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Wild Boar Sausage

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Sep 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/25/99
Has anyone had any experiences with wild boar or other sausage made from
game? I found it to have a mealy consistency and overpowering taste,
although it was not at all greasy.

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Before you buy.

Sep 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/26/99
I have had lots of sausage made from deer, and it has usually been very
good. It's often mixed with pork to increase the fat content. When I
lived in the midwest, jalapeno-cheese deer sausage was very popular,
and it was delicious. Of course, all of the venison where I lived was
corn-fed, and not at all gamey in flavor.

- Kevin

In article <7sjknf$j86$>,

Alan Boles

Sep 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/26/99
Marinading "gamey" meat in milk for a couple of hours or over night
removes the gamey flavour. (don't think it would help sausagese though)

<> wrote in message


Sep 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/27/99
In article <>, Arelem
<> writes

>On Sat, 25 Sep 1999 23:09:41 GMT, wrote:
>>Has anyone had any experiences with wild boar or other sausage made from
>>game? I found it to have a mealy consistency and overpowering taste,
>>although it was not at all greasy.
>Okay, I'll risk the flames by responding to this. I have a friend in
>southern Missouri who, of necessity, is almost self-sufficient.
>Hunting and gardening provides most of his food. He hunts wild pig
>often, and he says he will render and cure and eat a wild sow
>immediately. But he does not kill wild boar as they are different
>than all other game. Instead, he will trap a wild boar and castrate
>it and keep it penned and fed for three months before slaughter. He
>says the meat of a wild boar is inedible until the boar's hormones
>have been purged from the muscle. I don't know the scientific facts
>about any of this, but his wild boar sausage is to die for.

He castrates it does he? How does he get it to stand still?


Sep 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/28/99
Pigs are what they eat. That's why we only hunt and eat wildboar from
certain areas of our island (Maui). The pigs from the east end of the
island where they feed on mangos and guavas are very good eating, these
pigs also have the blood of domestic breeds gone feral, so they have a
higher fat content. All this equals great wild game without the gamely
taste. In the forests above my home the wildboars feed in ferns and
shrubbery which gives them a very gamey almost inedible taste. I'd
rather drive acouple hours to harvest good tasting game. For wildgame
sausage, adding belly pork from the butcher will increase the fat
content in the otherwise extremely lean wildgame meat, making the
sausage more tender, less mealy in consistancy.

Spy in Hawaii wrote:
> Has anyone had any experiences with wild boar or other sausage made from
> game? I found it to have a mealy consistency and overpowering taste,
> although it was not at all greasy.

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