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Palin Speaks Like A Toddler

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Apr 7, 2010, 7:40:09 AM4/7/10
"Conclusion: Sarah Palin Speaks Like A Toddler"
by Glynnis MacNicol | 3:48 pm, April 6th, 2010
Brave soul, linguist, and conservative political commentator John McWhorter
attempts to answer the eternal question: What is Sarah Palin talking about?

Actually, it’s more like what version of the English language is Sarah Palin
using, because it’s not one most of us are familiar with, as anyone who has been
required to transcribe a Palin speech is painfully aware. McWhorter, however,
sees a strange problem that goes far beyond Palin’s habit of being “folksy,”
something that he finds little fault with. At one point he compares her language
skills to that of a toddler.

Rather, Palin is given to meandering phraseology of a kind suggesting someone
more commenting on impressions as they enter and leave her head rather than
constructing insights about them. Or at least, insights that go beyond the
bare-bones essentials of human cognition — an entity (i.e. something) and a
predicate (i.e. something about it).
This reminds me of toddlers who speak from inside their own experience in a
related way: they will come up to you and comment about something said by a
neighbor you’ve never met, or recount to you the plot of an episode of a TV show
they have no way of knowing you’ve ever heard of. Palin strings her words
together as if she were doing it for herself — meanings float by, and she
translates them into syntax in whatever way works, regardless of how other
people making public statements do it.

McWhorter’s conclusion is especially damning…and not just to Palin:

As such, Sarah Palin can talk, basically, like a child and be lionized by a
robust number of perfectly intelligent people as an avatar of American culture.
And linguistically, let’s face it: she is.


Apr 7, 2010, 10:34:02 PM4/7/10
On Apr 7, 6:40 am, Cliff <>

Conservatives have trouble with big words.

They are still trying to figure out what "Mission Accomplished" really




Apr 8, 2010, 4:00:46 PM4/8/10
On Wed, 7 Apr 2010 18:41:14 -0700 (PDT), Not Sure <> wrote:

>> McWhorter’s conclusion is especially damning…and not just to Palin:
>> As such, Sarah Palin can talk, basically, like a child and be lionized by a
>> robust number of perfectly intelligent people as an avatar of American culture.
>> And linguistically, let’s face it: she is.
>> ]

>She should since that's all the hysterical idiots on the left who
>froth at the mouth whenever she opens hers understand.

McWhorter seems to have your number, eh?
And Tina Fey has Palin's.


Apr 8, 2010, 4:03:45 PM4/8/10
On Wed, 7 Apr 2010 22:51:27 -0500, "Chief Egalitarian" <>

>"Curly Surmudgeon" <> wrote in message
>> Perhaps Sarah Palin is related to Chauncey Gardiner:
>Perhaps you have relations with Cliff:

He love every dumb thing & every pack of lies that flow from Palin & her kind.
All the time they take him to the cleaners.

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