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Daniel N. rats out Men the master!!!!!!!! FACT!

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Sep 17, 2003, 11:00:03 PM9/17/03
From: Poker Truth (
Subject: Daniel N. rats out Men the master!!!!!!!! FACT!
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Date: 2001-12-13 01:39:35 PST

True story, no one can deny. The night before the main event, a one
table sattelite was about to start when Men and Daniel go into a war
of words. Daniel says Men you are a bad man, and you are a cheater.
Men yells and screams at him, denying all of it. Daniel says I don't
respect you and I know about the shit you do. They were both about to
play the sattelite, until Men gave up his seat!!!!
In the sattelite where Erik S, John J, Allen C, Andy B, Tony Ma, and a
few others who all saw it! Nobosy else spoke. The satellite
continued and Erik Seidel won the seat.
Daniel was drinking Corona, and appeared to be drunk again. He was
being aggresive with Men, and Men was backing off of him. What will
come of this turmoil?????? Only time will tell?????
GCA, you have any more recent info that that!!

From: Daniel Negreanu (
Subject: Re: Daniel N. rats out Men the master!!!!!!!! FACT!
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Date: 2001-12-15 23:56:03 PST

I have a pretty good idea who posted this, but that's not important
right now. The incident described, did occur but it wasn't exactly a
'war of words'. I simply stated my opinion of Men's character to him,
and let him know that I will no longer 'pretend' to like him. I
don't. I feel he is a shady individual, and I told him so. I just
wanted him to know that I no longer respected him, nor did I care to
speak to him.
I won't go into the reasons why I believe him to be shady, this is
hardly the place for comments like that. I was happy to feel the
support of many players who will remain nameless, that supported my
stand against Men. As much as I'd like to see corporate sponsership
enter the poker arena, I don't feel it's 'right around the corner'.
Eventually it may be, but not in it's current state.
As I've gotten older, and more involved in the poker world, I've
made a decision to try and improve the game I love. I don't feel
comfortable, nor do I feel it is in poker's best interest to cover up
the 'problems' we have in the tournament world right now. I will
however, make a concerted effort to clean up the game as much as I
possibly can.
For some time now, I've heard, "Something must be done". Well, I'm
only one man/boy, but I will no longer sit and watch as others tarnish
this great game's reputation.

Daniel Negreanu

Message 11 in thread
From: Daniel Negreanu (
Subject: Re: Daniel N. rats out Men the master!!!!!!!! FACT!
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Date: 2001-12-17 15:57:52 PST (dave keiser) wrote in message newswhen people pile on a
defenseless person.
> Did i say defenseless, you gave this champ the motivation to win a
> quarter million a couple days later. The proff is in the pudding and i
> hope you learned something. He's king kong in a tournament. Accept it.

Well Dave,
You are actually the first person who thought my comments were out
of line, but that's ok. None of what I know about Men's 'shadiness'
comes from GCA posts. Many past situations where Men has broken the
code of poker ethics, I got from respectable people in the poker world
who will remain nameless. They told me these things in confidence,
and I will never betray that trust. That also includes people in his
camp who have admitted to me what they were forced to do if they
wanted to play for Men.
If you are looking for first hand knowledge, that I feel comfortable
sharing, this is an absolutely first hand fact. I'm curious as to how
you feel about the following hand, and comments that followed:
In 98', after I won a bracelet and had some money, both Men and I
put Nhut Tran into a limit hold'em event, each putting up half the
money. Down to three tables, Men had a moster stack, while Nhut only
had 4 small bets left. Men raised in 1st position, and everyone
folded to Nhut. Who then re-raised it to three bets. When the bet
came back to Men, he had to call one small bet, as well as one more
small bet to get Nhut all-in...he FOLDED! That alone is a cardinal
sin by any competent player, that should have been punished, but
That's not all. Men then takes me aside to the corner and says, "I
had to throw the hand away to keep Nhut alive! We have big percent,
so I have to give him chip." So in other words, Men dumped chips to
one of his horses to keep him alive in the tournament, which is
absolute collusion. It was certainly in Men's best interest
financially to have Nhut still alive in the tournament.
There are a million similar stories to this one, but this is the
only one where Men actually admitted to me that he was doing wrong. I
do not feel it is right to share what I've heard, rather what I KNOW.
If others are interested in putting a stop to Men's antics, I hope
they will eventually come forward with what they have seen first hand.
I honestly feel sorry for some of his horses(who will remain
nameless), who are forced to soft-play Men, if they would like to
continue to recieve financial backing or support from him. Some, not
all of his horses are given the following instruction:
1. Never call him.
2. Don't raise his blind.
3. In no limit, when he re-raises you, fold.
4. In no limit, you are not allowed to move in on him.

