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Obama sneeks off to puff on his crack pipe.

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Chief Egalitarian

Apr 11, 2010, 3:34:53 AM4/11/10

Obama leaves WH without press, breaking protocol

(AP) WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama quietly breached years of protocol
on Saturday morning by leaving the White House without the press with him.

About two hours before reporters were supposed to be in position to leave
with the president, Obama left the grounds of the White House. Members of
the press were told he was attending one of his daughter's soccer games in
northwest Washington, D.C.

The White House press corps traditionally travels with the president
anywhere he goes, inside and outside the country, to report on the
president's activities for the benefit of informing the public and for
historical record.

After Obama left, a press aide hastily gathered members of the media who
happened to be at the White House early or working on other matters. They
rushed to a van and left the White House to catch up with the president.

Too late. By the time, the press van appeared to arrive at the president's
location, the press was told he was already departing. Time to go back to
the White House.

Reporters and photographers didn't have a chance to see him or his vehicle
to verify his presence at any location.

Although nobody outside the White House or the press may have noticed, Obama
broke years of tradition.

The small press "pool" that accompanies the president had been told to
gather at the White House at 11:30 a.m. He left about 9:20 a.m.

Asked what happened, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said: "The president
decided this morning to attend his daughter's soccer game. The pool was
assembled as soon as possible to be there as well."

Obama eventually left the White House again on Saturday for a round of golf.
This time, the press was with him.

Chief Egalitarian

Apr 11, 2010, 4:02:56 AM4/11/10

"Chief Egalitarian" <> wrote in message

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Chief Egalitarian

Apr 11, 2010, 4:50:37 AM4/11/10
Too_Many_Tools the loony Lib disguised as WS said:

"Winston_Smith" <> wrote in message
> Playing the post in one group and direct responses to a different
> group game -
> "Chief Egalitarian" <> wrote:
> Also known as Hot Ham and Cheese and a dozen other aliases.

>>Obama leaves WH without press, breaking protocol
>>(AP) WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama quietly breached years of
>>on Saturday morning by leaving the White House without the press with him.

> ...

>>The White House press corps traditionally travels with the president
>>anywhere he goes, inside and outside the country, to report on the
>>president's activities for the benefit of informing the public and for
>>historical record.

> He probably had a cell meeting and didn't want that in the historical
> record.
No, he was just sneaking away to hit on his crack pipe like the headline
says. You loons are always trying to cover for him. Say hi to your mommies
for me.

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