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The First 100 Days...

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29.04.2009, 16:15:5629.04.09
So far, President Obama

► Ordered the closing of the Bush-Cheney torture facility at Guantanamo
Bay, Cuba.

► Ordered the closing of the Bush-Cheney overseas Gulags (so-called
"black sites").

► Banned the use of torture.

► Suspended Military tribunals of foreign detainees.

► Orders the withdraw of combat forces from Iraq by August 2010, with
the residual force, between 35,000 to 50,000 leaving by December 2011.

► Passes $787 BILLION Jobs-Stimulus bill.

► Signed $32.8 billion bill for the State Children's Health Insurance
Program, known as SCHIP, extending health care to 4 million uninsured
children. A bill vetoed various times by Bush.

► Told AFL-CIO union leaders in a videotaped address that the Employee
Free Choice Act WILL PASS, pledging his administration’s FULL support.

► Overturned Bush administration's limits on embryonic stem cell research.

► Budgets $634 billion over 10 years as a down payment on health care

► Cancels government contract with Blackwater Mercenaries.

► Voids George W. Bush’s so-called "signing statements".

► Addressing Turkey's Grand National Assembly, President Obama states
the United States "is not and never will be at war with Islam."
Signaling a thaw, the story is carried on the front page of Tehran’s
daily newspapers.

► Begins changing of U.S. policy towards Cuba.

► Announced the US will engage in direct group talks with Iran aimed at
ending Tehran's nuclear program, marking another shift from former
Bush's policy.

► Signed Lilly Ledbetter Act, making it easier for women and others to
sue for pay discrimination, even if the discrimination has prevailed for
years, even decades.

► Cancelled Bush decision to allow oil-shale development on federal land
in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming.

► Cancelled Bush decision allowing oil and gas drilling in parcels near
national parks in Utah.

► Started a $75 billion plan to help 9 million struggling homeowners
avoid foreclosure, offering refinanced mortgages or modified loans with
lower monthly payments.

► Announces plans to drastically cut the world's nuclear arsenal.

► Began negotiations to reduce nuclear arms with Russia.

► Persuades G-20 to open $1.4 trillion fund to restore international credit.

► EPA moves, for the first time, to regulate carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases that scientists blame for the warming of the planet.

(Partial list swiped from KOS)


29.04.2009, 17:32:1129.04.09

"HK" <> wrote in message

Is this good or bad?

Many will see this list as a glowing list of positive accomplishments.
Others will view it with grave concern.
Some will pick and choose.
Right now the country, as a whole, is equally divided in terms of whether we
are going in the right direction or not.



29.04.2009, 17:40:2429.04.09

We supported and voted for Obama, and think the list is pretty good so
far, with a lot left to do. One would expect those whose candidates lost
to be less happy with some of what is on the list.

Equally divided as to right direction is a great improvement over the
last year of the Bush Administration, and the number of those who
believe we are moving in the right direction is rising.


29.04.2009, 17:47:5229.04.09

"HK" <> wrote in message

I don't think too many people are displeased or disapprove of Obama. He
enjoys a very high approval rating.
However, it's *him* that is approved of. He has a great personality, sense
of humor and acts "presidential".
The concerns aren't with him as a person. The concerns are the policies and
economic programs his administration is pursuing with the support of a
Democratically controlled Congress. That's what concerns me anyway. We
simply can't afford it.



29.04.2009, 17:54:2429.04.09

I can understand your concerns. They concern me, too. The problem is, to
me a least, that the last president too long ignored the real needs of
this country while pumping billions and trillions into wasteful
expenditures that fueled warmongering.

The GOP seems unable to find a reasonable and responsible direction and
become the loyal opposition with plans and programs of its own to help
solve the horrific problems we have. Saying NO to just about everything,
chasing out elected Republican officials, and name-calling the two
Republican Senators from Maine makes me wonder if the GOP cares about
anything real.


29.04.2009, 18:12:2529.04.09

"HK" <> wrote in message

> I can understand your concerns. They concern me, too. The problem is, to
> me a least, that the last president too long ignored the real needs of
> this country while pumping billions and trillions into wasteful
> expenditures that fueled warmongering.
> The GOP seems unable to find a reasonable and responsible direction and
> become the loyal opposition with plans and programs of its own to help
> solve the horrific problems we have. Saying NO to just about everything,
> chasing out elected Republican officials, and name-calling the two
> Republican Senators from Maine makes me wonder if the GOP cares about
> anything real.

