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Mr. Tueschen's self-assassination of character

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Dirk Frickenschmidt

Dec 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/18/97

Hi all,

it seems to me that enough is enough. So Mr. Tueschen will get some of
the attention he is desperately begging for here in rgcc since many
months. :-)

Recently he is obviously missing some of the beloved "enemies" he
seems to need so bad. He helps himself by regularly constructing new
ones all by himself and for himself, although the "nastiness" quality
of them has been rapidly decreasing lately. How boring! :-))

So in his despair of finding fresh partners for his extensive
celebration of miscommunication - and of bad taste in general -, he
can't help but look out for Bob Hyatt again, who still dares to post
here, and, what is even more unpleasant, dares to post completely
unaffected by Mr. Tueschen's silly off-topic crusades. No problem for
Bob: he also feels well in CCC where everybody writes about
computerchess nearly all of the time and nobody disturbs communication
in a way which is demonstrated constantly here in rgcc by the little
coward Dodo and Mr. Tueschen...

So what else could Mr. Tueschen try to get back some tiny little
attention and some tiny little storms in the small water glass of
He seems to think that labeling any protest against his kind of
posting as "nazi-like" or as "character assasination" might perhaps
help. Or what about a cheeky little invective against Bob Hyatt?
Couldn't that perhaps revive some urgent, bitterly missing silly
Tueschen kind of "dialogue"? ;-)

Even more funny: Mr. Tueschen's efforts to exercise the "popal" power
of defining who (he thinks) belongs to whom within strange patterns of
enemy-group phantasies and conspiration theories. Whoever dares to
call this nonsense simply nonsense, takes the very heavy risk of being
called a very, very nasty friend of some very, very, very nasty people
Readers of rgcc, will you really take the risk of being called a
friend of nazi-like people? Or character assassins? Or - just imagine!
- even both??? Wouldn't this be dreadful for you???

By some kind of magic Mr. Tueschen is surrounded by nazi-like people
all the time and they become even more every hour if you look at all
their shameless friends! But don't worry: as long as we have our hero
continuously saving himself, Germany, the whole world and after that
maybe even rgcc (from computer chess of course!), we can still hope
for a better future... :-))) So as everybody soon understands from
Tueschen posts: nowadays only this man will boldly go where no one has
gone before - or was it: as far as nobody went before? - and uncover
the hidden truth ... of his strange imaginations.

What is really bad for him: he has to perform his great mission all
alone at the moment, since Mr. Dodo is unsuccessfully busy sliding on
his knees and begging for chess program cracks here all the time. So
Mr. Dodo cannot help with his anonymous postings of hallucinations on
the "Philosophenweg" in Heidelberg or their ongoing strange effects in
the USA afterwards.

Even Mr. Reno de Caro with all his nice affinities to the dodoesque
world of thought and speech seems absent in this critical hour. But
rgcc users should not feel too safe! Be aware that already Mr.
Tueschen alone is supplied with enough mental power to uncover your
long hidden secret nazi identity, and he can do that before you even
have had the chance to go as far as daring to contradict his sick
phantasies! :-)))

Back from Tueschen tales to prosaic facts.

He alone is the really successful character assassin of himself and
*nobody* else hurts his reputation even nearly as much as he himslef
with his own writing.

Maybe after quoting him in this post he still can't imagine why most
people in here could not really get the notion that he is just trying
to bring some thoughtful enlightnment into the dark world of rgcc. But
at least he will be reminded of what he has been doing and still does
here. He should not worry too much though:

I will display only small samples from his grand oevre and I will not
post this information as often as Dodo posts his begging for cracks.
(Perhaps just from time to time, if that seems useful). I will not
further discuss this (off)topic with Mr. Tueschen or anyone.
Any complaints that these samples are quoted without much context are
useless: offending nonsense like this usually neither had nor needs
much context.

So here it comes:
a small selection of Mr. Tueschen's greatest hits in miscommunication.

