Maybe you need to learn how to use filters and killfiles. Or just learn to
ignore posts, or posters, that you don't like.
It's a public forum; how do you propose to "get rid of" him? Unless he
violates his provider's TOS, there isn't much you can do without making
yourself a worse nuisance than he is -- and even then, what if a complaint
*does* result in his account being cancelled? How do you propose to prevent
him from signing up for another one, using a different email address?
On the other hand, it is supposed to be a _topical_ public forum.
Richard Lamb
No about 2 yrs..he will be killed during the Great Cull and
after one will have to deal with him anymore.
"First Law of Leftist Debate
The more you present a leftist with factual evidence
that is counter to his preconceived world view and the
more difficult it becomes for him to refute it without
losing face the chance of him calling you a racist, bigot,
homophobe approaches infinity.
This is despite the thread you are in having not mentioned
race or sexual preference in any way that is relevant to
the subject." Grey Ghost
Since I made a Kill file for him it has been a
blessing. Not one mention of him till this
"revisit" post. :-)
Ditto. Much nicer now
And what about the rest of the people (left, right and center) who
seldom post on-topic, but always have a political statement to make?
They don't bother you? It doesn't raise your ire when someone like
Gunner posts hundreds of lines cut & pasted from his favorite winger
site without a single word of original thought? Or when he posts a one
or two word reply, followed by twenty or so lines of robotic spew?
When Gunner is on a road trip, the signal to noise ratio of this group
improves significantly. It's maybe a little less comical, but it is
way more on topic.
It's easy enough to killfile or otherwise filter the posters you don't
want to read.
> And what about the rest of the people (left, right and center) who
> seldom post on-topic, but always have a political statement to make?
> They don't bother you? It doesn't raise your ire when someone like
> Gunner posts hundreds of lines cut & pasted from his favorite winger
> site without a single word of original thought? Or when he posts a one
> or two word reply, followed by twenty or so lines of robotic spew?
You have a point. I think that Cliff is the most prolific poster of
off topic threads, but certainly not the only one. If we could
convince him and about three others to stop, I think the rest might
not include RCM in there cross postings.
And if you can't convince them to stop? What then?
You need to:
a) Find a better way to access Usenet than the clumsy, broken interface at
GoogleGroups that you're using now. That means:
b) Downloading a real news client such as Forte, Thunderbird, or Gravity, and
getting yourself an account at a free news server such as eternal-september.
Then you can:
c) Learn how to use filters and killfiles so that you won't see Cliff's posts,
or any of the crossposts.
Sorry to break it to you, but Thunderbird will NOT take care of
cross-posting. We've tried.
Just updated to Thunderbird 3.0.4, no holy joy, you still cannot filter
In combination with NFilter it certainly will. That's
been discussed here before.
Yes, it does, see my other post under "Blocking newsgroups?" as to how,
Thunderbird 3.0.4 does filter cross postings.
T3 now has a newsgroup-->contains filter, allowing the exclusion of the
whacko groups.
Kevin Gallimore
Can you use wildcards in it? If so, you can match on something
like "*,*,*,*" to kill off anything with four or more newsgroups in the
list. Almost never do I find something here with that many newsgroups
in the cross-posting list to be anything other than trolling or flame
wars started by trolls -- so good riddance.
Email: <> | Voice (all times): (703) 938-4564
(too) near Washington D.C. |
--- Black Holes are where God is dividing by zero ---
Supernews used to dop anything from Google groups that was
crossposted to more than four groups.
Lead free solder is Belgium's version of 'Hold my beer and watch this!'