I am hopeful that an intelligent and thoughtful conservative will emerge who
can effectively debate and influence
some of the run-a-way spending programs we are on now. We need some balance
and not name calling.
A check and balance safety net that prevents one ideology from getting too
carried away has always been the strength of the USA.

Running a hundred miles an hour in the opposite direction doesn't
necessarily fix any problems.



29.04.2009, 18:44:4829.04.09
On Wed, 29 Apr 2009 17:54:24 -0400, HK <> wrote:

>I can understand your concerns. They concern me, too. The problem is, to
>me a least, that the last president too long ignored the real needs of
>this country while pumping billions and trillions into wasteful
>expenditures that fueled warmongering.
>The GOP seems unable to find a reasonable and responsible direction and
>become the loyal opposition with plans and programs of its own to help
>solve the horrific problems we have. Saying NO to just about everything,
> chasing out elected Republican officials, and name-calling the two
>Republican Senators from Maine makes me wonder if the GOP cares about
>anything real.

From your lips to the Governor of Utah. Who'd have thought...

In an interview with ABC News, Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman (R) blasted
Republicans in Congress for not engaging with President Obama.

Said Huntsman: "You can't just say no. You can't just obstruct or
obfuscate. Instead of just kind of grousing and complaining, it would
do us all a whole lot of good if we actually started engaging directly
in finding compromises and common ground and shared solutions... When
you are devoid of the ideas, or the content that would allow you to
articulate or paint a better future, you have no choice other than to
fall back on 'no, we are not going support it, it cannot be done."

It seems Huntsman is intent on positioning himself as a possible
moderate Republican candidate for president in 2012.


29.04.2009, 18:50:1629.04.09
On Wed, 29 Apr 2009 18:12:25 -0400, "Eisboch" <>

When Obama came through Seattle on his book tour, he gave a brief talk
at Benaroya Hall, home of our symphony.

Your point about our form of government being stable was among his
topics. He said that no matter how bad it gets (referring to Bush)
it'll never go so bad as to fail. And in the same regard, no matter
how hard we try to push in the other direction, there'll always be
that counter balance that won't allow too radical a shift.

His approach to bipartisanship was what attracted me the most. He was
commited to trying to find issues that all Americans could agree
needed attention so that we could work together and find better ways
to discuss our differences.

I guess you know how far that's gotten...

Keith Nuttle

29.04.2009, 18:54:0529.04.09

I believe that one British newspaper described obama recent political
tour of Europe as the most successful since Napoleon's retreat from
Moscow. You have not heard about his successes among the Europeans

My biggest problem with the man is that you cannot trust what he says.
Every time he opens his mouth he contradicts what he has told you
previously. For example he said he would give everybody a tax cut, some
people have not started to receive it yet and he is taking out of the

Up until the third debate he was making a big thing about talking to
anyone any where with out conditions. He contradicted that during the

obama say that President Bush's deficit 450b was bad and turn around and
pass a budget with a deficit that is three that or about 1.3t. They
removed the story but the government debit will increase for 11t to 17t
under obama.

The man will go down in history as the first black president. However
his extremely negative attitude will never get him a place in history,
and he will be rated down there with I-did-not-have-sex-with-that-lady
Clinton and Carter whose most newsworthy event was when he was attacked
by the rabbit.


29.04.2009, 18:57:4729.04.09
On Wed, 29 Apr 2009 18:54:05 -0400, Keith Nuttle
<> wrote:

>I believe that one British newspaper described obama recent political
>tour of Europe as the most successful since Napoleon's retreat from
>Moscow. You have not heard about his successes among the Europeans

Yes, Fox News equivalents exist elsewhere.


29.04.2009, 19:09:3529.04.09

"jps" <> wrote in message

> His approach to bipartisanship was what attracted me the most. He was
> commited to trying to find issues that all Americans could agree
> needed attention so that we could work together and find better ways
> to discuss our differences.
> I guess you know how far that's gotten...

One of the problems with political "outsiders" (includes Obama, IMO) is
that they arrive in Washington DC full of idealism and grand illusions of
changing the status quo.

It usually doesn't take long before the WashDC influence starts kicking in
and idealism goes out the window in favor of survival.

Obama's off to a good start in terms of getting his ideas in the pipeline,
but he has limited time.



29.04.2009, 19:20:0729.04.09

"Keith Nuttle" <> wrote in message

> My biggest problem with the man is that you cannot trust what he says.
> Every time he opens his mouth he contradicts what he has told you
> previously. For example he said he would give everybody a tax cut, some
> people have not started to receive it yet and he is taking out of the
> budget.

