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John Juanda Backs up Dan's accusations against the Master

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Jul 30, 2002, 8:21:21 PM7/30/02

From: John Juanda (
Subject: Re: Daniel N. rats out Men the master!!!!!!!! FACT!
View: Complete Thread (135 articles) | Original Format
Date: 2001-12-19 00:39:38 PST

I've been reading these posts the last few days, felt like I should
say something (because i knew something), but decided not to, because
I was worried that the people who dont know me well might think I say
something here out of jelousy (because I finished 2nd to Men Nguyen at
the final event at the Taj). But after I read the post by Men Nguyen,
I decided I shouldnt keep my silence anymore. wrote (among other things):
> When I won despite our differences, I put my hand out to shake John's.
> As you said on your broadcast, he wouldn't and he didn't. Where's the
> sportsmanship in this?
> I was a good sport about this.

Men Nguyen seems to have very short memory because I did shake his
hand, not once but twice. Jeff Shulman, Barry Shulman, and Andy
Glazer were among the many people who saw it. Many of my friends,
Daniel Negreanu included, didnt think I should've congratulated Men
because of what he did the night before. He was TAUNTING us, the
players on his table, especially when he beat us out of a pot. For
example, at one point, he beat Tony Ma out of a really big pot, and
then asked to see Tony's hand, which I think was rude (Apparently, the
crowds agreed with me because they booed him for that). Also, many of
the final table viewers agreed that he slow-rolled me on one of the
key hands when we were playing headsup. Despite that, the little voice
inside my heart told me to shake his hand and congratulate him after
he'd won, and that was what i DID.

> First let me say that I totally deny Daniel's accusations. They are a
> blatant outright lie.

I've known both Men and Daniel for 5 years now. When I first met
Daniel, he was already a well known player (even though nowhere as
famous as he is now), yet he came to me (an unknown player at the
time) and introduced himself. During the 5 years that i've known him,
I have seen him done nothing but try to promote poker (writing for
cardplayer, doing internet broadcasts, etc.) and protect the integrity
of the game. Men, on the other hand, the first time I played with him
was at the Legend of Poker (about 5 years ago), I remember beating him
out of a pot, and he ended up throwing his cards at me. Do you still
remember that, Men?

Men, I dont think anything that Daniel said here is because he is
jealous of you or because he dislike you. He simply dislike WHAT YOU
DID to poker. I dislike what you did to poker too. Daniel wrote in
one of his posts, regarding the '98 Nhut Tran 'dumping-chips'
incident, that there were 2 other players who saw it happened. For
the record, I, John Juanda, was one of the players who saw it

> This is the worst case of outright jealousy I've ever seen. If I
> hadn't won the events I won and then the final beating your good buddy
> John, none of this would be said. If you didn't lose the bet because I
> caught your friend John in the standings none of this would be said.

I have no reason to be jealous of you. I dont think you have anything
that i really want and dont already have. Daniel and I have simply
choosen to come forward and spoken up to protect the integrity of the
game that we both love so much.

John Juanda

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