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?? Star in Ultima VII! ??

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Nov 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/16/96

I was digging through my Ultima VI (the best Ultima ever) and found a
contest mail in.

Basicly the contest winner had their charcter or likeness appear in
Ultima VII.

Does anyone know if someone actually won this? If so, what was the
wining charcter in Ultima VII?

Heather N. Raaf, M.D.

Nov 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/16/96

Magnus, I was a "secondary" winner. Origin Systems notified me by phone
that I was going to be healer in a town of warriors. My photo was used
for the character "Hannar" (I think that is how it was spelled), whose
daughter was kidnapped at the start of Ultima VII, Serpent Isle. It was
changed from a smiling face to a more somber one, but still
recognizable. Since my hard drive crash over a year ago, I haven't had
the heart to start all over again, so I can't remember which town. I
don't know who the big winner was.

Heather N. Raaf, M.D., a.k.a. "Titania", when I play Avatar!


Nov 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/17/96

The town was Monitor. That's all I remember.


"The only thing worse than ignorance is the acceptance of ignorance."

Marcia Cielock

Nov 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/18/96

"Heather N. Raaf, M.D." <> wrote:

>Magnus wrote:
>> I was digging through my Ultima VI (the best Ultima ever) and found a
>> contest mail in.
>> Basicly the contest winner had their charcter or likeness appear in
>> Ultima VII.
>> Does anyone know if someone actually won this? If so, what was the
>> wining charcter in Ultima VII?

>Magnus, I was a "secondary" winner. Origin Systems notified me by phone
>that I was going to be healer in a town of warriors. My photo was used
>for the character "Hannar" (I think that is how it was spelled), whose
>daughter was kidnapped at the start of Ultima VII, Serpent Isle. It was
>changed from a smiling face to a more somber one, but still
>recognizable. Since my hard drive crash over a year ago, I haven't had
>the heart to start all over again, so I can't remember which town. I
>don't know who the big winner was.

>Heather N. Raaf, M.D., a.k.a. "Titania", when I play Avatar!

I was in Ultima, also. I played Petra.


Andrew Apold

Nov 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/18/96

Andrew stopped manipulating the Magna of Illusion when he heard someone using
Magnus's account say:

>I was digging through my Ultima VI (the best Ultima ever) and found a
>contest mail in.
>Basicly the contest winner had their charcter or likeness appear in
>Ultima VII.
>Does anyone know if someone actually won this? If so, what was the
>wining charcter in Ultima VII?

Dunno. At times they use whoever they can get to fill populace space.
They don't always match up the face artwork to the names, however.

When I lived in Texas I used to hang out at an Amtgard group in Austin
called "Barad Duin" (basically a live-action fantasy group), whose
members included Dr. Cat and Manda Dee. They ended up using lots of
people from this group in Ultima VI, including Viscount Armahnd over
in Cove, I think it was Dargoth, a Healer on Verity Isle (who said
'that looks nothing like me'), and many others I cannot recall.

If anyone cares, the Barad Duin group eventually split, part of it out
of Amtgard into a group called 'The High Fantasy Society', the others
I think into an Amtgard duchy called 'Tori-Mar' in the Celestial Kingdom...
Don't know if Cat and Manda are in either of them...

Andrew Apold (
/ C/C++, Legion, Blue Oyster Cult, Pink Floyd /
/ Hawkwind, Amtgard, Vikings, and S.A. Spurs /
"I was corrupt BEFORE I had power!"

Brian Burns

Nov 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/18/96

Marcia Cielock wrote:
> "Heather N. Raaf, M.D." <> wrote:
> >Magnus wrote:
> >>
> >> I was digging through my Ultima VI (the best Ultima ever) and found a
> >> contest mail in.
> >>
> >> Basicly the contest winner had their charcter or likeness appear in
> >> Ultima VII.
> >>
> >> Does anyone know if someone actually won this? If so, what was the
> >> wining charcter in Ultima VII?
> >Magnus, I was a "secondary" winner. Origin Systems notified me by phone
> >that I was going to be healer in a town of warriors. My photo was used
> >for the character "Hannar" (I think that is how it was spelled), whose
> >daughter was kidnapped at the start of Ultima VII, Serpent Isle. It was
> >changed from a smiling face to a more somber one, but still
> >recognizable. Since my hard drive crash over a year ago, I haven't had
> >the heart to start all over again, so I can't remember which town. I
> >don't know who the big winner was.
> >---
> >Heather N. Raaf, M.D., a.k.a. "Titania", when I play Avatar!
> I was in Ultima, also. I played Petra.
> Melissa

I didn't win, but I heard that the character Ensorcio, the mage banished
from the city of the mages, was one of the winners. He was also one of
Prodigy dragons (I don't remember his name). Also, in an earlier thread,
someone posted that Rocco was also a winner.