Apparently the tax cuts are in effect. I don't have an income, so I didn't
notice, but my youngest son, less than two years out of the Navy and just
getting started in his civilian career (and not earning a big paycheck yet)
got just under 10 bucks more a week in his paycheck starting this month.
His current income is in the very low middle class range.

Unfortunately, that 10 bucks is going to more than absorbed by the several
tax increases being implimented by the state, so he's no better off.


Don White

29.04.2009, 19:28:1629.04.09

"Eisboch" <> wrote in message

hee hee...that sounds like up here.
Everytime the Feds lower taxes, the province jumps in with higher user fees
for everything.


29.04.2009, 19:45:2229.04.09

The GOP structure doesn't want a moderate anything.


29.04.2009, 19:52:4829.04.09
On Wed, 29 Apr 2009 19:09:35 -0400, "Eisboch" <>



29.04.2009, 20:00:3629.04.09
On Wed, 29 Apr 2009 19:20:07 -0400, "Eisboch" <>

Once the changes went into effect, an employee making $75K saw a $40
increase on a bi-weekly basis -- enough to fill the fuel tank every
couple of weeks.


30.04.2009, 08:36:4830.04.09

Is that a tax cut or a reduction in withholding? There has been no law
passed for the former but an order has been given to the IRS to reduce
the latter. All it is,s an illusion. If the tax cut legislation doesn't
pass there will be an even bigger tea party April 15th 2010.


30.04.2009, 08:52:5230.04.09

"BAR" <Sc...@You.Com> wrote in message

Reduction is withholding *is* the "tax cut".



30.04.2009, 09:04:0630.04.09

I think I'll submit a W4 today and give my self an even bigger tax cut.


30.04.2009, 09:57:1130.04.09

What slime ball passed that off as a tax cut. What it amounts to is a
smaller refund or taller tax bill at tax time. Are we going to be seeing
this sort of crap for the next 3 years 265 days?


30.04.2009, 10:53:4330.04.09

You're both talking out of your asses. It's a tax cut and the
withholding is reflective of the lower tax rate.

Bush is the one who gave people their own money in advance.

I didn't hear you bitching back then.

Keith Nuttle

30.04.2009, 11:25:2530.04.09
President Bush provide real tax cuts, what do you think pelosi is
talking about letting expire. These tax cuts were enacted before the
democrats took over congress.


30.04.2009, 11:36:5130.04.09

For billionaires, which they still enjoy. They will expire.


30.04.2009, 11:40:4330.04.09

"jps" <> wrote in message

> You're both talking out of your asses. It's a tax cut and the
> withholding is reflective of the lower tax rate.

Why am I "talking out of my ass?" That's what I said.


30.04.2009, 11:45:4830.04.09
On Apr 29, 7:20 pm, "Eisboch" <> wrote:
> "Keith Nuttle" <> wrote in message

Yep, you DO have the "Beer Tax Blues"!!!!!


30.04.2009, 11:50:1630.04.09

<> wrote in message

Yep, you DO have the "Beer Tax Blues"!!!!!


did another one. "Obama Blues"

just being patriotic.


30.04.2009, 11:53:5330.04.09
On Apr 30, 11:50 am, "Eisboch" <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message

Did you post it? If not do it, okay?!


30.04.2009, 12:01:3130.04.09
On Thu, 30 Apr 2009 11:40:43 -0400, "Eisboch" <>

Your "quotes" made it look like you were calling the tax cuts illusory
and just an advance.

BAR is definitely talking out of his ass but that's nothing new.


30.04.2009, 12:09:0930.04.09

<> wrote in message


Why not. Here's the scoop. It's not like the other goofy thing. No

It was recorded using two microphones in front of the little studio speakers
that I use with the Korg arranger, so quality isn't great.

Playing isn't great either. Strictly amateur hour. And I made it up as I
went along. Probably similar to some song I heard a long time ago and has
stuck in my head.

Used "Audacity" to create four tracks. Korg drums on one, various Korg
voices on the next, Hammond Porta-B on the third, and then a little guitar
fill on the forth track with a Gibson Les Paul.

Then mixed them all up, reduced to stereo and exported as a mp3.


Don White

30.04.2009, 12:28:0030.04.09

"Eisboch" <> wrote in message

Hey..that sounds pretty darn good. Parts remind me of something I may have
heard in the '60s.
Half expected to hear you wailing out the lyrics.

Vic Smith

30.04.2009, 12:40:4130.04.09
On Thu, 30 Apr 2009 12:09:09 -0400, "Eisboch" <>

Very nice!
Looks like Obama has had a meritorious effect on you.
That's a good thing. (-:


30.04.2009, 12:46:5830.04.09

But I liked the other goofy thing! And I figured you'd post it
elsewhere, is why I asked. Didn't want you to get a ration of crap
from here!

