sophie's
Adventure, The Warlord, The Princess & The Bulldog, The Worst Game in the
World... Ever!!!, and Yet Another Damn Fantasy Adventure

I can see how *not* entering a comp must felt like a totally new experience
for you.

> I mean "The Great Emily
> Short Cheese Heist Comp" makes me cringe.

That's an ugly string of words for sure.


Dec 1, 2006, 11:01:30 PM12/1/06

JP wrote:
> "David Whyld"

> Diverse comp entries authored by David Whyld:


sounds to me like the pot is calling the kettle black woulnd't you say?

David Whyld

Dec 1, 2006, 11:26:41 PM12/1/06

Well, thanks for the free plug of my games. Nice to see you've listed
all the games I didn't write for Comps as well. :)

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