Brian Burns
Beach'n Dragon

Robert S. Gregg

Nov 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/18/96

Brian Burns <> wrote in article

> I didn't win, but I heard that the character Ensorcio, the mage banished
> from the city of the mages, was one of the winners. He was also one of
> the
> Prodigy dragons (I don't remember his name).

Methinks that was Jim Hammons, Umbrae Dragon. :)

Underworld Dragon

Heather N. Raaf, M.D.

Nov 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/18/96
to Marcia Cielock

Hi, Melissa,

> >My photo was used
> >for the character "Hannar" (I think that is how it was spelled),

> >daughter was kidnapped at the start of Ultima VII, Serpent Isle. It was
> >changed from a smiling face to a more somber one, but still
> >recognizable.

Oops, I was Harnna! I had to look it up!

Since my hard drive crash over a year ago, I haven't had
> >the heart to start all over again, so I can't remember which town. I
> >don't know who the big winner was.

> >Heather N. Raaf, M.D., a.k.a. "Titania", when I play Avatar!

> I was in Ultima, also. I played Petra.
> Melissa

This is so much fun! I feel much more like starting the game again, now
that I have people to share it with! I look forward to seeing you again
in Ultima 7.5! I am new to the ultima-dragons newsgroup, and it is
wonderful to learn about other Ultima enthusiasts like me! I thought I
was alone!

Best wishes to all,


Jim Hammons

Nov 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/19/96

On Mon, 18 Nov 1996 14:07:56 -0500, Brian Burns
<> wrote:
:)>> >Magnus wrote:
:)>> >> I was digging through my Ultima VI (the best Ultima ever) and found a
:)>> >> contest mail in.
:)>> >> Basicly the contest winner had their charcter or likeness appear in
:)>> >> Ultima VII.
:)>> >> Does anyone know if someone actually won this? If so, what was the
:)>> >> wining charcter in Ultima VII?

:)>I didn't win, but I heard that the character Ensorcio, the mage banished
:)>from the city of the mages, was one of the winners. He was also one of
:)>Prodigy dragons (I don't remember his name). Also, in an earlier thread,
:)>someone posted that Rocco was also a winner.

That was me. Good ole Ensorcio. I'm the drunken sod behind the Blue
Boar Inn just outside of Monitor.

Jim Hammons
AKA Umbrae Dragon
Umbrae Soulsbane

Umbrae's Tower

To know that wherever thou goest
people will say, "Isn't Ensorcio
that exiled mage from Moonshade?!"
-Ensorcio to Avatar U7.5

Rob Davies

Nov 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/19/96

Magnus wrote:
> I was digging through my Ultima VI (the best Ultima ever) and found a
> contest mail in.

> Basicly the contest winner had their charcter or likeness appear in
> Ultima VII.

> Does anyone know if someone actually won this? If so, what was the
> wining charcter in Ultima VII?

Several people won it, they appeared in Serpent Isle. There were
postings around about this (from Melissa, etc.).
Rob M Davies Red Ferret Dragon
Software Engineering, B'ham Uni. -==(UDIC)==-
32-196 Griffin Close, Bristol Rd. South, Northfield, B'ham

Nov 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/20/96

Ultima VII part 1&2 wwere much better
But I like UltimaVIII the best

No Idon't know anything about this contest

Kenneth Edward Whitten

Nov 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/21/96

Then you should have put this on a different thread. The most appropriate one
would probably be "Best Ultima???".
-Lumina Dragon

Patrick K. Mills

Nov 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/23/96

Hey! I saw you guys once, I was camping near Lost Pines (I think) and
I saw oll these signs saying "Barad Duin, Left" like signs showing
where to go. Neat.
Tezcatlipoca Dragon
Patrick Mills
"Sorry about the crack."
-Patrick Mills

Nov 26, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/26/96

YES you were Harrna, cause I remember it being so close to my real life
name Marna, who I thought for a bit maybe I had won:)

Kyra Dragon
Marna D. Engel True Disney Fanatic.............................................
"If it ain't broke.......don't fix it......"
My really faster than my mind....................................................................

Tom Potter

Nov 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/29/96
to wrote in article

> Ultima VII part 1&2 wwere much better
> But I like UltimaVIII the best
> No Idon't know anything about this contest

ULTIMA 6 dosn't Suck. You were looking for the word ACE.
When I play ultima 7 Part 1 and 2 I might change my mind.

Deep Dragon

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