Die Nachricht wurde gelöscht


30.04.2009, 12:52:2830.04.09
On Thu, 30 Apr 2009 12:48:18 -0400, wrote:

>On Thu, 30 Apr 2009 08:36:51 -0700, jps <> wrote:
>>>President Bush provide real tax cuts, what do you think pelosi is
>>>talking about letting expire. These tax cuts were enacted before the
>>>democrats took over congress.
>>For billionaires, which they still enjoy. They will expire.

>Not just billionaires. I paid the lowest tax (percentage) last year I
>have ever paid. It was mostly because of the way they are doing
>capital gains and "qualified" dividends. They don't talk about that
>much but the tax cuts of the early 2000s were also very good for
>seniors who are living on investments. Those are the ones who vote.
>If Obama starts screwing seniors he will go bouncing down the Bunny

If by "seniors" you mean people that make $250K and up, then I guess
Obama is going to be unpopular with them.

~^ beancounter ~^

30.04.2009, 12:59:1730.04.09
what's comerade hussein hiding & why?

On Apr 30, 9:25 am, Keith Nuttle <> wrote:
> jps wrote:
> > On Thu, 30 Apr 2009 09:04:06 -0400, BAR <Sc...@You.Com> wrote:
> >> Eisboch wrote:
> >>> "BAR" <Sc...@You.Com> wrote in message
> >>>
> >>>> Eisboch wrote:

> >>>>> "Keith Nuttle" <> wrote in message

> democrats took over congress.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Die Nachricht wurde gelöscht

30.04.2009, 13:47:1930.04.09
On Apr 30, 1:39 pm, wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Apr 2009 09:52:28 -0700, jps <> wrote:
> $250k ??? Hardly but I thank you for the compliment. ;-)
> Look at the capital gains work sheet in your 1040 book. If you make
> less than 65k you hardly pay anything and it is a sliding scale from
> there up to a max of 15%. It is a pretty convoluted thing to figure
> out but the bottom line was I only paid the 15% on about half of my
> investment income.
> That is what Warren Buffett was referring to when he said he paid less
> than his secretary. Virtually all of his money is capital gains,
> capped at 15% tax. Most regular folks end up at around 20% of their W2
> wages.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Not to mention while all of this deflection is going on, gas is going
up, and several taxes we pay are going up. The taxes on my wife's bulk
tobacco just literally doubled the price of her smoke... Everybodys
taxes are screaming upwards, don't let anyone fool you...


30.04.2009, 14:20:1530.04.09
On Thu, 30 Apr 2009 13:39:05 -0400, wrote:

>$250k ??? Hardly but I thank you for the compliment. ;-)
>Look at the capital gains work sheet in your 1040 book. If you make
>less than 65k you hardly pay anything and it is a sliding scale from
>there up to a max of 15%. It is a pretty convoluted thing to figure
>out but the bottom line was I only paid the 15% on about half of my
>investment income.
>That is what Warren Buffett was referring to when he said he paid less
>than his secretary. Virtually all of his money is capital gains,
>capped at 15% tax. Most regular folks end up at around 20% of their W2

Understood. I'm sure Obama will keep lower income seniors in mind
while he re-inserts the bleeding tube in the better founded.


30.04.2009, 14:21:1830.04.09
On Thu, 30 Apr 2009 09:59:17 -0700 (PDT), "~^ beancounter ~^"
<> wrote:

>what's comerade hussein hiding & why?

Your hat needs some adjusting.


30.04.2009, 16:18:5430.04.09

"jim78565" <no....@niet.neg> wrote in message

It's officially called tax credit. The lower withholding that some folks
are seeing is a result of it.


30.04.2009, 16:26:5030.04.09

Anything that infuriates the mound of shit known here as FloridaJim is
worth doing...over and over and over and over.

30.04.2009, 18:05:5530.04.09

Boating Safety Courses

Safe boating courses will not only improve your water safety and boating
skills, they will also qualify you for a discount on your PWC or boat
insurance with most insurance providers. Just send a copy of your
boating safety certificate to your insurance agent and start receiving
the savings!


30.04.2009, 20:21:3730.04.09

I'm still waiting for the marriage penalty to be repealed. The tax
penalty part of it.


30.04.2009, 20:27:3730.04.09

Both of you need to do a bit more research. It is going to be like I
said a rude awakening on April 15th 2010.

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