First a nice piece of self notion:
> Statement: I did *never* attack (and this in the sense of insult
> and the like) someone here in rgcc. Whatever people told you,
> there's not one single piece of evidence. I assure you.
> Ask those who told you for evidence in Dejas...

Self notion and notion by others may differ slightly though :-)))

About Ed Schroeder:
>Ed Schroder is a criminal businessman. His
>only goal is to cheat and to exploit. For this reason he went into a
>religious sect to keep his taxes low... Folks we're at war. :)
In another post:
>A criminal Schroder has only one goal with his obsession and that's far
>away from the search for scientifical truth which is my dedication.

Peter Schreiner wrote or quoted about the then new CCC
Tueschen anwered:
>This is sort of big SHIT, also called bullshit.
>This is not only shit but also a completely stupid statement...
>No, pitters, you mean bastard...
>But for you I have my second Gold Medal of the Week,
>this time for cheating and lying historical bastard.

To Bob Hyatt:
>Thanks for the info above. But now to bullexcrementals again. :)
>In case you are too senile by now...
>Bob, I just heard the news on ABC they caught you while you
>were selling kidneys of deathrow inhabitants in NY?????
>Please give us a short comment. I thought you looked a little
>bit older. ... Proxy for ICCA, proxy for DB/IBM, and now -- hold it --
>proxy for the masters of Cold War... Does it pay?
><spit pot emptied again>
>No gazoline-Hyatts (SHIT. :)) won't fuck me again.
In another post:
>You, the criminal proxy with the hypocricy of pretending doing a _free_
>job here in this group, you are _nothing_ but a character assassin,
>greedy for the big money. You have _no_ right to tell others what's
>wrong or what's right. Either post on computerchess or shut up. Post it
>once and then shut up. Then go back to your home of censorship, the CCC.
>Here we have enough of your censorship. Get the idea?! Helping neo-nazis
>is a crime. Mr. Hide.
About Bob Hyatt:
>He definetely is a criminal. He violated the constitutions of the US
>American Law many times. Therefore the opposition against him. Even if
>he's the God of computerchess. It's the old theme of Dr. Hyatt and Mr.
>Hide. So far it's a pity. But one has to chose correctly one's priorities...]
>The Pope of RGCC

To Robert Sullivan:
> Yes, that's right. And don't forget to order a pair of new
>spectacles too. Because you, as expert on porn',
>should be able to read the difference between CA and CB...

To Keith Ian Price:
>Are you another party soldier of the Schroder/whittington imperium
>who's sole justification lies in the purpose to spread shit for the
>profite makers? ...Are you in reality Whittington.
>Because he was the only one too stupid to copy my real name?
>He started the wrong Taeschen thing. (Only to cry bitter tears
>after I played with his own name "Whitty Nutty".)
By the way he was spelling my name (Frickenschmidt, no Umlaut at all):
once "Frickenshildt", once "Dirk <Bierernst> Frick". Funny I never had
similar problems with his name :-)

To Thorsten Czub:
>Czub, you neo-nazi amoking madman, you won't cheat us....
About the term "neo-nazi" used here:
>Especially for those who are not educated enough to understand sort of
>massive use of adjections. Everybody who ever heard about the Latin surely
>has no difficulties to grasp that. This ablativus absolutuus.. :)

About CCC foundation and CCC founders:
>Why we had to create a censored forum?
>To protect nazis and their supporters?
About the term "Nazi" to Bob Hyatt shortly after this:
>You didn't even realize that n o b o d y ever called anyone a nazi in
>this rgcc.
About the term "Nazi" in another post:
>If one uses the notion "nazi" it should be related to the real
>historical content of crime and murder. Massmurder and genocide.

