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Finding an old game...

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Julio Bolbochan

6 cze 1996, 03:00:006.06.1996

Dear Sirs:

I would like you to indicate me whom should I write
or how can I do to obtain the following game, which I
played on 1954 at Amsterdan Olympic Chess Games.

Julio Bolbochan (White) vs. Lothar Smith (Black)
Last Round
Amsterdan Olympic Chess Games

I have tried to obtain this game for years without being

Thanks in advance,

Julio Bolbochan
International Grand Master
Caracas, Venezuela

7 cze 1996, 03:00:007.06.1996

Hey netters, lets see if we can help IGM Bolbochan! (I assume this
was a legit post unless "mvelez" is using Bolbochan's name?) Grandmaster
Bolbochan has won championships in Argentina and finished first in such
tournaments as Mar del Plata-Buenos Aires 1951, Mar del Plata 1952, and
Mar del Plata 1956. He has qualified for an interzonal tournament on
three occasions (competing once in Stockholm 1962.) He has played in
seven Olympiads and has won a medal for his excellent results (all per
_The Oxford Companion to Chess._)

I haven't found the requested game. I assume the opponent in the sought
game (requested below) might be Lothar Maximilian Lorenz Schmid and not
"Smith." Schmid played for Germany in 11 Olympiads from 1950 to 1974.
I assume the requested 1954 game was played at the XI Chess Olympiad
in Amsterdam.

I did a quick WWW/net search and only found a 1954 match of Argentina vs
USSR (which contained some Bolbochan games including a win over the great
Keres) but none from the Amsterdam Olympics. [Keres wrote in his
collected games: "Then (1954) I made the long voyage to the Argentine
as a member of the U.S.S.R. team and crossed swords with Julio Bolbochan
in four games, winning one, losing one and drawing two games."] In
searching for games, note that IGM Julio Bolbochan's late older brother
IM Jacobo Bolbochan (1906-1984) will also appear in some (particularly
earlier) databases/game collections perhaps also as "Bolbochan,J."

Does anyone live near the White Collection in Cleveland Ohio to see if
they might have this game that IGM Bolbochan has been searching for over
the years? I assume that this game is missing from the published
selected(?) games of the 1954 Amsterdam Olympiad tournament book?

Is Lothar Schmid (b. 1928) available to ask about the move listing?
Schmid reportedly has the largest private chess library in the world...If
anyone would have it, one would think he would! (Unless Bolbochan won the
game, and Schmid didn't want to keep it for his collection!--just

Let's show the power of the net and check our databases, books, libraries,
etc.! Is anyone near Amsterdam reading this? Perhaps they
could check local Amsterdam sources for coverage back then of games that
didn't make the tournament book?

Good luck to any searchers! [Should you choose to accept this
mission...this tape will self-destruct in 5 seconds!]

From the earlier post:
Julio Bolbochan ( wrote:
: Dear Sirs:

Richard Reich

7 cze 1996, 03:00:007.06.1996

I am unable to find the game GM Julio Bolbochan requested, Lothar
Schmid-Bolbochan, won by the latter, in the official tournament buletins
[the game occurred in the last round], nor in Euwe's book of the
Olympiad. Perhaps someone knows how to reach GM Schmid, who must have
either his original game score or have it recorded somewhere in his
immense personal chess library, reportedly the largest private collection
in the world.
Richard Reich

Martin Borriss

7 cze 1996, 03:00:007.06.1996

In article <>, Julio Bolbochan <> writes:
> I would like you to indicate me whom should I write
> or how can I do to obtain the following game, which I
> played on 1954 at Amsterdan Olympic Chess Games.
> Julio Bolbochan (White) vs. Lothar Smith (Black)
> Last Round
> Amsterdan Olympic Chess Games
> 1954

In case anyone goes through his database - black should be Lothar Schmidt
(not Smith). If noone has this, perhaps people from a german or dutch chess
magazine can help?!


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