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Ultima IV - Hythloth Level 6

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Aug 2, 2010, 11:31:00 AM8/2/10
Greetings all,

I'm playing the C64 version of U4, coming back up from level 8 of
hythloth and I've hit a patch on level 6 where there are a 3 side-by-
side rooms. I'm in the easternmost of the 3 rooms and I can't figure
out how to open the door to the west. I know I can just cast "Up" but
still, I like to make sure I cover things when I play games like that.

Help will be appreciated!

DalTXColtsFan Dragon

Linards Ticmanis

Aug 2, 2010, 5:36:37 PM8/2/10
On 08/02/2010 01:31 PM, DalTXColtsFan wrote:
> Greetings all,
> I'm playing the C64 version of U4, coming back up from level 8 of
> hythloth and I've hit a patch on level 6 where there are a 3 side-by-
> side rooms. I'm in the easternmost of the 3 rooms and I can't figure
> out how to open the door to the west. I know I can just cast "Up" but
> still, I like to make sure I cover things when I play games like that.

I just tried it, my lonely level 3 Paladin didn't survive too long in
that room (Did I mention that I hate Zorns...) I don't have a later
saved game around unfortunately.

Did you walk into all the little nooks and crannies of the room, the
places where the Cyclops, Ettins, etc. start out? Usually there will be
a touch sensitive spot somewhere that will open the door. I don't
remember that room, so I guess there was nothing especially hard about
it the last time I played through it, like, about 10 years ago. I didn't
spot a "secret door" wall-with-a-glitch, but maybe the exit that
materializes when you step on the right spot is just such a secret door
and thus not terrible obvious.

Finire Dragon (Linards Ticmanis)


Aug 2, 2010, 5:53:38 PM8/2/10

Thanks for taking the time to try it out. Yeah, zorns are tough on
lower-level characters!

I was fairly certain I stepped on every single square, and after
stepping on all squares looking for secret-wall spots and not seeing
any. Having said that, I will try again when I get a chance.

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