One more bunch of Tueschen lies about CCC-founders:
>propagator Czub, supporter Whittington and insulter and supporter Schroder
>went to create CCC.
(simply a lie from someone who obviously does not know how CCC was
founded). More lies:
>Note that CCC was created among others, *mainly* party soldiers of
>the Schroder camp (Berger Frickenshildt), by those criminals involved in
>the propagation of nazi thoughts/methods!
How many lies can be found in three lines from Mr. Tueschen?
a) Berger and Frickenschmidt are no party soldiers
b) both do not belong to any kind of "camp"
c) both do not "belong" to Ed Schroder and his not existing
d) both are no criminals
e) both are not insolved in the propagation of "nazi

Another lie + dirty allegation to Ed Schroeder
> created, possibly payed for CCC, but, Ed, you lost rgcc.
One more:
>The doctor didn't urge me to stop the war against the censors and criminals among
> the CCC founders...
>That all these guys do have fascist tendencies is actually
>proven by their practice on their new ccc.
>Neo-nazi Czub and his helpers now dissappeared in the new constructed
>CCC. To be able to censor the only critic of Czub's neo-nazi propaganda.
>Helpers are the US American Hyatt, Schroder, Whittington, and several
>other undemocratic jerks.
Just for matters of correctness: Mr. Tueschen never was censored on
CCC. He simply was thrown out. How in the world could this happen to
this poor innocent lamb? :-)))

Concerning Thorsten Czub as CSTal operator in Paris
(dirty and completely unproved allusion of cheating):
>BTW the typical cheating, also in human chess opens, goes like this.
>If I could help another player and was paid for it (probably), then I play
>in the situation VIRTUAL and CSTAl were in relation to Junior the
>following game:
>I play for a possible repetition. If it suits, and JUNIOR for instance
>*lost*, then I could pass the draw by trying a winner... (as CSTal, to
>support VIRTUAL.) If JUNIOR already won. Then I as CSTal could
>think on my own and the best would then be a draw.
>And 54 other interesting constellations...
In another post:
>...when Czub came back from Paris he wrote all these
>fairy tales about his anger and frustration about the missed draw. True.
>JUNIOR did win anyway, so CST had to have an easy draw ...
>The way they reacted on my innocent question, because I have no
>experience in computer chess and possible cheats, but I know a lot about
>human chess and possible and committed cheats, the way they reacted
>spoke its own language. I had hit a wasps' nest...

About Stefan Meyer-Kahlen, well known and successful chess program
>Stefan is the scientifical slave called doctorand of IA (i.e.: Ingo Althofer)

About Ingo Althofer, well known computer chess contributor since
>But as long as this jerk posts from the official server of the
>university of Jena, and behaves like a pocket-sized expert, I've allowed
>me to take a closer look at all the stupid crap he posts here on the
>net. ...This jerk who uses the university server acts in a mean political
>show full of prepositions and undemocratical tendencies.
>That is the reason why I attack him and his stupid postings.

About Moritz Berger and others:
>Berger Moritz. His first advices were on the same funny level.
>He also had no feeling for someone like me.
>That's always the problem the moment a half educated knows how
>to push two or three buttons. He suddenly thinks he's a real genius.
>Some type of guy like Dirk <Bierernst> Frick. comes to mind too...
>Moritz, Dirk and Bill, that's a category of intellectual stupidity and
>impostordom in chess. It's not chess but the knowledge about ivory
>buttons and their interdependancies that become by force a possible
>degeneration in our hobby.

To Komputer Korner:
>You are not an expert and you are very stupid, Alan.

To Bill Newton, reveiling a really surprising secret:
>But now you reveiled also a fascist tendency.

To Steve Lopez:
>Are you also one of those rascals who have nothing but chess and
>computers in their head? No education, no decency? Is it this the reason
>why nobody, also from the USa, cried Murder, when they eliminated me?

About chessbase programmers:
>the style of MW (i.e. Matthias Wuellenweber) is arrogance, the same with
>M. Feist, the guy from Fritz.
But after a sudden attack of mercyful generosity for MW in the same
>I must admit Matthias did improve on that one a little bit since he writes in rgcc.

