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Poker at young age opinions needed

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Mike Kolodziej

Mar 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/23/99
I would agree with BMURPHY011. Poker is not a game for younger players. I
am 27 and at times I think that I am to young. Enjoy your life (i.e.
college, girlfriends/boyfriends, working). Don't waste your money so early
in life. Save up, set yourself up for when you grow older and in your free
time when you are older maybe return to the game.


Gak <> wrote in message
> Hello poker people Im an 15 years old student from Sweden who just have
> found out about the newsgroup.. I´ve played poker for 1 year now
> (started at 14) and im playing with some guys who are 20-25 years old
> in home games and tries to learn as much as possible about the game of
> poker. Some people thinks im to young to play and that it may end that
> I will get addicted to gambling over all though I only play poker and
> nothing else. Myself i find the game of poker very intresting and i`ve
> started order books and learn asmuch as possible about the game. It
> also help me use my brain alot more than i would do otherwis :o). Now
> im intrested what you "experience" men and woman thinks about start at
> young age. Is it dangerous for your "health" or is it even better than
> start when you are older. I would love you even more if you told me
> about the best poker books (specific game or you theory) besides the
> theory of poker which i`ve all orderd.
> Dont`t give me to much information it may prove to be expensive :o).
> Hope to see you in years to come (hopefully as loosers) ;)
> / Erik Sagström
> --
> Posted via Talkway -
> Surf Usenet at home, on the road, and by email -- always at Talkway.


Mar 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/24/99


Mar 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/24/99
As much as I enjoy playing, I would tend to discourage you from continuing your
play. Casinos, homegames, etc.. I do not believe promote an environment that
is suitable for someone of your age. Go out and worry about your education and
college, and not poker.


Mar 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/24/99
Poker at a Young Age is a great idea. Learn early. You seem reflective enough
to learn by playing. It's a great hobby for children and adults. You have, I
imagine, few expenses, so go for it. Why not? It's like chess only better.

Some books: The Education of a Poker Player, Yardley
Big Deal, Tony Holden
Biggest Game in Town, Alvarez
Total Poker, Spanier
Body Language of Poker, Caro
Winning Poker for the Serious Player, Silberstang
Thursday Night Poker, Steiner
Fundamentals of Poker, Malmuth and Loomis
Winning Low Limit Holdem, Jones

There are countless others, some for advanced players, some worthless. Keep
reading this newsgroup and see if you can get an oversees subscription to Card
Player (or read it on the Internet).

Good luck. And don't listen to the people who say you are too young. They are
wrong. Just approach poker as any other skillful card game.


Mar 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/24/99
I also started playing at the age of 14. It's
not a problem unless you make it a problem. Just
make sure it doesn't consume your whole life so
early or you will burn out too fast. That happened
to me when I was 17, I played every night for about
a year and a half. It taught me alot about poker but
it hurt my quality of life. Be a kid first a poker
player second, and you'll be just fine. Maybe we'll
see on the tournament trail in 6 years or so.
Daniel Negreanu
In article <jXVJ2.6939$>,

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Mar 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/24/99
I firmly believe that you will not STOP playing no matter what we
post here. However you should make a serious attempt not to get
too much into this game just yet. PLay but do other things in life.
Date, enjoy yourself away from the poker table. Try to have a ballanced
life. It is easy to do it if you conduct good game selection - play only
in games where you *know* you are not the underdog, and play shorter
sessions so you can have time to enjoy life. Take up other games like
backgammon, chess etc. It will just increase your poker playing if you
have some *other* experience.
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