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Cosmic Incursion Mini-Review

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Apr 10, 2010, 5:27:23 PM4/10/10
I just got the expansion. Some thoughts:

I'm not keen on the Rewards deck concept. I understand the intent, to
give players more reason to ally defensively than offensively to get a
base, but I find it's up to the player to learn the value of allying
defensively and as offensive player not to always invite everyone.
Cards are a valuable resource. Sometimes it does matter whether the
offensive player is getting his 2nd or 3rd base. When someone is
going for the 5th base, usually everyone will be allying defensively.
When going for the win, you need the cards to overcome that
disadvantage. I would rather just put the Rewards deck into the main
deck, as the option given.

As for new cards in the Rewards deck, I like them. I like the Rifts -
take ships out of the warp or force a player to put ships into the
warp if he takes the rifts card from your hand. It is difficult to
take ships out of the warp and these help. Plus, taking someone
else's cards almost never really hurts you. Now there's a small but
significant risk.

Hooray for the return of Kickers, Negative Attack Cards, and some
Edicts (Artifacts) like Space Junk and Hand Zap.

I like the crooked Negotiates. +1 compensation or -1/+1 ship to the
warp on failed deal.

As for the powers, I like them. Hooray for the return of Plant,
Seeker, Bully, Sniveler, Deuce, and others. Sniveler uses the Eon
artwork concept. Excellent. They're cute. :) Seeker doesn't specify
relating to the challenge like Mayfair did, so it's back to the snark
of "Are you wearing pink panties?" Seeker questions. Ethic just got
rid of the Lucre. Mayfair's Symbiote returns with you get 20 extra
ships and that's it. You can't lose the power for any reason. Your
power is simply having the extra ships. Interesting it doesn't have a
Do Not Use With Plant restriction. There will be conflict with
Changeling and Insect as well when they return. It specifies no one
else can use those ships.

For the new powers Cryo is interesting. You save cards for later
use. It allows for some strategy, but it does have a disadvantage.
Once you switch hands for your saved cards, someone will most likely
try to take some through compensation. Locust saves you from being
screwed if you lose the power, and its Wild Flare is Mayfair's Wild
Void but you pay a price of putting your own ships in the warp first.

Gerald Katz
Don't forget to tip the Butler!

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