Unfortunately, I will not reveal the source who gave me this
information. So, I can understand your skepticism about the validity
of it. I can tell you that I got this same information from more than
one person. Personally, considering Men's character, I believe it.
You can choose to believe what you wish, but I am comfortable with my
decision to come forward with this information.

Daniel Negreanu

David Mills

Sep 17, 2003, 11:31:42 PM9/17/03
Well, he is right..........Men is a dirtball.

"Newgca" <> wrote in message


Sep 18, 2003, 12:08:26 AM9/18/03

I'm glad you labelled this post FACT. I'll take this to mean your other
9,765 posts this week were lies.

"Newgca" <> wrote in message

Dave L

Sep 18, 2003, 12:09:47 AM9/18/03
I think the Spaghetti Sauce one was also true.

"O-PG" <> wrote in message

Gary Carson

Sep 18, 2003, 1:34:42 AM9/18/03
Danny has since changed his opinion about Men. Or at least that's
what he's posted to rgp.

Lee Munzer

Sep 18, 2003, 11:16:13 AM9/18/03

"Dave L" wrote ...

> I think the Spaghetti Sauce one was also true.

Huh? In the spaghetti post I read, "I will post on how to Snort a full
8-ball in one night and post horseshit to the poker group." I never saw
that promise fulfilled and I would argue teaching by example does not count.


Mark B [Diputsur]

Mar 14, 2020, 3:40:09 AM3/14/20
Did cupboy really refer to himself as man/boy? This is gold!

Did he ever work out his issues with Men? Guess know we know why they call Men the 'master'! He pays their entry fees, they follow HIS rules!

Seems fair to me, I could do that! Hey Men, if you see this:
You stake me in main event, I no call you if you raise! I no raise your blind! I fold if you reraise me! I no move all in on you! We make big money together! :) You buy lots of drinks with winnings!


Mar 14, 2020, 2:17:54 PM3/14/20
"Mark B [Diputsur]" wrote in message

Did cupboy really refer to himself as man/boy? This is gold!

Did he ever work out his issues with Men? Guess know we know why they call
Men the 'master'! He pays their entry fees, they follow HIS rules!

Seems fair to me, I could do that! Hey Men, if you see this:
You stake me in main event, I no call you if you raise! I no raise your
blind! I fold if you reraise me! I no move all in on you! We make big
money together! :) You buy lots of drinks with winnings!


Are you drunk-reading old posts in the middle of the night?

Not complaining, I kinda like it, but seems out of the blue. When Russ
crashed RGP back in the day he made a lot of outlandish allegations about
cheating, including how easy it was to cheat tournaments by obtaining chips
in advance which were then given to players as needed during the tournament.

A lot of people here called bullshit and questioned his allegations,
including me. He actually mailed to me some tournament chips from the
Legends of Poker tournament...before the tournament was to start. I still
have them somewhere. That was pretty solid proof that he was knowledgeable
about at least some aspect of tournament cheating. I think he was right
about almost all of it.


Mar 14, 2020, 3:13:53 PM3/14/20
I cut my teeth in Gardena when Russ was in his prime. I KNEW what he said about Gardena was true, knew it as a fact. I never had any problem believing Russ from the beginning. I did have a problem believing what he said about Doyle and Chip. That's probably because I did not want it to be true.
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