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Exposing Glenn Beck, Part 2

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Apr 18, 2010, 5:58:33 AM4/18/10
"Exposing Glenn Beck as a Dangerous Fraud, Part 2 "
Unlike the various Glenn Beck shows and publications, the Mercury performance of
the H.G. Welles classic featured a disclaimer at the end (quoted above),
formally noting the fictitious nature of the broadcast. Imagine if, unlike Beck,
Welles had never broadcast a monologue postscript revealing that what had
unfolded on the radio was purely theater. It's not a stretch to suggest that the
ensuing hysteria during and after the show would've been far greater.

Every day, for four hours a day, Glenn Beck is playing out a Welles fantasy --
leaping out from behind an array of Carrot Top-meets-Gallagher props and gizmos
while shouting BOO! at his audience without taking the slightest responsibility
for the ensuing hysteria. In Beck's case, the "boo!" comes in the form of Joe
McCarthy style red-baiting and Lee Atwater style race-baiting -- insisting with
wildly incomprehensible chalkboard scribblings that Marxists and communists are
lurking under our beds waiting to steal our money. Money that's better served
feeding Glenn Beck's empire of fraud. I mean, just look! Those random words on
the chalkboard spelled out the acronym "OLIGARHY!" Run for your lives, and all
that. It's an OLIGARHY!

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