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To Canticle \ Jeff-boy

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Passa al primo messaggio da leggere Cold Fire

da leggere,
16 nov 1998, 03:00:0016/11/98
>You can do it now, which really, really's now possible to do
>something which previously only UOE allowed you to do, and something
>which allows you to produce a stat exploit to boot.

FYI: Ever since spellbooks became equipable some 6 months back or so, you
could equip a 2-handed weapon and it, ir a halberd or Bardiche.

) \ / (
/|\ )\_/( /|\
* / | \ (/\|/\) / | \ *
|-=ColdFire=- '^` \|/ '^` "Give me your kings, let |
|Dragon Code: V me squeze them in my claws! |
|DC.D f++ s++ h++ CS|R a- $ m d+++ Your puny princes, your so- |
|WL++* Fr- L160f Bcoldfire e+++ called leaders of your lands!"|
|g i- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= |
| --Gimme the prize, Queen |
| ._________________________________________________________________. |
|'In the final | /\ / \\ \ /\ |There is no `|
*days of this | / V )) V \ |escape from my
millenium we |/ // \|athority!
will once agin V
fly the skys!

* Pursuant to 47 USC, unsolicited email sent to this address is subject
to an archival fee of not less than $500 U.S. per copy. Email received
after any receipt of this notice implies acceptance of these terms. A
copy of the specific law regarding this activity may be found at .
* I report all unsolicited email sent to this address. This is your only
warning to remove it completely from *all* your email lists and anywhere
else you have info on me.


da leggere,
17 nov 1998, 03:00:0017/11/98
I missed this the first time around but found it on Dejanews this
morning and thought I should write a much needed reply.

On Sun, 15 Nov 1998 09:15:08 GMT, wrote:
> Magnus wrote:
> > Last night I fought a bunch of the new monsters in the new lands. I was
> > told that equipping a spell book while you fight would comtrol the run away
> > stats. YOu have to equip them at the same time. I equipped my bardiche and
> > then the spell book at the same time. After three or four hours of straight
> So you're using UOE?

No, I am not using UOE. I despise users of UOE. I don't trust the
people that publish UOE. Equipping a spell book and a bardiche is very
simple to do. I don't remember the order, but it is easily accomplished.
Give it a try.

> Thanks, I'll send e-mail off to uosupport tonight. Whether I personally
> like someone or not is irrelevent, the fewer UOE users around, the
> better.

Well, I'm glad that you personally like me, (At least that's the
way I'm reading it.) but you've made some major jumping to conclusions
here and what's worse, you've falsely accused me of cheating. I hate
cheaters. I hate being called a cheater even more. I understand that the
frenzy of cheating that is going on has a lot of people quick to call
just about anything cheating.
On the very extreme, you could call this an exploit, I suppose.
However, by using it, I'm only protecting myself from a programming
error and it's at no one's expense. Is that wrong?

> My recommendation? Uninstall UOE before my e-mail hits support.

I wouldn't use UOE if it were the only way I could play UO.

> Jeff-boy, sick to death of cheat programs, and people who defend them.

-Magnus (Ocllo,Catskills)
Semi-roleplayin' Grandmaster Tank Mage who is extremely angry over this


da leggere,
17 nov 1998, 03:00:0017/11/98
On Tue, 17 Nov 1998 01:09:06 GMT, Magnus
<> wrote:

>> So you're using UOE?
> No, I am not using UOE. I despise users of UOE. I don't trust the
>people that publish UOE. Equipping a spell book and a bardiche is very
>simple to do. I don't remember the order, but it is easily accomplished.
>Give it a try.

So you're using UOA?

Scott, amateur troll
I'm not bitter. Really.


da leggere,
17 nov 1998, 03:00:0017/11/98

You can do it now, which really, really's now possible to do
something which previously only UOE allowed you to do, and something
which allows you to produce a stat exploit to boot.

My apologies if I offended I said, I do like ya :)



da leggere,
17 nov 1998, 03:00:0017/11/98
Canticle wrote:
> *nods*
> You can do it now, which really, really's now possible to do
> something which previously only UOE allowed you to do, and something
> which allows you to produce a stat exploit to boot.

Actually, I only found out about it the other night. My buddies all
had horror stories about lost intelligence and warned me that if I
wanted fight and keep my stats under control, I'd have to take that
option. It worked I suppose. Only swordsmanship went up .1 and one point
of strength and a point of dex.

> My apologies if I offended I said, I do like ya :)

Great! Now we can get back to having fun. =-)

> Jeff-boy

-Magnus (Ocllo,Catskills)
Semi-roleplayin' Grandmaster Tank Mage who often wonders, "How many Ps
could a PK K if a PK could K Ps?"

The Philosopher Primus

da leggere,
19 nov 1998, 03:00:0019/11/98
Scott wrote:

> On Tue, 17 Nov 1998 01:09:06 GMT, Magnus
> <> wrote:
> >> So you're using UOE?
> > No, I am not using UOE. I despise users of UOE. I don't trust the
> >people that publish UOE. Equipping a spell book and a bardiche is very
> >simple to do. I don't remember the order, but it is easily accomplished.
> >Give it a try.
> So you're using UOA?
> Scott, amateur troll

No, his crime is much more basic. He's using UO.


da leggere,
19 nov 1998, 03:00:0019/11/98
On Thu, 19 Nov 1998 01:26:12 -0800, The Philosopher Primus
<He...@Fight.SPAM> wrote:

>No, his crime is much more basic. He's using UO.

Oh the horror!


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