Not knowing too much of Chessbase, Tueschen spread more nonsense:
>The sponsor of BM's Blitz prize was the printcompany of
>the CSS magazine. Whose presidents are F. Friedel and another man.
>FF however is also the president of ChessBase with MW (i.e. Matthias Wuellenweber).
Of course Frederic Friedel never has been anything even coming near to
being "president of ChessBase". But Mr. Tueschen could use the wrong
allegation for the secretion of some more of his nonsense slime.

About himself feeling he was in big danger:
>I wrote many times that we all should come back to normal,
>make peace. But the "nazi-supportwer" party didn't want to
>make peace with me.
>They wanted to extinguish me in best nazi style.

About himself being "at the top":
>At the top you're so damned lonely.

About having tried to blackmail Ed Schroeder:
>So what I did, that is true, was to inform Eddie, the dutch sissy of
>my new way to handle his mean attacks.
>Apology and all like before, but not only this, for all the character
>assassination Schroder had done against me this year, he had to pay a
>recompensation of 5 or 6 thousand DM. Yes, that#s true. ...

In the same post:
>I only may be allowed to add, that basically
>we all here in the cc are full of idealism of some sort.
>... a treaty wouldn't mean that I would
> no longer say that Schroder had wrongly supported nazi-like
>amoking madman Czub.
>But note. After a public apology I would not repeat that statement
>anylonger. But not because we had a blackmail. Simply because I'm
>polite and generous enough to not repeat every critic against other people.
To make his point clear once more, in another post:
>If you feel however that you had made no mistakes, then let's stay firm
>to our views. I fear however *you* are the businessman, no?

Some interesting self notion at the end:
>I'm a scientist, that means I try to reason and behave with care and

After somebody had pointed to
>>--Jesus Christ ca. 30 A.D. Luke 6:31 (NIV)
>>So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this
>>sums up the Law and the Prophets.
>>--Jesus Christ ca.30 A.D. Matt 7:12 (NIV),...
Mr. Tueschen answered:
>These two verses are very familiar to me.
>I do follow them since I walk on usenet. :)
>But Jesus. Well, it would be an offense for true believers. But I feel
>some comparable traits in myself. In a way I'm the Jesus of rgcc with
>Bob Hyatt as Herodes. Or was it Pontius Pilatus? :)

So his holiness pope Rudolphus of rgcc perhaps could use the time
before Christmas for one or two thoughts?

Perhaps he should rethink the way he is making friends everywhere?

And perhaps he should rethink what it means to show any interest for
truth and thus detect some ways of sensible communication? Even
learning to feel at least *some* respect for others in rgcc or

Kind regards from Dirk


Dec 19, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/19/97

> (Dirk Frickenschmidt) wrote:

>it seems to me that enough is enough. So Mr. Tueschen will get some of
>the attention he is desperately begging for here in rgcc since many

>months. :-)...................

What an exceptional piece of research on your part, Mr.
only has the misfortunte of coming at the wrong time. While you spend your
time scrutinizing the 1600+ postings by Rolf on RGCC to find what you obviously
perceive as evidence for your "hit piece," Rolf, in the meantime, has had a
lull in his postings. No doubt your unprovoked attack on Rolf will now
generate that what your" supposedly" lamented and which was not an issue at the
time of your posting. As Rolf would say. . ."brilliant!"

Of course, afterspending all that time researching in Deja, what clearly was a
labor of love on your part, you could not take the chance that your argument
would bcome a non-issue because Rolf was not posting.

Mr. Frickenschmidt wrote:

>Even Mr. Reno de Caro with all his nice affinities to the dodoesque

>world of thought and speech...

After demonstrating a real zeal for the cause of slamming Rolf and finding the
time to search his postings for snips you could selectively quote out of
context, I am surprised you did not take the fraction of time required to
produce the "evidence" for my "affinities to the dodoesque world of thought and
speech" (whatever that means) as well. After all, my postings constitute only
3-4% of Rolf's, so the evidence should have been relatively easy to find..
Please, Mr. Frickenschmidt, do that little bit of extra research and provide me
the proof of your assertion.

When you find" your proof", don't worry that I expect your "evidence" to
self-destruct by asking you to post it in context. I will do that for you to
save you the time for something you clearly don't consider necessary. Your
self-serving comment, "Any complaints that these samples are quoted without

much context are useless: offending nonsense like this usually neither had nor

needs much context," notwithstanding. Let me inform you that snipping selected
pieces of information out of one side of a dialog and posting them out of
context (as you did in the case of Rolf) only provides evidence for your
deficiency in reasoning and your lack of education as to what constitutes a
valid argument. It has little value to support your contentions regardless if
you realize this or not.

Your cowardly endeavor of "hit-and-run" ("I will not further discuss this
(off)topic with Mr. Tueschen or anyone"), is your attempt to single-handedly
start a flame war and then lean back to enjoy the fire. Nonetheless, I
challenge you to produce the evidence for what obviously was intended to be an
insulting statement against me. . You will discover I am quite able of putting
your "evidence" back into the context it originally belonged.
As to Rolf, he does not need me to defend him here I am certain he will be
capable of doing so himself.
Greetings, Reno

P.S.: You will also discover something that I have already shared with Mr.
Whittington: namely, that it is not in your interest to kick a dog who was not
barking at you. You, too, will discover that this dog can bite.

>Recently he is obviously missing some of the beloved "enemies" he
>seems to need so bad. He helps himself by regularly constructing new
>ones all by himself and for himself, although the "nastiness" quality
>of them has been rapidly decreasing lately. How boring! :-))

>So in his despair of finding fresh partners for his extensive
>celebration of miscommunication - and of bad taste in general -, he
>can't help but look out for Bob Hyatt again, who still dares to post
>here, and, what is even more unpleasant, dares to post completely
>unaffected by Mr. Tueschen's silly

> off-topic crusades. No problem for
>Bob: he also feels well in CCC where everybody writes about
>computerchess nearly all of the time and nobody disturbs communication
>in a way which is demonstrated constantly here in rgcc by the little
>coward Dodo and Mr. Tueschen..



Peter Coleman

Dec 20, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/20/97

Lull? I think you must be partaking of prohibited hallucinatory substances.
Either that or your fawning subservience to the infantile pos(t)er takes on an
altogether more nauseating slant. Far from a lull, "Rolf" has merely spread his
poison over a wider area, infecting other parts of the newsgroup with his
singularly petulant post(uring)s.

Have a nice day. >;->

P.S. Note I don't have to quote 20k of message to make MY point.......

RenoDeCaro wrote in message <>...

Rolf Tueschen

Dec 21, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/21/97
to (RenoDeCaro) wrote:

>What an exceptional piece of research on your part, Mr.
>only has the misfortunte of coming at the wrong time. While you spend your
>time scrutinizing the 1600+ postings by Rolf on RGCC to find what you obviously
>perceive as evidence for your "hit piece," Rolf, in the meantime, has had a
>lull in his postings. No doubt your unprovoked attack on Rolf will now
>generate that what your" supposedly" lamented and which was not an issue at the
>time of your posting. As Rolf would say. . ."brilliant!"

No, Reno, that was a wording mainly used by Czub. It's not my level of
irony at all. Czub always writes it meaning "well, that was your deep
thought, but I for one find it is completely wrong".

Another interesting thing. I was offline for some time and didn't even
read the anthology. And you made the point. It was taken out of context
_and_ also in its meaning manipulated. That my words are lower average
is also true. But my English really sucks as someone once wrote...

To make it quite clear. Guys like Berger and this Dr. Frick. are for me
criminals (character assassins) and neo-nazi sympathicals. Both of the
sort of Eichmann. You know, the one who did nothing but work at his desk
and calculate the needed "capacity of trains for the victims of the

Both completely unable to relativate their position. Therefore unable to
use irony to make a joke. Both are like Eichmann proxies for someone
superior. Standing on their own they're nothing. Meaning conscience and
dignity. Not to confuse with intelligence of course.

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